BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business Rss Feed  
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2015-09-01 8:06 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

I have decided to run a Half Marathon for team St. Jude. I have never done fund raising before and reached out to Dave who gave me some great advise.

I have decided to run this race and raise money for St. Jude because of the great work they do for childhood cancers. I don't think I have ever shared with the group that I lost my youngest daughter 4 years ago. I have felt a push to help sick children and their parents ever since. I remember feeling sad, mad, but mostly alone. I am hoping by doing this some of the parents will realize they are not alone and people are thinking of them and praying for them. My wife started a support group for parents of loss, but I have never been so good at expressing my feelings (my wife calls me a robot). I am including a link to the page. It is pretty generic right now but I plan to add more as time goes on.

Done! I am so sorry, I have no words.

2015-09-01 8:30 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Good evening! I hope everyone is well!

I'm in taper week for my final tri of the season this Saturday at 07:00. I have definitely been trying to work hard these last couple of weeks (but have slacked in my running a bit). My gut was off for about a week but I'm pretty much back to normal. My sleep is now off - 4 of the last 5 nights I've been up at either 2:30 or 3:30 to use the restroom but end up wide awake for the rest of the night. I've got a lot kicking in at work this week and the race so my DH thinks I'm subconsciously stressing. Probably true - but man I'm mentally toast. I have really focused on food this last week and for example this morning I woke up physically feeling strong and ready to go (but mentally I could barely function). I'm happy I'm factoring in more and better foods (love me some sweet potatoes and avocados!!). I really planned on getting in a workout today - seriously surprised I didn't. I had to speak for an hour and a half to our aviation senior college class and that was all I could handle mentally. I have been riding bikes with my kids to and from school every day since last week - but that only amounts to 4 miles on my mountain bike - but it's something, and I love encouraging my kids in this.
Tomorrow I have the day to myself so I may do a short trifecta just to keep everything moving.

So....I'm still running the same tire on my front wheel from when I bought my bike last April...of 2014.... I have another tire to put on (and new tube)...debating if I should get it done tomorrow so it will be ready for this weekend. Input please. Or should I just run it as is? It doesn't look bad - but what the heck do I know? It's been on there for 1.5 years, been through 2 Oly's, 2 sprints, an Aquabike for a HIM and all the training that goes with it.. I know if I change the tire I should always change the tube too. (I can't remember if it's the same tube or not. I had a flat last year but can't remember if it was front or back). I changed everything on the back in mid-June before my Aquabike.
2015-09-01 9:09 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
If it was me I wouldn't put my race on the line over a question of 'I have a new tire and tube ready to go but it looks fine...'. I'd get that stuff swapped out for peace of mind. Then keep the old ones for a trainer tire or whatever. Not that I can talk - I've been racing and training on a wheel I know to have cracks in it.

I did finally suck it up and decide on some training wheels btw to cover me until I can afford some 'real' wheels. NWD (New Wheel Day) coming hopefully in a week or so. I went full on with it - new cassette and a couple new tools to go with it. I'll keep the cracked rim with the aging cassette as my trainer wheel, and hang the front up to lust over until someday when I can find another with such a gorgeous spoke pattern. Yes, at this point, looks are probably as important as performance....For a guy who struggles to maintain an 18mph average on sprint distance rides with very mild hills, I ain't gonna sweat the performance wheels too much - too expensive!

I know I've posted it somewhere before, but this is what I'm talking about. I love the double spoke thing for looks:


MyTrek5200.jpg (69KB - 7 downloads)
2015-09-02 1:41 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by Qua17

Hi All - Here is the race report. I wish I had reach my goal there were a lot of factors that got in my way (crash, heat, mechanical issues). While I'm bummed about my time - I know I gave it everything I had. I celebrated last night with wings and beers at BW3's! A big thanks to Alan for his coaching - the fact that I rode the last 5 on the bike above 18 mph - fastest riding ever - is a testiment to his coaching

Congratulations! As others have said, you deserve that beer after pushing through all the difficulties you encountered.

