BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-02-15 7:54 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Finally got my house put back in order after a quick week long remodel of our kitchen and laundry room floors.  Ripped out the carpet and put in tile.  Now that is done I can go back to training.  Got my 4th of 7 indoor Tri's tomorrow, hoping to take about 2 min off my swim time, but my students were nice enough to give me a head cold for Valentine's Day. 

Now that the wife has expressed interest in wanting to do 5 and 10K runs with me this summer I can have a training partner which will be nice.  Beating her will keep me motivated.

2013-02-16 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Noel: how'd your tri go? Did the head cold get in the way of your swim time? --- Got In my first brick of the year: 1 mile run-19.5 ride- (then topped it off with) 1 mile run...Keeping in tHe spirit of the duathlon next month. Went well! Pretty excited that so far Ive got 100+ ride miles in feb :D
2013-02-16 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Been a couple weeks since I posted, but things have been pretty rough over here.  Just lost our father in law on Feb 5th, so there was a lot of driving 2 hours each way to deal with that.  On top of that I've had ridiculous projects and deadlines to meet this past week.  It's nice to have that all done, but outside of a few ab exercises, I didn't get any training in for nearly 2 weeks.  Thankfully things are looking to get back to normal and I'll be picking up where I left off on Monday.

Had an indoor tri today that I signed up for before all of this started.  Thought about not showing up, but figured it'd be good for me to figure out where to pick up with my training.  Ended up nearly matching my best  times/distances from the last 3 years that I've done it.  Definitely surprised me, but I'm extremely happy.  Means all my prior training has been sinking in!

Abs: I'm 7 days behind, so there's going to be quite a few two-a-days to start catching up.

Music: Always!  In the water, on the run, whatever.  I have no problem not having it on race day.  It just makes training days that much more enjoyable.  Race days are all about business though.

2013-02-16 8:46 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Noel-  you a teacher?  I teach middle school Science....

1st tri is April (sprint).   Almost literally my 1st.  I did one 2 yrs ago, but could not shake pain in the knees so I dropped Tri's.  Been running easy since Oct - so far so good.

2nd tri is a 50 miler (1/40/9) May 5  then my first 70.3 in KS in early June....

my focus for next 30 days?  sleep.   I am not getting my rest due to family stuff.  And stretching....Both are killing me.  I take meds for sleep disorder, but I am just able to estab a routine due to family stuff.  Going to have to nap in evenings or train  in the mornings...

Group Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  

2013-02-16 9:32 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

James:  why the Redman vs. IM KY?  I presume cost.  I will have same decision to make next yr.  Give me some food for thought.

Anyone else trng for the 'full meal deal' (140.6) remind me of your race and how you chose it...

going to bed - and it is only 9:30!

2013-02-17 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Todd - I teach 4th grade, but hoping to become an administrator soon.  I just finished my last class and took the test, just waiting on results now.

Elena - Unfortunately I never made it to my Tri yesterday.  I ended up in bed all day with my body not letting me get up without consequences.    Slept all day and feel a little better today!

I have 2 more indoor tri's before my first Actual Sprint on May 18th!!!!

2013-02-17 9:50 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Noel: aw, I hate colds. Luckily you've got a few more tris to improve your swim time. Get well! I too was a 4th grade teacher (before kids). Love that age. I'm subbing now and do a lot of volunteering in my kids classrooms, which I love! Not sure how people with FT jobs get their workouts in...I'm in awe at their commitment to those early morning & evening training. Congrats on your last class to become an administrator! -----It's an active rest day for me. Gonna get down & dirty with a Stihl chainsaw today! We need firewood.
2013-02-17 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

My first race of this year is an oly in Florida on March 23.  My first HIM is on May 5th in Florida (are you seeing a pattern).  Then I don't have any planned races until September 9 when I do my first full ironman at Rev3 Cedar Point.

I have been missing too many of my bike workouts lately.  I need to get that under control.  That is the longest element so I need to make the time to train more.

2013-02-17 7:29 PM
in reply to: #4625334

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-02-16 8:46 PM

Group Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  


I normally train before work, starting at 5:10 AM. It works out best for me and the family. Some days I am running early and riding late. Here is my schedule:

M- early run late bike

T- swim at lunch

W- early run  late bike

Thurs swim at lunch or early swim

Fri- rest day

Sat early run

Sun- long bike after church

Once IM training starts, I will go exclusively in the mornings. I always feel more productive throughout the day when I train early and I sleep better at night!

2013-02-17 7:31 PM
in reply to: #4625360

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-02-16 9:32 PM

James:  why the Redman vs. IM KY?  I presume cost.  I will have same decision to make next yr.  Give me some food for thought.

Anyone else trng for the 'full meal deal' (140.6) remind me of your race and how you chose it...

going to bed - and it is only 9:30!

