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2009-05-24 8:41 AM
in reply to: #2170261

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-05-23 10:19 PM

maxmansmom - 2009-05-23 4:08 PM Hi my loves !  I missed that Cheri was racing, I am so sorry....  and Yvonne, I am sorry you are injured !  Isabell and a 1/2 mary ?........OK FROM NOW ON MY HOUSE WILL BE 2nd to you !!! This was rediculous, I stain a deck and miss EVERYTHING
 Thank you for your encouragement for my 5k today, I got a pretty red shirt and got to pin on a number for the first time in my life. WOOHOO
My goals today were  do not be a wussy and walk, and do not come in dead last.  They said the course was moderately hilly NOT!!1  Even experienced racers were in disbelief at all the hills and STEEP hills. 
SO I did not walk, YEAH, I was 72 out of 77 entrants.........BUT I WAS NOT DEAD LAST !!!! WOOOOHOOOO ok one behind me was a new mom pushing a 3 month old baby....... so really I just can't count her !
THEN, a few hours later a group of us rode 10 miles on our bikes.
I just got home and I am crazy hungry !!! lol
Had to check in and tell you that about mile 2 when I was on a hill and so tired I kept repeating  your names in my head "Amy, Sledge, Girl passing on left, Lyssa  and so on".....  I did not want to come back here and tell you I had walked or was last.
YOu all ispire me to be better, and I ran this thing in 35  minutes..........  awesome for me considering hills, I wonder how i'd have done without them ?........
VERY EXCITING all of this !!!
hugs to you all !!!

Julie, I am SO PROUD of you!!!  35 minutes is awesome, even without hills.  You must have had an incredible group of 77 people.  Most of our local races have categories for run and walk, and I just looked up the last 5K (which was last weekend).  The very last runner came in at 47:16, so you would have beat him by 12 minutes!  SUPER JOB!!!!

OH YEAH ! Thank you for the encouragement, and for lookin up this race for me,  that is encouraging.
Tomorrow I will run the  5k course for the June  triathlon , I'm anxious to see how I do on a course with no hills.  I am driving over with one of our fastest runners, so poor dear will have to wait for me to get back before we drive home ! lol 

2009-05-24 8:45 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I know now that my strength is the bike.  One of the questions that came up for me was  even on down hills do you still pedal ?.......or do you enjoy that your legs do not have to do soemthing for awhile. ?
I was told yesterday that my legs should always be in motion,, but I think that would really tire me out for the run ?........  do you agree with this ?

2009-05-24 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2170516

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-05-24 9:45 AM

I know now that my strength is the bike.  One of the questions that came up for me was  even on down hills do you still pedal ?.......or do you enjoy that your legs do not have to do something for awhile. ?
I was told yesterday that my legs should always be in motion,, but I think that would really tire me out for the run ?........  do you agree with this ?

It kinda depends on your goals and how your legs are feeling. It's possible to go too hard on the bike and not have enough left in your legs for the run. Coasting on the downhills can help "rest" your legs for the run.

Did you ever get slick tires for your bike?
2009-05-24 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I'm going to do that 5K race tomorrow morning so I'm taking today as a rest day. We're going to go see "Night at the Smithsonian" with my daughter and then we're grilling dinner with my mom. My son will join us there after he gets off work.
2009-05-24 10:49 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sounds like everyone is having a great weekend! I had a nice ride and run this morning.  Good job on your race Julie, that's awesome.  And good luck to Cheri and Nicole tomorrow! 

We don't have hills in Houston, although you can find some nice hills within about an hour from my house.  I literally had a panic attack going down a hill in an organized ride with my husband last summer (heart rate over 200).  Way too much traffic whizzing by on a little 2 lane road with no shoulder while I'm flying down this hill.  Went back up another hill, and there was another steep hill down, and  I just told my DH I'd take a little break and he could go on without me.  I sat on the side of the road under a tree until he came back around.  It's been a year and a half since I had my bad bike accident and this was just too much to deal with at one time.  Maybe I'll go back and try to conquer that same ride this summer.