2015-09-02 5:29 PM
in reply to: #5137949

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Congrats Dave!!!! Sounds like you had quite the trial, but you made it through!!
2015-09-02 5:34 PM
in reply to: #5138455

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
300/400 today!! It was the epic workout one might hope for a milestone, but it got done. It was supposed to be a 25-30 mi ride, but I bailed after 7 in fear for my life. The traffic was crazy and terrible on my planned route. I've done this route at this time of day before with no problems, but today seemed like every crackpot in Carbondale was out. I had just picked up my bike from the shop from its three month tune up and really wanted to see how it felt. Apparently my curb jumping last month did more damage than I could see. I've been riding around on untrue wheels. Can I call that strength training?!?

2015-09-03 1:34 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
checking in....

Training has definitely been compromised the past few weeks from the hamstring issues. I have an appt. with sports med next week, though it may not get me additional info. I'm able to run with some discomfort but running doesn't aggravate it. Interestingly, biking bothered it as much as running....not initially, but definitely afterwards. Fortunately, I was able to get in with a local PT guy who is the expert bike fitter for the area, on the off chance it was the new bike. I figured I'd had the bike just long enough that if something was slightly off, it might have caused some stress...which extra running then caused to emerge. Sure least that's what the PT/bike dude said. Seat was JUST high enough in combination with an angle issue of the post to cause tendon's unofficially a mild case of hamstring tendonitis. That will all be fixed next week with some adjustments and hardware, which I could feel immediately. One leg is also much weaker than the other (which I already knew), it's also my now blind side and I'm now much poorer at recognizing compensation signs on that side, and the combination just set me up. He's feeling like I'll be fine in a week, but we'll be doing lots of work over the coming few months to prevent future injury. I think I've FINALLY found a really great PT who gets the visual issues/impact, and who is also bike fitness focused. His office is fully centered around triathlon sports too. :-) This just feels like a great move for me. And it helps that anything medical this year (and probably next) is fully covered since I've met my annual deductible and have a jillion referrals to every possible medical's all free. :-)

I suspect my racing season is over though. Theoretically I could do one of the two sprints I'd planned on this month, but I think it's probably unnecessarily pushing it...we just lose too much fitness too easily in a few weeks off, and while I think I caught this early it would really me off if I turned it into a longer term or bigger problem. I really want to work on maintaining my previous physical fitness but also on strengthening and balancing my muscle groups a little better. It's feeling like time to transition my training plan for the year and focus on something long term over the off season--which I was terrible at last year, so it would be good to prevent this!

Will be keeping an eye on the rest of you for the next few some exciting races coming up!

2015-09-03 5:49 PM
in reply to: #5138459

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Sandi - glad you got that figured out so soon! I know from my current experience if I don't have races booked, my training slides off. If you can keep up the training without having to race and risk injury? Rock on!
2015-09-03 5:49 PM
in reply to: #5138687

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Gretchen - congrats on 300!!! Have a beer even if it was a short ride. Self preservation is number one!
2015-09-03 9:15 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Thanks Jenn and everyone else for the kids words! I appreciate them. I'm still trying to make sense of the race. One one hand, I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish despite all the adversity.... I never once thought about throwing in the towel - and in a way, the toughness that I've nurtured (not the right word), that I've developed, is a victory in itself. Yet I am still so disappointed in the time. I know I gave it my all, I'm just upset that I came up so short after putting so much into the effort. Alan worked me like a dog and I wish I'd had something to show for it.

I'm gonna move out of recovery mode tomorrow and might hop back on the bike or try to get in a swim. It's also time to go back to MFP and start logging the food. I've really been enjoying myself this week.
2015-09-03 9:19 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

300/400 today!! It was the epic workout one might hope for a milestone, but it got done. It was supposed to be a 25-30 mi ride, but I bailed after 7 in fear for my life. The traffic was crazy and terrible on my planned route. I've done this route at this time of day before with no problems, but today seemed like every crackpot in Carbondale was out. I had just picked up my bike from the shop from its three month tune up and really wanted to see how it felt. Apparently my curb jumping last month did more damage than I could see. I've been riding around on untrue wheels. Can I call that strength training?!?


Congrats on reaching 300! It's all downhill from here! I hope you celebrated your accomplishment with something tasty!

2015-09-03 9:25 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by sandishr

checking in....

