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2015-08-18 9:55 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Congrats Jenn!!! Loved reading the report on this one too.

And, sorry bout the leg wound - that looks like it sucked!

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Race on Sunday was fun - it was my second Oly, first this year. My chip time was 3:05:27.4. At first I was sad I didn't break 3 hours like last year and then realized that the bike on last year's course is a few miles shorter so I don't feel so bad. This swim was much tougher including 3 180 degree turns around buoys - navigating was a crank for me on the first leg out - think army swimming: left/right/left/right. LOL Didn't have that problem last year in the sprint at the same venue. I found someone to draft off of who seemed to sight well so for the next two long lengths I stuck with her bubbles.

2015-08-18 10:06 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dave hope the road rash is healing up well and you found some relief from the pain.

You know, I noticed a few cyclists out for rides while I was on the bike course, and kept thinking of saying something like 'Hey you're going the wrong way!' but I was huffing and puffing a bit too much from the rolling hills. I don't know how you do the Wachusett climb thing, I had a hard enough time in Westborough!

Originally posted by Qua17

I am not a happy camper... I had my first serious wreck today while doing my last major interval workout before the HIM.... There was a pile of leaves and assorted junk in the road. I swerved to avoid it but felt the presence of the car behind me. When I swerved back towards the side of the road, I lost control of the bike. I managed to avoid the car (miracle) and the parking meter but slammed into the curb at about 15 miles an hour.

Bent my rim so I'll need a new front tire. Also bent my left handle bar but the real crusher is a cracked top tube. So it looks like I either need a new bike (Trek is going to make me an offer to replace the frame to keep me in a Trek). Ugh... I'm basically ok - but I have a serious case of road rash on my arm, shoulder and knee. It's still bleeding a bit - but . I put a hole in my ironman bike shirt and favorite pair of bike shorts.

For the record - I considered going to the gym to finish the intervals - I got 3.5 out of 5 done - but I'm really hurting. So, I'm gonna stay on the couch and watch nascar. After taking a shower which is gonna hurt like a mother.

In the it's a small world category - I biked through John's race today! I wish I'd come and cheered you on!
2015-08-18 10:16 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Congrats Alan! And hot damn - fast!!

Thanks for the tips on cornering. I noticed that a lot this past Sunday. We had a LOT of turns, many 90 degree turns. There was one at the bottom of a hill where they had volunteers letting everyone know to slow down. I slowed down for all of them (though for one they had cones by the curbing, and I apexed close enough to knock over a cone :D). Mostly its having no idea how hard I can corner without wiping out. It's a tough mental bit for a new cyclist - you're looking at the size of yourself carrying this momentum at speed, and looking at those friggin skinny bits of rubber keeping you upright and it's just like 'no way I can corner faster, I'm going to lowside', or 'i'm going to hit a patch of sand or a pothole and crash'. And in reality I'm not going anywhere near fast enough to sweat it!

Originally posted by adempsey10

I did my impromptu triathlon today. I finished 5th in my age group but it was tough as hell.

2015-08-19 6:25 AM
in reply to: #5075170

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Thanks Alan and Jenn, great info! There are tons of bike shops around here, so I guess I'll have to check a few out and then find one with a good selection to finally get fit and purchase a bike from. Btw, lovely picture from your ride Jenn.

The person I run with and th one I swim with both cancelled on me today so I let myself sleep just a tad bit later than usual. I plan on heading to he gym to do my run in a bit and if I have time later I will head back up there and do my swim. Pretty proud of myself for training these past two weeks with only Saturday's off. It definitely feels good and I know it'll all pay off eventually. School starts back on Tuesday and I'm determined to fit all the training in with the demand of nursing school. Hope everyone is having a great week! Cheers!
2015-08-19 11:42 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by firebert

Congrats! Read the race report, sounds great! Felt like I was there living it. Love the encouragement bit too for the first timer.

Originally posted by MOlsen

Congratulations to the racers!

