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2015-11-14 1:49 PM
in reply to: nicruns

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Nicole - There is always a stool in the Beer Drinker Appreciation Society! Welcome. Please take a look at the first page of the forum and cut and paste the bio into a post and tell us about yourself and let us know how we can support you.

My one suggestion - the more you post, the most committed you will become to your own training. This forum is gold when it comes to motivation.

2015-11-14 1:50 PM
in reply to: Shakeybear

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Shakeybear

Dave, we are in Derbyshire. I am very fortunate as there is some amazing countryside right out my front door. The downside is it's mostly hilly!

Where are you.

My wife's mom is from Croyden! I live in a burb of Boston. So glad to have you!
2015-11-14 1:55 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Run and swim for me today. Run was with the pup this morning and then swim this afternoon (361 & 362/400). All this swimming is paying off! I'm swimming faster than ever--untended consequence! I'm down to just 21.6 miles left!

I don't think anyone has asked this yet, but forgive me if I just missed it (and all the answers!). What are your "off-season" goals?

I'm doing a run focused off-season (or, will be once I finish all this swimming!). So, most of my goals are focused around the run, to which I'm still pretty new.

1.) Get nutrition under control and lose 25 pounds (I have more, but slow and steady have always won this race).
2.) Run 4 days a week.
3.) Shave 15 seconds off mile time, and be able to sustain that for at least 3 miles.

Gretchen - these are great goals! I need to join you on the weight loss goal. I would beat that if you lost 25 lbs you will improve your mile time by more than 15 seconds. What is it now? Another thought - think about throwing some aqua jogging into you training. It's a nice way to ramp up your running time while avoiding some of the pounding and injuries that can come from running more.
2015-11-14 2:05 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
OK - This post will be long - that's what I get for not posting for a week.

First - I have been feeling really bad about dropping out of sight on the forum for weeks at a time. In the past, I have been addicted to this thread but I'm finding that I've had trouble finding the time to read and post on a reguar basis. I am committeed to repaying the debt I feel like I owe the previous, current, and future members of the BDAS) but I am wondering if anyone would want to co-lead with me for the 2016 year. That way, we could work at as a team to keep the forum going and cheering on our awesome members and help them accomplish our goals. Anyone interested?

Second - I'm watching the the 2015 Iron Man coverage and this was my favorite quote. It describes me to a T and the fact that Rudy said it makes it all the more powerful to me"

Where do you go at different phases of your life to establish the next moment of who you are? And the amazing thing about marathons and triathlons is that it requires no one else. I can do it myself. I put on my shoes I go outside and I run. My identify is determined by myself in this scenario. I get to say who I am. I am a triathlete. I like the identify of being an ironman triathlete. That's badass.

Sean Astin

Third - Still seeking motivation to get my training and eating on track. I'm hoping to turn it around this weekend. My biggest goals: 1) Make exercises a daily must. Right now - my new job has taken precident and that has caused me to miss workouts and eat like crap. I need to make working out my #1 priority. Second - I need to lose some weight and would like to ask for your help. I've posted this before and to those of you who have written a note - many thanks! Here is my favor:

I’ve signed up for Ironman Maryland next October, and I’m trying to lose 45 pounds, so I can gain some speed and avoid injury. I’d like to lose the weight between now and when I run the Boston Marathon in April. Here’s how you can help.

To hold me accountable - Heidi is creating a paper chain (like the ones we used to make when we were kids). For every pound I lose, ‘ll rip off a link from the chain. I’d like you to write me a small note with some encouragement and inspiration to keep me going. Heidi will use those to make the chain. My rationale - if I don’t lose the weight and earn the right to read your note, then I will have let both of us down.
Please send the note to [email protected]

So far - HQ has gotten about 10 notes so I really need you help. The note doesn't need to be long - you could write your favorite inspirational quote and be done. Thanks a ton!

If you could send her the note this weekend - that would be awesome!