Training has definitely been compromised the past few weeks from the hamstring issues. I have an appt. with sports med next week, though it may not get me additional info. I'm able to run with some discomfort but running doesn't aggravate it. Interestingly, biking bothered it as much as running....not initially, but definitely afterwards. Fortunately, I was able to get in with a local PT guy who is the expert bike fitter for the area, on the off chance it was the new bike. I figured I'd had the bike just long enough that if something was slightly off, it might have caused some stress...which extra running then caused to emerge. Sure least that's what the PT/bike dude said. Seat was JUST high enough in combination with an angle issue of the post to cause tendon's unofficially a mild case of hamstring tendonitis. That will all be fixed next week with some adjustments and hardware, which I could feel immediately. One leg is also much weaker than the other (which I already knew), it's also my now blind side and I'm now much poorer at recognizing compensation signs on that side, and the combination just set me up. He's feeling like I'll be fine in a week, but we'll be doing lots of work over the coming few months to prevent future injury. I think I've FINALLY found a really great PT who gets the visual issues/impact, and who is also bike fitness focused. His office is fully centered around triathlon sports too. :-) This just feels like a great move for me. And it helps that anything medical this year (and probably next) is fully covered since I've met my annual deductible and have a jillion referrals to every possible medical's all free. :-)

I suspect my racing season is over though. Theoretically I could do one of the two sprints I'd planned on this month, but I think it's probably unnecessarily pushing it...we just lose too much fitness too easily in a few weeks off, and while I think I caught this early it would really me off if I turned it into a longer term or bigger problem. I really want to work on maintaining my previous physical fitness but also on strengthening and balancing my muscle groups a little better. It's feeling like time to transition my training plan for the year and focus on something long term over the off season--which I was terrible at last year, so it would be good to prevent this!

Will be keeping an eye on the rest of you for the next few some exciting races coming up!


Sandi - I'm not sure if you meant that last line as a joke but I think it just shows your indomitable spirit. I'm sorry your race season has come to a premature close - but I am thrilled you have found a great PT who gets you! I know you will be able to keep up that level of fitness and hit next years racing season hard!

I myself have a lot of weakness on my left side due to getting hit by a car when I was thirteen and it has played havic with both my body and my performace. PT has helped it a lot - but I too have a lot of work to do. Let's do it together! What do you have planned for the off season?
2015-09-04 9:07 PM
in reply to: #5138688

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hahaha! I have a great picture to post when I get home! I am staying in room #123 and my bib # is 456. That has to be good luck, right?!
07:00 start tomorrow - nervous and not sure why, I've done this race before! Beer is planned for after and some outlet shopping!
Good luck to everyone training and racing this weekend!!
2015-09-05 11:25 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Hahaha! I have a great picture to post when I get home! I am staying in room #123 and my bib # is 456. That has to be good luck, right?!
07:00 start tomorrow - nervous and not sure why, I've done this race before! Beer is planned for after and some outlet shopping!
Good luck to everyone training and racing this weekend!!

Good luck to you and everyone racing this weekend. Off to a wedding to get my drink on - next training session to prepare for half mary in Nov. officially starts tomorrow!

Jenn - what if you were to finish 7 in the swim, 8 on the bike, and 9 on the run! Podium baby!

Cheers everyone!

2015-09-05 5:33 PM
in reply to: #5138917

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hahaha! Okay, I've got the 8 taken care of - I was 8/30 in my age group! I'm waiting for the results/splits to come out to see if there's a 7 & 9 in there! I did force myself to do the run/walk thing which was painful because on my last walk 2 women from my age group passed me and I couldn't quite get them back before the end. I reeled them in but didn't have enough real estate to get it done. So close to 6th. But I feel good and my knee isn't crying.
Met my goal of beating last year's time of 2:58. I got 2:52 this year. I felt good on the bike and I know i did better on the run this year than last but we'll see in the next couple of days what the splits say. At camp now and ready to relax with a cold frosty one!

Gretchen, is your race this weekend?!?! I couldn't remember is it's this weekend or next. Good luck!!!!! Look it in the eye and go for it!!!!! You've got this!!!
2015-09-05 6:11 PM
in reply to: #5138972

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Great job Jenn!!!

My race is next weekend. Thanks for the good vibes!

2015-09-05 7:46 PM
in reply to: #5138977

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Okay, that's what I thought! Whoop, whoop! BDAS is on a roll! I'm so excited for you, Gretchen, for next weekend! So fun! Eye of the tiger, girl!!
2015-09-05 7:53 PM
in reply to: #5138985

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Nice work Jenn!! 8/30, knee doesn't hurt, and you're feeling good? Hope the beer was great!!! All in all sounds fantastic!
2015-09-06 7:54 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

I've been absent this past week and apparently missed a lot of stuff. I've been up camping and have had only intermittent use of my phone (not charging for some reason). 