We were hoping for a nice sunny day to lay around in the pool, but looks like we're in for more rain.  Guess I'm off to Sports Authority and Walmart.  Then back to get some more planting done in my yard if the rain holds off.
2009-05-24 10:56 AM
in reply to: #2170602

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lufferly - 2009-05-24 11:49 AM Sounds like everyone is having a great weekend! I had a nice ride and run this morning.  Good job on your race Julie, that's awesome.  And good luck to Cheri and Nicole tomorrow! 

We don't have hills in Houston, although you can find some nice hills within about an hour from my house.  I literally had a panic attack going down a hill in an organized ride with my husband last summer (heart rate over 200).  Way too much traffic whizzing by on a little 2 lane road with no shoulder while I'm flying down this hill.  Went back up another hill, and there was another steep hill down, and  I just told my DH I'd take a little break and he could go on without me.  I sat on the side of the road under a tree until he came back around.  It's been a year and a half since I had my bad bike accident and this was just too much to deal with at one time.  Maybe I'll go back and try to conquer that same ride this summer.

We were hoping for a nice sunny day to lay around in the pool, but looks like we're in for more rain.  Guess I'm off to Sports Authority and Walmart.  Then back to get some more planting done in my yard if the rain holds off.

I love downhills, but only if I already know what's coming up or I have good sight forward. I was on the brakes a bunch yesterday on some unfamiliar downhills. However, on last week's ride I apparently topped out at 40.1mph on one downhill!!! Thrilling!

2009-05-24 12:03 PM
in reply to: #2170539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-05-24 10:25 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-05-24 9:45 AM

I know now that my strength is the bike.  One of the questions that came up for me was  even on down hills do you still pedal ?.......or do you enjoy that your legs do not have to do something for awhile. ?
I was told yesterday that my legs should always be in motion,, but I think that would really tire me out for the run ?........  do you agree with this ?

It kinda depends on your goals and how your legs are feeling. It's possible to go too hard on the bike and not have enough left in your legs for the run. Coasting on the downhills can help "rest" your legs for the run.

Did you ever get slick tires for your bike?

Yes, I did get slicker tires.  I think I'm just gonna get a hell of a run on a downhill and enjoy the breeze, I think the course is rather hilly......but it's hard to remember from driving it .lol

Thanks for the input !
2009-05-24 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I forgot to tell you the sweetest story from yesterday.  Katie our 20 year old made it to the finish line first, once her mom Julie came in she got her cold water.  Then after I came in Julie got me water.  After our last gal came in I got her water........ it was just a real sweet thing for Katie to start. here we all are bright red faced and sweaty and still managing to care for each other. I loved that.
2009-05-24 12:33 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Well...I am kinda proud of myself today.  I loaded my bike and took it out to Steveson (about 30 minutes from where I live).  I went for a ride all by myself (would not have dared do that a year ago).  I kept saying to myself while I was riding...if Amy can do this...if Cheri can do this...if Yvonne can do this....if Julie(s) can do this...(you get the picture) I CAN DO THIS!!!!.  I also took Coach Julee's advice and went on You Tube the night before and watched them change a tire so if worst came to worst, I would have some idea what to do. 

I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!!!! It was beautiful sunny morning and about 10C when I left the house.  I rode along the river and watched the boats go out to sea (nothing like the smell of the ocean).  Enjoyed the quiet country roads (didn't have to worry about traffic).  Got back to the house just as my oldest son was getting out of bed.  Made the kids waffles and I am now enjoying a cup of cofee.  It has been a good morning...

Thanks you guys for giving me the confidence to get out there.

