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2012-08-31 4:11 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
My race was supposed to be tomorrow but has now been cancelled due to the big storm about to come through Illinois from Hurricane Isaac.  This whole time I was worried about it being really hot on race day.  Never did I think a hurricane would cause it to get cancelled.  Now I'm trying to find another race to do so my training isn't for nothing.  I'm leaning towards Rev3 Cedar Point.  It will be about a 6 hour drive from here, and there's only one decent sized climb on the bike.  Training here in central Illinois, there aren't a lot of hills and I hadn't really searched out any hills during training because my race was supposed to be flat.  The other options I found were NashVegas on 9/8 and Branson.  I mapped the bike route for Branson and there were multiple 300 ft climbs and Nashville had a few larger climbs, so Cedar Point seemed like the best course for how I'm trained.  Of course it's also the most expensive, but there's also roller coasters. 

2012-08-31 4:21 PM
in reply to: #4390476

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Oh man, that really sucks.  I'm sorry!!! Where was your race going to be??

We were really worried about swim at Steelhead (4-5 ft waves on Thur before race), but lucked out.. but having the ENTIRE race canceled, that'd be rough.  Are they refunding the $?

2012-09-01 12:48 AM
in reply to: #4390502

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Great Illini Challenge in Mattoon, IL.  No refunds, but we get next years race at half price.  I checked their site and saw nothing about what happens if they cancel so I emailed them asking for a copy of the terms and conditions because I didn't recall reading any policy.
2012-09-03 7:36 AM
in reply to: #4390930

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Berkley, MI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

You should look into the half in Tawas, MI this coming weekend. It's a great venue.

2012-09-04 11:25 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Ocala, FL
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hello all,

I finally did it.  I'm signed up for the HITS HIM in Ocala, FL next march.  I've lurked a bit, but now I'm all in.  HITS Ocala this year was my first tri ever, so it seems fitting that I start to go long at the same race.

My plan is to follow Fink's plan through the HIM.  I'll have to modify it a little though because I'm signed up for the Disney Marathon in January.  I think I'll just do the Marathon plan on my run days and follow the rest.  I've raced in 4 sprints this year and my first OLY is in two weeks.  I'm not sure if I'm racing any other races between until next year.  I'm balancing three kids, two jobs, and one wife. 

I don't start the program until mid October, but I want to spend the time in between training myself (and my family) to keep with the training program.  That's been the biggest challenge for me.  Should I just follow the plan then start over when I hit the actual week 1?  That seems somewhat logical. 

I'm glad to be here for a reason!


2012-09-04 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group


Im 28, former military - Just completed the Chicago Tri and looking to do the Oceanside HIM and Lake Tahoe, IM next year.

Where can I find the BT plan?

2012-09-04 6:43 PM
in reply to: #4394437

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Jim - I just signed up for my first HIM last night.  Although I've been working towards it, tossing down the money tends to seal the deal for me!  I too had an Oly kick start my training but I had to drop a few weeks from the training plan to make it work.  So I'm skipping some of the speed workouts and replacing them with more PRE2-3 work.  Sounds like you'll have plenty of time to build a solid base.  Good luck with the scheduling, training, and HIM!

im0311 - Click on the "Programs" button at the top of this screen to access the training plans.

2012-09-04 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

great - thank you!

what does it mean when it says "2 x 1000,"


2012-09-04 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4394437

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Fokker416 - 2012-09-04 9:25 AM

Hello all,

I finally did it.  I'm signed up for the HITS HIM in Ocala, FL next march.  I've lurked a bit, but now I'm all in.  HITS Ocala this year was my first tri ever, so it seems fitting that I start to go long at the same race.

My plan is to follow Fink's plan through the HIM.  I'll have to modify it a little though because I'm signed up for the Disney Marathon in January.  I think I'll just do the Marathon plan on my run days and follow the rest.  I've raced in 4 sprints this year and my first OLY is in two weeks.  I'm not sure if I'm racing any other races between until next year.  I'm balancing three kids, two jobs, and one wife. 

I don't start the program until mid October, but I want to spend the time in between training myself (and my family) to keep with the training program.  That's been the biggest challenge for me.  Should I just follow the plan then start over when I hit the actual week 1?  That seems somewhat logical. 

I'm glad to be here for a reason!


