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2009-06-19 10:41 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hello Gang!
Sorry for being MIA...I have been reading, smiling and cheering for you all!

Congratulations, Julie and Amy for your tri's last weekend! So cool to hear that it was such a positive experience for you!

Cheri, good luck with your race tomorrow! I know you are going to have a blast!

Well, there's great news and there's rotten news for me....
Starting with great...School is finally done for the year! Yippeeee! (And kids always think they are the only ones who count down the days ) Tons of time to relax and train.

Rotten news...not much training in the form of running, it is official and I have a stress fracture. The doc said it was fairly significant as it was the full circumference of the bone. 6-12 wks of healing so I am halfway there. sigh...definitely frustrating as the weather is finally better, and I now have lots of time. I have been trying to up my calcium intake and I am signed up for a bone density test too since osteoporosis does run in my family and the doctor said that there is some cause for concern as this is my second stress fracture and yet I have been doing weight-bearing activities all my life. Hopefully the results will be fine and an extra glass of milk a day will do the trick.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Any other racers besides Cheri?

Nalani, will you be posting a wedding pic? HIM pic? I still think you are absolutely nuts to have done those back to back!! But just goes to show how organized and together you are! HUGE congratulations to you on both counts!

2009-06-20 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Cheri, I am holding up this sign for you all day

"Move right, Cheri is the girl passing on the left" !!!

WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by maxmansmom 2009-06-20 11:08 PM
2009-06-20 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Just took a peak on Cheri's training log.  Well done Cheri.  Looking forward to reading your race report.

Was there anyone else racing this weekend? 

Yvonne...sorry to hear about the stress fracture.  Can you do some pool running?  What about the swimming and biking?  Are you allowed to continue with those? 

Julee...we couldn't ask for a better mentor.  Just take care of what you need to and remember we are here for you too.

Have taken a few days off of work to try to get my house on the market.  The next few days will be really busy, but will try to pop-in to see how everyone is doing.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone. 



2009-06-20 10:03 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Thank you all for being so supportive.  I really didn't mean to sound so melodramatic...  I put a lot of stress on myself, and then got doubly stressed out by the weather forecast.  Turns out everyone is affected by the heat and humidity -- who would have thought?   So I did fine, I wrote a race report, and I promise to try to not be so "drama queen" in the future!

2009-06-21 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2231360

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-20 10:03 PM

Thank you all for being so supportive.  I really didn't mean to sound so melodramatic...  I put a lot of stress on myself, and then got doubly stressed out by the weather forecast.  Turns out everyone is affected by the heat and humidity -- who would have thought?   So I did fine, I wrote a race report, and I promise to try to not be so "drama queen" in the future!

Cheri, congrats on a great race ... #1 and you were worried. I knew once you got out there, you'd be great!!  And I totally understand the heat issue ... I am really struggling.  The forecast this week is for 100 degrees (actual temp, not heat index) for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  This is August weather, not June weather. With the humidity it is like a sauna. I think yesterday (even getting out before 6:30) was the hottest I've ever been. Guess I could resort to the treadmill  ...  ugh!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  After a birthday party on Friday, and another on Saturday, for my 11 year old, my DH and I are chill'n in the pool today (well as best we can in 90+ degree water) ... it's Father's Day, and he has declared adult swim all day!

2009-06-21 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2231360

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-20 11:03 PM

Thank you all for being so supportive.  I really didn't mean to sound so melodramatic...  I put a lot of stress on myself, and then got doubly stressed out by the weather forecast.  Turns out everyone is affected by the heat and humidity -- who would have thought?   So I did fine, I wrote a race report, and I promise to try to not be so "drama queen" in the future!

Congrats on another 1st place finish!

2009-06-21 2:16 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I had a bad, frustrating ride today: wet roads, strong winds, 2.5 miles of recently milled roads, didn't feel 100% even at the start, and I dropped my chain twice. After the second drop I was ready to throw the bike into the ditch! I thought I finally had it all working properly. I guess I'll drop it at the LBS tomorrow and see if they can do something with it.
2009-06-21 5:30 PM
in reply to: #2232004

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-21 1:16 PM I had a bad, frustrating ride today: wet roads, strong winds, 2.5 miles of recently milled roads, didn't feel 100% even at the start, and I dropped my chain twice. After the second drop I was ready to throw the bike into the ditch! I thought I finally had it all working properly. I guess I'll drop it at the LBS tomorrow and see if they can do something with it.