Congrats to everyone on their races, especially David Q, you kicked a$$ despite some setbacks. 

I'm currently in Windsor, just across the river from Detroit, for two bike races. Yesterday was the first and I felt the strongest I've felt all year. Unfortunately a crash late in the race put an end to any hope of a good placement. I'm hoping today's race goes a little better. My bike was okay but my helmet and body took a beating. I went head first into a guardrail post. Luckily it happened while going up a sharp hill so we weren't going very fast.


Edited by adempsey10 2015-09-06 7:56 AM


11988473_10156198184175107_8992601466206248011_n.jpg (117KB - 2 downloads)
2015-09-06 8:36 AM
in reply to: #5075170

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ouch! Sorry about the crash... Good luck today!
2015-09-06 11:05 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

I've been absent this past week and apparently missed a lot of stuff. I've been up camping and have had only intermittent use of my phone (not charging for some reason). 

Congrats to everyone on their races, especially David Q, you kicked a$$ despite some setbacks. 

I'm currently in Windsor, just across the river from Detroit, for two bike races. Yesterday was the first and I felt the strongest I've felt all year. Unfortunately a crash late in the race put an end to any hope of a good placement. I'm hoping today's race goes a little better. My bike was okay but my helmet and body took a beating. I went head first into a guardrail post. Luckily it happened while going up a sharp hill so we weren't going very fast.


You must have titanium for balls! There is no way I would ever even consider doing what you do. So fricking scary - and painful. But you know what helps ease the pain - a cold beer. Sorry the race didn't work out like you planned but happy that you felt so strong.

2015-09-06 11:08 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Hahaha! Okay, I've got the 8 taken care of - I was 8/30 in my age group! I'm waiting for the results/splits to come out to see if there's a 7 & 9 in there! I did force myself to do the run/walk thing which was painful because on my last walk 2 women from my age group passed me and I couldn't quite get them back before the end. I reeled them in but didn't have enough real estate to get it done. So close to 6th. But I feel good and my knee isn't crying.
Met my goal of beating last year's time of 2:58. I got 2:52 this year. I felt good on the bike and I know i did better on the run this year than last but we'll see in the next couple of days what the splits say. At camp now and ready to relax with a cold frosty one!

Gretchen, is your race this weekend?!?! I couldn't remember is it's this weekend or next. Good luck!!!!! Look it in the eye and go for it!!!!! You've got this!!!

Let's hear it for Jenn! So glad to hear that 1) You're knee feels good and 2) you were able to take some time off your PR from last year. That's great. I know you haven't had the most consistent training season. Had you managed to avoid injury I have no doubt you would have showed those women a thing or two!

Enjoy the time at camp and the well deserved beverage!

What's next?
2015-09-06 11:19 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I hope everyone is enjoying a good weekend. For those of you who follow me on Untapped (Qua17) you know I had quite the day yesterday. I was able to log 8 new beers and make up some ground with my friend. We are trying to see how many beers we can try this summer and I'm getting close to 275 with 3 days to go My all time PR for new beers tried was 315 in the summer of 2012 (I also managed to lose 95 pounds that year - so beer and weight loss can mix

I've spent the week trying to plan out my next move. The more I get to know myself - the more I realize how powerful a challenge can be for me. So to avoid a post race slump - I need to find a challenge that will keep me focused and help prep me for my A races next year - Boston in April and a IM in the Fall. So, I think I need to focus on 1) Losing weight (which will help my bike speed) and 2) Improving my running speed - especially since my next three races will be run-specific. I'm doing the Chilly Half in Newton (any interest John) in November, the Hyannis Half with John in February (god - I hope we manage to like each other) and then I'm going to bandit boston in April. I'd like to break 5 hours for Boston (my marathon PR is 6) so I've got some work to do. To save some money - I'm thinking of putting the trigger of the Run Focused Off season maintenance plan on BT's site. Has anyone ever used it?

What's everyone up to this weekend?
2015-09-06 2:00 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Crashed out yesterday. Won today. Time for beer.


1535484_10156201369630107_7801896190642795485_n.jpg (130KB - 3 downloads)
2015-09-06 2:38 PM
in reply to: #5139027

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
YES!!! Nice job Alan!!!!!
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