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2010-06-19 8:13 PM
in reply to: #2931956

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Dream Chaser - 2010-06-20 7:54 AM

bryancd - 2010-06-19 5:38 PM My coach had me do a 2 week taper prior to IMAZ which you can see here when it started and the kind of workouts I did. The first week broke down into: Totals for the Week Swim- 10,112 yards Bike- 104 miles Run- 23.50 miles Total Time- 10 1/2 hours The second week not including the race was: Swim- 3806 yards Bike- 50.7 miles Run- 12.86 Total Time- 5-6 hours It's actually a good read about tapering and pre-race consideration if you scroll through my entries. Might be helpful.

Schweet Info.  Thanks BRYAN!!

I recently read that the 3-week Taper was originally adopted from Olympic Marathoners in the 70's, and that Olympic Marathoners at that time overtrained, and it took 3 full weeks to recover from overtraining so they were forced to taper for that amount of time.  If the article stating this is true, then a 2-week Taper sounds A LOT more sensible for me, as I am nowhere near overtrained.    The same article also stated that you begin losing Endurnace around 10-14 days.  If that is too true, I don't want to Taper/cut-out all my Long Bikes 21 days out. 


X2 -Thanks Bryan.

This is the one thing I don't ike about the BT plan, the three week taper is too long.  I need to adapt my last 10 days of taper as well, to account for the long trip home.

2010-06-19 8:19 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

I know it's early for you guys back home but Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.  Enjoy your day.

2010-06-19 8:29 PM
in reply to: #2932085

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

swishyskirt - 2010-06-19 9:03 PM Hmmm. I'm following the free BT first Ironman plan. I have a three week taper. Next week is my longest training week (18 hours), then I have a recovery week (10 hours), then the taper (13, 8, then 5 hours).

If I opt for a two week taper instead, how would you suggest I shuffle that around? Should I still do the recovery week, and then do one more week of long sessions, then two week taper? Or do I delay the recovery week and do an additional week of long sessions, and then recovery week, plus two week taper? I'm doing another 100 miler next Saturday, then my longest bike after that is a 3 hour ride...Should I still be putting in some mega hours?


That Taper looks more like a two-week Taper with 13 hours 3 weeks out.  I would just follow it. 

2010-06-19 8:31 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

DC-Thanks for Mark's article, good read!

I find it interesting that the tapers don't deal with what a person is stronger or weaker at... if I come from a swimming background I don't see why my last 4,000 yard swim should be 3 weeks from the race... hmmmmmmm

2010-06-19 8:38 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-06-20 9:39 AM
in reply to: #2932117

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

All of this is a learning process.

X 1000.  For me, the term Trial & Error comes to mind often!


2010-06-20 9:42 AM
in reply to: #2932486

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2010-06-20 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2932492

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

PennState - 2010-06-20 10:42 AM
Dream Chaser - 2010-06-20 10:39 AM

All of this is a learning process.

X 1000.  For me, the term Trial & Error comes to mind often!


Some people enjoy the challenge of the continued learning process. Some people find it frustrating. I think it ads a lot of enjoyment personally.

When I BONK a 1/4 mile from home during a Long Brick, I laugh and think it's a fun learning process.  When I BONK with 7 miles left of a 77 mile race, and I feel like death warmed over, then I kind of find it frustrating.

2010-06-20 10:47 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

The challenge is what makes it so enjoyable.  If it was easy (both training and racing) it would be difficult to find the passion to keep going. 


Happy Father's Day to all the fathers here.  To those it doesn't apply to:  pass it on to your fathers.

2010-06-20 11:01 AM
in reply to: #2337428

New York
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Yeah, actually, I totally agree with you guys. In the past, all the uncertainty of training was very intimidating to me. I was always second guessing decisions and my training programs. Now I feel like I'm in a good spot as far as the learning process is concerned. I have enough races and training under my belt from the past several years to feel confident enough to deviate from workouts occasionally or switch days around,  and to understand what that will do, etc. But I'm also still new enough to the IM training plan to feel a sense of adventure in the process--how will my body handle this one? It's both exciting and scary. Like a roller coaster.

Thanks for the insight and the vote of confidence on the training. I might go a little longer on the 13 hour "taper" week, since I've got the two following weeks to recover.

And I'm currently nursing a summer cold. Blech! Oh well. Better now than three weeks from now, though, right?

2010-06-20 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I found this article on tapering interesting.

IMLP I did 3 week taper and know I lost run and bike fitness during taper as I continued to swim a lot and long.

Second IM I did 10 day taper and had a 3 hour run Wednesday week before the race ie ~10 days. I felt much better fatigue and fitness wise going into second IM than first.

I was so tired first time around, that taper volume was actually cut by my coach. Second time IM training I trained more consistently with gradual increase in volume and it agreed with my body better so I wasn't as tired in the 2-4 weeks before IM.

I agree with Fred, fun part of this sport is figuring out what works best for you training and racing. Learning why something did or didn't work for you to avoid it or do it again in the future.

2010-06-20 6:18 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Some thoughts on THE TAPER.

