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2008-05-06 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1384342

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

I am ready for the Manatee Challenge...I will have to come up with my goals later today...thought about them some while working out but I am not set on them just yet.  I will post them later today or tomorrow.

Everyone be safe and train hard.

2008-05-06 10:58 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Hey Manatees. I see I'm not the only one trying to catch up after being sick. I came down with a throat infection last Tuesday, but I was trying to suck it up and didn't go to the Dr. until Friday. Should have gone earlier, because by the time I got there I was in sad, sad shape. I had a blood vessel in the back of my throat ready to burst, plus the doc wanted to know why I didn't feel worse that I did (worse???). Drugs are a wonderful thing.

So I'm back to reading the computer and I'm so far behind with you all. I hope you didn't start the challenge without me.
2008-05-06 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Greetings and salutations!

Today I'll plugging along at work and then will go for a short jaunt after. Three days in a row, I must be going for the record!?!

Positive Thought of The Day: I've been very patient and good at following the advice of the physical therapists. It's probably one of the hardest things I've done. I'm ITCHING to go full bore and they have me on a short leash. It's not easy for me to look at 70 minutes of running for an ENTIRE week, but I am.

I will become unbroken.

2008-05-06 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1384519

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Terri! I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. That throat infection doesn't sound good at all. Hang in there, and post when you can.

lastcall2003 - 2008-05-06 8:01 AM

I think one of your goals should be to say something positive about swimming each time you go -

I used to tell myself how much I hated to run and how much I suck at it all the time. Someone challenged me to stop doing that - reason being that if I kept reminding myself how much I hated it, that was what I was focusing on - it's that whole positive mental attitude thing (i know, i know - but hey, there is some truth to it)

I kind of frowned at the time, but took on the challenge -

I have to be honest and say it has made a difference in my running workouts - true, I cannot honestly say I love to run - but I don't hate it nearly as much as I used to

I just had to jump in and back this up 100 percent. I'm so bad at swimming that a few months ago I reached a point where I started to just hate it. I'd get angry any time I had to get in the pool and I dreaded every single swim. But I forced myself to think positive -- even if it was just something simple, like enjoying the feel of the water sliding over my body. It really did help. I'm still a really, really slow swimmer (and have come to accept that I'll probably never be very good at it, not without A LOT of work), but I don't hate swimming anymore. (OK, I don't usually hate swimming. Every now and then I have a bad day. *g*)

Now I just need to work on positive-thinking the bike...
2008-05-06 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Yee! I just found out that my friend finally got around to registering us for Muddy Buddy in San Jose. It'll be my first adventure race and I'm super excited about it. Wasn't someone else considering a Muddy Buddy race?
2008-05-06 3:06 PM
in reply to: #1384519

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
lastcall2003 - 2008-05-06 11:01 AM
Reno8 - 2008-05-06 8:11 AM

You know Yanti...she may have been having a bad day and forced herself to go to the class to start with...then seeing that you had everything under control and that you were handling the music issues just fine then maybe she thought..."hey, this chick has her act together..I have seen all I need to see...I am going to deal with this other crap stuff I need to handle."

For those of you that don't know I frickin hate swimming (sorry Beth) I don't particularly care for swimming (which is really odd since I used to be a life guard as a teenager and was a diver in college...I just have issues with swimming for distance)...but today I did my first 1000 yd. session (not continous but total) I did 100 w/u then sets of 50 then finished with a 100. I know for most of you guys that is just a warm up, but I feel real good that I accomplished this and I feel better each time I go..(Is that more positive Mother Beth??? )


Much better Steve!  I have an idea for your challenge

I think one of your goals should be to say something positive about swimming each time you go - 

I used to tell myself how much I hated to run and how much I suck at it all the time.  Someone challenged me to stop doing that - reason being that if I kept reminding myself how much I hated it, that was what I was focusing on - it's that whole positive mental attitude thing (i know, i know - but hey, there is some truth to it)

I kind of frowned at the time, but took on the challenge -

I have to  be honest and say it has made a difference in my running workouts - true, I cannot honestly say I love to run - but I don't hate it nearly as much as I used to  

{stepping down off of the soapbox now} Wink

Thanks MOM!!!

I am currently reading the book "The Secret" and it talks about the concept of positive thoughts and expectations...great book by the way.

To be honest, I don't really suck at swimming.  It is just that I have no endurance and none of the other training seems to have carried over from a stamina standpoint.  I have been told by a swimming coach that I have a great stroke (whoo hoo) but it is the distance thing that gets me.