2009-05-24 2:29 PM
in reply to: #2170700

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
kew - 2009-05-24 1:33 PM

Well...I am kinda proud of myself today.  I loaded my bike and took it out to Steveson (about 30 minutes from where I live).  I went for a ride all by myself (would not have dared do that a year ago).  I kept saying to myself while I was riding...if Amy can do this...if Cheri can do this...if Yvonne can do this....if Julie(s) can do this...(you get the picture) I CAN DO THIS!!!!.  I also took Coach Julee's advice and went on You Tube the night before and watched them change a tire so if worst came to worst, I would have some idea what to do. 

I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!!!! It was beautiful sunny morning and about 10C when I left the house.  I rode along the river and watched the boats go out to sea (nothing like the smell of the ocean).  Enjoyed the quiet country roads (didn't have to worry about traffic).  Got back to the house just as my oldest son was getting out of bed.  Made the kids waffles and I am now enjoying a cup of cofee.  It has been a good morning...

Thanks you guys for giving me the confidence to get out there.

I love so much that many of us are mommy's and triathletes ! Go out, ride ALONE, come home make waffles......... you are awesome.
This will only help you get braver.  There are also items at bike shops that will plug a flat, and also air pumps that are in cartirges. Tiny things that will blow up the tire for you.  SO if you get a flat you can squirt this stuff in, then blow it up.............. yes I have no knowledge of the offcial names, just know they exist......... that is why I am called a ROOKIE !!!! LOL
2009-05-24 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2169926

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-05-23 3:08 PM Hi my loves !  I missed that Cheri was racing, I am so sorry....  and Yvonne, I am sorry you are injured !  Isabell and a 1/2 mary ?........OK FROM NOW ON MY HOUSE WILL BE 2nd to you !!! This was rediculous, I stain a deck and miss EVERYTHING
 Thank you for your encouragement for my 5k today, I got a pretty red shirt and got to pin on a number for the first time in my life. WOOHOO
My goals today were  do not be a wussy and walk, and do not come in dead last.  They said the course was moderately hilly NOT!!1  Even experienced racers were in disbelief at all the hills and STEEP hills. 
SO I did not walk, YEAH, I was 72 out of 77 entrants.........BUT I WAS NOT DEAD LAST !!!! WOOOOHOOOO ok one behind me was a new mom pushing a 3 month old baby....... so really I just can't count her !
THEN, a few hours later a group of us rode 10 miles on our bikes.
I just got home and I am crazy hungry !!! lol
Had to check in and tell you that about mile 2 when I was on a hill and so tired I kept repeating  your names in my head "Amy, Sledge, Girl passing on left, Lyssa  and so on".....  I did not want to come back here and tell you I had walked or was last.
YOu all ispire me to be better, and I ran this thing in 35  minutes..........  awesome for me considering hills, I wonder how i'd have done without them ?........
VERY EXCITING all of this !!!
hugs to you all !!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Julie! You fully rocked it! There must have been quite a group as I, too, am surprised that 35 minutes didn't mean more people behind you. You seem to have nailed one part of racing that I struggled with right in the beginning, the mental side. No doubt that there were folks walking up the hills and you could have talked yourself into walking but you didn't!!!! You are a triathlete AND a runner! Can't wait to see your results on your triathlon.

2009-05-24 5:17 PM
in reply to: #2170539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-05-24 8:25 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-05-24 9:45 AM

I know now that my strength is the bike.  One of the questions that came up for me was  even on down hills do you still pedal ?.......or do you enjoy that your legs do not have to do something for awhile. ?
I was told yesterday that my legs should always be in motion,, but I think that would really tire me out for the run ?........  do you agree with this ?

It kinda depends on your goals and how your legs are feeling. It's possible to go too hard on the bike and not have enough left in your legs for the run. Coasting on the downhills can help "rest" your legs for the run.