I think there's a misconception that during a taper an athlete is going to feel wonderful and refreshed and look at it like a vacation from all the hard training they have been doing prior to their race. Nothing could be further from the truth. You should never feel very "good" during a properly done taper. Yes, volume decreases but intensity should remain the same for the training you do and you will feel TIRED. It should be very anti-climatic, I know it always is for me. The ONLY time you should actually feel RECOVERED is the day before the race. You can only hold peak fitness for a few days before decreasing training will decrease fitness. It's important to try and get this right.

For those of you doing your first IM and looking to finish with a smile, you should err on the side of a little too much taper, meaning in that last week, really pull it back. The amount of fitness you will loose, and you will loose some, will be negligeable and will likely ensure you get to the line. For those with more experience and higher time/placing expectations, you need to cut it very close to be a your peak the morning of the race. No matter what your goals, don't fell worried if during the taper you still feel fatigued and crappy, that's normal.
2010-06-20 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
So, my desperate plea to the ladies...

I am looking for a sleeveless full zipper tri top OR cycling jersey...any recommendations?

I am abso-freaking-lutely MELTING in the heat and I'd like something that I can possibly wear on the run (although, unfortunately for spectators at yesterdays 20k I ended up taking my whole dang shirt off cause I was freaking roasting-it was only 80*-and it's a possibility I'll bare it all at LP)
2010-06-20 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2932952

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2010-06-20 7:05 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-06-20 7:10 PM
in reply to: #2933017

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2010-06-20 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2933030

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-06-20 8:05 PM

I plan on my first 100 mile ride tomorrow. Sort of late in the game for a 100 miler, but not too worried.

Have fun and get done early before the heat sets in.

To everyone in the mid atlantic here, be careful training this week (peak volume week for most) in this heat wave. It will be in the 90s all week with high humidity. Stay hydrated my freinds. Make sure someone knows when to expect you back from those long run/bikes. Good luck.
2010-06-20 9:28 PM
in reply to: #2933030

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-06-20 8:05 PM

I plan on my first 100 mile ride tomorrow. Sort of late in the game for a 100 miler, but not too worried.

Says the man who just Kona Qualified!
2010-06-20 10:20 PM
in reply to: #2933040

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-06-20 8:10 PM
at yesterdays 20k I ended up taking my whole dang shirt off cause I was freaking roasting-it was only 80*-and it's a possibility I'll bare it all at LP)


Juuuuuuuuuuust kidding!  I do get jealous of guys-you can totally go topless while we suffer around that constraining piece o' fabric around our chest. Ugh!  If it weren't for chaffing issues, I'd be completely up for a nudey rudey triathlon! Ask swishyskirt-I flinch and I start to overheat.
2010-06-21 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Hey All!

Strong workouts and I know we are all getting ready for the taper crazies. I am staying out of all those discussions and trying not to make myself nuts, so I'm doing what I'm told by my coach!  It's worked so far this year.  I did the Patriot 1/2 and went easy and while I was happy with my results the heat High 80's no clouds kicked my butt and also I am not at my peak, so I'm happy.. Swim was long which made me feel better about it.  And I made my wife happy - I literally stopped and picked flowers - sure I was racing, but it was a "long supported day." Still a PR on tired legs and letting it all go.  

I have a 7hr and 5hr ride left and then I hit the taper crazies full on! 
2010-06-21 2:05 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Nice taper discussion, thanks for all the info. I went with two weeks and it was a good choice for me, will do the same this year. I felt really crappy much of the time, but by Friday/Saturday was feeling good. This year I'm spending week one of taper in Italy, can't wait!

I did my fastest 100 miles this weekend, 5:41. I was really proud as it's a huge improvement for me and I had felt so lousy all week. But Friday night I developed a cough and some chest pain, rode through it Saturday and got nailed with a massive chest cold Sunday. I spent the day on the couch and ended up taking a sick day today. I tried to bike a little and it was a bust. I never get sick so this really blows!

Edited by LazyMarathoner 2010-06-21 2:17 PM

2010-06-21 2:21 PM
in reply to: #2934801

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
LazyMarathoner - 2010-06-21 3:05 PM
I did my fastest 100 miles this weekend, 5:41. I was really proud as it's a huge improvement for me and I had felt so lousy all week.

Wow...great ride!
2010-06-21 2:52 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

My buddy said it was 85 degrees, hot & humid at LP this weekend.  I'm going to try and Bike and Run during the hottest hours of the day to try and acclimate.  I'm also probably going up to LP the week of the 10th.  And I'll start my Taper on the 12th.   

2010-06-21 3:09 PM
in reply to: #2934954

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-06-21 3:52 PM

My buddy said it was 85 degrees, hot & humid at LP this weekend.  I'm going to try and Bike and Run during the hottest hours of the day to try and acclimate.  I'm also probably going up to LP the week of the 10th.  And I'll start my Taper on the 12th.   

Be careful in the heat. I am possibly looking at going up on the 7th and 8th of July to get a swim on in on the 7th and 2 loops on the 8th and head home or stay overnight the 8th and leave early the 9th. I am a loner as of right now. Anyone else looking to go up around then? I can't do weekends right now, so I have to look at a weekday. That would be my last long bike.
2010-06-21 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Not to dispute your buddy, but said the actual high in LP yesterday was 76. Tomorrow it is 79 then nothing over 76 in the next 10 days. Ok...I see Saturday was 84, but that looks like an anomoly to the rest of the month.

Edited by Monty 2010-06-21 3:16 PM
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