Nicole, sorry to hear that today's ride wasn't a good one for you. I suppose we all have a few tough ones...all the better when they are not on race day and glad that you can vent to us! Hope the LBS can help you get it all sorted out.
2009-06-21 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2232203

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2009-06-21 6:30 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-21 1:16 PM I had a bad, frustrating ride today: wet roads, strong winds, 2.5 miles of recently milled roads, didn't feel 100% even at the start, and I dropped my chain twice. After the second drop I was ready to throw the bike into the ditch! I thought I finally had it all working properly. I guess I'll drop it at the LBS tomorrow and see if they can do something with it.

Nicole, sorry to hear that today's ride wasn't a good one for you. I suppose we all have a few tough ones...all the better when they are not on race day and glad that you can vent to us! Hope the LBS can help you get it all sorted out.

I'm planning to use this bike in just a few weekends for my next tri. I need to feel some confidence that my shifts won't leave me on the side of the road fixing my chain!
2009-06-22 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2232546

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-21 9:44 PM
run_yc_run - 2009-06-21 6:30 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-21 1:16 PM I had a bad, frustrating ride today: wet roads, strong winds, 2.5 miles of recently milled roads, didn't feel 100% even at the start, and I dropped my chain twice. After the second drop I was ready to throw the bike into the ditch! I thought I finally had it all working properly. I guess I'll drop it at the LBS tomorrow and see if they can do something with it.

Nicole, sorry to hear that today's ride wasn't a good one for you. I suppose we all have a few tough ones...all the better when they are not on race day and glad that you can vent to us! Hope the LBS can help you get it all sorted out.

I'm planning to use this bike in just a few weekends for my next tri. I need to feel some confidence that my shifts won't leave me on the side of the road fixing my chain!

 If anyone can figure out this chain business it's you !!!
2009-06-22 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2234880

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-06-22 4:13 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-21 9:44 PM
run_yc_run - 2009-06-21 6:30 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-21 1:16 PM I had a bad, frustrating ride today: wet roads, strong winds, 2.5 miles of recently milled roads, didn't feel 100% even at the start, and I dropped my chain twice. After the second drop I was ready to throw the bike into the ditch! I thought I finally had it all working properly. I guess I'll drop it at the LBS tomorrow and see if they can do something with it.

Nicole, sorry to hear that today's ride wasn't a good one for you. I suppose we all have a few tough ones...all the better when they are not on race day and glad that you can vent to us! Hope the LBS can help you get it all sorted out.

I'm planning to use this bike in just a few weekends for my next tri. I need to feel some confidence that my shifts won't leave me on the side of the road fixing my chain!

 If anyone can figure out this chain business it's you !!!

Thank you for your confidence in me. Unfortunately, my confidence in the bike is currently low.

I'm debating between giving it another try at adjustment based on some stuff I learned on my other forum, buying a new derailleur and hoping that solves everything, or just giving it to the LBS and hoping they can solve the problem. I really like knowing how to do this stuff myself but I've only got two more weekends I can ride this bike before my next tri so it needs to get worked out ASAP!

I did find a front derailleur that's supposed to be specific for this kind of set up but I was just told that it's usually used to solve the problem of dropping the chain to the inside, not the outside like I have.

2009-06-22 5:51 PM
in reply to: #2228000

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-06-18 6:39 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-18 8:31 PM

by the way...I have a niece who is now registered on BT (IronbabeHeather)...Im hoping that you will all go by and say hi to her...she is training for the ironman Cozumel in November and is new to all this! she is jumping in with both feet! she is needing some direction....and bt commradery!

btw, when you say "new to all this" I hope you mean BT and not triathlon; I hope an IM isn't her first tri!

nope but almost! she has done a few...she is strong, young and I have to hand it to her....she is proving everyone wrong like I did a few years back before joining this fabulous site. I will never forget the looks I got when I said with a cigarette in my hand...I think I will do a triathlon - I was almost 40-50 lbs bigger and smoking like a steamshovel!....and I proved all those big eyes and doubts of finishing or even starting a triathlon....and I LOVE THIS TRI STUFF!!! but yes, are sooooo right...this is an ironman and the GRANDADDY OF ALL TRIS and I know it will be a challenge...but if anyone can do it...she will! me, I will be on the sidelines with big sign, pina collada and cowbells in hand.