I did just this with the plan.  I trained and ran a marathon in May, and then did my tri at the end of August.  I did the marathon plan for 3 mo. before tri plan, and just substituted marathon training for tri run days.  Marathon distances got to be way more than tri plan, so I would skip a few workouts early on.  When marathon got over, I spent the next 2 mo+ playing catch up, mostly on the lacking bike training.  I think it is very tough doing what your doing.  The two plans are not totally incompatible, but it will stretch you.  Mine were both A races, so it was hard to differentiate them, so I just took them in stride.  (I did exceed my goal for the HIM with this plan, and just missed my marathon goal)

I have 2 kids, and wife.  I hear you there.  I hope your training goes smooth, and you meet and exceed your goals.  Go after it!

2012-09-04 11:47 PM
in reply to: #4395569

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jm0311 - 2012-09-04 8:46 PM

great - thank you!

what does it mean when it says "2 x 1000,"


This means 2 sets, both sets are 1000 yds apeice. Thats 40 lengths of a 25' pool x2.

2012-09-05 7:28 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Ocala, FL
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Great, thanks for the info.  I want to run the marathon well, but  I don't want to break any records.  My first marathon was the Disney this year.  I did it as part of the Goofy challenge.  I was on a pretty good pace until my ankle gave me problems and I limped in.  This year I'm only(?) doing the marathon.  I just want to finish comfortable and strong.  I'm still trying to define my goal for the HIM.  What's a good time for a first race?  I'm thinking 6hrs as a goal.

2012-09-05 9:17 PM
in reply to: #4397467

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Fokker416 - 2012-09-05 5:28 PM Great, thanks for the info.  I want to run the marathon well, but  I don't want to break any records.  My first marathon was the Disney this year.  I did it as part of the Goofy challenge.  I was on a pretty good pace until my ankle gave me problems and I limped in.  This year I'm only(?) doing the marathon.  I just want to finish comfortable and strong.  I'm still trying to define my goal for the HIM.  What's a good time for a first race?  I'm thinking 6hrs as a goal.

6hrs. was my goal as well.  I thing setting a goal time is so individually and course specific that it is hard to compare across individuals, and courses.  I went in 5:36 for my HIM and had the goal that 6hrs. would be an amazing day based on my training times (mostly based on a 3:15-3:30 projected bike time).  I went 2:57 on the bike on race day, thus the finish time of 5:36.  I didn't know I had it in me, and I never could have predicted that.

My point is that you should definitely set a goal for yourself on the particular course, based on what you feel is realistic, and go for it. 

2012-09-06 5:42 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Six hours might be a reasonable goal for a lot of people but it depends on your fitness and the course, and, as Kevin said, you might suprise yourself!  In my case, I figured I could go well under 6 hours, maybe 5:40 to 5:50, on a flat, fast course, but I knew the bike leg in my race was both long (2 miles over) and very hilly, and I'm not a fast biker. Figured I'd be slower than my training pace (on flat roads) and overall time around 6:15. No amazing breakthroughs but I ended up finishing in 5:53. The up and downhills seemed to average out, so my bike pace was pretty much the same as training pace on the flats, and I was about five minutes faster on the run than I thought. Mom wasn't even ready with the camera at the finish, as I'd told her sometime after 1 PM (6 hours after the start)! That time included at least four minutes of bike issues as well a couple minutes wasted on a sloppy T1, so could easily have been in the 5:40's, even on that fairly slow course. By the time I was five miles into the run I knew 6 hours was well within reach, so I made that my goal.
2012-09-06 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: HIM Goal Time
My goal right now is 6 1/2 hours.  I finished the Olympic earlier this year in 3 1/2 hours and if you subtract the swim (45m) and double the time (2h45m x 2 = 5 1/2h) then add the swim back in I am looking at around 6h15m - 6h20m. (I had some issues in the Olympic swim portion (note to self: do not swim in a sports bra!), and I've gotten faster in the water and am planning for the HIM swim to take me 45-50 minutes.)  But to date I have yet to bike 50-60 miles and go for a run without stopping for a quick bathroom break.  And I talked to a one of the race coordinators and he told me that the distance from the water to the transition area is about a 4-5 minute jog away, so when I give myself some leeway and account for the current in the water, and the possibility of a slower than preferred bike, I am shooting for 6 1/2 hours.  There are so many things that go into that time that could make me faster or slower that it is hard to gauge where I fall.  And since I do not live close enough to the race course to practice on it, I will have to wait until I am in it.  
2012-09-06 10:42 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Ocala, FL
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I see what you guys are saying about the time.  I'm doing an OLY in a little over a week and that should help me kind of get a good idea of where I stand and where I think I can go.  I think I'll take my paces from this race and do the math to convert it to an HIM.  I have plenty of time to train to at least maintain those paces if not improve (mid March).  If I can get my dearest beloved to say yes, I'll try another OLY in Nov to check my progress.

