BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-06-18 8:08 AM
in reply to: #1473490

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
shaggy28 - 2008-06-18 9:03 AM

Never participated in one but last months issue of Triathlete Magazine (still on the shelves I think) is devoted to XTERRA. Has the 2007 champion (in tri shorts) on the cover. Maybe you or he can grab a copy. If it's not on the shelf anymore I can mail mine to you.
Great minds think a like...I passed it along to him a week or so ago. ;-)

Thanks for the offer though!


2008-06-18 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1473495

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
just make sure he gets the training in.

that being said, trail running is good for road racers too. i do almost all of my running on trails, it helps with impact injuries, and builds up the stabalizer muscles that do not see as much use when running on an even surface. not to mention that if you can run fast on trails you will fly once you get back on a road!
2008-06-18 10:13 PM
in reply to: #1473495

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
who all is racing this weekend, if anyone?

i think i am heading up to toledo for the maumee bay olympic tri. run is gonna be slow right now on account of almost no running recently, but i am looking for a good swim/bike.
2008-06-19 6:46 AM
in reply to: #1475846

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-06-18 11:13 PM

who all is racing this weekend, if anyone?

i think i am heading up to toledo for the maumee bay olympic tri. run is gonna be slow right now on account of almost no running recently, but i am looking for a good swim/bike.

Not me, after today I'm off to Aruba until next Wednesday. No training planned except for some low-intensity runs on the beach and maybe a swim in the ocean or two. So, good luck to any racers in the group and otherwise I hope the everyone's training goes well.

Oh and I thought you were taking a break from racing , David? ;-) Have a good race...can't wait to read the race report when I'm back in town and online.

2008-06-19 10:13 AM
in reply to: #1475846

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-06-18 11:13 PM

who all is racing this weekend, if anyone?

i think i am heading up to toledo for the maumee bay olympic tri. run is gonna be slow right now on account of almost no running recently, but i am looking for a good swim/bike.

Not me....

I am getting into the meat of my HIM training plan. July looks like it is gonna be a fun one. So it is really time to get the nose to the grind stone.

Good luck this weekend!
2008-06-19 10:19 AM
in reply to: #1476454

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
thanks guys and everyone have a great time.

and i was not going to race, buuuuuut, its a dead flat course, how do i say no to that.

2008-06-22 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1473495

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
any of you still alive? been kinda quiet on here
2008-06-23 6:39 AM
in reply to: #1482142

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I have been away for vacation. I got one day of swimming in and some running. Time to get rolling again. I may be making some progress on my swim. Today I swam for 30 minutes straight. It wasn't real fast and I didn't count laps. I had to use a 25m pool. They had the diving Olympic trials yesterday so the long course was down. The difference is I tend to get a good breath or two at the end as I turn. I don't stop, just get good breaths on the turn. Hopefully when I hit the long course I can go for that duration as well.

Dave, do you come from a swimming background? I belong to a masters group, but stopped going due to all of the intervals just kicking my tale every time I went in. Since returning (about two months ago), I have just been focusing on lap swimming and building endurance. Is that what I should continue to do or do you think getting back into the intervals a couple of days a week would help more as a change of pace?

2008-06-23 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1482142

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-06-22 10:35 PM

any of you still alive? been kinda quiet on here

'm not dead yet.

Just training. Freaking out about the HIM today... Only two months away... YIKES.
2008-06-23 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1482584

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
rc63413 - 2008-06-23 6:39 AM

I have been away for vacation. I got one day of swimming in and some running. Time to get rolling again. I may be making some progress on my swim. Today I swam for 30 minutes straight. It wasn't real fast and I didn't count laps. I had to use a 25m pool. They had the diving Olympic trials yesterday so the long course was down. The difference is I tend to get a good breath or two at the end as I turn. I don't stop, just get good breaths on the turn. Hopefully when I hit the long course I can go for that duration as well.

Dave, do you come from a swimming background? I belong to a masters group, but stopped going due to all of the intervals just kicking my tale every time I went in. Since returning (about two months ago), I have just been focusing on lap swimming and building endurance. Is that what I should continue to do or do you think getting back into the intervals a couple of days a week would help more as a change of pace?


this depends on how much/many days you are swimming, but my swimming looks something like this: 5 days a week in the pool/water. 3 of them are somewhat structured to none at all (i might have some set plan to just getting in and swimming). these are normally 1000-2000yrds in length.

2 days a week i do harder interval sets, workouts will vary depending on the day, from 2500-4000.

i think even more for sprint races it is still important to get in intervals.

i come from no swimming background whatsoever. i learned how to swim when i was 5 or 6, then never really swam until two years ago. i did the "go play in the pool with my family" but i never swam a lap in my life until i started triathlon two years ago and when i started could hardly swim 50 yards
2008-06-23 10:15 AM
in reply to: #1482776

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
overall freaking out or specific concerns?

you'll be just fine, if you pace it well you already have more than enough fitness to easily finish it.