I accept your challenge as I know I am going to get better...I just need more time in the pool and that will come.  I am sorry that I have waited this long to "get wet" but I can still make great improvements by race day on June 22.  In fact what I have been trying to address is how to work my swimming motivation into the Manatee Challenge...I'll figure it out tonight.

2008-05-06 3:38 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
so has the manatee challenge officially started yet???? so if we are "involved" with a may challenge group can we use those goals, or alter them for the manatee challenge???
2008-05-06 3:55 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
To answer some initial questions--yes, it's started, but it's never too late to join--be wise and simply make your goals include things you've already done this month . You can make your goals whatever you want--same as the President's challenge, something else, something other than tri--it's YOUR challenge, Manatee!
I will re-post this several times and inspire everyone to join in. YOU set your own goals and YOU determine how to meet them ... they may be tri-related or not, or a combo. For example, Jeff is going to say something nice about himself here every day. Whatever you've already done in the month of May counts!
- Post in this thread what your goals are, how you'll meet them (follow the plan? Get on the bike twice a week?), and what would constitute reaching 2/3 of them. 
- Everyone who gives this challenge a shot and puts something toward goals gets a pat on the back and can put something like "I put in a good effort in the May Manatee Challenge" (wording optional) in the signature line.
- People who reach 2/3 or more of their goals can declare themselves to have done GREAT in the challenge.
- If you make 100%, you are a WINNER in the Manatee challenge.
Whoever comes out the MOST ahead will get a prize and can say whatever he or she wants in the sig line!
There are NO PENALTIES.*
2008-05-06 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Here are my goals for the challenge:

1.  Have my graphs meet the planned amount of training in my Oly plan. (so far, so good, for 13 weeks)

2.  Quit blaming my family for my inability to get myself out there.  I can make the time, and if I can't, it is NOT their fault.  Life is busy.  Each blame gets a negative point for the rest of the month. Each point reduces my overall training by ?? percent (I will think on how to make this a punishment numerically)

3.  Send two inspires a day to my manatees.  It doesn't sound like much, but see #2 and you will understand, life is busy!!

<--new avatar today


2008-05-06 5:16 PM
in reply to: #1385698

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Medusa_Ann - 2008-05-06 4:28 PM

Here are my goals for the challenge:

1.  Have my graphs meet the planned amount of training in my Oly plan. (so far, so good, for 13 weeks)

2.  Quit blaming my family for my inability to get myself out there.  I can make the time, and if I can't, it is NOT their fault.  Life is busy.  Each blame gets a negative point for the rest of the month. Each point reduces my overall training by ?? percent (I will think on how to make this a punishment numerically)

3.  Send two inspires a day to my manatees.  It doesn't sound like much, but see #2 and you will understand, life is busy!!

<--new avatar today


AWESOME GOALS. Just IMHO ... no need to reduce training done ... blame is punishment enough, no need to add. But maybe a public confession, hee hee hee ...

I LOVE YOUR AVATAR! Out of the dozens of spazzalicious photos of you, I think that is my favorite. 'Cuz a hot chick is hot, a hot chick in a wetsuit is sizzling, and a hot chick in a wetsuit rockin' a guitar is just SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION!!!

2008-05-06 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1384524

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Okay, Manatees. I am going with consistency and honesty for my May goals. I start "official" training this month for my tri in October. Since it doesn't start for several more days I'm going to add a couple of things:

My "plan" for May 16-31 calls for:
Bike - 15.00 Mi
Swim - 1000.00 Yd (plus warm ups not included in yardage)
Walk - 2h 35m

Prior to the 16th I will
Bike - 5x
Walk - 1h 30m

and Log it all in.

2008-05-06 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Sous Mon Diadème
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Hi all...

I'm in for the challenge but need to think about my goals a bit.  I'll post 'em tomorrow as it's been a crazy busy day and I have to be up at the crack of stoopid to teach tomorrow.

2008-05-06 7:10 PM
in reply to: #1385891

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Suwanee, Ga.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

OK...I think this will work.

My regular Challenge goals are thus:

  • Swim- 7000 yds.
  • Bike- 50 Miles
  • Run- 70 Miles

I will add to those:

  • Per Momma Beth's threat request- Each time I swim I will post a positive comment (probably in my Blog) about that swim or swimming in general.
  • I will stick to the marathon plan that I am starting- Any missed workouts will result in a public acknowledgement in my Blog.

That should do it...I am now accountable to my Challenge Group (East Coast Hipsters), to my Marathon coach (Dr. Death Wish) and to the two hottest Mentors on the site and the best mentee (sp?) group you could find.....(oh myself also...Duh


2008-05-06 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1385948

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Reno8 - 2008-05-06 7:10 PM

OK...I think this will work.

