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2015-09-06 2:41 PM
in reply to: #5139066

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dave I'm already sure we get along just fine. Chilly Half - might be too soon. I should be in 10k shape before then but not sure about 13.1 shape. I'll see how this month goes.

2015-09-07 6:00 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
been out of town for a few days. Alan you really are a bdas. Training has hit a wall. done very little for the last week. getting back on the horse tomorrow. should have done it today but I was over served at my mom's lake house by my brothers so felt like crap for 2 days. figured I better rest.
2015-09-08 6:44 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Alan - you are the epitome of a BDAS! Nice work man!
2015-09-08 6:46 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by firebert

Dave I'm already sure we get along just fine. Chilly Half - might be too soon. I should be in 10k shape before then but not sure about 13.1 shape. I'll see how this month goes.

Whatever you decide is all good! I'm looking for a good 10 K in October. Any suggestions?

Edited by Qua17 2015-09-08 6:46 AM
2015-09-08 6:47 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

been out of town for a few days. Alan you really are a bdas. Training has hit a wall. done very little for the last week. getting back on the horse tomorrow. should have done it today but I was over served at my mom's lake house by my brothers so felt like crap for 2 days. figured I better rest.

Rest is good...Finishing is better. Coors if you don't make it happen
2015-09-08 10:49 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Just like a pro, first crash, then victory!! Congrats!!


2015-09-08 10:51 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Amazing race Jenn!!
2015-09-08 11:48 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by firebert

Dave I'm already sure we get along just fine. Chilly Half - might be too soon. I should be in 10k shape before then but not sure about 13.1 shape. I'll see how this month goes.

Whatever you decide is all good! I'm looking for a good 10 K in October. Any suggestions?

Just the way things have worked out for me in the past, I've only done spring 10ks no Fall ones. Here's a list, anything look good?
2015-09-08 1:45 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

Crashed out yesterday. Won today. Time for beer.

Congrats Alan!!!
2015-09-08 1:50 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Taper week has arrived! Eep!!

Yesterday I did I hot and horrid bike ride (let's just say that after a few drinks on Sunday, I probably wasn't ideally hydrated). Today, short run this morning and swim this afternoon. Just to calm my nerves about the swim I did 1500 almost straight. I basically stopped for 10 seconds every 500 to move my counters so I didn't lose track of the distance (forgot my garmin). Pool swimming isn't exactly like OWS (or anything like it), but at least I know I can move my body through the water for the whole distance!

What all am I supposed to do during taper week?!?!?! I've run out of organization and planning to do. I've noticed that all my little aches and pains are getting bigger this week. Is that normal? Do I just have too much time on my hands and time to think about it?

My mom fell off her deck this weekend and broke her arm (she is okay, but broken arms do suck), so I need to reconfigure my race plan. I was supposed to stay at their house, but now I'm thinking that might be too big of an imposition. Won't know until tomorrow if she is going to have surgery to repair it. Right now it is just in a sling and that doesn't seem like enough treatment to me!
2015-09-09 12:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

[I myself have a lot of weakness on my left side due to getting hit by a car when I was thirteen and it has played havic with both my body and my performace. PT has helped it a lot - but I too have a lot of work to do. Let's do it together! What do you have planned for the off season?

Hi Dave, I know we've commiserated over this's just too easy to slack off in the off season. As it is, over the past 3 weeks I've gained several pounds. I really, really need to avoid this. Also, I really only think I'm going to get significantly faster on the bike if I work it over the course of a year, not several months. It's painfully obvious to me that this is where I'm weak, and really....I'm VERY weak in this event.

Ideally, what I'd like to do is spend the fall/winter training like I've got a race 3 months out. Not pushing it super hard, but clearly gearing up and getting ready/focusing on it. And trying to maintain this wherever possible. I know I have at least one eye surgery which will derail me a bit, so I just can't afford to get even more off course.

1) I don't have an indoor trainer, so my first goal is to get one by November. I'd like to stay on the bike through the winter, and that just didn't happen last year. I think if I train 3 days a week on the off season, that will at the least, maintain my fitness there. If I'm not starting over in spring, that will help greatly.

2) Get back my running fitness safely. One 5K a month. Improve time to 28 minutes by spring.

3) Find SOME way to swim over the winter. Or at least motivate myself to do it.

4) Pilates. I think this will really, really help out the tendons, the weakness, etc. My favorite instructor is opening her own studio this winter a few blocks from my house, and I won't have an excuse then. I let this and strength training really slide over the past two years as I've been focusing on tri training and cardio, and it's clearly time to get back to it.

