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2009-06-25 11:12 AM
in reply to: #2239061

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lufferly - 2009-06-24 9:17 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 10:57 PM Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

Sounds like a plan, but did you forget about that half marathon you are going to start training for??  Wink

LOL I did forget about that !! I think I want to forget !!! LOL  But now that I know I can walk some of it it's not so scary !!!LOL
Thanks for taking care of me and holding me to my commitments !

2009-06-25 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I swam at the pool after work and it was unbelievably empty! Such a stark contrast the the chaos I tried to endure on Monday morning. I was able to decide which of the several empty lanes I wanted to use! Had it to myself the entire time and practically had the entire pool to myself at the end. I guess I could get used to this!

The only downside was that I had to share the locker room with very little kids and it had the smell of pee! I prefer NOT having to get used to that.
2009-06-25 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Heh team- just a brief hello- let you know I am still kicking around! My first HIM is in 10 days away---- and counting. UGH! Starting to get a tad nervous. Oh well- "if I aint got it now- I won't get it in 10 days!!!"


2009-06-26 6:50 AM
in reply to: #2244049

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

HelenR - 2009-06-25 9:09 PM

Heh team- just a brief hello- let you know I am still kicking around! My first HIM is in 10 days away---- and counting. UGH! Starting to get a tad nervous. Oh well- "if I aint got it now- I won't get it in 10 days!!!"


Helen, you are definitely ready for this.  I know what you mean about the nerves, though.  Right now it's a mind game.  I got to the point where I was at peace -- I wish that for you.  You have realistic goals, right?  So keep a focus on that, trust your training, and remember to smile!

2009-06-26 6:56 AM
in reply to: #2242528

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-06-25 11:12 AM
lufferly - 2009-06-24 9:17 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 10:57 PM Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

Sounds like a plan, but did you forget about that half marathon you are going to start training for??  Wink

LOL I did forget about that !! I think I want to forget !!! LOL  But now that I know I can walk some of it it's not so scary !!!LOL
Thanks for taking care of me and holding me to my commitments !

Julie, I love the HM distance, and I hope we can get you to love it too.  You'll be amazed at the difference between it and the shorter races.  My mind gets in a zone when I race, but it's really out there during any long races.  I had a PR almost two years ago, and I honestly don't remember most of the race! 

Do you want help setting up a training plan?  You need to gradually work on increasing your distance, but "gradual" is the key.  Any big increase also increases the possibility of injury.  Let's talk!

2009-06-26 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2241095

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-06-24 6:32 PM

Cheri - You just go...even when you say you are tired...and then there is torture Dan hats off to you for all you do...even when you say you have no mojo - You are on incredible gal...I hope that you can rub off on me. Lord knows that I lost my mojo there for some time...and still dont feel like I am going full force!?!?


I am getting ready to head out on mtn bike ride tonight. our bike shop sets up a wednesday nite ride for all its customers/community...its amazing the amount of people who show up..All levels. We go in different groups and ride til dusk....then we head back and have good eats and a beer or two...tonight I am bringing a bottle of red wine.....

hope you all had a great hump day!



Julie, you give me too much credit.  I think right now I'm just falling back on my training.  But I joined the Tour de France bike challenge for July, so hopefully I will get some of that excitement back.  And I think I'm joining the half marathon craze around here, so running should have a special purpose soon (despite having to train in Florida in the summer -- UGH!!!).

Sounds like your focus is with the mountain biking crew -- good for you!  It's so much more enjoyable when you have people who like to do the same things as you, isn't it?  Although I think triathletes are a special breed -- there are lots and lots of hours of "alone" training.  I enjoy it, though.  I take the alone time as an opportunity to clear my head, or do some work-related problem solving, or enjoy the scenery, or listen to an audio book, ...

So here's to our mojo returning!  

2009-06-28 8:42 AM
in reply to: #2244459

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-26 7:56 AM

maxmansmom - 2009-06-25 11:12 AM
lufferly - 2009-06-24 9:17 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 10:57 PM Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

Sounds like a plan, but did you forget about that half marathon you are going to start training for??  Wink

LOL I did forget about that !! I think I want to forget !!! LOL  But now that I know I can walk some of it it's not so scary !!!LOL
Thanks for taking care of me and holding me to my commitments !

Julie, I love the HM distance, and I hope we can get you to love it too.  You'll be amazed at the difference between it and the shorter races.  My mind gets in a zone when I race, but it's really out there during any long races.  I had a PR almost two years ago, and I honestly don't remember most of the race! 

Do you want help setting up a training plan?  You need to gradually work on increasing your distance, but "gradual" is the key.  Any big increase also increases the possibility of injury.  Let's talk!