2009-06-22 6:03 PM
in reply to: #2229968

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-06-19 2:53 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-18 8:31 PM

maxmansmom - 2009-06-14 4:59 PM

Hi Team !  WOW, today was just so awesome !
First off I am walking across the transition area and I hear "JULIE ?"...... there in front of me in living color was our own lovely AMY M !!!!  I got to hug her, it was super to see her for real !  She is so sweet !
She gave me an awesome shirt and hoodie that she designed with the BT Girl Passing on the left group,
We have pictures but mine are blurrrrrrrrryyyyyy  I think I had something on the lense.  HOPEFULLY Amy's pics will be much better than mine.  I met her husband and Lacy..... felt like I knew them !

I felt like I knew what I was doing (Thanks to all of you)!  My swim was great to begin with and about two lanes in I got into traffic. Managed to get through one just in time to get into another one.  I got kicked in the face, Mark has a picture of it out of luck ! lol She had turned over on her back and I got up on her and WHAM!   Had to stand up to figure out an escape route. lol

My swim time was 12 minutes (that also includes the run from the pool to my transition, so I swam it in less than 12 WOOHOO) !

T1  2:26,  bike 37:26:30, T2 1:55:90 run 34:33:15
My group the Rubber Ducky Swim Club was cheering as I came through, I was the last to start of our group and there they were, waiting to cheer for me ! I was thrilled !!
It seems I have at least in this race become a middle of the packer...... and being the only one of my group not to get a trophy, I think it is trophy enough for a first timer.
ALSO my dear sweet little Lexi was so proud of that finishers medal ! She wore it around for quite awhile.
I slept a few hours, got up and wow, left ball of my foot must be bruised, I think maybe from my pedal ....not sure why.
I did nothing all day, I was far more tired than I ever thought I would be. JUST DRAINED ! lol
Amy, sorry I did not say goodbye, I lost track of you.
I am so glad to meet you......... wanna plan lunch someday ? I'd love to visit, maybe take a walk with you !
It was a great day !!!!!

I am soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that I was not around for your big day! I have had some major personal issues going on! and as much as I am not going to make excuses...I hope you will understand! I am soooooooooooo proud of you! sounds like you had a fabulous race and I am tickled that you and Amy finally met! also jealous as Amy and I have talked about meeting for a few years now....and we will Amy!!! I promise you!

congrats on your race Julie! I am going to go to facebook and check it out! I will be online Sunday as I am working and will have lots of computer time! I promise to come and make up inspires to EACH and EVERY one of you! I feel like a real HEAL for my absence, but I have had some tough things I am dealing with...

love you all and I PROMISE to be better!

by the way...I have a niece who is now registered on BT (IronbabeHeather)...Im hoping that you will all go by and say hi to her...she is training for the ironman Cozumel in November and is new to all this! she is jumping in with both feet! she is needing some direction....and bt commradery!

have a great day/week and will make sure to stop by each of your training logs on Sunday to see how you are...what you are doing...


My girl you owe no apologies, we all have life outside of tri !  I know you wish us all well, and you are only one person. you can't do it all !! BUT you do so much for us all !
HUGS and you were all at my race with me !! You always are !

thanks Jules! I really feel badly and sometimes I sooo want to get online...but now that I got my laptop and we are wireless I will take it with me to work and try to be better!

I dont want you all to think that I left you or that I dont care....cuz that is so not true! I love you all like sisters and brothers and want  nothing better then for you to go forward and become all you have set out for yourselves!

I am sooo proud of all of you and your accomplishments...when you are happy, I am happy...when you are down...this makes me sad and down for you too! So with that said...hope everyone is having a great day/week...and that if you race this weekend that you have a very successful race and that you finish with a smile! have a great day!

