BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed Rss Feed  
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2015-04-02 5:00 PM
in reply to: healthlawyer

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: New Race Schedule
Originally posted by healthlawyer

So WTC canceled Princeton 70.3 this week. I signed up yesterday for a bunch of local races which include three Olys and a sprint. probably for a total cost of what I would have spent on Princeton!


Interesting to hear that. Why'd they cancel?

2015-04-03 9:08 AM
in reply to: ecpasos

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: New Race Schedule
Apparently they were unable to get approvals for a new bike course.
2015-04-05 10:15 AM
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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: New Race Schedule
Originally posted by healthlawyer

Apparently they were unable to get approvals for a new bike course.

That's too bad. Sounds like you're making good adjustments to your race plans though.

Edited by ecpasos 2015-04-05 10:16 AM
2015-04-08 9:22 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: Feb Volume
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Here are my totals for the month. Started my 12 week training plan this week.

SWIM4h 19m 52s - 13750.00 Yd JAN TOTAL 4800 Yd, Feb 2014 12450 Yd
BIKE3h 55m - 70.13 Mi JAN TOTAL 104.37Mi, Feb 2014 54.91 Mi
RUN2h 24m 44s - 17.49 Mi JAN TOTAL 17.24 Mi Feb 2014 37.51 Mi

My swim and bike are up from last month and last feb, but my run is still lagging. Overall happy with volume considering weather, illness and travel.


Sorry for the late posting. I had a killer start of the month. After working for 80 straight hours I didn't do anything last week. I did have decent March

SWIM 6h 52m 44s - 21900.00 Yd
BIKE 3h 06m 28s - 56.90 Mi
RUN 5h 33m 01s - 38.85 Mi

Really happy with the swim numbers and the improvement in my run volume. Still need to bring the run volume up a little, and need to spend some time on the bike.

Next race next weekend. Keeping the expectations low
2015-04-09 7:18 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Feb Volume

Very nice swim volume!

What distance/race do you have coming up?

2015-04-10 8:36 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Feb Volume
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Sorry for the late posting. I had a killer start of the month. After working for 80 straight hours I didn't do anything last week. I did have decent March

SWIM 6h 52m 44s - 21900.00 Yd
BIKE 3h 06m 28s - 56.90 Mi
RUN 5h 33m 01s - 38.85 Mi

Really happy with the swim numbers and the improvement in my run volume. Still need to bring the run volume up a little, and need to spend some time on the bike.

Next race next weekend. Keeping the expectations low

I'm jealous! I haven't hardly done anything so far in April. Between work, a weekend trip to visit my family in Vermont for Easter, and then getting sick, it hasn't been easy. Not to mention the fact that I was getting some pain in the front of my lower left leg as well as a strained feeling in both of my calves. So it was probably good that I couldn't really workout and was forced to rest, but I didn't like it!

2015-04-11 9:43 PM
in reply to: #5075698

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Chris it is a short sprint 250 pool, 10mile, 5k. Keeping my expectations low as I haven't been able to hit my target volumes on the ruin or bike.

This week had been okay. Two runs, two bikes (one trainer, one outdoor), and a swim. Hope to get a run in tomorrow before work.

Randy, sorry to hear about your injury. I would guess your right and the guard on the treadmill is altering your stride. Do you set an incline?
2015-04-12 8:49 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Chris it is a short sprint 250 pool, 10mile, 5k. Keeping my expectations low as I haven't been able to hit my target volumes on the ruin or bike.

This week had been okay. Two runs, two bikes (one trainer, one outdoor), and a swim. Hope to get a run in tomorrow before work.

Randy, sorry to hear about your injury. I would guess your right and the guard on the treadmill is altering your stride. Do you set an incline?

