General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Arizona : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-09-03 12:16 PM
in reply to: #2387386

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

toddg - 2009-09-03 9:52 AM I plan to wear a full suit and hood. This kept me warm at the Oceanside half with water temps of ~59. I was really worried about being cold during that swim but it worked out well. Looks like the water temp at IMAZ last year was 63 or so from Chris's report.

I did oceanside with a full suit and double capped it and I was warm (and kept old socks on my hands to keep them warm while hanging out waiting to start, as evidenced by the banner pic from TriAya), 63 should be like a bath compared to that, right? :D

2009-09-03 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I figure I keep practicing in the ocean (50s here) and AZ will feel nice and toasty to me, just like Boise did
2009-09-03 12:21 PM
in reply to: #2387453

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
faeron - 2009-09-03 10:16 AM

I did oceanside with a full suit and double capped it and I was warm (and kept old socks on my hands to keep them warm while hanging out waiting to start, as evidenced by the banner pic from TriAya), 63 should be like a bath compared to that, right? :D

I forgot all about the sock donation pile at the start!
2009-09-03 1:24 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Still working on ideas for the BT Group T-shirts.

How about this as a start:

The link to edit and make changes is:

Edited by toddg 2009-09-03 1:26 PM
2009-09-03 1:28 PM
in reply to: #2387453

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
faeron - 2009-09-03 10:16 AM

toddg - 2009-09-03 9:52 AM I plan to wear a full suit and hood. This kept me warm at the Oceanside half with water temps of ~59. I was really worried about being cold during that swim but it worked out well. Looks like the water temp at IMAZ last year was 63 or so from Chris's report.

I did oceanside with a full suit and double capped it and I was warm (and kept old socks on my hands to keep them warm while hanging out waiting to start, as evidenced by the banner pic from TriAya), 63 should be like a bath compared to that, right? :D

I was just thinking about that, I'm sure Tempe Town Lake will feel warm in comparison.

2009-09-03 1:38 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Another idea that I was thinking about...for race day how about BT'ers wearing one of the color rubber wristbands. If you've got friends or family taking photos, they can take extra pics of everyone they see wearing one. Post race we can all upload our pics to a common site or swap them directly. Would be a good way to help everyone get some great racing shots.

2009-09-03 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I like the wristband idea. I love BT but on race day I wear my club colors.
2009-09-03 2:16 PM
in reply to: #2387667

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Chandler, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I like the shirt design except for the landscape photo. It is shaped like the symbol of New Mexico.

The water will be a little chilly but not cold. No need for a squidlid. We start the swim going towards the east and the sunrise. Once we turnaround at the halfway point the sun will be at our backs. For those that have not had a chance to swim in Tempe Town Lake, I'll offer this. There are bleacher type stairs to enter/exit the water. Take your time when you exit. It is very easy to miss the first step and take a dive. As discussed previously, it is pretty easy to sight in the lake. You can use the water's edge to keep a straight path and one of the two bridges in the distance for the turnaround points. At times, I'll use low flying aricraft to sight as the airport runways are less than a mile from the lake.

The bike, the best advice I have is to go slow on the out portion of the Beeline. It is a steady uphill and at times has a headwind. You climb this section 3x. Once you hit the turnaround at Shea, you will get a nice downhill section on the Beeline portion. You will want to be able to take advantage of this portion of the course. So, go slow on the out portion. The rest of the course that is not the beeline is pancake flat through the indian reservation and Tempe city streets. Sally (riorio) is going to kill this course. Mckellips was recently re-paved so it has a nice smooth surface now.

Be sure to prepare for different tempatures during the day. The daylight hours will be nice and comfortable but once the sun sets it will get chilly. So throwaway gear for the morning may be helpful.
2009-09-03 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2387876

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
azstaterick - 2009-09-03 12:16 PM  Be sure to prepare for different tempatures during the day. The daylight hours will be nice and comfortable but once the sun sets it will get chilly. So throwaway gear for the morning may be helpful.

Or finish fast enough to not have to worry about that...
2009-09-03 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2387892

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

caelric - 2009-09-03 12:21 PM
azstaterick - 2009-09-03 12:16 PM  Be sure to prepare for different tempatures during the day. The daylight hours will be nice and comfortable but once the sun sets it will get chilly. So throwaway gear for the morning may be helpful.

Or finish fast enough to not have to worry about that...

hey, I paid a lot of money for this race, I want my glow necklace!

Love the wristband idea too as I will probably be wearing LA tri race top. 

2009-09-03 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2388013

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Went sub-12 (yes, 11:59 is sub-12) on my first IM earlier this year (Vineman full) and my goal for IMAZ is now to come in before the sun is completely set and it is totally dark.  The nautical term is EENT (end of evening nautical twilight), which is about 45 mins after sundown, so that puts me finishing by about 6 or so.  Start time 0630, that gives me 11 1/2 hours.

I have no desire to run in the dark.