I may race!? I am in the process of buying a mtn bike. My friend who was paralyzed is having one of his summer series races and we are going to go to is at the mouth of Yosemite and should be lots of fun...from what I hear John (my paralyzed friend) will be there because it is his birthday and the race director is bringing him....will be great to see him... I am happy to say that I have found all kinds of great items to give to him for his race raffle.....I have had many of the people that I raced with years ago who have stepped up and mailed me some great items....(jerseys, shorts, bike frame, tires...) Tinker Juarez who many of you may not know is our Olympic bicyclists and he sent me all kinds of autographed items to raffle...I was amazed at his generosity...but he has always been super nice and very accomodating as a racer....nicest of the NICEST!

if any of you have any new items, clothes, bike, helmets, gloves...and you want to donate to this cause...we DEEPLY appreciate it.....we are trying to raise money for a van for him. He now sits inside and goes nowhere cuz his wheelchair is massive and he has no way to get out and about....

thanks! have a great day and good luck to all of you who may be racing this weekend....

Cheri right?

anyone else?

2009-06-22 7:18 PM
in reply to: #2234986

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-22 4:36 PM
Thank you for your confidence in me. Unfortunately, my confidence in the bike is currently low.

I'm debating between giving it another try at adjustment based on some stuff I learned on my other forum, buying a new derailleur and hoping that solves everything, or just giving it to the LBS and hoping they can solve the problem. I really like knowing how to do this stuff myself but I've only got two more weekends I can ride this bike before my next tri so it needs to get worked out ASAP!

I did find a front derailleur that's supposed to be specific for this kind of set up but I was just told that it's usually used to solve the problem of dropping the chain to the inside, not the outside like I have.

I had my bike in the car and swung over to the LBS after work. The wonderful mechanics there took a look at it right away, made some adjustments on the spot, and returned the bike to me. Hopefully this will work.

When I wheeled the bike into the store one of the staff said "Wow, what is that? I've never seen a bike like that!" This really made me smile :)
2009-06-22 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2235513

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-06-22 5:18 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-22 4:36 PM
Thank you for your confidence in me. Unfortunately, my confidence in the bike is currently low.

I'm debating between giving it another try at adjustment based on some stuff I learned on my other forum, buying a new derailleur and hoping that solves everything, or just giving it to the LBS and hoping they can solve the problem. I really like knowing how to do this stuff myself but I've only got two more weekends I can ride this bike before my next tri so it needs to get worked out ASAP!

I did find a front derailleur that's supposed to be specific for this kind of set up but I was just told that it's usually used to solve the problem of dropping the chain to the inside, not the outside like I have.

I had my bike in the car and swung over to the LBS after work. The wonderful mechanics there took a look at it right away, made some adjustments on the spot, and returned the bike to me. Hopefully this will work.

When I wheeled the bike into the store one of the staff said "Wow, what is that? I've never seen a bike like that!" This really made me smile

its nice having a SUWEEEET bike....good for you for getting them to fix it in front of you...that way you can see what they did.

Have fun on your next ride...hope they fixed your chain throwing issues.....nothing more frustrating then throwing your chain!

2009-06-22 9:21 PM
in reply to: #2235363

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-22 6:03 PM

thanks! have a great day and good luck to all of you who may be racing this weekend....

Cheri right?

Hmm... no, I raced on Saturday.  Got some hardware, though.

2009-06-22 11:50 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

HI all !!!
Well I am checking in, I went back over my blog that I started back in October. I wanted to see what my first post was compared to where I am now. I cracked up!  I did go ahead and post it on my training log for today, if you want a funny read check it out !
I swear one day I'll get back to individual inspires !!!!!  Good luck, safety and good training to all of you !!

2009-06-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #2235771

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Sledge - 2009-06-22 7:21 PM

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-22 6:03 PM

thanks! have a great day and good luck to all of you who may be racing this weekend....

Cheri right?

Hmm... no, I raced on Saturday.  Got some hardware, though.

congrats! way to go Cheri!! you must have been very happy! cuz I remember you being concerned about your swim and bike portion....YOU GO GIRL!

2009-06-23 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2235980

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-06-22 9:50 PM

HI all !!!
Well I am checking in, I went back over my blog that I started back in October. I wanted to see what my first post was compared to where I am now. I cracked up!  I did go ahead and post it on my training log for today, if you want a funny read check it out !
I swear one day I'll get back to individual inspires !!!!!  Good luck, safety and good training to all of you !!

that is WAY funny! you have come a long way baby! and you are now a triathlete!

I too will TRI do better on inspires! I used to be soo good at sending a daily one...I probably will not be able to do that again...but will try to send out at least one a week!

have a great week! sorry agan for my latest absence! I am back and with a vengeance (sp?)...I am heading to the pool today! and on my own without being pushed in! ~~that's a start, right!?

