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2010-06-14 8:15 PM
in reply to: #2921587

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Monty - 2010-06-14 8:49 PM

Dream Chaser - 2010-06-14 6:13 PM

<  I also bought orthotics, that helped me as well with pitched roads especially. 

I think hands down the best investment I have made in the past two years was to get a pair of custom fitted (where they cast your feet and take your whole injury history into account) orthotics from a podiatrist. My achilles tendonitits and plantar fasc. are non existent now and my knees feel better as well. Well worth the $175 that your insurance plans won't pay for......which really irks me. The conversation went like this:
Me.."So your telling me because I run and am healthy you won't pay for them."
Ins company: "Yes."
Me: "So if I stop running, gain 120lbs, become a type 2 diabetic, then you will pay for them?"
Ins company: "Yes."
Me: "So your incenting me to be lazy and have serious health issues."
Ins Compnay: "Is there anything else we can help you with today?"

^^^That conversation made me smile.

Agree with DC that the foam roller will alleviate the symptoms but not address the cause. I reluctantly went to PT (which is covered by my insurance) after a year of ITBS pain in the knee and hip, and by following their regimen of stretches and strength training in the inflexible/weak areas of my body, have finally trained consistently without any pain. It's a whole different tri world out there when you're not in excruciating pain in all 3D's. Get the help you need. It's worth it.

Edited by yeats 2010-06-14 8:16 PM

2010-06-14 8:23 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Anyone use compression shorts during the run or post-race last year (or with other races??).

I bought compression socks in our tri club colors this weekend more to be a tri dork than actually think they'd work, but after wearing them my calves never ever hurt the whole darn weekend and my quads ached like a mother.  It kind of made me curious about compression shorts...

...I'd certainly be setting a fashion statement if I DID get compression shorts for the run since I am planning on ditching a shirt for the first half of the marathon (gotta cover up a little bit for that photo finish!
2010-06-14 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2921499

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
SUPOS2BWRKN - 2010-06-14 8:05 PM wow that is some run-on sentence...

I personally found the Stinkville Bridge to be the highlight of that post

2010-06-14 8:43 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Monty, that was hilarious.  Very funny.

Like Yeats said, it's a whole regimen I have to follow.  At least three to four times a week I do the ITBS stretches to this day (for two years plus straight!!) still foam roll, do Yoga poses almost daily -- just google ITB Stretches or even go on  It's like a small part-time job doing all these post-workout routines, but this is what I need to do to stay injury-free and train at the volume that I do.  So the trade-off is worth it to me.

Oh, and as Kwin mentioned, I also have a tennis ball and a golf ball.  Start with the tennis ball.  Sit on it.  Roll it around your glutes.  If you find an area that hurts, bite down on a towel, and press the ball into that area and work it around.  It's 9/10 painful, but what you are doing is breaking up scar tissue and forcing blood into an out of the area which promotes healing.  Your IT Bands and Hamstrings are all attached to your glutes, which are attached to your hips, which are attached to your core muscles.  They are all attached to one another.  So if one gets tight, it puts strain on and pulls the others resulting in tight hamstrings, or a tight IT Band -- and a tight IT Band rubs against the bone on the outside of the knee which causes pain.  If you find a real stubborn area in your glutes, grab the golf ball and go to town.  It's self-torture, but it works.  Occassionally I pay my chiropractor and he does Active Release Technique on me.  Which instead of a ball, it's his thumbs breaking up the scar tissue.  He's got Thumbs from Hell!!! I often break an instantaneous sweat when I get A.R.T done.

The Good News is it does get less painful.  Or maybe my brain has just compensated and figured out how to manage the pain better?  I dunno.  But short 10 and 15 minute spells of pain are worth it to me to be able to train and race for hours on end pain free.  I'll stop rambling now.



Edited by Dream Chaser 2010-06-14 8:46 PM
2010-06-15 7:43 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey all!  

I emailed one of the local bike shops about getting my bike in the week of IMLP and also asked about the bike course, figuring they might know.. This is the answer I got.

"The bridge is gone and I hear that they will build a jump……just kidding. In all likelihood, the bridge will not be finished by race day. They do have another option or 2 that they can use. They would like to go out 9N towards Ausable and then go up 86 to Wilmington. Not sure if that is official."