Definitely agree with Nicole, that you don't want to toast your legs before the run. I have heard that it is good to keep your legs spinning downhill- you don't necessarily have to be pushing, but by keeping your legs moving, it will keep the blood flowing and send oxygen to those legs so they are ready to push when the terrain flattens out again.
2009-05-24 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2170700

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
kew - 2009-05-24 11:33 AM

Well...I am kinda proud of myself today.  I loaded my bike and took it out to Steveson (about 30 minutes from where I live).  I went for a ride all by myself (would not have dared do that a year ago).  I kept saying to myself while I was riding...if Amy can do this...if Cheri can do this...if Yvonne can do this....if Julie(s) can do this...(you get the picture) I CAN DO THIS!!!!.  I also took Coach Julee's advice and went on You Tube the night before and watched them change a tire so if worst came to worst, I would have some idea what to do. 

I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!!!! It was beautiful sunny morning and about 10C when I left the house.  I rode along the river and watched the boats go out to sea (nothing like the smell of the ocean).  Enjoyed the quiet country roads (didn't have to worry about traffic).  Got back to the house just as my oldest son was getting out of bed.  Made the kids waffles and I am now enjoying a cup of cofee.  It has been a good morning...

Thanks you guys for giving me the confidence to get out there.

WTG Karen! I am so happy that you had a great ride! It is so amazing for confidence to be out there on your own- while I love riding with DH, I know that I will have lots of lonely miles without him during the race so I do need to do some riding without him.

Reading about you riding in Steveston makes me miss BC and the views of the water....though the mountains were looking pretty spectacular on my ride this morning. They are still snow covered, but the big blue sky just made them look even more stunning. I will see if I can remember to take a pic next might entice some of you to come up for a visit!
2009-05-24 5:25 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Oh and one other note....Kind of like Julie's reminder with the Road ID, please do tell someone where you are going and when you plan to be home, and especially if you are on your own- bring a cell phone- knowing that you have a friend on emergency standby to pick you up/help you if needed. Safety first!
2009-05-24 6:15 PM
in reply to: #2170895

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Thanks...and yes I had my Road ID strapped to my ankle and my cell phone stashed with my C02 cartridge and stuff.  Made sure to tell someone where I was going (yes at 44 years old I still told my Mommy where I was going and approx. what time I would be back) because my kids would never remember.   

Julie, I have seen the ad for the cartridges.  I called the bike shop here, but they don't carry them.  He told me they wouldn't work well on a road bike and it makes the tires too heavy.  I wouldn't care about the weight, as long as it got me back home or to my car.  But...I guess everyone should learn how to change a flat tire.

While I was out for my ride, between the if Cheri can do this...if Julie can do this thing....I was wondering how long those C02 cartridges are good for.  Mine are about 1 1/2 yrs old.  I don't see any sort of expiry date...but should you replace them after a certain amount of time??


run_yc_run - 2009-05-24 3:25 PM Oh and one other note....Kind of like Julie's reminder with the Road ID, please do tell someone where you are going and when you plan to be home, and especially if you are on your own- bring a cell phone- knowing that you have a friend on emergency standby to pick you up/help you if needed. Safety first!

2009-05-24 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2170700

Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

kew - 2009-05-24 1:33 PM

Well...I am kinda proud of myself today.  I loaded my bike and took it out to Steveson (about 30 minutes from where I live).  I went for a ride all by myself (would not have dared do that a year ago).  I kept saying to myself while I was riding...if Amy can do this...if Cheri can do this...if Yvonne can do this....if Julie(s) can do this...(you get the picture) I CAN DO THIS!!!!.  I also took Coach Julee's advice and went on You Tube the night before and watched them change a tire so if worst came to worst, I would have some idea what to do. 

I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!!!! It was beautiful sunny morning and about 10C when I left the house.  I rode along the river and watched the boats go out to sea (nothing like the smell of the ocean).  Enjoyed the quiet country roads (didn't have to worry about traffic).  Got back to the house just as my oldest son was getting out of bed.  Made the kids waffles and I am now enjoying a cup of cofee.  It has been a good morning...

Thanks you guys for giving me the confidence to get out there.