Technically, no. But if I put a level on the tread, it is on a little bit of an incline. I like to leave it that way because I feel like training by running on a constant incline (even if it's only half a degree) will help me run faster during my races. I don't know if that is actually true, I just like to tell myself that! LOL I ran on Friday night and seemed to do alright. I started off relatively slowly and only pushed the pace over the last mile after I'd already made it through the first couple of miles with no issues. Seems fine today, which is good news since I have a 5K today. I'll try to keep my adrenaline and competitive side in check and won't be pushing for anything close to a PR. I'm thinking maybe 26:30 today.

I was thinking about you yesterday when I finished my swim workout. I made the full HIM distance in the pool yesterday! That felt like such an accomplishment for me. I didn't come remotely close to your kind of pace, but I'm not sure I could match your pace for more than 100-200 meters! It took me just over 50:00 for the 2000 meters, which was somewhere around 2:26/100m pace. Considering my lungs are still compromised from my cold, I was at peace with that pace. I was extremely happy to be able to make that kind of distance.

The best news (along with a new long swim), no foot cramps! I've basically come to the conclusion that I'll never know what causes the cramps and my best bet is to cover all of my bases. I've decided that I need to start working on my hydration and nutritional needs at least 24 hours before the swim. That means I'm drinking extra water, getting my electrolytes, and eating bananas for potassium. I've also started trying to get the arches of my feet stretched out and have added those to my nightly stretching routine. I'll also make sure I fuel, hydrate, and stretch before my swim. So far so good after swim #1 taking this approach. I hope I never have to mention that topic again (as I'm sure the rest of you are too)!
2015-04-12 9:16 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: Garmin Express failure, again. And a 5K.

Does anyone else use Garmin Express?  I have several Garmin devices and I love each one!  But, when will Garmin figure out how to update Garmin Express w/o making a fiasco out of it?  And, why make any major changes on a FRIDAY when everyone is racing, training, vacationing, etc.?  Their forums are exploding with people who can't download they data.  I'm going to uninstall it all and start from scratch this evening and hopefully it will work!  Sorry, that's my rant for the weekend!

I had a 5K on Friday evening after work only a mile from the house.  I also had a 60 minute training run scheduled.  So, I left the house 40 minutes before the race and got in a good 30 "warm up" run and ended up at the race 10 minutes early, perfect.  Then I realize I left my race bid at home!  I can make it!!  I ran home, grabbed my bid, and was running back when I see the racers leaving the start line and heading up the hill.  They started the race early!  I made it to the line, stopped my Garmin, cleared it, hit start again, and took off.  My unofficial time was 24:32.  All and all it made a boring evening after work a little exciting! 

2015-04-12 6:21 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Garmin Express failure, again. And a 5K.
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Does anyone else use Garmin Express?  I have several Garmin devices and I love each one!  But, when will Garmin figure out how to update Garmin Express w/o making a fiasco out of it?  And, why make any major changes on a FRIDAY when everyone is racing, training, vacationing, etc.?  Their forums are exploding with people who can't download they data.  I'm going to uninstall it all and start from scratch this evening and hopefully it will work!  Sorry, that's my rant for the weekend!

I had a 5K on Friday evening after work only a mile from the house.  I also had a 60 minute training run scheduled.  So, I left the house 40 minutes before the race and got in a good 30 "warm up" run and ended up at the race 10 minutes early, perfect.  Then I realize I left my race bid at home!  I can make it!!  I ran home, grabbed my bid, and was running back when I see the racers leaving the start line and heading up the hill.  They started the race early!  I made it to the line, stopped my Garmin, cleared it, hit start again, and took off.  My unofficial time was 24:32.  All and all it made a boring evening after work a little exciting! 

I have the Garmin fenix 2. I had been having issues uploading my workout data for maybe 2 weeks or so (and as recently as last weekend). I was able to get to the data files on the device (once it was connected to my laptop) by going through Windows Explorer. I had to copy the data file from the device to my hard drive and then I could import the data into my account. Whatever the issues were, they have since been resolved. I had a 5K today and it uploaded the data with no issues.
2015-04-12 8:36 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Originally posted by nrpoulin

Chris it is a short sprint 250 pool, 10mile, 5k. Keeping my expectations low as I haven't been able to hit my target volumes on the ruin or bike.