My regular Challenge goals are thus:

  • Swim- 7000 yds.
  • Bike- 50 Miles
  • Run- 70 Miles

I will add to those:

  • Per Momma Beth's threat request words of encouragement and inspiration - Each time I swim I will post a positive comment (probably in my Blog) about that swim or swimming in general.
  • I will stick to the marathon plan that I am starting- Any missed workouts will result in a public acknowledgement in my Blog.

That should do it...I am now accountable to my Challenge Group (East Coast Hipsters), to my Marathon coach (Dr. Death Wish) and to the two hottest Mentors on the site and the best mentee (sp?) group you could find.....(oh myself also...Duh)


nice goals Steve - just tweaked them a bit - you know, to represent the actual facts of the story  

2008-05-06 8:04 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

I will also post my goals tomorrow - if anyone has any input on what they should be - chime in


2008-05-06 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1384698

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

MrsUSMC - 2008-05-06 10:58 AM Hey Manatees. I see I'm not the only one trying to catch up after being sick. I came down with a throat infection last Tuesday, but I was trying to suck it up and didn't go to the Dr. until Friday. Should have gone earlier, because by the time I got there I was in sad, sad shape. I had a blood vessel in the back of my throat ready to burst, plus the doc wanted to know why I didn't feel worse that I did (worse???). Drugs are a wonderful thing. So I'm back to reading the computer and I'm so far behind with you all. I hope you didn't start the challenge without me.

Terri!  glad to hear you are feeling better 

Dear Kettle,

Next time don't wait so long to go see the Dr.

Your friend, the Pot  

2008-05-06 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!


sorry for taking so long to post a response, I really have been thinking about it - I actually had to run and swim in order to get my thoughts around what is hopefully a helpful response.

The reason I asked about how you feel when you breathe when you are running is that, eventually as you get comfortable in the water, it should feel as natural as it does when you run.

For me - I gasp for air when I am running (it happened again tonight) - I know I am not efficient and could be much more comfortable if I could get the breathing down - tips are welcome!

Does your swim coach have you do any breathing drills - things as simple as this can help

  • Stand at the edge of the pool and stick your face in the water to your hairline
  • Breathe out (blowing bubbles through your nose and mouth) into the water - just before you expel all your air, rotate your head to the side and inhale from the nose and mouth
  • Rotate your head back in the water and repeat

Try rotating to the right and left sides to help with the bilateral breathing technique

The purpose of this is to focus on exhaling into the water and getting a feel for when you are ready for the next breath without the added stress and distraction of everything else.

In my former life as a swim instructor - this really helped a lot of people (both kids and adults) get more comfortable with the breathing piece of it. It may feel weird, but it really can help.

A variation of this is to do the drill with a kickboard.

As a side note, most recently (a couple of years ago) a friend of mine was starting to train for tri's - he asked me to help him with the swim part.

I made him do this drill over and over at first. (I know, hard to imagine - LOL) - he hated doing it

At any rate, when he started swimming, he could barely make it 25 - 50 yds without stopping and gasping for air. He could run 10 miles at a shot with no trouble and could bike fast and for long distances. (sound familiar?)

He took it one lap at a time - and last year completed a HIM and can now kick my azz in the pool


Edited by lastcall2003 2008-05-06 10:04 PM
2008-05-07 12:05 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Sorry for being so quiet today guys. Work was just crazy busy. I decided to not let it get me down though and just focused all afternoon on the fact that I WAS going to get in some wog time tonight, and I did!

Since it was late when I got home from the office, I knew it would be dark before I would finish, so I opted to just wog the loop around my complex which is .27 of a mile. I actually jogged the full loop without stopping twice during my wog tonight! So, my workout consisted of walking a loop then jogging a loop twice followed by walking 2 loops to cool down. That means that I actually jogged a total of just over a half mile tonight. I am one happy bunny!

Admittedly, I'm extremely slow, but I managed to jog for 4 minutes without stopping ... TWICE! I know for some folks that might not be a big deal, but for me it's HUGE! At my height and weight, pretty much any jogging is an accomplishment. LOL

Given how I did tonight, this gives me yet another major confidence boost for meeting my tri goals. One of which includes jogging the entire run portion (2 miles) of my super sprint tri in October.

Ok, I've also set my goals for the Manatee Challenge. Like Terri, my training plan for our October tri starts mid-month. So I'm going to use that for part of my challenge goals:

1. Stick with my training plan which begins May 18. By month's end that will be 1250M swimming, 16 miles biking (some will be on a trainer since I'm still struggling at learning to ride the damned thing), and 130 mins of walking (although I'll still do my wogging). I'm hoping it doesn't happen, but 2/3rd's of this goal would mean 833M swimming, 10.6 miles on the bike, and 87 minutes walking.