2008-06-23 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1483083

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-06-23 11:15 AM

overall freaking out or specific concerns?

you'll be just fine, if you pace it well you already have more than enough fitness to easily finish it.

No worries about the swim...

Worries are around pacing.... mostly. Just having enough in the tank to do the run.

In all reality I know I have the fitness to do it. Some days I just worry more than others.
2008-06-23 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1483141

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
haha i know the feeling, i do that all the time for one reason or another. just start easy, and dont kill the bike, and you'll be fine. the run is not as bad as people make it sound, sitting on your bike for that long is, but you are on a road bike rigth? that should make that part more fun.

2008-06-23 11:47 AM
in reply to: #1483080

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
It is great to hear that you came from a background other than swimming. From your race reports, your swimming is great. Your swim background is much like mine, could swim but mostly just splashed around. Maybe there is hope. I have been trying to hit the pool 5 days a week. It definitely blends better with my other trainning, so I like that part. I think I might be at apoint where hitting the masters sessions a couple of times a week might help out.

2008-06-23 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1483410

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
deff swimming more has helped more than anything. i got a little help when i was first starting out, but the rest i have learned through doing and watching others. if you have any swimming background the tech work might already be there, but if not getting some help once or twice will go a long way.

if you can swim with a group even once or twice a week i would deff rec doing so.
2008-06-23 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1483585

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
That knee problem you've been having. Does it hurt you mostly on the run or bike or both? How is it coming along?

2008-06-23 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1484821

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
it hurt both, more running. i think it was a mix of overload TTT weekend and running in the wrong shoes, i got a new pair, with the correct motion control and i am doing much better.
2008-06-24 6:50 AM
in reply to: #1484841

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Every now an then I have troubles with "tracking of my knee cap" where it doesn't slide in the groove quite right. I find if I do a couple of sets of leg extensions on one of the Nautilus machines after a couple of times, it goes away. Hopefully it will be so easy, perhaps worth a try.

2008-06-25 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1485525

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
the pain has been getting less and less each time out, yesterday i i went on a 4 mile run, first half on rough trails, NO PAIN!

now if i could get this saddle sore from hell cleared up life would be good
2008-06-25 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Never had a saddle sore... Hope I never get one... Maybe I just don't ride enough.
2008-06-25 12:21 PM
in reply to: #1489360

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
i have had small ones now and then from longer races, but this was not like that, more of a hard lump, not cool. had it cut open, not to gross anyone out or anything. so a few days off the bike while it clears up.

2008-06-26 7:50 AM
in reply to: #1489443

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I'm back from vacation, guys. It was great to have a few days off and it was especially great to get to relax for hours on end. I also managed to get a few runs and swims in, so although I ate like a total pig I didn't completely slack off. Oh and got in at about midnight last night so I'm running on fumes and caffeine today ;-(

Hope everyone has had a great few weeks of training. Doesn't sound like too much has been going on...which hopefully means everyone is cranking away at the training. I know that I'm very excited to get back into a routine in, anyone up for a July training challenge? Not sure what but I know that I could use some extra motivation to get my training back in gear...

2008-06-26 9:51 AM
in reply to: #1491163

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Oh and one more tight should a bike jersey be? I have one that fits well but is pretty loose. I ordered another ('07 2XU Elite, Medium) and it is super tight. Based on their sizing chart it is the right size for my frame but I'm considering ordering the next size up if I can...but before I do I was wondering just how tight it should be. This one is pretty much skin tight and although I've only squeezed it on once it is a bit uncomfortable.

Also, will it stretch at all with use?

2008-06-26 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1491550

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Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
jersey fit is personal, but if should be close fighting but not tight. it should not fit like a skinsuit.

i race for 2xu this season, and for what its worth their stuff runs a bit small, about half to a full size.

I would be up for a july challenge.

any thoughts to format? same as last time? play with things a bit? diff time lengths (or just go week by week?)

training is FINALLY going well for me, sorting out some bike stuff but other than that all good, running is going well, and i am still getting in some solid swim time.
2008-06-26 1:12 PM
in reply to: #1491880

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
newbz - 2008-06-26 12:17 PM

jersey fit is personal, but if should be close fighting but not tight. it should not fit like a skinsuit.

i race for 2xu this season, and for what its worth their stuff runs a bit small, about half to a full size.

I would be up for a july challenge.

any thoughts to format? same as last time? play with things a bit? diff time lengths (or just go week by week?)

training is FINALLY going well for me, sorting out some bike stuff but other than that all good, running is going well, and i am still getting in some solid swim time.
Thanks for the heads up on the jersey...I'm going to put it on again tonight to see how it feels and I might order a large to see if it is more comfortable...

As for the challenge...I'm not sure, I've got a big month planned but I'd love to push it a bit. But honestly, just hitting my numbers would be fine based on how much I've got planned ;-) Anyone have any suggestions or thoughts?
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