Bravo Karen- I may need to use your- and -  Amy - Cheri -  Yvonne - Julie(s)...etc courage and tenacity and drive myself- find some hills- and work them!! Got home from my bike hill ride at 5 pm- was a whole day trng adventure!!!. Found some crazy rollers-- I was scarred going down- occasionally had to tap the brakes as felt going toooo fast... (scarred even tapping the bracks as didn't want to go flying off the bike....I am such a scare-dy cat with any speed..)Anyway- I got stuck on a hill- was going up a long hill-  and mistakingly- got into the 'big' gear- darn- was litterally stopped- on my bike- still clipped in---- thinking- gee- I'm gonna fall!! I unclipped with my opposite foot ( I normally always clip out right foot first) and fortunatly did not fall!! Got off the bike- tried to switch into a lower gear- dropped the chain- had to put the chain back on- and gave my friend a shout that I was stuck on the hill!! I was going to try and get on the bike- and she (who is a very expericed biker)- said I would not be able to make it up from a dead stop position- so walked the remained aboout 100 ft- got back on- and got back into the swing of things. Anyway- my lesson learned- always know what gear you are in!!!







2009-05-24 6:23 PM
in reply to: #2170892

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I would love to see pictures!  It has been a number of years since I have been out your way, but I remember how spectacular they are.  Who knows Yvonne... there is always the Half IM in Calgary...and of course I hope to see you up in Penticton.


run_yc_run - 2009-05-24 3:22 PM
kew - 2009-05-24 11:33 AM

Well...I am kinda proud of myself today.  I loaded my bike and took it out to Steveson (about 30 minutes from where I live).  I went for a ride all by myself (would not have dared do that a year ago).  I kept saying to myself while I was riding...if Amy can do this...if Cheri can do this...if Yvonne can do this....if Julie(s) can do this...(you get the picture) I CAN DO THIS!!!!.  I also took Coach Julee's advice and went on You Tube the night before and watched them change a tire so if worst came to worst, I would have some idea what to do. 

I HAD THE BEST TIME EVER!!!!! It was beautiful sunny morning and about 10C when I left the house.  I rode along the river and watched the boats go out to sea (nothing like the smell of the ocean).  Enjoyed the quiet country roads (didn't have to worry about traffic).  Got back to the house just as my oldest son was getting out of bed.  Made the kids waffles and I am now enjoying a cup of cofee.  It has been a good morning...

Thanks you guys for giving me the confidence to get out there.

WTG Karen! I am so happy that you had a great ride! It is so amazing for confidence to be out there on your own- while I love riding with DH, I know that I will have lots of lonely miles without him during the race so I do need to do some riding without him.

Reading about you riding in Steveston makes me miss BC and the views of the water....though the mountains were looking pretty spectacular on my ride this morning. They are still snow covered, but the big blue sky just made them look even more stunning. I will see if I can remember to take a pic next might entice some of you to come up for a visit!

2009-05-25 12:49 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Happy Memorial Day!

Is everyone out partying?!?

I did my 5k race this morning. Turnout was great, and certainly higher than they were expecting (they ran out of shirts, not that I minded); I had to wait in a long line for day-of registration.

I started off well and found a pretty comfortable race pace and started passing people. I picked a pace bunny but she got away from me a little before the half way turn around; I passes several women on the way in and don't think I was passed by any.

I ended up matching my PB pace from the 5k I did in April. I don't know my placing other than I was not 1st or 2nd in my age group.

Nearing the finish
2009-05-25 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2171825

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-05-25 1:49 PM Happy Memorial Day!

Is everyone out partying?!?

I did my 5k race this morning. Turnout was great, and certainly higher than they were expecting (they ran out of shirts, not that I minded); I had to wait in a long line for day-of registration.

I started off well and found a pretty comfortable race pace and started passing people. I picked a pace bunny but she got away from me a little before the half way turn around; I passes several women on the way in and don't think I was passed by any.