2. Get in at least 8 workouts between now and when my training plan starts. This can be any type of workout (wogging, biking, swimming, classes, strength training, etc.). My 2/3rd's of this goal would be 5 workouts.

3. Get in a total of at least 6 morning training sessions. My 2/3's of this goal would be 4 morning workouts. (I thought about making this more, but I have a friend coming out from Detroit for the last 2 weeks of the month and I'm just not sure what our schedule will be. I do know a trip to Palm Springs and hiking at Joshua Tree are on the books for part of Memorial Day weekend, but I have no clue outside of that what he wants to do while he's here.)

4. Leave at least 1 inspire per week for all the other Manatees. My 2/3rd's of this goal would be at least 11 inspires per week.
2008-05-07 12:43 AM
in reply to: #1386119

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
Melissa! That is HUGE! Congratulations on the jogging (I know, it was wogging, but the continuous jogging is so impressive!). Just think how awesome you are going to feel when you run that whole sprint!

lastcall2003 - 2008-05-06 6:49 PM

For me - I gasp for air when I am running (it happened again tonight) - I know I am not efficient and could be much more comfortable if I could get the breathing down - tips are welcome!

When I first started running regularly I had the gasping problem all the time, and it was the major thing that a) kept me from being able to run anything over a mile, and b) kept me from enjoying running. I actually looked it up online and found lots of tips about timing your breathing to your foot strikes, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Every time I tried to count my steps and breahte with it I just got confused and tired and annoyed. Then one day on the treadmill I was listening to my iPod and tried timing my breathing to the music -- and it worked. It was totally one of those "click" moments people talk about in swimming. The very next run I was able to run two miles straight for the first time. I'm not saying it'll work that way for you, but you might try listening to music and focusing on timing your breathing to the beat.

(The irony, by the way, is that breathing to a beat very quickly became automatic for me, and now I do breathe in rhythm with my foot strikes. In fact, I do much better without music now, because the beat screws up my breathing!)
2008-05-07 8:09 AM
in reply to: #1386425

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Fielding - 2008-05-07 1:43 AM Melissa! That is HUGE! Congratulations on the jogging (I know, it was wogging, but the continuous jogging is so impressive!). Just think how awesome you are going to feel when you run that whole sprint! 

x2  Congrats!

Edited by yogus 2008-05-07 8:24 AM
2008-05-07 8:19 AM
in reply to: #1385576

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
OK, it's time I solidified my goals for this May Manatee Challenge:
Goals - At least 3 weeknights, get to bed and on my way to sleep by 10P, which will give me abt 7 hrs of sleep (I'm up for work at 5).  Due to my Sunday schedule (hanging with friends), I won't make it, but that still gives me 4 days to work with.
Meet - Um, go to bed earlier? No seriously.  Plan my schedule so that I am able to go to bed early.  For example, on Wed, I run at 7 and don't get back to the house, usually, until 8:30.  So, on that day, I'll need to make sure my post-running snack/dinner is ready for me to eat when I get back.  I'll also have to make sure my chores, etc. are done. This way, I'll be able to spend time with my baby, shower, and get to bed by 10.   This has already been helped by turning off the TV most of the time, so that I don't get sucked in. My main problem in the evening is being worn out after training.  If I'm conscientious of that, I might be able to avoid it.
2/3 - If I get to bed by 10 two nights a week, that would constitute 2/3rds of my goal. 
ETA - Dude!  Sorry, but I can't seem to include paragraph breaks.  Never had this prob before.

Edited by yogus 2008-05-07 8:23 AM

2008-05-07 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1361748

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Good morning Groupo!

So the swimming and breathing thing. I've been thinking about it and have a few thoughts. I'm not sure they'll help, but I figured what the hell.

When I first started swimming a couple of years ago I could run and bike fairly well but getting in the pool was HARD. I think the first session I had, was at a gym and MAYBE 10 minutes. I remember standing in the shower afterwards thinking I was going to pass out. From that I learned two things: 1) you are using a lot of muscles that you aren't using in any other sport or possibly activitiy. They are not used to working hard and lead to you needing more oxygen. This leads to 2) you can't breathe when ever you want in swimming. In the other sports you can breathe at will and if you're not used to this activity then learning to regulate your breathing can be difficult.

Here's a couple of things that I do that might help:
1) Try and relax. Getting your body tensed up just makes you need more oxygen sooner. I heard one of the guys at my Master's group the other day say that the secret to swimming is being as lazy as possible. This was in response to somebody saying it didn't even look like he was trying and he FLYS across the pool.

