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2009-06-11 9:48 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done.

I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mamogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.

2009-06-11 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2210059

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-06-11 10:48 AM Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done. I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mammogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.

So many of these turn out to be nothing so think especially positive thoughts at this time.

Let us know what happens!

2009-06-11 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2210059

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-06-11 9:48 AM Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done. I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mamogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.

Nicole is right -- they always err on the side of caution.  But I certainly will keep you in my thoughts!

2009-06-11 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Thanks never let me down!!!!! I'm thinking postive thoughts!

I'm very excited about meeting Julie IN this weekend....I'm going to really enjoy the experience!!!
I'm going to get pictures to post here and on FB.
2009-06-11 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2210636

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-06-11 12:01 PM Thanks never let me down!!!!! I'm thinking postive thoughts! I'm very excited about meeting Julie IN this weekend....I'm going to really enjoy the experience!!! I'm going to get pictures to post here and on FB.

Can't wait to see the pics!  Enjoy yourself and go get 'em!!!

2009-06-11 12:04 PM
in reply to: #2210059

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-06-11 7:48 AM Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done. I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mamogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.

prayers heading your way! and remember that if you need to talk to call me...I am just a phone call away...and a great listener! I also went thru this 20 plus years ago. Please dont hesitate to call me, email me, pm me......hugs..I will definitely check in tomorrow to see how you are...please keep us posted! TAKE CARE AMY! will go to a early morning church service for you tomorrow.

2009-06-11 12:06 PM
in reply to: #2210636

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-06-11 10:01 AM Thanks never let me down!!!!! I'm thinking postive thoughts! I'm very excited about meeting Julie IN this weekend....I'm going to really enjoy the experience!!! I'm going to get pictures to post here and on FB.

have fun this weekend! we will be there in spirit with both of you!

2009-06-11 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Morning all...I went out on a huge group mtn bike ride last nite...and I had such a good time...I have decided to join a tri group so that I have the commadery with biking/running/swimming. And I am also going to be cross training every Wednesday nite with this fun group. We end up back at the bike shop and have dinner/beer/socialize....great fun...last nite I got home way after my bed time...I think we walked in the door around 10:30.

Hope everyone has a great day. Who else besides Julie and Amy are racing this weekend? anybody?

any special plans?

2009-06-11 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2209026

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-10 9:34 PM
maxmansmom - 2009-06-10 9:13 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-10 6:46 PM

maxmansmom - 2009-06-09 5:25 PM So the other day when i got into the water, I got too cold and shocked......had a hard time getting my breath and timing back.   It really rattled me, plus at the tri there will be women all over the pool...........  I'd hate to panick in 4 ft of water ! LOL
They say we can warm up in teh pool, but at some point you have to line up ad wait....... I worry I'll get all cold again and do the same freak out at my turn........ any thoughts on this ?

like Cheri wont soon even think about it...once you get going...

just take some loong big deeeeep breaths and remember to go nice and smooth...just like swimming laps....dont think about the people watching/yelling...or the ones that will be trying to pass...instead think about the ones you will be passing and the big smile you will have when you are getting out and heading to T1~ you will do great Julie! is Amy going to race with you?

Thank you ! Yes, you guys I get to meet my sweet Amy M on Saturday night at the early body marking...I'm just giddy !!! 

I've never heard of early body marking. Cool!

Are you doing dinner together or anything?

We just have plans to meet around 5 that night at the park where they will mark us
2009-06-11 1:08 PM
in reply to: #2210059

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-06-11 10:48 AM Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done. I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mamogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.

Ok, sorry you have to get squished again ! Prayers on the way as we speak !
2009-06-11 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2210636

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-06-11 1:01 PM Thanks never let me down!!!!! I'm thinking postive thoughts! I'm very excited about meeting Julie IN this weekend....I'm going to really enjoy the experience!!! I'm going to get pictures to post here and on FB.

I'm all in for this one ! Can't wait to see MY Amy !!!

2009-06-11 4:04 PM
in reply to: #2210059

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL) very first mammogram I was called back for a diagnostic at the hospital.  From there, I was transferred to the Ultrasound Dept. for yet another scan.  I was a mess!  In the end, everything turned out normal.  I have had two mammograms since and both have come back o.k.  I know it is easy to say, but try not to's probably nothing.  In the're in my thoughts and prayers.

Good luck with weekend.  I am so looking forward to seeing pictures of you and Julie.

Take care everyone.


amy mutz - 2009-06-11 7:48 AM Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done. I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mamogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.

2009-06-11 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Thanks everyone!!!!!! With you all behind me I know I won't fall!!!!!

I will let you know something tomorrow. I fear not, because the Lord is with me.

Have a great and Julie will definately get pics will be so much fun!!!!
2009-06-11 9:24 PM
in reply to: #2210059

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Amy, prayers and hugs headed your way!! 

amy mutz - 2009-06-11 9:48 AM Sorry I have been absent much lately, it has been very busy here and just trying to get er done. I'm asking for prayer from the group, I had a mamogram Tuesday and they called today and said they found something suspicious so I'm going in tomorrow for a prayer is that of course they find nothing, I know how powerful prayer is in numbers so if you feel inclined....Thank you!!!! It's at 2:15 tomorrow...I will let you know.
2009-06-12 7:24 AM
in reply to: #2210672

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-11 12:09 PM

Hope everyone has a great day. Who else besides Julie and Amy are racing this weekend? anybody?