I ended up matching my PB pace from the 5k I did in April. I don't know my placing other than I was not 1st or 2nd in my age group.

Nearing the finish

LOOK HOW STRONG YOU ARE ! Pumped arms and legs, up a hill looks like, you powerhouse !!!  I am so impressed , great job girl !
2009-05-25 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2171825

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-05-25 1:49 PM Happy Memorial Day!

Is everyone out partying?!?

I did my 5k race this morning. Turnout was great, and certainly higher than they were expecting (they ran out of shirts, not that I minded); I had to wait in a long line for day-of registration.

I started off well and found a pretty comfortable race pace and started passing people. I picked a pace bunny but she got away from me a little before the half way turn around; I passes several women on the way in and don't think I was passed by any.

I ended up matching my PB pace from the 5k I did in April. I don't know my placing other than I was not 1st or 2nd in my age group.

Nearing the finish

LOOK HOW STRONG YOU ARE ! Pumped arms and legs, up a hill looks like, you powerhouse !!!  I am so impressed , great job girl !
2009-05-25 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I'll warn you from the start.......I cried..........
I got up this morning, and it went down hill from there. 
I loaded my bike /gear and forgot my map.  Picked up my friend and we put her 2 bikes in with my bike (we planned to hit a bike shop that turned out to be closed.
We got to the park and got out the bikes out and my front brake was not working, and the brake pads are stuck to the tire. None of us had tools, none of us (four gals) could fix it. 
She let me use her spare bike.  
We practiced transition a few times then headed out on the 8 mile course.  They took off like I was on a treadmill and I was pedaling for all I had in me.  They waited to run for me ?....why ?......  so they run off all of them.......and I am last again.  I am running with the 3 fastest runners of our group, I knew I'd be last but it still bugged me.
I ran in the rain, and then in the downpour, finally made it back and we started back.
My husband adn dd were already at the party, I was an hour late, because I am a slow runner and made them all wait for me to come back.
He asked me how it went, I said "later, I'll cry now"...........
Got home, was making dinner he asked how it went and yes, I cried.
I am always last or near it, I am always slow, I am trying as hard as they do, at all the practices they go too, even clinics and spin classes ......and I am still slow, and I am still last.
So yes...........this time, it got to me and this time I cried like a little girl.
Now with all that crap out of my system, tomorrow I am going back to that town and to the bike shop where I will buy tools and make him show me how to fix it, then I'll get a friggin pump and hope I can keep from this horrible crap happening to me on raceday.  GOOD GRIEF !

2009-05-25 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2172033

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-05-25 5:31 PM

I'll warn you from the start.......I cried..........
I got up this morning, and it went down hill from there. 
I loaded my bike /gear and forgot my map.  Picked up my friend and we put her 2 bikes in with my bike (we planned to hit a bike shop that turned out to be closed.
We got to the park and got out the bikes out and my front brake was not working, and the brake pads are stuck to the tire. None of us had tools, none of us (four gals) could fix it. 
She let me use her spare bike.  
We practiced transition a few times then headed out on the 8 mile course.  They took off like I was on a treadmill and I was pedaling for all I had in me.  They waited to run for me ?....why ?......  so they run off all of them.......and I am last again.  I am running with the 3 fastest runners of our group, I knew I'd be last but it still bugged me.
I ran in the rain, and then in the downpour, finally made it back and we started back.
My husband adn dd were already at the party, I was an hour late, because I am a slow runner and made them all wait for me to come back.
He asked me how it went, I said "later, I'll cry now"...........
Got home, was making dinner he asked how it went and yes, I cried.
I am always last or near it, I am always slow, I am trying as hard as they do, at all the practices they go too, even clinics and spin classes ......and I am still slow, and I am still last.
So yes...........this time, it got to me and this time I cried like a little girl.
Now with all that crap out of my system, tomorrow I am going back to that town and to the bike shop where I will buy tools and make him show me how to fix it, then I'll get a friggin pump and hope I can keep from this horrible crap happening to me on raceday.  GOOD GRIEF !