I just did another race myself (race report) and despite swimming an extra lap and dropping my bike chain it was a good race. Later in the day I went for a beautiful bike ride through vineyards and ranches. Overall a great weekend.

Recently I switched pools, from a gym on the other side of town to the swim center close to my office. The difference in lunch time crowd is crazy, I used to think the gym's pool was crowded! From what I've heard the morning lap swim block is less crowded, I just need to get myself motivated to go swimming in the morning before work (didn't happen today).

At the end of last week I received an envelope from the race with a "1st" medal in it. Being a solid "middle of pack" (MOP) racer in a very competitive age group (M 40-45) I was a little dubious. I tracked down the race results and found that I placed 1st (out of 3) in my age group! Ah the joys of a small town event that didn't draw much competition

Managed to get some morning swims in this week. The pool is much less crowded in the morning however it will be closing soon for a few months (!) of maintenance. Guess it's back to the gym, hopefully the morning swim is not crowded so I can stop on my way to work.

2015-08-19 1:06 PM
in reply to: #5135794

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Nice, Mark!! I always use that saying - it pays to be old in a small field (though it's not true in triathlon so much).

2015-08-19 1:12 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Yeah Mark!!! Congratulations!!
2015-08-19 3:47 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Awesome, Mark! :-)

2015-08-19 5:43 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Way to go, Mark!

2015-08-19 6:32 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Some of these are amusing.

2015-08-19 9:32 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

Some of these are amusing.

These are great! A bunch of the comments are too.

Saying 'on your left' at the grocery store when passing other shoppers

2015-08-19 10:27 PM
in reply to: firebert

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ok this should be my race report from Sunday:

I'm really happy overall. I managed to swim faster, T1 a LOT faster than last time, and run faster! The bike was slower, but ~5 miles longer, and it was a lot hotter and more humid, plus more hilly. There wasn't really any true flat part. Only a couple actual hills, but everything was just rolling up and down, my derailleurs got a workout!

I did make the switch to my 'big boy' pedals - lol, about 4 days before race day! Wanted to do it right after my last tri, but life got in the way and work sucked all of my free time and ended up doing my mock tri with the flat pedals, then a couple training rides with the flat pedals....It was always "I have a half hour to spare, do I train or work on the bike?" and training won out. So it got resolved the week before the tri, then I found out I had the wrong cleats and that cost me another day (anyone have the old style Look ARC pedals and need some fresh cleats, let me know!). Anyway I practiced as much as I possibly could in those few days with the clipping. The Look Keos I think are too easy, much easier than the SPDs on the spin bikes - haha. But I am treading a fine line - don;t tell anyone, but I haven't fallen yet. Had a few near falls while practicing, had a ton of trouble taking off from the mount point at my race, but there hasn't been a fall yet...

Anyway I made sure to keep the whole race light hearted and thanked all my volunteers and all the police at the intersections. I also apologized profusely to the volunteer at the coned-off corner that I apexed so tightly that I knocked a cone over Made as many jokes as I could think of in line for the time trial start, and in and out of transition. My personal favorite, on the way in to T2 - "Does anyone remember where we parked?"

I was solo for this one - for my first race my wife and daughter were there to cheer me on, and I raced with a good friend of mine. This one they had a birthday party, my friend was doing 100 on 100 (100 mile relay) at Stowe... Other than probably seeing Dave out for a ride (pre-crash!) while I was on the bike course, it was me myself and I. Which is ok too - I've slept in for a few of my wife's tris at this point

The big question in my mind though, the constantly burning question, is WHAT'S NEXT? I wanted to do the Buzzard's Bay sprint on Sept 20th, but the swim is a 1/3rd mile at a beach notorious for swimmer rescues form the undertow. There's the possibility of PilgrimMan, which I believe Dave did last year. The hills on the bike on that one though, sheesh. I mean it's not mountainous or anything by any stretch but it's just this long stretch of state forest fire roads up, and down, and up, and down... Anyway right now the only actual thing I have booked is a 10k on February, and talk about a half/marathon relay with Dave later in February. I need something else!
2015-08-20 1:48 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by firebert