2010-06-15 7:55 AM
in reply to: #2921679

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2010-06-15 8:04 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-06-15 8:05 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Thanks everyone!  This makes sense...I have had glute issues on the left side for awhile (BIG fan of my baseball!!).  I have a foam roller, but i doubt ive been going hard enough on it.  Been icing and stretching, and I have a new pair of shoes I'm dying to break in. Seems like the motto is to stretch alot and hurt yourself....or is that just the Ironman training motto overall? :-P

WittyCitygirl: I bout compression capris for the run (CR-x)  they fit like beauties!!  I know it will take a few more minutes in transition to wriggle into them, but my legs really have thanked me for them!!
2010-06-15 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I also had acute ITBS in 2006 that kept me from running for nearly 8 weeks and plagued me with pain for over two years. I still have to work to keep it at bay, much like Bobby shared. I stretch about every other day now using a yoga rope, I can't recommend that enough. I keep it next to my bed and just quickly do the stretch right before going to sleep. I'd be cautious not to overstretch though, you just need enough to keep flexible. I had to work on my hip and glute strength for a long time to correct the imbalances. As others have said, find out what's causing it rather than just treating it, otherwise you will always be battling the symptoms.
2010-06-15 9:19 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-06-15 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2922448

Madison, New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I am heading up on the 25th. Can't wait!!!

2010-06-15 9:32 AM
in reply to: #2922448

Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-06-15 10:19 AM

Very loosely debating heading up to LP next Monday to train, but more likely will stay in town. Anyone heading up soon?

We're headed up Thursday!!! I can't wait! It'll be my first time visiting LP in the summer months! It's going to be an awesome weekend of training! Jorge's training camp is this weekend, and I know Yeats, GoPennState, Marnavette, and Coredump will all be there- anyone else?
2010-06-15 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2922485

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
BTW, now that I am 3/4 of the way through my case of new Ironman Perform I was wondering where I could go to buy more of it? Answer: least not at any retail location. It is currently only available on-line forcing you to pay shipping. It won't be available in stores until late the earliest and that obviously doesn't help us much. Pretty arrogant to roll it out like this when you consider the thousand of dollars we all have invested in this endeavor.....On the positive side I have been training with it over the past few weeks with no problems.

2010-06-15 2:01 PM
in reply to: #2922485

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
jazz82482 - 2010-06-15 9:32 AM
PennState - 2010-06-15 10:19 AM Very loosely debating heading up to LP next Monday to train, but more likely will stay in town. Anyone heading up soon?
We're headed up Thursday!!! I can't wait! It'll be my first time visiting LP in the summer months! It's going to be an awesome weekend of training! Jorge's training camp is this weekend, and I know Yeats, GoPennState, Marnavette, and Coredump will all be there- anyone else?

Ill be up there with train This from Rochester NY....cant wait to actually do it up on the course!!!!
2010-06-15 2:04 PM
in reply to: #2923367

Malvern, England
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
You must be Alexa's friend!  Another local BTer?
I'm Jackie from the Train-this team - looking forward to meeting you!
2010-06-15 2:24 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Jersey Shore
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Heading up to LP 25-27th...  Looking forward to it!!!!  I say that now, lets see what I say driving home on Sunday!!!! 

Foam Roller, I have two....  the longer rollers work better...  IT is a bad wod in my house.... 

I am surprised by my recovery from Eagleman, very happy with both performance stuck to plan and it worked, and recovery so far is good only thing that is sore is SUNBURN!!!! 

2010-06-15 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2923317

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

greyguy - 2010-06-15 2:42 PM BTW, now that I am 3/4 of the way through my case of new Ironman Perform I was wondering where I could go to buy more of it? Answer: least not at any retail location. It is currently only available on-line forcing you to pay shipping. It won't be available in stores until late the earliest and that obviously doesn't help us much. Pretty arrogant to roll it out like this when you consider the thousand of dollars we all have invested in this endeavor.....On the positive side I have been training with it over the past few weeks with no problems.

I blew threw that entire case in 5 or 6 days!  I had zero problems with it either.  For me, there is very little difference between GE and Perform.  They're both pretty much both sucrose/maltodextrin/simple sugar and electrolyte drinks. "C2MAX Blend" is just marketing; all that hub-bub is malarky. 