I do need to figure out how to run this is a half marathon the "half mary ?"......  3 miles is all i've ever done.  But long swims in open water....... just scares me. plus in lakes it is gross by the time the 40 year olds hit the water ! lol
I truly do not have the time with m y little one at home and dh in two months going into his busy season for more than the training I mentioned. Not that a HIM is off the table, I never thought I'd entertain a 1/2 mary
baby steps for me.
I just fear I'll blow my knee or knees............ they have a tendency to be finicky. I am not so sure about the marathon either. I'd hate to hurt myself and be out of all of this ya know ?....... gulp
2009-06-28 10:51 AM
in reply to: #2248101

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-06-28 8:42 AM
Sledge - 2009-06-26 7:56 AM

maxmansmom - 2009-06-25 11:12 AM
lufferly - 2009-06-24 9:17 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 10:57 PM Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

Sounds like a plan, but did you forget about that half marathon you are going to start training for??  Wink

LOL I did forget about that !! I think I want to forget !!! LOL  But now that I know I can walk some of it it's not so scary !!!LOL
Thanks for taking care of me and holding me to my commitments !

Julie, I love the HM distance, and I hope we can get you to love it too.  You'll be amazed at the difference between it and the shorter races.  My mind gets in a zone when I race, but it's really out there during any long races.  I had a PR almost two years ago, and I honestly don't remember most of the race! 

Do you want help setting up a training plan?  You need to gradually work on increasing your distance, but "gradual" is the key.  Any big increase also increases the possibility of injury.  Let's talk!

I do need to figure out how to run this is a half marathon the "half mary ?"......  3 miles is all i've ever done.  But long swims in open water....... just scares me. plus in lakes it is gross by the time the 40 year olds hit the water ! lol
I truly do not have the time with m y little one at home and dh in two months going into his busy season for more than the training I mentioned. Not that a HIM is off the table, I never thought I'd entertain a 1/2 mary
baby steps for me.
I just fear I'll blow my knee or knees............ they have a tendency to be finicky. I am not so sure about the marathon either. I'd hate to hurt myself and be out of all of this ya know ?....... gulp

I meant the half mary -- aka, 1/2 marathon, half marathon, HM.  I wasn't suggesting you do a half ironman -- aka HIM.  Get it?  HM is not the same as HIM.  I know you can get lots of help here figuring out how to safely and effectively increase your running distance to be able to do this HM.  For example, now that you are proficient at running three miles, try three and a half! 

2009-06-28 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

My race went well this morning. This was the 12th year for this race to be put on and they said it was the hottest ever, weather more like August. They tapped into a couple of fire hydrants to spray everyone off and had iced down sponges at mile 1 and 2 on the run. It was 83 when I left at 5am and 96 on my way home. I felt really good on the swim and bike, and so so on the run (if that's what you want to call it Undecided). But it looks like I shaved off 3 minutes from my time last year, still waiting for official results.

I joined a branch of USA Fit in my area, and had an orientation meeting yesterday morning. We start training on July 11th ... ha, then I'm on vacation in Aspen for 5 days and will miss the group on the 18th. I'm hoping that running with a group one day a week will help me get faster.

Julie, you might be surprised how much fun you would find the half mary to be. Believe me, I NEVER thought I'd say that.  Come on ... it will be great fun!! Runner's World has a free program that will make up a plan for you based on your 5K time and when your half mary would be. I've already booked my hotel room in Memphis for the St. Jude Half in December.

Now, I'm off the lay on the sofa under the fan and take a little nap!

2009-06-28 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2248472

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lufferly - 2009-06-28 3:23 PM

My race went well this morning. This was the 12th year for this race to be put on and they said it was the hottest ever, weather more like August. They tapped into a couple of fire hydrants to spray everyone off and had iced down sponges at mile 1 and 2 on the run. It was 83 when I left at 5am and 96 on my way home. I felt really good on the swim and bike, and so so on the run (if that's what you want to call it Undecided). But it looks like I shaved off 3 minutes from my time last year, still waiting for official results.

I joined a branch of USA Fit in my area, and had an orientation meeting yesterday morning. We start training on July 11th ... ha, then I'm on vacation in Aspen for 5 days and will miss the group on the 18th. I'm hoping that running with a group one day a week will help me get faster.

Julie, you might be surprised how much fun you would find the half mary to be. Believe me, I NEVER thought I'd say that.  Come on ... it will be great fun!! Runner's World has a free program that will make up a plan for you based on your 5K time and when your half mary would be. I've already booked my hotel room in Memphis for the St. Jude Half in December.

Now, I'm off the lay on the sofa under the fan and take a little nap!

I'm glad your race went well.

Anyone else racing this weekend?
2009-06-28 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I had a really good ride on my tri bike. I think I finally have the front derailleur adjusted properly.