The big question in my mind though, the constantly burning question, is WHAT'S NEXT? I wanted to do the Buzzard's Bay sprint on Sept 20th, but the swim is a 1/3rd mile at a beach notorious for swimmer rescues form the undertow. There's the possibility of PilgrimMan, which I believe Dave did last year. The hills on the bike on that one though, sheesh. I mean it's not mountainous or anything by any stretch but it's just this long stretch of state forest fire roads up, and down, and up, and down... Anyway right now the only actual thing I have booked is a 10k on February, and talk about a half/marathon relay with Dave later in February. I need something else!

Great work....sounds like a fun race!

You're talking to a weenie, but I'd stay away from undertow. If for no other reason than to build confidence. Plus drowning sucks.

BUT, I'd do the race with hills if that's the only issue, even if they are tough, as long as you know you can do them if somewhat slowly. If you need something to keep you going, that's it. :-) Think of it as a hill workout!

2015-08-20 3:12 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by Qua17
it looks like trek might give me a 30% discount to replace my bike which would be huge.

Congrats on the job!! You never know what contacts you'll make and for now it's better to have something than nothing!

Also - so happy you're generally okay and have a few bumps and bruises and road rash to heal up. Painful, but not as much as a car running over you...Gosh I'm happy to hear you're okay. I am so sorry about the bike but it really sounds like Trek is doing right by you!! Wow, great customer service! Roads here have very little if any shoulder, potholes and the speed is 50 mph. I wear a Road ID bracelet now. I may even get them for my kids, just because.

Trek only gave me 20% on new 2016 year bikes - which are already marked up to the max - so in the end, I really wasn't getting much of a deal. So, I have decided to fix Billy Baroo, which makes me happy since I love that bike so much!
2015-08-20 3:18 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by firebert

Dave hope the road rash is healing up well and you found some relief from the pain.

You know, I noticed a few cyclists out for rides while I was on the bike course, and kept thinking of saying something like 'Hey you're going the wrong way!' but I was huffing and puffing a bit too much from the rolling hills. I don't know how you do the Wachusett climb thing, I had a hard enough time in Westborough!

Originally posted by Qua17

I am not a happy camper... I had my first serious wreck today while doing my last major interval workout before the HIM.... There was a pile of leaves and assorted junk in the road. I swerved to avoid it but felt the presence of the car behind me. When I swerved back towards the side of the road, I lost control of the bike. I managed to avoid the car (miracle) and the parking meter but slammed into the curb at about 15 miles an hour.

Bent my rim so I'll need a new front tire. Also bent my left handle bar but the real crusher is a cracked top tube. So it looks like I either need a new bike (Trek is going to make me an offer to replace the frame to keep me in a Trek). Ugh... I'm basically ok - but I have a serious case of road rash on my arm, shoulder and knee. It's still bleeding a bit - but . I put a hole in my ironman bike shirt and favorite pair of bike shorts.

For the record - I considered going to the gym to finish the intervals - I got 3.5 out of 5 done - but I'm really hurting. So, I'm gonna stay on the couch and watch nascar. After taking a shower which is gonna hurt like a mother.

In the it's a small world category - I biked through John's race today! I wish I'd come and cheered you on!

John - Westborough has some serious hill. That hill you go up on route 30 that goes under 495 (less than a mile from my house) is a killer.

I'm giving some thought to doing a late season century that includes Wachusett - You should do part or all of it with me.

Going up hills will make you a stronger - faster rider. Plus - the views from up there are great!
2015-08-20 3:20 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by MOlsen

Originally posted by firebert

Congrats! Read the race report, sounds great! Felt like I was there living it. Love the encouragement bit too for the first timer.

Originally posted by MOlsen

Congratulations to the racers!

I just did another race myself (race report) and despite swimming an extra lap and dropping my bike chain it was a good race. Later in the day I went for a beautiful bike ride through vineyards and ranches. Overall a great weekend.