I'm going to continue to train with Gatorade Endurance (I bought three containers of it after-all!) and then Race week hydrate with the PowerBar Perform and use it on Race Day.  I honestly truly see there being no problem switching right before as I had zero problem switching back and forth in training.  I also used three bottles of PowerBar Perform at Rev3 so I know in a Race Pace situation I'll be fine.  Now if there is CeraSport on the course, that's a whole nother ball of wax.


Edited by Dream Chaser 2010-06-15 2:32 PM
2010-06-15 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

T-Minus 39 Days!

2010-06-15 6:04 PM
in reply to: #2923486

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-06-15 4:30 PM

greyguy - 2010-06-15 2:42 PM BTW, now that I am 3/4 of the way through my case of new Ironman Perform I was wondering where I could go to buy more of it? Answer: least not at any retail location. It is currently only available on-line forcing you to pay shipping. It won't be available in stores until late the earliest and that obviously doesn't help us much. Pretty arrogant to roll it out like this when you consider the thousand of dollars we all have invested in this endeavor.....On the positive side I have been training with it over the past few weeks with no problems.

I blew threw that entire case in 5 or 6 days!  I had zero problems with it either.  For me, there is very little difference between GE and Perform.  They're both pretty much both sucrose/maltodextrin/simple sugar and electrolyte drinks. "C2MAX Blend" is just marketing; all that hub-bub is malarky. 

I'm going to continue to train with Gatorade Endurance (I bought three containers of it after-all!) and then Race week hydrate with the PowerBar Perform and use it on Race Day.  I honestly truly see there being no problem switching right before as I had zero problem switching back and forth in training.  I also used three bottles of PowerBar Perform at Rev3 so I know in a Race Pace situation I'll be fine.  Now if there is CeraSport on the course, that's a whole nother ball of wax.


 I completely agree with you on that... keeping it simple and as long as there is available super juice on the course to keep hydrated thats all that counts.... flavor or brand isnt verry important in my opinion....
2010-06-15 8:16 PM
in reply to: #2923317

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Re: running out of PB Perform free samples and ordering more...

There was a thread on slowtwitch comparing Powerbar Perform with Powerbar Endurance powder.  They were nutritionally equivalent except for the potassium content.  So you can order a tub of that and be training with virtually what will be available on course, with far less shipping woes to worry about (buying powder vs. liquid).
2010-06-15 8:44 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Upstate NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

I know the Race Director and saw him briefly this weekend at LP Marathon (he's Race Director for that too) and asked him the all important question. It looks like we will be staying on Rte 9 to Ausable Forks then back to 86 in Jay. Told me some have tested it and have riden it faster than regular route.

I live 45 min. from LP, but have condo there, so will be up most every weekend for my own private training camp. Plan on heading up Friday afternoon. Swim-bike Saturday, Swim-Run Sunday. Weather permitting of course. All are welcome to join.

Monday night starts High Peaks Cycle Monday Night Tri's. Low key event and a good time plus lots of drawings and prizes.

Edited by trizee 2010-06-15 8:45 PM

2010-06-16 8:01 AM
in reply to: #2924222

Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
trizee - 2010-06-15 8:44 PM

I know the Race Director and saw him briefly this weekend at LP Marathon (he's Race Director for that too) and asked him the all important question. It looks like we will be staying on Rte 9 to Ausable Forks then back to 86 in Jay. Told me some have tested it and have riden it faster than regular route.

I live 45 min. from LP, but have condo there, so will be up most every weekend for my own private training camp. Plan on heading up Friday afternoon. Swim-bike Saturday, Swim-Run Sunday. Weather permitting of course. All are welcome to join.

Monday night starts High Peaks Cycle Monday Night Tri's. Low key event and a good time plus lots of drawings and prizes.

Thanks, do they plan on telling us at some point  
2010-06-16 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Family Question:  For those of you who have brought young kids with them the week of the Race, what events (if any) are there to do?  I have a 4-yr-old and 6-yr-old and I'm arriving in LP Thursday.  Any suggestions of places to go, cool things to see and do Thursday afternoon, Friday or Saturday?  Any family-fun places nearby??  Zoo's, amusement parks, botanical gardens??  

Edited by Dream Chaser 2010-06-16 8:28 AM
2010-06-16 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2924818

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
the north pole is there...

2010-06-16 8:33 AM
in reply to: #2924835

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

cusetri - 2010-06-16 9:26 AM the north pole is there...

Thanks Mike!!  So I got Friday covered

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