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2009-05-25 6:07 PM
in reply to: #2172068

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-05-25 6:06 PM

So I raced today, if you can call it that.  I think I have post HIM depression.  From the first step I knew I was in trouble.  It was as if I didn't care!  And that's just silly -- I'm a competitive spirit, this is a big deal race around here, and last year I won my age group -- lots of reasons to care. 

So, starting tomorrow I'm going to make myself get back into a regimen.  Speedwork, tempo runs, LSD runs, the whole shooting match!  This is just foolishness, to let this slip away!!!

You guys can help me revitalize (if you want) -- is anyone interested in some accountability-type posting?  Like setting goals, then seeing if we are meeting those goals?  Chime in if you are interested!

My friend, some of us just had one of those days !  We'll get it next time ok ? !! SMILE

2009-05-25 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
You are all so good to me. I just figured if I share all the stuff I do that seems to be good, then might as well admit I ended up rather defeated....IF ONLY to maybe help someone else feel better if they have the same trouble sometime.
  No, I played volleyball in high school so I would NOT have to run !  I have always had a big chest and did not like it flopping (even with a good bra).  Plus I hated to run, and I still do. I hate it ! lol
It was suggested to me to run 3 times a week, and bike more than I have been.  In three weeks our tri will happen, so I have to get stronger.  My husband was so sweet, he said "well you may be slow, and be last, but you have a rock hard " ! lol
He went out to check my bike and I screamed "DO NOT FIX THAT BASTARD.......IT'S MINE TO FIGURE OUT" !!!!!  Even though I have no intention of looking at it tonight. I'll take it over tomorrow and have him look at it at the shop......but I still will fix it !
Oh and I'm having dh take out one of the seats in my van so I NEVER have to pile bikes in a car, and I will easily be able to get my 50lb bike in and out of my van.
Oh and I am no longer I felt like such a baby, but I had to let out that frustration ! lol
You are all so wonderful to come back and talk too........... really you are the best !
2009-05-25 6:16 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
One last thing, how do I put a race number on a race belt ?  I tried to shove the number I have from Saturdays race onto the little button thing and I can't get it to snap. Do I have to cut tiny holes or something ?
2009-05-25 6:36 PM
in reply to: #2172033

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Oh Julie I feel for you, but you have to forget about today and think about how far you have come.  How long have you been triathlon training compared to your friends?  If I remember correctly you haven't been  training for too long.  Try to concentrate on the little successes each day and one day, before you know it, you will be running right next to them.



maxmansmom - 2009-05-25 2:31 PM

I'll warn you from the start.......I cried..........
I got up this morning, and it went down hill from there. 
I loaded my bike /gear and forgot my map.  Picked up my friend and we put her 2 bikes in with my bike (we planned to hit a bike shop that turned out to be closed.
We got to the park and got out the bikes out and my front brake was not working, and the brake pads are stuck to the tire. None of us had tools, none of us (four gals) could fix it. 
She let me use her spare bike.  
We practiced transition a few times then headed out on the 8 mile course.  They took off like I was on a treadmill and I was pedaling for all I had in me.  They waited to run for me ?....why ?......  so they run off all of them.......and I am last again.  I am running with the 3 fastest runners of our group, I knew I'd be last but it still bugged me.
I ran in the rain, and then in the downpour, finally made it back and we started back.
My husband adn dd were already at the party, I was an hour late, because I am a slow runner and made them all wait for me to come back.
He asked me how it went, I said "later, I'll cry now"...........
Got home, was making dinner he asked how it went and yes, I cried.
I am always last or near it, I am always slow, I am trying as hard as they do, at all the practices they go too, even clinics and spin classes ......and I am still slow, and I am still last.
So yes...........this time, it got to me and this time I cried like a little girl.
Now with all that crap out of my system, tomorrow I am going back to that town and to the bike shop where I will buy tools and make him show me how to fix it, then I'll get a friggin pump and hope I can keep from this horrible crap happening to me on raceday.  GOOD GRIEF !

2009-05-25 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2172150

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Julie I find that the holes on the race bib never line up with the snaps on my race belt.  What I do is lay the bib over my race belt and use my keys to punch a small hole in the race bib where the snaps are.  Then press the top of the snap in place.   I have a few different race belts and my favourite does not have the snaps it uses a stretchy cord (like the laces).  The brand is Xterra.  ((hugs)


maxmansmom - 2009-05-25 4:16 PM One last thing, how do I put a race number on a race belt ?  I tried to shove the number I have from Saturdays race onto the little button thing and I can't get it to snap. Do I have to cut tiny holes or something ?

2009-05-25 6:49 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Nicole that is an awesome picture...I love it .  Congratulations!

2009-05-25 7:15 PM
in reply to: #2172181

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
kew - 2009-05-25 7:36 PM

Oh Julie I feel for you, but you have to forget about today and think about how far you have come.  How long have you been triathlon training compared to your friends?  If I remember correctly you haven't been  training for too long.  Try to concentrate on the little successes each day and one day, before you know it, you will be running right next to them.