I chose Redman based on price ($325 for a full) and location to me and family. I will/want to do the Ironman to hear those words, but I always learn a lot from a "1st" race at a new distance. So my thinking is to enjoy the 1st one, no worries about time and kick butt on the IM branded race.

2013-02-18 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4625334

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-02-16 9:46 PM Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  

I train early in the morning about 3 day/week and it is really hard. I have after work committments about 3 times per week, so its either get up at 5:00 or don't work out. I tell myself a mantra I got from Jillian Michaels during this year's Biggest Loser "Don't think. Do." I'm largely a zombie during the really early morning workouts and my numbers aren't so great, but I find that during the day I have a lot more energy, I'm calmer and make better decisions, and I sleep really, really well.

2013-02-18 8:45 AM
in reply to: #4626387

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

reneehoyos - 2013-02-18 6:59 AM
Todd13 - 2013-02-16 9:46 PM Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  
I train early in the morning about 3 day/week and it is really hard. I have after work committments about 3 times per week, so its either get up at 5:00 or don't work out. I tell myself a mantra I got from Jillian Michaels during this year's Biggest Loser "Don't think. Do." I'm largely a zombie during the really early morning workouts and my numbers aren't so great, but I find that during the day I have a lot more energy, I'm calmer and make better decisions, and I sleep really, really well.


In my own head, when I am up at 5:30 running through the streets, I feel more dedicated, more like "I want this" than I do at any other time of workout...

2013-02-18 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4611686

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-06 4:19 PM

Here is my next swim workout tomorrow: It's called Jacob's Ladder and is 2600 yards long



200 swim, 200 streamline kick/fin, 200 pull, 2 x 50 drill of choice (fist drill probably)


3 rounds of the following, with 10 seconds rest between each interval, 40 seconds between each round. All freestyle (minus the noted 100 kick at the end of each round) with a hard effort

25/50/75/100/100/75/50/25/100 kick


100 easy

This is an excellent workout. I tried it today and it was really fun and the time went by fast. THanks JFord!
2013-02-18 1:30 PM
in reply to: #4625334

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Todd13 - 2013-02-16 9:46 PM

Group Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  

I train most every day at 5am and would train at 4 if I could get the gym to open up.  Once my day gets started, I never know what my schedule will be.  On days that I think I can stay in bed and workout after work are the days I end up working late and not getting my workout in.  I really have to work hard at making the time after work.  I like going through my day knowing that my workout is done! 

2013-02-18 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I always train after work.  I try to get in to the school around 6:30 at the latest so I can walk out with the the kids.  Plus no one is there in the morning except the custodian, cook and myself so I don't have to worry about talking to anyone.  LOL 
2013-02-18 3:44 PM
in reply to: #4627050

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
mkennedy0525 - 2013-02-19 5:30 AM

Todd13 - 2013-02-16 9:46 PM

Group Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  

I train most every day at 5am and would train at 4 if I could get the gym to open up.  Once my day gets started, I never know what my schedule will be.  On days that I think I can stay in bed and workout after work are the days I end up working late and not getting my workout in.  I really have to work hard at making the time after work.  I like going through my day knowing that my workout is done! 

That's pretty hardcore Michelle! 5am is a push for me. I start work at 7am, and need to be on a bus by 6:30 if I stay at my girlfriend's house, or 6:10 from my place.

I schedule 2 morning swims, with every intention of starting at 5am (ish) for an hour or so. TBH that pretty much went down the drain last month, so as a result, this month will be a heavy focus on swim, or at least ensuring consistently 3 swims a week.

Some days I will ride to work (just under an hour) and then ride home the next day, so I can get 2 workouts in that way.

But I agree, it is good to get at least 1 workout done so that if something does come up, it doesn't become a total (unplanned) day off.

2013-02-18 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

One thing I take for granted is stretching. I have read articles that tell me to stretch before workouts, and then it seems I flip the page and find articles that tell me not to stretch! I do have some go to stretches that do throughout the day or especially when I am feeling tight.

My favorite stretch at the moment is one where I lay on the floor and my legs are going up the wall. I get my butt as close to the wall as possible and straighten my knees. Feels so good, especially on the lower back!


What are you go to stretches?  And do you stretch before workouts?

2013-02-18 4:01 PM
in reply to: #4626546

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-19 12:45 AM

reneehoyos - 2013-02-18 6:59 AM
Todd13 - 2013-02-16 9:46 PM Question:  who trains before work on regular basis?  I know a guy who gets up at 4 am daily to train.   I just can't.  
I train early in the morning about 3 day/week and it is really hard. I have after work committments about 3 times per week, so its either get up at 5:00 or don't work out. I tell myself a mantra I got from Jillian Michaels during this year's Biggest Loser "Don't think. Do." I'm largely a zombie during the really early morning workouts and my numbers aren't so great, but I find that during the day I have a lot more energy, I'm calmer and make better decisions, and I sleep really, really well.