2009-06-29 3:37 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

With Saturday being the 4th of July, I'll bet there are lots of races coming up.  I'm planning to follow on with my tradition -- every year I run the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta.  It's a crazy 10K race -- 55,000 runners running up (and down) some serious hills, all for the coveted t-shirt!  It's hot (why do you think they call it HOTLANTA?), it's crowded, it's an ordeal, but it's a lot of fun.

What is everyone else doing?

2009-06-29 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2248101

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-06-28 9:42 AM
Sledge - 2009-06-26 7:56 AM

maxmansmom - 2009-06-25 11:12 AM
lufferly - 2009-06-24 9:17 AM
maxmansmom - 2009-06-23 10:57 PM Well I had trained so long for my 1st outdoor tri that I  was a bit taken back when I heard "so what is next"?...... I really did not know.
HOWEVER, I've been thinking and here is what I've come up with.  I will save for a new bike, and I will run 5k races when I can (and practice when I can't ) because I HATE THE RUN....... but I like to run in rain 'cause I do not get hot (Lyssa, you proud O me ?)..... smile
I have been given drills by wonderful coaches and also have had great advice from them, so am puting that to use !
I also of course swim twice a week with my Rubber Duckie swim group, we have taken it up a notch and are learning flip turns........ chlorine brain, now that hurts !
So, I will continue to do all I can to get a better time next year at the tri.  I do not really even want to do open water.......... I like to see the bottom of what I am swimming looks like I am a pool swim kinda gal.

Sounds like a plan, but did you forget about that half marathon you are going to start training for??  Wink

LOL I did forget about that !! I think I want to forget !!! LOL  But now that I know I can walk some of it it's not so scary !!!LOL
Thanks for taking care of me and holding me to my commitments !

Julie, I love the HM distance, and I hope we can get you to love it too.  You'll be amazed at the difference between it and the shorter races.  My mind gets in a zone when I race, but it's really out there during any long races.  I had a PR almost two years ago, and I honestly don't remember most of the race! 

Do you want help setting up a training plan?  You need to gradually work on increasing your distance, but "gradual" is the key.  Any big increase also increases the possibility of injury.  Let's talk!

I do need to figure out how to run this is a half marathon the "half mary ?"......  3 miles is all i've ever done.  But long swims in open water....... just scares me. plus in lakes it is gross by the time the 40 year olds hit the water ! lol
I truly do not have the time with m y little one at home and dh in two months going into his busy season for more than the training I mentioned. Not that a HIM is off the table, I never thought I'd entertain a 1/2 mary
baby steps for me.
I just fear I'll blow my knee or knees............ they have a tendency to be finicky. I am not so sure about the marathon either. I'd hate to hurt myself and be out of all of this ya know ?....... gulp

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!! Well there was my real "DUH" moment ! LOL
Sorry to ramble on so much ! lol
2009-06-29 5:00 PM
in reply to: #2251204

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-29 4:37 PM

With Saturday being the 4th of July, I'll bet there are lots of races coming up.  I'm planning to follow on with my tradition -- every year I run the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta.  It's a crazy 10K race -- 55,000 runners running up (and down) some serious hills, all for the coveted t-shirt!  It's hot (why do you think they call it HOTLANTA?), it's crowded, it's an ordeal, but it's a lot of fun.

What is everyone else doing?

me, I'll be making homemade ice cream etc for the 4th of july party at my folks house. the fireworks are shot off at the park and they live right next to it. So we kinda take over their house taht day ! lol
2009-06-29 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2251204

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-29 3:37 PM

With Saturday being the 4th of July, I'll bet there are lots of races coming up.  I'm planning to follow on with my tradition -- every year I run the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta.  It's a crazy 10K race -- 55,000 runners running up (and down) some serious hills, all for the coveted t-shirt!  It's hot (why do you think they call it HOTLANTA?), it's crowded, it's an ordeal, but it's a lot of fun.

What is everyone else doing?

Not sure what I'm doing.  Last year my DH and I did an organized ride called Burn Your Buns.  It's the ride I had the panic attack on.  I'm up for the shorter distance (before the bigger hills and my panic attack happened), I think it's 25 miles.

WOW, I'm listening to the weather, and we might actually have some rain!!! It's been over 35 days now with no rain. We were watching Seven Pounds last night and I was so jealous of the rainy scenes which I probably wouldn't have even noticed otherwise! 
2009-06-29 6:29 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I finally found the results from yesterdays race and I shaved 3:40 off from last years time!  Knocked time off in each event and my transitions. The race field was capped at 700 and there were over 80 that were listed as DNS (over 10%)!! My guess is many bowed out because they didn't want to race in an overheated sauna.  Looks like there were 553 that finished.