2009-06-23 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2235980

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 12:50 AM

HI all !!!
Well I am checking in, I went back over my blog that I started back in October. I wanted to see what my first post was compared to where I am now. I cracked up!  I did go ahead and post it on my training log for today, if you want a funny read check it out !
I swear one day I'll get back to individual inspires !!!!!  Good luck, safety and good training to all of you !!

I didn't see it in your log today but I went back to the original source. You've come so far! I hope you are enormously proud of what you have accomplished and I hope that you will continue to swim/bike/run even if your tri season is finished.

BTW I've been meaning to ask: what's the meaning of your username?
2009-06-23 10:57 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

2009-06-24 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2238622

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 10:57 PM Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

Sounds like a plan, but did you forget about that half marathon you are going to start training for??  Wink

Edited by lufferly 2009-06-24 8:18 AM
2009-06-24 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Update on my bike:

I did a morning ride on the tri bike to see how the FD adjustments are doing. The good news: no dropped chains! The bad news: I sometimes had trouble getting the chain to go onto the large ring and if I was on the large ring and using the two smallest cogs I had FD chain rub and couldn't trim out to stop it. I guess I need a slight adjustment out on the high limit.

Next ride: Saturday or Sunday
2009-06-24 6:32 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi everyone...

Trish - Congratulations on winning your age group in last weekends swim! that time KICKS BOOTY! and in those conditions! YOU ROCK!!! please come coach me!!!! and KIU!

Cheri - You just go...even when you say you are tired...and then there is torture Dan hats off to you for all you do...even when you say you have no mojo - You are on incredible gal...I hope that you can rub off on me. Lord knows that I lost my mojo there for some time...and still dont feel like I am going full force!?!?

Nalani - Our newlywed...sounds like life is it should be. You are another one that never slows....even when she has a BIG wedding to plan. Thanks for all the always seem to know when to come by...and nudge me to the pool...or just say HI! thanks...and tell that guy of yours HI~ did he change his avatar? seems he is now a red X not the monkey one he used to have....

Andria...where are you...I see you are working out like you always are our Energizer Bunny that just keeps going and going and going....hope you will stop by and let us know how you are....and share your secrets on how you never matter what pain you are in! You truly are my hero....I dont see how you do it!

Nicole you will eventually get your bike dialed in...your persistence will pay off! Thanks for being a huge part of this group. You always have so much you offer thanks!

Amy good to see you back...and racing! your tshirts look great! now I see why you are so busy with work...looks like you do a great job! Glad you got your clean bill of health. God does answer prayers! 

Julie - I am sure that you will train well no matter what you decide to do...I am also doing either a half marathon or maybe a full in October too...that is if I can get ready in time! lets train together! I am doing the local rock n roll...I heard it was a blast

Lyssa - saw on you blog that you are go! who cares that pie pie is running circles around you...glad to see you out again.

Lisa - hoping the pool was not soooo hot today...cant believe how warm it has been there and no rain...that is soooo unusual for that area.

Helen - I am sending super good luck thought waves to are going to rock your race. Have fun...remember all your training....and just go do your thing.... Will be there in spirit with you.

Dan hope your trip is going well! we miss you and your windy bike stories....hope you have nice calm weather and are doing exactly what you want to be doing on your vacation! have fun!

Scott...we miss you and know that you are lurking about...come say hi when you can!

all you others....hoping you will find your way back to us or to BT.....the sun isnt shining as bright around here without you!


I am getting ready to head out on mtn bike ride tonight. our bike shop sets up a wednesday nite ride for all its customers/community...its amazing the amount of people who show up..All levels. We go in different groups and ride til dusk....then we head back and have good eats and a beer or two...tonight I am bringing a bottle of red wine.....

hope you all had a great hump day!



2009-06-24 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2241095

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-24 6:32 PM

Lisa - hoping the pool was not soooo hot today...cant believe how warm it has been there and no rain...that is soooo unusual for that area.

An all time record high for June of 104 degrees today. I left the gym at 9:45pm and it was still 95 degrees out. Didn't even bother with the pool. I've been trying to keep myself as hydrated as possible in preparation for my race this weekend. Just hard to drink a lot when you have an hour long commute home with light traffic ... tough if you get behind an accident! 

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