I'm really going to have to build a schedule and stick to it--just like I do when preparing for a race or race season. So THAT is goal # 0.5. :-)

What is your plan?


2015-09-09 12:47 PM
in reply to: sandishr

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by sandishr Hi Dave, I know we've commiserated over this's just too easy to slack off in the off season. As it is, over the past 3 weeks I've gained several pounds. I really, really need to avoid this. Also, I really only think I'm going to get significantly faster on the bike if I work it over the course of a year, not several months. It's painfully obvious to me that this is where I'm weak, and really....I'm VERY weak in this event. Ideally, what I'd like to do is spend the fall/winter training like I've got a race 3 months out. Not pushing it super hard, but clearly gearing up and getting ready/focusing on it. And trying to maintain this wherever possible. I know I have at least one eye surgery which will derail me a bit, so I just can't afford to get even more off course. Goals: 1) I don't have an indoor trainer, so my first goal is to get one by November. I'd like to stay on the bike through the winter, and that just didn't happen last year. I think if I train 3 days a week on the off season, that will at the least, maintain my fitness there. If I'm not starting over in spring, that will help greatly. 2) Get back my running fitness safely. One 5K a month. Improve time to 28 minutes by spring. 3) Find SOME way to swim over the winter. Or at least motivate myself to do it. 4) Pilates. I think this will really, really help out the tendons, the weakness, etc. My favorite instructor is opening her own studio this winter a few blocks from my house, and I won't have an excuse then. I let this and strength training really slide over the past two years as I've been focusing on tri training and cardio, and it's clearly time to get back to it. I'm really going to have to build a schedule and stick to it--just like I do when preparing for a race or race season. So THAT is goal # 0.5. :-) What is your plan? Sandi

A trainer is something you should definitely look into if you want to train over winter. Even consider picking one up before November if you can. You mentioned before that road riding is hard with your eyes right now so getting on the trainer, even in good weather, will help maintain fitness. I ride the trainer all through summer because some workouts just can't be done on the road. It's really just a matter of developing a routine. If you can get past the 3 week hump you'll probably find it a lot easier to maintain your training schedule. 3 days a week on the bike is plenty to develop endurance over the winter. 

2015-09-09 1:45 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I think you nailed it Alan. Consistency is needed, and once you get out of the habit of workouts, it's so much harder to start it back up. I'm in this now. I have been a complete schlub for one reason or six since my august 16th race. I've done 3 road rides and 3 runs and exactly zero swims and zero strength sessions. In 3.5 weeks.
2015-09-09 1:58 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by firebert I think you nailed it Alan. Consistency is needed, and once you get out of the habit of workouts, it's so much harder to start it back up. I'm in this now. I have been a complete schlub for one reason or six since my august 16th race. I've done 3 road rides and 3 runs and exactly zero swims and zero strength sessions. In 3.5 weeks.

This is why having a coach is handy.

I find this happens a lot when athletes don't have an event on the calendar. If you sign up for an event, you instinctively have an idea of what you need to do in order to complete the event (you know you need to be able to run a certain distance so you work up to that, for example). But if you don't, sometimes it's easy to get lost. Self-assessment is really handy (coaches can do it better). When you're not training for a specific event it helps to be able to identify your weaknesses and develop a plan to overcome them. If you know that you are weak in the water, make a half-a$$ed training plan that will have you in the pool 3 times a week doing some specific workouts, for example. It's a good start to say, "I want to be on the bike 3 times a week" but you'll probably find you'll have more motivation and consistency if you have a specific reason to be on the bike 3 times a week. Is your weakness endurance? Is your weakness hills? Is your weakness speed or cadence? Identifying your weaknesses and then figuring out how to improve on them will help you find the motivation to actually get on the bike 3 times a week. Even just to identify what you'll be doing each day is handy. You want to ride 3 times a week, use one day to work on cadence, one day to work on endurance, one day to work on hill climbs, etc. The more specific you are about your fitness intentions and goals, the more motivated you'll be to accomplish and follow through on them. 

2015-09-09 3:50 PM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

A trainer is something you should definitely look into if you want to train over winter. Even consider picking one up before November if you can. You mentioned before that road riding is hard with your eyes right now so getting on the trainer, even in good weather, will help maintain fitness. I ride the trainer all through summer because some workouts just can't be done on the road. It's really just a matter of developing a routine. If you can get past the 3 week hump you'll probably find it a lot easier to maintain your training schedule. 3 days a week on the bike is plenty to develop endurance over the winter. 

Thanks, Alan! I'm waiting to get back on the bike until it's re-fitted, since the PT is fairly sure the tendonitis was caused by the bike fit. Can not WAIT to jump back on in a couple of weeks!