I haven't done a LOT of reasearch on times so far anyway so I was waiting for "yeah, that's a good time...... if you're sponsored by GU" or something like that.  I was pretty off for an idea for my first sprint, on the good side though.  I just want a goal that's both realistic and I do have to work hard for.

2012-09-06 7:05 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
For the record, I'm not sponsored by Gu (LOL--I gag on the stuff!) or anyone but myself! (Now, if Saucony or Cliff wanted to give me some free goodies, I wouldn't refuse, but they don't seem to have reps in Saigon!) My best Oly time is 2:40, (I'm subtracting four minutes for 2 km extra on the bike leg), best sprint 1:17, both on flat courses, if that helps. A normal training pace on a long (flat) ride for me would be about 27 kph (17 mph?); my best stand-alone half marathon in recent years is 1:33. I'm a fairly strong swimmer--did 35 minutes on the HIM swim; a bit faster in a pool. Don't forget to factor in transitions (longer with wetsuits or if you need extra layers on bike/run), minor mechanical issues on bike, potty stops if needed...... The longer the race is, the more potential for random sh.... to happen!

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-09-06 7:10 PM

2012-09-08 6:14 AM
in reply to: #4399371

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Up at 4am to go do my Oly "test" race ... real race is in three weeks.

Could not sleep actually got out of bed at 3:45....

Looking forward to 65 deg water ...not....


2012-09-10 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Finally signed up for a race to replace my cancelled one.  I'll be doing the Deer Creek Fall Challenge near Columbus, OH.  It was only $100 and the bike course is incredibly flat with 375ft of elevation change which is half to a third of what most other races I looked at were.  I'll have a 5 hour drive over which shouldn't be too bad and the start time is 9am, so that will be different actually sleeping in a bit on race day.  With the 3 weeks of training I had to add back in I decided to do roughly 10, 7, and 4 hours of training for those weeks.  Ended up doing 11 last week and did 2h 25 min bike and 40 min run yesterday, so with that start I may stay up towards 10 hours this week and then go easy next week. 
2012-09-12 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: 10 day count down

It is Wed and my HIM is a week from Sunday.  I have slightly increased the intensity of the program we are all following here, and now I am trying to cram in too much over the next 5 days.  I think a 90m bike ride Sat morning is too short, but 3 hours seems a bit much, too.  That said, I missed the swim yesterday; I am currently planning to throw it into my mix tonight, but that creates 90 minute work outs today, tomorrow, & Friday. 

Any suggestions or info about the 2nd to last week of tapering from those who have already done their event?  How much is too much?  Do I want to get in a couple last minute workouts or is it better to skip them and get the rest?  I am super stressed about this week because the last week of the program is next to nothing!


2012-09-12 1:10 PM
in reply to: #4407870

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Subject: RE: 10 day count down
lloeffert - 2012-09-12 10:43 AM

It is Wed and my HIM is a week from Sunday.  I have slightly increased the intensity of the program we are all following here, and now I am trying to cram in too much over the next 5 days.  I think a 90m bike ride Sat morning is too short, but 3 hours seems a bit much, too.  That said, I missed the swim yesterday; I am currently planning to throw it into my mix tonight, but that creates 90 minute work outs today, tomorrow, & Friday. 

Any suggestions or info about the 2nd to last week of tapering from those who have already done their event?  How much is too much?  Do I want to get in a couple last minute workouts or is it better to skip them and get the rest?  I am super stressed about this week because the last week of the program is next to nothing!


Hi Leah.  At this point, as I was told, there is not much you can do to improve your fitness, but plenty you can do to ruin it.  You are unlikely to make any real gains in the next 10 days.  You are better off to follow the plan, get rested, and be ready to race!  Try not to stress--you've done the training, the race is the bonus!

2012-09-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4407870

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Maynard, MA
Subject: RE: 10 day count down
lloeffert - 2012-09-12 1:43 PM

It is Wed and my HIM is a week from Sunday.  I have slightly increased the intensity of the program we are all following here, and now I am trying to cram in too much over the next 5 days.  I think a 90m bike ride Sat morning is too short, but 3 hours seems a bit much, too.  That said, I missed the swim yesterday; I am currently planning to throw it into my mix tonight, but that creates 90 minute work outs today, tomorrow, & Friday. 