This week had been okay. Two runs, two bikes (one trainer, one outdoor), and a swim. Hope to get a run in tomorrow before work.

Randy, sorry to hear about your injury. I would guess your right and the guard on the treadmill is altering your stride. Do you set an incline?

Technically, no. But if I put a level on the tread, it is on a little bit of an incline. I like to leave it that way because I feel like training by running on a constant incline (even if it's only half a degree) will help me run faster during my races. I don't know if that is actually true, I just like to tell myself that! LOL I ran on Friday night and seemed to do alright. I started off relatively slowly and only pushed the pace over the last mile after I'd already made it through the first couple of miles with no issues. Seems fine today, which is good news since I have a 5K today. I'll try to keep my adrenaline and competitive side in check and won't be pushing for anything close to a PR. I'm thinking maybe 26:30 today.

I was thinking about you yesterday when I finished my swim workout. I made the full HIM distance in the pool yesterday! That felt like such an accomplishment for me. I didn't come remotely close to your kind of pace, but I'm not sure I could match your pace for more than 100-200 meters! It took me just over 50:00 for the 2000 meters, which was somewhere around 2:26/100m pace. Considering my lungs are still compromised from my cold, I was at peace with that pace. I was extremely happy to be able to make that kind of distance.

The best news (along with a new long swim), no foot cramps! I've basically come to the conclusion that I'll never know what causes the cramps and my best bet is to cover all of my bases. I've decided that I need to start working on my hydration and nutritional needs at least 24 hours before the swim. That means I'm drinking extra water, getting my electrolytes, and eating bananas for potassium. I've also started trying to get the arches of my feet stretched out and have added those to my nightly stretching routine. I'll also make sure I fuel, hydrate, and stretch before my swim. So far so good after swim #1 taking this approach. I hope I never have to mention that topic again (as I'm sure the rest of you are too)!

I got a cramp the other day while swim and thought of your pickle juice. Then my mind wondered into wondering if a dirty martini would have the same effect...

Skipped my run this morning in favor of an extra 90 minutes of sleep.

Got to register for my May races...

2015-04-13 9:11 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by nrpoulin

I got a cramp the other day while swim and thought of your pickle juice. Then my mind wondered into wondering if a dirty martini would have the same effect...

Skipped my run this morning in favor of an extra 90 minutes of sleep.

Got to register for my May races...

Hmmm, never thought about olive juice! LOL I do love olives. Let the pickle juice vs. olive juice debate begin.
2015-04-13 9:06 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: Nice day for a ride!
Beautiful day here in central Massachusetts! Sunny skies and temps around 70 degrees. Too good to pass up, so I went for my first outdoor ride of the season on my new Specialized Secteur! Wow, what a difference from my $170 bike I got from Walmart last year. It was nice to see that I hadn't lost as much of my bike conditioning as I had thought. I did 12.43 miles in 43:38 (just about a 17.1 mph pace). That's faster than all but one of my training rides last year and it's my first real ride of this year, so it's amazing what better equipment can do. I definitely see faster bike times in my future!


specialized_secteur.jpg (169KB - 6 downloads)
2015-04-13 9:25 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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New user
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Beautiful day here in central Massachusetts! Sunny skies and temps around 70 degrees. Too good to pass up, so I went for my first outdoor ride of the season on my new Specialized Secteur! Wow, what a difference from my $170 bike I got from Walmart last year. It was nice to see that I hadn't lost as much of my bike conditioning as I had thought. I did 12.43 miles in 43:38 (just about a 17.1 mph pace). That's faster than all but one of my training rides last year and it's my first real ride of this year, so it's amazing what better equipment can do. I definitely see faster bike times in my future!