In my own head, when I am up at 5:30 running through the streets, I feel more dedicated, more like "I want this" than I do at any other time of workout...

What I told myself this morning at 4:50am when my alarm went off for my swim workout - if it was easy, everyone would do it!

Also, it's raining cats and dogs in Brisbane, so I wanted nothing more than to sleep for another hour. But I did get in a good short, hard run and a 20min strength workout including 15 reps of each exercise in 'around the world'.

Also - as promised - my updated field test results.
Swim 1000m TT. Now 20:26, was 20:33. I guess no improvement, which is likely, seeing as I hardly swam last month.
Run 30min LT field test. Average pace was 5:07/km, now 4:50/km.
Bike 30min LT field test. Average speed was 31.64kph, now 33.06kph.
Also, both run and bike LT heart rate increased by 1bpm, so I think I am definitley getting somewhere!

My first race is 17 March, an Olympic, in which I am hoping to go uder 2:30. My PR on the course is 2:34.
2013-02-18 7:13 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Georgetown, MA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Favorite stretches:

Basically I'll swear by anything i've used following this guy's (Kelly Starrett, PhD, crossfit instructor) blog.  He posts videos very often and I highly recommend watching as many as possible (and trying the stretches).

style="text-align: left;">Start with this one, works on the IT band, relieving any tension in the hips and knees.

2013-02-19 7:54 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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McKinney, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Hey guys....remember me???

I'm a slacker.

2013-02-19 11:08 AM
in reply to: #4627932

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

bradleyd3 - 2013-02-19 7:54 AM Hey guys....remember me??? I'm a slacker.


I have been some, I tweaked my hamstring yesterday, so I have been taking it easy except for the crunches!

2013-02-19 3:16 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Last night I was jonsing for something sweet, I open the cabinet and there they sit, my kryponite!


Double Stuff Oreos!


Curses to my wife!  I can't resist them!


What is your weakness?

2013-02-19 4:16 PM
in reply to: #4628881

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-19 3:16 PM

Last night I was jonsing for something sweet, I open the cabinet and there they sit, my kryponite!


Double Stuff Oreos!


Curses to my wife!  I can't resist them!


What is your weakness?

thanks for all the answers on when you workout.  My 3 goals right now:

more sleep, more stretching and more sprints in my workouts to build power....

James:  not sure the details on that stretch next to the wall was a pretty picture to paint.  Thanks for not sending an imageWink

my weakness:  ice cream - I eat it year round and practically can't resist it after 8pm.  I am almost convinced ice cream is laced with something that is illegal that is addictive.  I will send a sample to lab soon, if any is left.  Maybe I should buy some more so I can send some to the lab next week. 

2013-02-19 6:13 PM
in reply to: #4627287

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-19 7:53 AM

One thing I take for granted is stretching. I have read articles that tell me to stretch before workouts, and then it seems I flip the page and find articles that tell me not to stretch! I do have some go to stretches that do throughout the day or especially when I am feeling tight.

My favorite stretch at the moment is one where I lay on the floor and my legs are going up the wall. I get my butt as close to the wall as possible and straighten my knees. Feels so good, especially on the lower back!


What are you go to stretches?  And do you stretch before workouts?

Most of the recent research is saying stretching before workouts does not reduce the risk of injury, but a dynamic warmup (eg easy jogging and high knees/butt kicks/leg swings etc) does. I try to stretch for a few minutes post workout, but it usually doesn't happen. I tend to recover pretty well, but in saying that my hammies are still tight from 2 days ago from my strength workout.

I would love to be more regular with my stretching and foam roller routine, but I am lazy. No excuses here.
2013-02-19 9:14 PM
in reply to: #4625632

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Noel:  very cool on working on your Admin Cert.  I did 20 yrs in corporate life before I was a teacher.  No desire for those roles.  I love teaching, but I also respect that the Admin role can help pay the bills more easily.  Either way - good luck.

Elena:  Chainsaws?  Really?  You rock!  I need some chainsaw work done my rental house if you are in TX this Spring.  Maybe you should use an axe as a form of cross training?  Nah....I wouldn't either.  You know in TX we have had some folks get crazy with chainsaws.  I think you need a permit to have one in TX now.  If not, the Obama Admin will likely create a tax for that.  Cool

Question for the group:  WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE WORKOUT?  

me?  I love running in the dark, at night.  I pounded out 7.5 miles last night.  During college (during the Cold Way days - ha ha), I used to log about half my miles (running) at night.  Trained for my 1st marathon that way.  Crazy I know, but I enjoy the solitude and I feel faster b/c I can't see as far in front of me.  Kinda like James likes knocking out miles in the morning.  You get a stronger sense of commitment or accomplishment. I am starting to run trails more.  I see myself racing an XTERRA (swim, mtn bike race, then trail run) this year and maybe a couple next yr.

(i really do enjoy this group, kinda motivates me to log on and I don't want to log on unless I can log a workout)

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