Edited to add: Plus remember, I park at the brewery and ride into work three days a week until the weather turns. Beer at the end of the day and required biking to boot. I miss my bike days!

My days of road riding are pretty much over other than during races. I stay on trails, which fortunately we have plenty of. And the breweries are on the bike trails. Win/win.


Edited by sandishr 2015-09-09 6:28 PM
2015-09-10 12:37 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Have my half this Saturday. I'm going to try my live track on 920. It hasn't been working but they did an update. Doing a swim and run today then a short bike run tomorrow. Race at 700 on sat.

2015-09-10 12:53 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by b2b14

Have my half this Saturday. I'm going to try my live track on 920. It hasn't been working but they did an update. Doing a swim and run today then a short bike run tomorrow. Race at 700 on sat.

You got this! Looking forward to a race report as I won't be able to follow the live track.

The weather out here in the West has been hot, hot, and hotter forcing me to shift my lunch time runs to morning runs during the week. Getting up a bit earlier and being motivated to run has been a challenge however having races on the calendar has helped. Likewise swimming in the morning instead of at lunch has been a mental shift that I'm gradually getting used tot. Next step is to combine bike commuting and morning swims as the gym/pool is somewhat on the way to my office.

Alan, do you have any tips for improving hill climbing beyond "do more hills"? Specifically, how to manage gears and effort? On steep hills I find myself down shifting to keep my cadence up, should I stay in the higher gear and grind it out?

2015-09-10 2:07 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

Have my half this Saturday. I'm going to try my live track on 920. It hasn't been working but they did an update. Doing a swim and run today then a short bike run tomorrow. Race at 700 on sat.

Good luck Scott!!!
2015-09-10 2:12 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
As of 1:25pm this afternoon I have officially completed my Olympic training plan!!! Last workout was a short (24 minute!) swim (310/400), but I nailed it! In fact, up until this week I was really worrying about my race on Sunday. I wasn't confident that I could do the whole swim. I know I can do the bike, but was worried about the run too. Essentially, this week has erased all of my concerns. Tuesday I did a great swim workout of a continuous 1500, just to make sure I could do it (haven't swam that distance in probably a year). Yesterday I did a brick and had a really nice run (after the first half mile)--30 seconds faster than my goal pace! Today, I finished up with another swim, nailing my first ever sub 2:00 100s (3 of them!). I'm going to ride this high to the weekend!

Thanks everyone for your support this whole year!
2015-09-10 2:15 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Originally posted by MOlsen

Alan, do you have any tips for improving hill climbing beyond "do more hills"? Specifically, how to manage gears and effort? On steep hills I find myself down shifting to keep my cadence up, should I stay in the higher gear and grind it out?

It depends on what your aim is. It used to be a common thing for people to do 'big gear' workouts where you would go out on a climb (or even a flat) and mash a big gear with a slow cadence. Recent studies have shown that all this does is make you good at mashing a big gear, which is useless if you normally ride with a normal 80-100rpm cadence. 

When doing hill repeats try to pick a gear that allows you maintain your normal preferred cadence with whatever effort level you want to put out. If you're going super easy up the hill, you'll probably need to be in the granny gear. If you want to hammer up the hill, you can shift down a couple. As long as your cadence stays up where you normally ride relative to your effort level. 

If you want to do big gear workouts and mash up hills, make sure you combine those workouts with quick leg drills where you spin super fast in an easy gear. 


2015-09-10 4:08 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Go Scott.....almost there!!

2015-09-10 4:19 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Go Scott.....almost there!!

2015-09-11 5:59 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Go Scott and Gretchen!!! I can't wait to hear how it all goes!!! I'll be thinking of you guys this weekend!

I still haven't posted a race report yet (sheepish grin). I just haven't had the time!