2009-09-03 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1827515

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Doesn't it start at 7am?
2009-09-03 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2388117

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
StandsWithFist - 2009-09-03 1:25 PM

Doesn't it start at 7am?

2009-09-03 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2388140

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
muppetdog - 2009-09-03 1:31 PM
StandsWithFist - 2009-09-03 1:25 PM Doesn't it start at 7am?

Ok. Just checking caelric's mathmatical magic there.  :-)
2009-09-03 4:03 PM
in reply to: #1827515

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Not to mention you get more for your money the longer it takes you!  Wink
2009-09-03 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2388213

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
StandsWithFist - 2009-09-03 1:56 PM
muppetdog - 2009-09-03 1:31 PM
StandsWithFist - 2009-09-03 1:25 PM Doesn't it start at 7am?

Ok. Just checking caelric's mathmatical magic there.  :-)

Well, .  I guess that means I need to shoot for a sub-11.

2009-09-03 5:26 PM
in reply to: #2388254

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Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
its all about getting your money worth!
IMAZ clock
2009-09-03 6:14 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I believe I've rented that course for 16:59:59 thank you very much!  Thanks for the tips on the bike course and the swim. 
2009-09-03 6:17 PM
in reply to: #1827515

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
Caelric, if you start at 0630, I think your race will be over waaaaaaay before sunset.
2009-09-03 10:21 PM
in reply to: #1827515

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Monmouth, Oregon
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
I like the shirt design.

Question about the swim. Is it better to start on the outside closest to the wall or on the inside line. I'm thinking of starting on the outside and as everyone's pace sets in then closing to the middle. It seems like this should let everything settle down a bit before fighting with others too much. Question is, will I still get beat up on the outside? I'm guessing I should finish somewhere around 1.5 hours if that makes a difference.

I also noticed how people changed gear as the day went on. Once the sun went down it got a bit chilly and folks were wearing long sleeved shirts and some even sweatshirts so I'll be prepared. During the day though it was fairly warm, especially since I'm coming from the north where it will have been cold for several months so won't be climatized for evern 80 degree weather.
2009-09-03 10:22 PM
in reply to: #2388739

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Extreme Veteran
San Jose, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
fly_boy68 - 2009-09-03 8:21 PM

I like the shirt design.

Question about the swim. Is it better to start on the outside closest to the wall or on the inside line. I'm thinking of starting on the outside and as everyone's pace sets in then closing to the middle. It seems like this should let everything settle down a bit before fighting with others too much. Question is, will I still get beat up on the outside? I'm guessing I should finish somewhere around 1.5 hours if that makes a difference.

I also noticed how people changed gear as the day went on. Once the sun went down it got a bit chilly and folks were wearing long sleeved shirts and some even sweatshirts so I'll be prepared. During the day though it was fairly warm, especially since I'm coming from the north where it will have been cold for several months so won't be climatized for evern 80 degree weather.

Last year everyone had the same idea and started on the outside. Consequently the inside was relatively clean water, according to reports of people who did it.

2009-09-04 1:07 AM
in reply to: #1827515

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Ironman Arizona via Surf City, USA
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread

August Totals:

Bike:    21h 01m 28s - 292.45 miles

Run:    11h 09m 42s - 61.83 miles

Swim:  7h 32m 38s

At least that looks alittle better...  I am on schedule per my coach and feel good about the training so far.. Taking small jumps in the few weeks starting this Friday with a 1:30 swim, 3:30 bike on Saturday and 2 hr run on Sunday...  I'm gettin there...  The only problem I had was the left elbow tendonitis early on that is gone now...  Well kids, gonna get realllly interesting from here on out... I'm in for the colored rubber bracelet..  Just tell me when and where to meet to get it..  I plan on being there early on Thursday to get registered and into the water for the first day of swimming...  Everyone keep hanging in there...  All yer numbers look good and I want you all there when the gun goes off...

Lori..  "I said put yer toes on the edge of that chalk line, you slimey worms".... Sgt. Foley


2009-09-04 1:23 AM
in reply to: #2387817

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
DoloresM2 - 2009-09-03 11:59 AM I like the wristband idea. I love BT but on race day I wear my club colors.

Hell's Angels, Pagans, or Bandidos?
2009-09-04 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2388233

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
canadarn2001 - 2009-09-03 2:03 PM Not to mention you get more for your money the longer it takes you!  Wink

That's my golf and Ironman strategy. Why shoot par when you can double bogey everything. Of course when it's 11:59pm and everyone else is resting and eating pizza it might not seem like such a good strategy.
2009-09-04 11:52 AM
in reply to: #1827515

Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official Thread
We were discussing the "outside/hang near the wall" strategy the other night.  That's where all the freaked out, bad swimmers will be.  So you will be stuck in that CF.  Even though I completely fit that description, I prefer to be with people who know what they are doing, and not the freaks flailing about like me!!!

Last year it was chilly in the morning, perfect mid day, and chilly again at night.  Someone last year had a smart strategy.... to throw some arm warmers on for the bike, push them down as you warm up, and as things cool off for the run, pull them back up.
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