Recently I switched pools, from a gym on the other side of town to the swim center close to my office. The difference in lunch time crowd is crazy, I used to think the gym's pool was crowded! From what I've heard the morning lap swim block is less crowded, I just need to get myself motivated to go swimming in the morning before work (didn't happen today).

At the end of last week I received an envelope from the race with a "1st" medal in it. Being a solid "middle of pack" (MOP) racer in a very competitive age group (M 40-45) I was a little dubious. I tracked down the race results and found that I placed 1st (out of 3) in my age group! Ah the joys of a small town event that didn't draw much competition

Managed to get some morning swims in this week. The pool is much less crowded in the morning however it will be closing soon for a few months (!) of maintenance. Guess it's back to the gym, hopefully the morning swim is not crowded so I can stop on my way to work.

Awesome! Congrats on the hardware! You should wear it around for a week!

2015-08-20 3:23 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by firebert

Ok this should be my race report from Sunday:

I'm really happy overall. I managed to swim faster, T1 a LOT faster than last time, and run faster! The bike was slower, but ~5 miles longer, and it was a lot hotter and more humid, plus more hilly. There wasn't really any true flat part. Only a couple actual hills, but everything was just rolling up and down, my derailleurs got a workout!

I did make the switch to my 'big boy' pedals - lol, about 4 days before race day! Wanted to do it right after my last tri, but life got in the way and work sucked all of my free time and ended up doing my mock tri with the flat pedals, then a couple training rides with the flat pedals....It was always "I have a half hour to spare, do I train or work on the bike?" and training won out. So it got resolved the week before the tri, then I found out I had the wrong cleats and that cost me another day (anyone have the old style Look ARC pedals and need some fresh cleats, let me know!). Anyway I practiced as much as I possibly could in those few days with the clipping. The Look Keos I think are too easy, much easier than the SPDs on the spin bikes - haha. But I am treading a fine line - don;t tell anyone, but I haven't fallen yet. Had a few near falls while practicing, had a ton of trouble taking off from the mount point at my race, but there hasn't been a fall yet...

Anyway I made sure to keep the whole race light hearted and thanked all my volunteers and all the police at the intersections. I also apologized profusely to the volunteer at the coned-off corner that I apexed so tightly that I knocked a cone over Made as many jokes as I could think of in line for the time trial start, and in and out of transition. My personal favorite, on the way in to T2 - "Does anyone remember where we parked?"

I was solo for this one - for my first race my wife and daughter were there to cheer me on, and I raced with a good friend of mine. This one they had a birthday party, my friend was doing 100 on 100 (100 mile relay) at Stowe... Other than probably seeing Dave out for a ride (pre-crash!) while I was on the bike course, it was me myself and I. Which is ok too - I've slept in for a few of my wife's tris at this point

The big question in my mind though, the constantly burning question, is WHAT'S NEXT? I wanted to do the Buzzard's Bay sprint on Sept 20th, but the swim is a 1/3rd mile at a beach notorious for swimmer rescues form the undertow. There's the possibility of PilgrimMan, which I believe Dave did last year. The hills on the bike on that one though, sheesh. I mean it's not mountainous or anything by any stretch but it's just this long stretch of state forest fire roads up, and down, and up, and down... Anyway right now the only actual thing I have booked is a 10k on February, and talk about a half/marathon relay with Dave later in February. I need something else!

I've done both. My vote would be Buzzards Bay. I don't remember a current. In fact - the race was a low tide and I could have stood up for much of the way. It's a beautiful course. Pilgramman was new last year and it was poorly organized. I think I will be better this year - but the people that do Buzzards Bay put on a great race.
2015-08-20 3:32 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
A quick check in...

My road rash is healing slowly. It still hurts like a mother but now feels better since I took the wrappings off and just have it covered in antibacterial gel. Shoulder is still a little sore. I can raise it over my head without wincing but still can't sleep on it. Hoping to get in the pool tonight after everyone has used it to test the shoulder out.