The race was last Saturday, I stayed in a hotel just down from the start with another friend whom I talked into joining me. Actually that worked out great as I would have stayed at my in-laws with the whole family but it kind of stinks tiptoeing around the house at 4:30 in the morning trying to get everything together. This way the two of us had the same wake-up alarm going off, we knew our plan and our bikes were racked the night before. Hubby and the boys came for the start of the race at 07:00. I didn't have much for breakfast - a whole bagel with nothing on it, a spoonful of peanut butter and maybe my Greek yogurt but I can't remember if I actually had that. I brought a banana for later before the race but never ate it (I got hungry).
I was in the 7th wave of 8 (my friend was in the 6th) - men's college team was first, women's college teams were second, elites third, 2 men's divisions, 2 women's divisions, and the relay teams were the last wave.
The lake started out pretty smooth but once I started the swim I noticed the waves kick up - turns out there were a couple of motorboats with para-sailors cruising around. I felt I swam pretty steady - got into a groove but I was breathing each time on my one side, not every third stroke. The course was counter-clock-wise and I breathe on the right. Tracking seemed okay - better on the way back in than on the way out. My friend who started in the wave before me was so paranoid of me passing her - she kept looking for me as she swam. Ironically as she stood up at the end of the swim...I stood up right next to her! LOL. She said - "I knew that was you!! Long sleeve Vortex 4 and then I saw the watch!" That was fun. I finished the 0.9 swim in 30:42 - only a minute off last year (work to do here). We ran to T1 together and got out on our bikes together - the whole time i was yelling at her to get her butt in gear on her fancy Cannondale Slice Tri bike. I know she can ride fast and smoke me but doesn't always push it. Anyway, the course starts right off going up a long annoying hill. I dropped her and never saw her again until the end.
The course has a nice rolling profile with a few good hills in there. I ate two Gu's on the course as planned. I drank almost my entire Aerolite bottle of water. The last 1/2 mile was a no-passing zone (new this year) which was a bummer because a bunch of us got bottled up behind a very slow rider. I had zero cadence here. (also on another section with a car the pulled into an intersection and stopped mid-turn. All the bikes were going around the front and back end of the car, it was crazy and we were single file leading up to it - lots of braking there). My average cadence was 82 and given the slow-downs and hills I'll take it. I shaved 5 minutes off my time from last year and averaged 18 mph on the bike. I'd like to continue to improve this but it's moving in the right direction. 24.8 miles in 1:21.
The run was the same as last year - brutal. It's hilly and you run through the woods at one point then down a grassy hill behind a school. I did my run/walk thing - so hard mentally to do this for me but I stuck with my plan. The 10k ended up 56:28 (9:07 min/mile) according to them. According to my Garmin, which I was very good about hacking the button for the run - the run was actually 6.4 miles, not 6.2 and I did it 56:29 (same time because I hit the buttons when on the mats) so my Garmin says I did it in 8:48 min/mile. Regardless, the time was almost the same as last year which means with my run/walk I theoretically did better this year.
I ended up 8/30 in my age group and just missed another spot due to the walk piece but that's okay. The most important part was I felt great at the end - no knee issues and I didn't feel like I wanted to keel over. Heck, after a bite to eat we hit the Outlet Mall down the road! Score! LOL
Next year I'll do the HIM (Big George) I was supposed to do this year. Lake George is just a beautiful area and the volunteers are great and the goodie bags are nice too - long sleeve shirt, the usual water bottle, a light thing to put on your arm and some sweet running socks.
I have not done a thing since the race as we went to camp until Monday night and I have been sick and working all this week. (sick from an ugly cold I got from the hubby - not from the race). I hope to run tomorrow (or bike). I have a 10k coming up at the end of the will seem strange not having to swim or bike first!!

(LG Oly 2015.jpg)

LG Oly 2015.jpg (8KB - 5 downloads)
2015-09-11 10:56 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Good Luck Scott and Gretchen!!

Great race report Jenn. Glad to hear there was no knee pain.

Workouts I've been doing lots of running. I'm doing around 25-30 miles a week. The training plan calls for typical interval training during the week and long slow runs on the weekend. The weather has cooled off since Thursday so I'm hoping for much better performance on tomorrow's long run now that the high is 75 F. I'm more than a third into the training plan and now the long run distances are getting into the ugly range (for me). Tomorrow's 14 miler will be the longest I've ever gone.

2 weeks from my 10K kilt run. This is a just for fun run. Well that and beer. Beer and fun.
2015-09-12 4:04 AM
in reply to: Snewo

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hey Guys,

Just checking in on here, on midnights shift so I am going to slowly make my way through the posts I have missed. Sorry about being an absentee BDAS'er. I think about you guys every time I pull on my BDAS jersey and bike into work.

feeling pretty defeated as far as training goes, no swimming or running lately, and just the odd strength workout at work and comutting miles on the bike.

Had my first bike crash ever the other day on the way home from work, just took a turn too fast and couldnt make it. Smoked the curb and flipped over the curb onto some grass (thankfully). Little road rash but the real injury was to my pride when a car pulled up and I hear "you alright!?" I turn to see one of the new pilots from the airport that I had just met the day before.

'Yeah, I am fine, hey.....' ...... embarassing, but it could have been worse.

Alright, I am going to try and be more present here guys, I swear...
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