Any suggestions or info about the 2nd to last week of tapering from those who have already done their event?  How much is too much?  Do I want to get in a couple last minute workouts or is it better to skip them and get the rest?  I am super stressed about this week because the last week of the program is next to nothing!




Give your body some time to rest.  I too felt the last weeks had no training.  Catch up on sleep, don't change your eating habbits.  Your body needs some time to repair itself and get ready for race day. You are going to feel like you have a lot more energy too!  


2012-09-13 7:49 PM
in reply to: #4407916

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: 10 day count down
bcraht - 2012-09-12 11:10 AM
lloeffert - 2012-09-12 10:43 AM

It is Wed and my HIM is a week from Sunday.  I have slightly increased the intensity of the program we are all following here, and now I am trying to cram in too much over the next 5 days.  I think a 90m bike ride Sat morning is too short, but 3 hours seems a bit much, too.  That said, I missed the swim yesterday; I am currently planning to throw it into my mix tonight, but that creates 90 minute work outs today, tomorrow, & Friday. 

Any suggestions or info about the 2nd to last week of tapering from those who have already done their event?  How much is too much?  Do I want to get in a couple last minute workouts or is it better to skip them and get the rest?  I am super stressed about this week because the last week of the program is next to nothing!


Hi Leah.  At this point, as I was told, there is not much you can do to improve your fitness, but plenty you can do to ruin it.  You are unlikely to make any real gains in the next 10 days.  You are better off to follow the plan, get rested, and be ready to race!  Try not to stress--you've done the training, the race is the bonus!

Ditto.  If anything, I thought the w/o's were too much the second to last week, and I was constantly sore for the last 2 weeks.  I maybe could have lessened the intensity, but the workouts called for the same intensity over shorter distances.  I got to the line o.k. on race day, but was still a little sore.  I would avoid adding to it as stated in bcraht's reply.  no use.

2012-09-14 4:42 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Agree, the training is either in the bank or it isn't at this point. For my first HIM attempt, I pretty much followed the program (except for the day before) and didn't have any problems. Maybe I was lazy with the intensity or something. I wasn't sore or tired for race day, but the weather played havoc with my "race".

For the second one the following month, I had the dubious fortune of being on vacation (road trip from Oregon to Grand Canyon and back) from 16 days to 6 days out from the race. Volume obviously decreased as I wasn't able to  train every day; when I did, I focused on workouts that would help me gain skills or confidence for the race. As I recall, over those ten days I did three fairly hilly bike rides of about 2:15 to 2:30 at moderate intensity (as race was hilly and most of my training was in flat Saigon); four fairly easy runs of 70-100 minutes, three of them at 6000-9000 ft. altitude (two of them hilly); and three open-water swims of about 40-45 minutes in three different lakes, two at altitude. The goal for these was to get used to swimming in a wetsuit in fairly cold water and varying lake conditions. (All my previous tris had been tropical ocean.) Two days were run-swim doubles, but no bike-run bricks.

For the last five days I really backed off and just did short, light workouts with a few easy pick-ups to race speed. The day before the race I did no running, just rode a few miles to check the gears. For some reason I swam the entire race course. It was a really nice course and I just felt like it! I wasn't sore for race day and it went well.

2012-09-18 5:45 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Thanks for the feedback about tapering!  I took the advice and followed the plan, with a few minor variations.  I have done the Monday-Tuesday workouts this week (last week!), which are super short, but I think I am going to take the next 2 days off in order for everything to relax and re-group.  Maybe do a yoga class to loosen up.  My HIM is in Richmond on Sunday at 7am.  Hopefully it will not be too cold, too dark, or rainy. 

Also -- a shout out to Monty & Lena who suggested melatonin for better sleeping -- it has completely changed my life the last 10 days! WOW!  What an amazing difference!  I am getting more sleep, deeper sleep, through the night, and waking up feeling refreshed and strong.  Thank you so much for that suggestion.  I bought pills in 1mg and 5mg increments.  I took two 1mg pills and have not even gotten to the point of needing the 5mg.  Thank you for the suggestion! 

Edited by lloeffert 2012-09-18 5:47 PM
2012-09-18 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
How fantastic!!! glad it's working for you.... getting to the start line of a HIM rested is probably THE most important thing you can do right now.  The training is done, now just do enough to keep the legs fresh (which means little) and get rest!  You sound like you are going to have a really awesome race! Which Half is it? I want to track you!
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