 Thank you so much !  I started to train in October, which is not that long but with the time I have put in it feels like a long time ! lol
Thank you so much for the race belt info, I figured there had to be a trick, this race number material is made out of IRON ! lol

2009-05-25 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Julie, I think you need to ask yourself why you are planning on doing a triathlon.  Is it to have fun?  To challenge yourself?  To see if you can do it?  To be the best in your AG?  Everyone has different reasons for getting into this.  I was NEVER an athlete, and decided to challenge myself at the age of 50.  I have ALWAYS hating running, but it's getting better.  If you would have told me one year ago (or even 6 months ago), that I would have done two half marathons, I would not have believed you.  The great thing about this sport is you can compete with yourself for each run, triathlon, whatever it might be.  I really don't have a competitive nature, but I do like the idea of competing against myself each time.  The other good thing about this, you don't have to have a training partner, you can go it alone.  I'm sorry that your "friends" left you behind.  I guess you maybe you all had different agendas, but I would think they could have been more encouraging.  BUT, that's what all your BT friends are for!!  You're going to do fine.  You'll get your first tri finished, and now what you need to work on to be a little better the next time.

Nicole, great job on your race this morning.  Tying up your PB, good for you!  Love the picture!

Cheri, sorry it wasn't your best race, but you aren't far from your HIM, and maybe it took a little more out of you than you realized.  I'm definitely up for some accountability, getting ready for my race next month.  Maybe you need another challenge in your future.

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend (those of us that are stateside, that is!).  And hope everyone has a great week!

2009-05-26 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Nice photo Nicole. Looks like you were really enjoying yourself in that race!
2009-05-26 7:34 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Julie: hang in there. You've got lots of great advice from your friends here. I agree with Lisa's comments. The first person you should be competing against is yourself. Even if you come in last, you still establish a baseline for your own capabilities. Be patient. Be persistent. You will keep improving.
2009-05-26 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2172717

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
dcon - 2009-05-26 8:34 AM Julie: hang in there. You've got lots of great advice from your friends here. I agree with Lisa's comments. The first person you should be competing against is yourself. Even if you come in last, you still establish a baseline for your own capabilities. Be patient. Be persistent. You will keep improving.

Thanks ! I am so blessed to have my mentor group to turn to when things are good, and when I "cry like a girl" !LOL...... if you knew me you would know that crying is not my thing. I have to be pushed FARRRRRRRRRRRRRR before that takes over.  So now it will be a bit of a fun joke "don't make me cry" !! LOL
I agree, I have received not only great support, but also great ideas and things to think about.  I love tihs group!

2009-05-26 4:41 PM
in reply to: #2166855

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-05-21 2:45 PM

Transition set up" border="0" alt="Transition set up" />


Soooo forgot to tell you I'd done this  as well. Do you see anything wrong with it ? Or do some of you just see a box witn a red x ?........

suweeeet~! looks very nice! love the bright colored towel that should stand out against others!

you may want to look into getting some guick tie shoe laces for your running shoes...that way you dont have to sit and tie them. Make sure to try them a few runs first to make sure they are secure enough for you...

and I am sure on race day there will be a gu, shot blocks or energy bars on that blanket ripped open and ready to devour....

looks great Jules! you done good!

2009-05-26 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2169552

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

run_yc_run - 2009-05-23 7:51 AM Good Morning Gang!
Sadly, the ankle is just not ready to run. It is so frustrating as I am still not positive exactly what it is. I had a good session with my chiro for some ART on Wednesday and it felt better but then went on a 14km hike with the school on Thursday and that definitely did not help things. So long racing today. The positive side...since it is a race series, they did allow me to transfer my entry to a later run.

Cheri, Nicole, and Julie... hoping you all have/had fantastic races this weekend +Monday

that sux! hope your ankle is better! any word on what it is!? since I am catching up on reading the thread...hoping that you got a good word back from the doctor and you are up and running again! keep us posted Yvonne.

2009-05-26 7:47 PM
in reply to: #2174049

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-26 5:41 PM

maxmansmom - 2009-05-21 2:45 PM

Transition set up" border="0" alt="Transition set up" />


Soooo forgot to tell you I'd done this  as well. Do you see anything wrong with it ? Or do some of you just see a box witn a red x ?........

suweeeet~! looks very nice! love the bright colored towel that should stand out against others!

you may want to look into getting some guick tie shoe laces for your running shoes...that way you dont have to sit and tie them. Make sure to try them a few runs first to make sure they are secure enough for you...

and I am sure on race day there will be a gu, shot blocks or energy bars on that blanket ripped open and ready to devour....

looks great Jules! you done good!

 hI JULIE !  I hear that there will be no bike racks, they said there are two transition sites per parking space, so might be roomier than most.      I do have yankz in my other shoes and after the transition practices yestserday I will put them in ASAP !  It took forever to tie my shoes.   I also tried a goo, the "just plain" but I can't gag that sweet thick stuff down....  I'm gonna look into the candy , I think I can handle that more . the goo was just goorowse! lol 

Thanks for the encouragement !