2) After you take your breath and put your head back down in the water, immediately start slowly letting it back out. I try and let out the same amount throughout my whole stroke so right before I take my next breath I'm nearly empty. I find this helps me to get in a breathing rhythm and I then feel that I'M in control of the breathing, not just gasping and blowing.

Remember, the more that you do it, the better that you will get and the easier it will become! I'm by no means an expert and Yanti or somebody else will probably be able to explain it better but I thought I throw this out here.

Positive Thought of the Day: I got up. I did not want to get up and I did. That is a big thing for me. I'm very good at procrastinating and I didn't. I give myself kudos for that.

Have a great day and train well!

2008-05-07 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1386119

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
lastcall2003 - 2008-05-06 8:49 PM
  • Stand at the edge of the pool and stick your face in the water to your hairline
  • Breathe out (blowing bubbles through your nose and mouth) into the water - just before you expel all your air, rotate your head to the side and inhale from the nose and mouth
  • Rotate your head back in the water and repeat

Try rotating to the right and left sides to help with the bilateral breathing technique

The purpose of this is to focus on exhaling into the water and getting a feel for when you are ready for the next breath without the added stress and distraction of everything else.

I think this is a great idea.  While I am significantly more comfortable breathing than I used to be, I really don't know if I exhale everything before taking the next breathe. I pretty much learned to bilateral breathe from the beginning (although right side was really an issue for a long time) and it is so ingrained that when I try to vary it things fall apart.  My swimming coach (who I love) wants me to work on varied breathing patterns in the event I need it during a tri and for sprint workouts.  I suppose it is a little like learning to bilateral breathe in the first place You do what you are used to doing.  I will give your idea a whirl in the pool tomorrow and report back on my progress.

As far as gasping for air while running, what is your HR doing during those times? This usually happened to me when I was starting out too fast and runnning out of gas.  I switched to a walk/run and then eventually got a HRM and that told me everything.  I needed to slow down to get faster. At the beginning it was painfully slow, but the more base I built the faster the pace became. Does that make sense?  In fact, this same phenomenon happened to me in swimming. I would rush through 25 yards freaking out that I might drowned and was cashed at the end of it.  Once I slowed down (and got down proper form) things became better.


2008-05-07 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!

Breathing:  I find that if I think people are watching me (which odds are they ARE NOT) I get uptight and have mini panic attacks and can't get my breathing to work out.  Years of varsity sports and that never happened....I think it must be from the years of building up my low self-esteem that makes that happen.  I am working on fixing that.  In the spirit of that...I posted ALL my duathlon photos in all their dorky glory, as they are me and only me and I am doing it and that's that.  Pictures of me sitting around watching Oprah and eating chips would be much less appealing.  I must keep that in mind at all times!!   

I am working on posting dog and kid pix as well.  I am also trying to work on my manatee challenge of not being mad and blaming my family for my lack of swim and bike riding is not their fault as much as it is situational that I am not out there and I can reconfigure my week to get it done, I can, I can, I can.

Edited by Medusa_Ann 2008-05-07 4:37 PM
2008-05-07 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1361748

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Manatees Mentor Group--FULL!
I *love* that photo, Leslie! You look absolutely adorable and like you're having so much fun, which is exactly as it should be. Now I need to find these so-called bad photos of you...

The pooch is super cute too.

Hey, gang, I have a nutrition question. Basically, I never take nutrition during training. I experimented a little with gels when I was training for the oly -- like, I would sometimes take a gel if I was on my bike for more than two hours, because I figured I'd want something on race day. But other than that, I don't eat or drink anything other than water, and honestly, not even that much water. This has worked fine for me. (The one exception was Sunday's race, but since I had a bad calorie defecit going into that race, I knew I'd need to eat/drink something for energy.)

Now I'm training for my first half marathon. I wasn't planning to take any calories during the race, but maybe I should? Is there any real point to grabbing a small cup of Gatorade at aid stations instead of (or in addition to) a cup of water? I mean, are a couple swallows of Gatorade really going to make any difference? I know, I could figure this out on my own, except I'm not sure if I'd notice any difference in my energy levels on an 8- or 9-mile training run.

On the same note, as I said above, I don't usually even drink much water when training. I never drink water during runs (my longest run was a little over 8 miles, or about 1:15, I think) and I've never had any problems with that. Is it dumb to run a half marathon without any water? Should I start drinking water on my longer runs, just so I get used to running with water in my belly? How much water should one expect to need for a half mary (that I'm hoping to finish in two hours, give or take, and in cool-weather conditions)? Drink every 15 minutes? More/less? If I go by how I'm feeling, I'll probably barely drink at all!
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