Nice ride! I made it out yesterday for my first ride outside of the year as well. Not quite as warm. High 50s and add in a 15-20 mph head winds I had a tough ride for 8 miles before turning around and having a nice tail wind to finish it off. Was able to average just over 18 mph for 20 miles. Was happy with that considering the tough winds. Followed the ride with a short 2 mile run that felt like the longest 2 miles ever! lol. My legs were toast for the run. Have a lot of work to do before the end of May for the first official race of the year.

2015-04-14 10:59 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Originally posted by scottjjmtri99

Nice ride! I made it out yesterday for my first ride outside of the year as well. Not quite as warm. High 50s and add in a 15-20 mph head winds I had a tough ride for 8 miles before turning around and having a nice tail wind to finish it off. Was able to average just over 18 mph for 20 miles. Was happy with that considering the tough winds. Followed the ride with a short 2 mile run that felt like the longest 2 miles ever! lol. My legs were toast for the run. Have a lot of work to do before the end of May for the first official race of the year.


That's awsome! Great job. I faced some wind, but I don't think it was as bad as what you had to deal with. I did a short 1/4 mile jog after my ride just to see how my legs felt. I was doing this on my lunch break, so I didn't have time to run for very long. But my legs felt pretty good. Granted, I only jogged at a moderate pace, but I didn't feel like I would have had an issue finishing a 5K distance run. I probably won't do any races until June, so I still have plenty of time to do some bricks and build up my post-bike running.

What kind of bike do you have?
2015-04-14 12:03 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: Busy week!

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

I have the Garmin fenix 2. I had been having issues uploading my workout data for maybe 2 weeks or so (and as recently as last weekend). I was able to get to the data files on the device (once it was connected to my laptop) by going through Windows Explorer. I had to copy the data file from the device to my hard drive and then I could import the data into my account. Whatever the issues were, they have since been resolved. I had a 5K today and it uploaded the data with no issues.

I finally had to uninstall/install Garmin Express then do a Master Reset on my 910XT. This of course wipes everything back to manufactures settings.   It seems GE was upgraded to v4.0.16.0 and lots of people had issues.  Crying and gnashing of teeth on the Garmin Forums.  Glad you got it going w/o dumping it all.

Thanks for the bike porn, congrats!

It's heavy swim week for me!  I should rack up around 9700 yards by this weekend.  And, my plan still has me with four rides and three runs with a light week following.  I'm just ready to get of day shift so I can get some rest.  4 AM sucks no matter how you look at it!    TGIF

2015-04-14 12:32 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!

Nice, Bike Randy!

Glad you guys up north are finally getting a chance to get outside.

2015-04-14 12:51 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Sweet bike! I, too, have noticed a significant improvement in times with my new bike. I did a lot of strength training over the winter, especially in my hips and legs, so I know that has a lot to do with it, but I'm sure the new bike helps, too. My first tri is about seven weeks away, and I'm feeling pretty confident that I can cut another 15 minutes off my best time last year. (I raced the same course twice.)

The old bike now stays permanently attached to the indoor trainer for riding during inclement weather.
2015-04-14 9:04 PM
in reply to: burner2

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Originally posted by burner2

Sweet bike! I, too, have noticed a significant improvement in times with my new bike. I did a lot of strength training over the winter, especially in my hips and legs, so I know that has a lot to do with it, but I'm sure the new bike helps, too. My first tri is about seven weeks away, and I'm feeling pretty confident that I can cut another 15 minutes off my best time last year. (I raced the same course twice.)

The old bike now stays permanently attached to the indoor trainer for riding during inclement weather.

By triathlon standards, it is an inexpensive bike. But it still feels like a pretty sizable investment to me. It felt really good, so I'm very happy with the purchase. Maybe some day, if I've been doing this for 5 or 6 more years, I might allow myself to splurge on a real tri bike instead of a road bike. For now, me and the Secteur will be spending some quality years together!