They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm not sure I've ever cared for that saying, but it definitely fits you today. You dealt with a bunch of crap and you kept going and you finished with a burning passion to come back stronger and more ready for the next time. You are an inspiration to me!
2009-05-25 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

So I raced today, if you can call it that.  I think I have post HIM depression.  From the first step I knew I was in trouble.  It was as if I didn't care!  And that's just silly -- I'm a competitive spirit, this is a big deal race around here, and last year I won my age group -- lots of reasons to care. 

So, starting tomorrow I'm going to make myself get back into a regimen.  Speedwork, tempo runs, LSD runs, the whole shooting match!  This is just foolishness, to let this slip away!!!

You guys can help me revitalize (if you want) -- is anyone interested in some accountability-type posting?  Like setting goals, then seeing if we are meeting those goals?  Chime in if you are interested!

2009-05-25 5:15 PM
in reply to: #2172033

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-05-25 4:31 PM

I'll warn you from the start.......I cried..........
I got up this morning, and it went down hill from there. 
I loaded my bike /gear and forgot my map.  Picked up my friend and we put her 2 bikes in with my bike (we planned to hit a bike shop that turned out to be closed.
We got to the park and got out the bikes out and my front brake was not working, and the brake pads are stuck to the tire. None of us had tools, none of us (four gals) could fix it. 
She let me use her spare bike.  
We practiced transition a few times then headed out on the 8 mile course.  They took off like I was on a treadmill and I was pedaling for all I had in me.  They waited to run for me ?....why ?......  so they run off all of them.......and I am last again.  I am running with the 3 fastest runners of our group, I knew I'd be last but it still bugged me.
I ran in the rain, and then in the downpour, finally made it back and we started back.
My husband adn dd were already at the party, I was an hour late, because I am a slow runner and made them all wait for me to come back.
He asked me how it went, I said "later, I'll cry now"...........
Got home, was making dinner he asked how it went and yes, I cried.
I am always last or near it, I am always slow, I am trying as hard as they do, at all the practices they go too, even clinics and spin classes ......and I am still slow, and I am still last.
So yes...........this time, it got to me and this time I cried like a little girl.
Now with all that crap out of my system, tomorrow I am going back to that town and to the bike shop where I will buy tools and make him show me how to fix it, then I'll get a friggin pump and hope I can keep from this horrible crap happening to me on raceday.  GOOD GRIEF !

Great first step Julie -- you need to know what to do with your bike on race day.  I had never changed a flat, and before my HIM I had a friend show me how to do it.  I changed both tires and tubes on my bike, so I felt comfortable (well, sort of) if it happened to me during the race. 

As far as being slow, you have to remember that you just started this!  Were you ever an athlete?  Or are you starting with the basics and working your way up?  Because in order to be fast at anything you need to develop a "base" and then build on it.  I think you've done that in swimming, but your base in running and biking probably still needs some development.  I'm told that especially for biking, the only way to get better is to have more time in the saddle.

So don't give up (although it doesn't sound like you intend to !).  We're behind you 100%!  You'll do fine in June, and then you will continue to see improvements as you progress beyond this next tri.   

2009-05-25 5:18 PM
in reply to: #2171825

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-05-25 12:49 PM Happy Memorial Day!

Is everyone out partying?!?

I did my 5k race this morning. Turnout was great, and certainly higher than they were expecting (they ran out of shirts, not that I minded); I had to wait in a long line for day-of registration.

I started off well and found a pretty comfortable race pace and started passing people. I picked a pace bunny but she got away from me a little before the half way turn around; I passes several women on the way in and don't think I was passed by any.

I ended up matching my PB pace from the 5k I did in April. I don't know my placing other than I was not 1st or 2nd in my age group.

Nearing the finish

Super job Nicole!  Julie's right -- you do look strong and ready to kick some butt in this picture!!!

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