Karen has a 10K this afternoon!  Good luck to Julie, Amy and Karen!!
2009-06-12 8:04 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Good luck Karen !!!!!!!!
Good luck Amy!!!!!
woooohooo !

2009-06-12 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sending up super prayers for Amy today !!!
2009-06-12 6:26 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Ok...I can breath now. Very good news at the breast center....I was told it only showed up one time out of 5, so it was probably a piece of bent skin or something like that. I didn't tell you my entire history...but I have had two lumps removed, one at 18 and one at needless to say I get a bit unnerved when they call me back in.

Thanks for all you support.......I can't tell you how good it made me feel that people cared and took the time to pray or think of me...

Now Julie...lets kick butt this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post pics after race.

Thanks again everyone!!!!!
2009-06-12 7:49 PM
in reply to: #2214558

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-06-12 6:26 PM Ok...I can breath now. Very good news at the breast center....I was told it only showed up one time out of 5, so it was probably a piece of bent skin or something like that. I didn't tell you my entire history...but I have had two lumps removed, one at 18 and one at needless to say I get a bit unnerved when they call me back in. Thanks for all you support.......I can't tell you how good it made me feel that people cared and took the time to pray or think of me... Now Julie...lets kick butt this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post pics after race. Thanks again everyone!!!!! Amy

That is the best news!  Now go get 'em!!!!!

2009-06-13 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2214558

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-06-12 7:26 PM Ok...I can breath now. Very good news at the breast center....I was told it only showed up one time out of 5, so it was probably a piece of bent skin or something like that. I didn't tell you my entire history...but I have had two lumps removed, one at 18 and one at needless to say I get a bit unnerved when they call me back in. Thanks for all you support.......I can't tell you how good it made me feel that people cared and took the time to pray or think of me... Now Julie...lets kick butt this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will post pics after race. Thanks again everyone!!!!! Amy

WOOHOO ! I am so happy !
I'M ALL IN AMY............... LET'S ROCK THIS TRI!!!!!!!  5:00 ish tonight I get to see my Amy, I'm  all bouncy happy about this !! Plus how cool will it be to have numbers marked on my body ON PURPOSE ?......... I already love today !!
2009-06-13 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I found out that there are 2 Julie Halter's in this race tomorrow.  I'll be interrested to see what age group she is in......I'd get a kick to find her and take a pic with her ! lol

I really wanted to thank you all for the personal inspires, and for encouragement along the way.  I also want to thank Nicole for the bike pedal cages, and just advice from you all. Without your help I'd just really have no idea how to go into all of this.
Honestly I am pretty confident in my training, I just hope to have no mechanical bike problems .... other than that, I'm just glad to be doing this !
Sooooooo, for my big day tomorrow (and yes this is my only tri this year)..... I say HUGS TO YOU ALL !!! Thanks for getting me here TEAM !!!

2009-06-13 11:51 AM
in reply to: #2215122

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-06-13 10:20 AM I found out that there are 2 Julie Halter's in this race tomorrow.  I'll be interrested to see what age group she is in......I'd get a kick to find her and take a pic with her ! lol

I really wanted to thank you all for the personal inspires, and for encouragement along the way.  I also want to thank Nicole for the bike pedal cages, and just advice from you all. Without your help I'd just really have no idea how to go into all of this.
Honestly I am pretty confident in my training, I just hope to have no mechanical bike problems .... other than that, I'm just glad to be doing this !
Sooooooo, for my big day tomorrow (and yes this is my only tri this year)..... I say HUGS TO YOU ALL !!! Thanks for getting me here TEAM !!!

Julie, trust in your training and try to have fun. Be awesome!
2009-06-13 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I got out on my tri bike today, the first time in many weeks. It is sooo much fun!
2009-06-13 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2215110

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-06-13 7:12 AM
WOOHOO ! I am so happy !
I'M ALL IN AMY............... LET'S ROCK THIS TRI!!!!!!!  5:00 ish tonight I get to see my Amy, I'm  all bouncy happy about this !! Plus how cool will it be to have numbers marked on my body ON PURPOSE ?......... I already love today !!

You go, girls! I know it's too late for you to get this before you race, but I'm thinking of you and cheering you on tomorrow!

Karen - I hope your 10k went well!

2009-06-13 7:36 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I didn't get to go to packet pick-up today due to the time change in counties and picking up my son from football camp. Now...I have to leave my house at 4:00am to get there for pick-up and set-up....yikes.
I'm very exctied to meet Julie and have some pictures to share with our awesome group, you guys are going to love them and there will be hugs all around The wheater is going to be nice no storms until later in the day.
I want to thank everyone in this group that helped me through some really tough times... I finally feel I have turned the corner on my health and see light at the end of the tunnel. This group has inpired me, lifted me up and just been great!!!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!! This race is for all of I will smile the entire time no matter what occurs

Love from Indiana
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