I have decided to keep my bike. I didn't feel like I got a good enough deal from Trek so I paid 100 for a new wheel and will have the top tube patched for a couple hundred next week. I should have the bike for the race. Doing the race on a bike I'd never put anytime in on seemed stupid and I think would hurt my chances of breaking my goal of 7 hours.

I'm still trying to get in my workouts. While I haven't been able to swim, I've still be able to bike and run. The sweat and movement hurt the abrasions but I take a few advil before the workout and just grit my teeth. I have put in way too much effort to wimp out now.

Charles is coming out to do the race and racing with a fellow BDASer will be fun!

Congrats to all those who raced last weekend. Does anyone have any races coming up?
2015-08-20 3:34 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Speaking of races coming up...

Here is a virtual 10K called Run Now Beer Later Virtual Run - where for 32 bucks you get a tee shirt and a medal that doubles as a bottle opener!

Anyone interested?
2015-08-20 4:22 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Great job on your race, John! First time on clip-less pedals on race day? Brave!

2015-08-21 5:20 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Great job, Mark!

Dave, good to hear that bike/job/crash issues are moving forward, sloooowly, but take the "half full" approach!

ORBEA is a spanish brand of bikes, they provide bikes from low range to Tour de France/Giro/Vuelta professional riders and now to triathletes as well. But my guess is that there must be 2 or 3 frame factories in the world (and most in China), then, they will put stickers with Orbea/Trek/Specialized or whatever brand, so as mentioned before, I would pay attention to fitting and components (I upgraded mine from Tiagra -lowest range- to 105 and it does make a big difference, don´t know about weight but about precision and security) -and if you find a trustable LBS, will make your life much easier.

Jealous of Jenn's ride, so I am posting a pic from yesterdays ride, from sea level to 3900 feet in 25km.


2015-08-21 5:20 AM
in reply to: MOlsen

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Great job, Mark!

Dave, good to hear that bike/job/crash issues are moving forward, sloooowly, but take the "half full" approach!

ORBEA is a spanish brand of bikes, they provide bikes from low range to Tour de France/Giro/Vuelta professional riders and now to triathletes as well. But my guess is that there must be 2 or 3 frame factories in the world (and most in China), then, they will put stickers with Orbea/Trek/Specialized or whatever brand, so as mentioned before, I would pay attention to fitting and components (I upgraded mine from Tiagra -lowest range- to 105 and it does make a big difference, don´t know about weight but about precision and security) -and if you find a trustable LBS, will make your life much easier.

Jealous of Jenn's ride, so I am posting a pic from yesterdays ride, from sea level to 3900 feet in 25km.



IMG_1019.jpg (104KB - 7 downloads)
2015-08-21 8:04 AM
in reply to: #5135878

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Juan, that is just beautiful!! I'm picturing a stop with a nice Tempranillo, a baguette, and maybe cheese and grapes and a bit of salty meat. Ahhhhh
2015-08-21 2:45 PM
in reply to: #5136179

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dave that looks like fun! I would've signed up but an hour ago I registered for the Hogwarts Running Club 9 3/4k (not sure if you will get the reference, platform number kids got picked up at to go to Hogwarts - Harry Potter was part of my childhood). Really quite a long race, but I plan on running/walking it on the 29th with some friends!

Good luck to everyone racing this weekend! I'm going to try to swing by a few stores to just look at their bikes this weekend to get an idea where I want to go once I'm ready to purchase my new bike in a few weeks. Ran and swam this morning, thinking about going to the gym and hopping on the stationary bike, but not really sure.
2015-08-21 3:38 PM
in reply to: #5136243

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hi all! Been away for a few days visiting the in laws. Workouts worked around getting nagged.

Yesterday I took a rest day and then today I was feeling a little like I am getting behind due to the unscheduled rest (I'm not. I just don't like to change my schedule once planned). So, I did a tri today! Ok, more that I did three workouts, one in each discipline. Bike before work. Lunchtime swim lesson. Run when I got home. Didn't even really think about it at all until I was half done with the run. That was unscheduled, it was just so beautiful when I got home I had to go!
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