I won't necessarily leave it attached to the trainer, but like you I still plan to get some use out of my old bike. There technically isn't anything wrong with it. And like Chris is fond of saying, train heavy! So I plan to still get in plenty of training rides with my beast from Walmart. But I'll also make sure I log some miles on the Secteur so that I'm comfortable on it and that it is a little more battle tested come race day.
2015-04-14 9:27 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Originally posted by rjchilds8
By triathlon standards, it is an inexpensive bike. But it still feels like a pretty sizable investment to me. It felt really good, so I'm very happy with the purchase. Maybe some day, if I've been doing this for 5 or 6 more years, I might allow myself to splurge on a real tri bike instead of a road bike. For now, me and the Secteur will be spending some quality years together!

I completely agree. I just purchased a Specialized Allez, which, I believe, is the model one step lower than the Secteur. I love it! Some day I'll upgrade, but for now, I have a bike that fits my needs and saved me money I can use toward purchasing and renovating my house.
2015-04-15 7:37 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by burner2 Sweet bike! I, too, have noticed a significant improvement in times with my new bike. I did a lot of strength training over the winter, especially in my hips and legs, so I know that has a lot to do with it, but I'm sure the new bike helps, too. My first tri is about seven weeks away, and I'm feeling pretty confident that I can cut another 15 minutes off my best time last year. (I raced the same course twice.) The old bike now stays permanently attached to the indoor trainer for riding during inclement weather.
By triathlon standards, it is an inexpensive bike. But it still feels like a pretty sizable investment to me. It felt really good, so I'm very happy with the purchase. Maybe some day, if I've been doing this for 5 or 6 more years, I might allow myself to splurge on a real tri bike instead of a road bike. For now, me and the Secteur will be spending some quality years together! I won't necessarily leave it attached to the trainer, but like you I still plan to get some use out of my old bike. There technically isn't anything wrong with it. And like Chris is fond of saying, train heavy! So I plan to still get in plenty of training rides with my beast from Walmart. But I'll also make sure I log some miles on the Secteur so that I'm comfortable on it and that it is a little more battle tested come race day.

lol. Nice to somebody is paying attention!!!

2015-04-15 9:52 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Nice bike. I was back indoors on the trainer this week. Haven't been able to get a ride during the day light.

2015-04-17 4:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!

After a long hard workout this week I'm relaxing in the living room and my 18 year old daughter comes in:

Her: Are those legging?

Me: No, athletes wear these for recovery  It promotes better blood flow.

Her: They look like leggings.

Me: They're recovery pants.

Her: I'm an 18 year old girl.  I know what legging are.

Me: They are NOT leggings. They're MEN's recovery pants.

Moment of silence...

As she leaves the room I hear mumbled, "leggings".


My wife and I have our first official ride tomorrow.  The tour is 58 miles and we just got her a bike so she's really excited about it.  Hopefully it won't rain!!

Y'all have a great weekend!

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2015-04-17 5:01 PM
2015-04-18 5:30 PM
in reply to: 0

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

After a long hard workout this week I'm relaxing in the living room and my 18 year old daughter comes in:

Her: Are those legging?

Me: No, athletes wear these for recovery  It promotes better blood flow.

Her: They look like leggings.

Me: They're recovery pants.

Her: I'm an 18 year old girl.  I know what legging are.

Me: They are NOT leggings. They're MEN's recovery pants.

Moment of silence...

As she leaves the room I hear mumbled, "leggings".


My wife and I have our first official ride tomorrow.  The tour is 58 miles and we just got her a bike so she's really excited about it.  Hopefully it won't rain!!

Y'all have a great weekend!

LOL, my daughter is only 5 1/2, but somehow I can hear myself having that conversation with her. She is such a pip! I would have expected a photo of said "leggings". Er, I mean, recovery pants.

Edited by rjchilds8 2015-04-19 6:37 AM
2015-04-18 8:10 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Nice day for a ride!

Yes, let's see a photo, then we can make an informed judgement!

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