2009-05-26 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
hey guys! just swinging through to say hi. looks like you are all keeping busy, and i love that racing season has started!! i'm (once again) in the middle of a personal/marital crisis. but i'm still trying to run when i can, and i'm TRYING to stop in here more often.
thinking of you guys all the time!!!
2009-05-26 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2174468

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lyssa-gator - 2009-05-26 9:21 PM hey guys! just swinging through to say hi. looks like you are all keeping busy, and i love that racing season has started!! i'm (once again) in the middle of a personal/marital crisis. but i'm still trying to run when i can, and i'm TRYING to stop in here more often.
thinking of you guys all the time!!!

I'm sorry my Lyssa,Pm me if you need to talk !

2009-05-26 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I'm so sorry but I can't find the paper where I printed out all the info of different types of nutrition to have at the race.
I tried some gu and I hate it............ I just do not like the consistency.
I would like to try those that are like pieces of candy, can you tell me the names again ?....... I hate to ask the same thing again, i'm sorry !
2009-05-26 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2174468

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-05-26 6:21 PM hey guys! just swinging through to say hi. looks like you are all keeping busy, and i love that racing season has started!! i'm (once again) in the middle of a personal/marital crisis. but i'm still trying to run when i can, and i'm TRYING to stop in here more often.
thinking of you guys all the time!!!

Im really sorry to hear that! I hope things work out for you! you do what you need to do for Lyssa! we will be here if you need anything from us! hugs sister! sure do miss you! and glad you are running - gives you peace of mind when you need it most!! I will call you if you stay away too come say hi every so often...ok!???

2009-05-26 8:42 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
seems like i've been in crisis for an entire year!!
i'll send you a PM--miss you too.
2009-05-26 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2174487

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-05-26 6:33 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-05-26 9:21 PM hey guys! just swinging through to say hi. looks like you are all keeping busy, and i love that racing season has started!! i'm (once again) in the middle of a personal/marital crisis. but i'm still trying to run when i can, and i'm TRYING to stop in here more often.
thinking of you guys all the time!!!

I'm sorry my Lyssa,Pm me if you need to talk !

X2 ^^^^^double what Julie H said above - pm me if you want or need to talk.

2009-05-26 8:51 PM
in reply to: #2174489

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-05-26 8:34 PM I'm so sorry but I can't find the paper where I printed out all the info of different types of nutrition to have at the race.
I tried some gu and I hate it............ I just do not like the consistency.
I would like to try those that are like pieces of candy, can you tell me the names again ?....... I hate to ask the same thing again, i'm sorry !

Julie, you are doing a sprint, right?  For me, the most important aspect of a sprint is staying hydrated.  Don't know if you can stomach Gatorade, but I really do well with it (during biking, not running).  So maybe have that in your water bottle on your bike.  But don't do it if you haven't practiced with it during training.  Practicing with what works for you is important!

I think the "candy" you are looking for is Sports Beans.  They are like jelly beans, same consistency, chewiness (is that really a word?), sweetness.  My favorite flavor is watermelon.  I took a mouthful before my run in my HIM, though, and it took awhile to gag them down.  Unless you tend to bonk, though, you probably shouldn't worry too much about calories, and instead you should do your best to stay hydrated.  Drink lots of water after the swim (although all of my swims have been in salt water, and I drink to get rid of the salt taste!).  Drink water and/or some sort of sports drink on the bike, then use the aid stations on the run.

Keep the questions coming, girl!  I think you are doing a super job getting prepared, and anything we can say to help you get over that anxiety can only make you better prepared.

And speaking of being prepared -- did you make it to the bike shop???

2009-05-26 8:53 PM
in reply to: #2174489

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-05-26 9:34 PM I'm so sorry but I can't find the paper where I printed out all the info of different types of nutrition to have at the race.
I tried some gu and I hate it............ I just do not like the consistency.
I would like to try those that are like pieces of candy, can you tell me the names again ?....... I hate to ask the same thing again, i'm sorry !

My favorites are Shot Bloks (Cranrazz=Yum!) and Sportbeans (lemon-lime, orange, or cherry).

Edited by MDHillSlug 2009-05-26 8:54 PM
2009-05-26 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i agree--sportsbeans are freaking good!! i had them last year at danskin, and they're great
2009-05-26 9:23 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I should be in bed, but instead I'm surfing.  I wanted to let you all know that Nalani (naners) is doing the Hawaii 70.3 this Saturday.  Go send lots of hugs and kisses her way!!!

2009-05-26 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2174489

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-05-26 8:34 PM I'm so sorry but I can't find the paper where I printed out all the info of different types of nutrition to have at the race.
I tried some gu and I hate it............ I just do not like the consistency.
I would like to try those that are like pieces of candy, can you tell me the names again ?....... I hate to ask the same thing again, i'm sorry !

Julie, you might even try the real fruit chews (there are cheaper than the other stuff) or fruit leather (by Stretch Island Fruit Company).  During my HMs, all I did was hydrate with water (I don't really like Gatorade, except the tropical flavor, or any of those other sports drinks) and ate a couple of fruit leathers around mile 7 or so.  I don't worry about anything but water during my sprints, as I know I can go out and train for 1 1/2 hours without nutrition.  Whatever you decide, just make sure to try it out ahead of time to see what works best. 
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