2009-06-29 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2251632

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lufferly - 2009-06-29 7:29 PM

I finally found the results from yesterdays race and I shaved 3:40 off from last years time!  Knocked time off in each event and my transitions. The race field was capped at 700 and there were over 80 that were listed as DNS (over 10%)!! My guess is many bowed out because they didn't want to race in an overheated sauna.  Looks like there were 553 that finished.

Congrats on the improvement!

I've heard that for most races the organizers expect 10-20% DNS.
2009-06-30 9:50 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

So do you want to hear a funny?  Today is another Torture Dan session, so last night I was trying to figure out if I wanted to do two run workouts in this heat (my normal morning run plus the torture session).  I just wasn't up for it, and asked my husband for his opinion.  He suggested I swim -- what a DUH moment for me!  What could be better than to swim for a half hour before work?  You don't have to worry about how hot it is outside, and humidity certainly isn't a factor.   So I thanked him, and he got this worried look on his face!  Then he said, "You aren't training for another race, are you?" I kept a poker face, but was laughing inside -- he hasn't forgotten the frenetic pace of my HIM training yet!

2009-06-30 6:39 PM
in reply to: #2251632

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lufferly - 2009-06-29 7:29 PM

I finally found the results from yesterdays race and I shaved 3:40 off from last years time!  Knocked time off in each event and my transitions. The race field was capped at 700 and there were over 80 that were listed as DNS (over 10%)!! My guess is many bowed out because they didn't want to race in an overheated sauna.  Looks like there were 553 that finished.

You rocked that race !!! So proud of you !
2009-06-30 6:40 PM
in reply to: #2252865

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-30 10:50 AM

So do you want to hear a funny?  Today is another Torture Dan session, so last night I was trying to figure out if I wanted to do two run workouts in this heat (my normal morning run plus the torture session).  I just wasn't up for it, and asked my husband for his opinion.  He suggested I swim -- what a DUH moment for me!  What could be better than to swim for a half hour before work?  You don't have to worry about how hot it is outside, and humidity certainly isn't a factor.   So I thanked him, and he got this worried look on his face!  Then he said, "You aren't training for another race, are you?" I kept a poker face, but was laughing inside -- he hasn't forgotten the frenetic pace of my HIM training yet!

Ok that is hilarious !!! You did a great job keeping a straight face !
2009-07-01 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2251787

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-06-29 7:42 PM

Congrats on the improvement!

I've heard that for most races the organizers expect 10-20% DNS.

I guess I was just surprised because this race sells any unclaimed packets the night prior to the race and usually has a line forming an hour before they go on sale.  Guess I'm too cheap to miss a race I've already paid for!

2009-07-01 5:41 PM
in reply to: #2252865

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-06-30 9:50 AM

So do you want to hear a funny?  Today is another Torture Dan session, so last night I was trying to figure out if I wanted to do two run workouts in this heat (my normal morning run plus the torture session).  I just wasn't up for it, and asked my husband for his opinion.  He suggested I swim -- what a DUH moment for me!  What could be better than to swim for a half hour before work?  You don't have to worry about how hot it is outside, and humidity certainly isn't a factor.   So I thanked him, and he got this worried look on his face!  Then he said, "You aren't training for another race, are you?" I kept a poker face, but was laughing inside -- he hasn't forgotten the frenetic pace of my HIM training yet!

Your poor husband! But, what a NOVEL idea, a swim!!! Hope your Torture Dan session goes well~!
2009-07-02 7:43 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Well, I suppose reading my training log will explain why I am limping..........but I could sure use advice on how to get the knot in my right butt cheek to go away, not to mention the kinda numb tingly down my leg........  I knew better than to do lunges !!!!  So far I took one muscle relaxer, then took a hot bath.......... it helped me to at least walk, but not stop the limp ! lol
I hope tomorrow it's all better ! lol
2009-07-02 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2259434

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-07-02 7:43 PM Well, I suppose reading my training log will explain why I am limping..........but I could sure use advice on how to get the knot in my right butt cheek to go away, not to mention the kinda numb tingly down my leg........  I knew better than to do lunges !!!!  So far I took one muscle relaxer, then took a hot bath.......... it helped me to at least walk, but not stop the limp ! lol
I hope tomorrow it's all better ! lol

Yeah, I knew those lunges were no good!!  Try taking an antiinflammatory (Aleve or Ibuprofen) with the muscle relaxer and alternating heat and ice. And get better quickly!
2009-07-03 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Good luck to Cheri and Helen this weekend!  Cheri is doing a 10K tomorrow and Helen is doing a HIM on Sunday - woohoo!!!  Anyone else racing this weekend?  I'm looking forward to a nice 4 day weekend.

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