Subject: RE: Ironman Arizona : Official ThreadIMAZ racers--anyone else still need a room/place to stay? Still some room at our rented house (100% confirmed--the security deposit check was cashed and contract sent in ). Right now there are 5 of us BT'ers in a house that has two queen beds, two double beds, big sectional couches, outdoor pool, kitchen, etc. It's in Chandler, just SE of Tempe. We have the place from Thurs-Wed of IMAZ week. Looking for 1-2 others, racers or volunteers, to share the place and the cost. If we get 6 people. With 1-2 other folks, it'll be b/w $160-$188 per person for the WHOLE time. We are a racer friendly house with two of the crew racing themselves. If you're interested please PM me! Looking forward to cheering y'all on out there! My training partner is doing IMAZ as I trian for IMFL and we're keeping each other sane on the long rides and tough days. |