Thanks everyone!
2015-11-14 2:46 PM
in reply to: #5151687

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I would be interested in co-mentoring with you. When I joined this group I was a know-nothing cyclist and now I'm an Ironman, cat 2 bike racer and coach. I'd love to give back to the folks here.
2015-11-14 3:39 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Alan knows more than I do but I will help out also. Just let me know. This group took me from not being able to swim a lap in a pool, not owning a bike and my longest run was 5k to Ironman.

2015-11-14 4:23 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by adempsey10

I would be interested in co-mentoring with you. When I joined this group I was a know-nothing cyclist and now I'm an Ironman, cat 2 bike racer and coach. I'd love to give back to the folks here.

Alan and Scott - Love this group because of people like you who set goals and fight to achieve them. Thanks for your willingness to give back!
2015-11-14 8:31 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14
Dsve- I went 6 hours without using the word ironman it was really tough

I love the tattoo. I'm impressed you made it 6 hours. Does that include texting or posting?
2015-11-14 9:16 PM
in reply to: #5152222

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Yea! I love this group! I think it's brilliant to have co-mentors and I hope to one day have the experience to do that. Thank you, Scott and Alan, for stepping up to help Dave. So great!

Gretchen, 15 seconds per mile is a great goal - you go, girl!!

I find this time of year is so key to having a group for motivation. I've been getting on here and reading, but my off-season training has been intermittent at best. I need to buckle down and get a little more scheduling in my life. The tough part is that any nice day, I'm up flying - so no outdoor biking. I just finished my flight instructor refresher so that was a little time spent and I'm trying to get a couple students finished up before really junk weather rolls in. Oh, it was snowing here today! Ack!

I'll get back on the horse!
Does anyone have a challenge for the last half of this month????
2015-11-15 7:04 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Yea! I love this group! I think it's brilliant to have co-mentors and I hope to one day have the experience to do that. Thank you, Scott and Alan, for stepping up to help Dave. So great!

Gretchen, 15 seconds per mile is a great goal - you go, girl!!

I find this time of year is so key to having a group for motivation. I've been getting on here and reading, but my off-season training has been intermittent at best. I need to buckle down and get a little more scheduling in my life. The tough part is that any nice day, I'm up flying - so no outdoor biking. I just finished my flight instructor refresher so that was a little time spent and I'm trying to get a couple students finished up before really junk weather rolls in. Oh, it was snowing here today! Ack!

I'll get back on the horse!
Does anyone have a challenge for the last half of this month????

Jenn - I was never good with coming up with a challenge for the group but how about a personal challenge.

Here's my weekly plan
Bike to work 3x and get in a "long ride" on Sunday
2 runs and an aqua jog
2 swims if my shoulder will tolerate it
PT and rolling every day

What's your plan? If one of us comes up short - that person owes the other a beer.

2015-11-15 7:09 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
OK - Gretchen got me thinking about setting up an off season plan, which led me to thinking about races for the season.

Here's my plan on google doc - I tried to cut and paste it here but it didn't work. So here's the link for the doc. Please let me know your thoughts.

The big news - give up beer 5 days per week, lose 50 pounds , and train for IMMD.

Ran for the first time in 3 weeks today. 1 minute running 3 minutes walking and my calf feels ok. Please pray it stays that way.

2015-11-15 5:31 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Well, I'm alive. I missed my stretch goal and the graph of my pace clearly shows that mile 18 through 25 were pretty rough. I did a run/walk pattern in there starting with more running and ending with more walking. 26 was in front of people so I dug down deep and ran that one. I did the marathon in around 5:15. I don't know exactly since it was a wave start and they haven't posted the times yet.

What I learned

- I was following an entry level training plan and it didn't even call for running over 16. I modified it to add an 18 and a 20, but that obviously didn't do it. I think the next training plan I follow will be a different one. Mine was very close to the Higdon Intermediate 1 plan. I think I'll shop around.

- I should join Dave Q and lose some weight. I somehow managed to add weight while training. If I drop 15 I think this is a very different race.

- This was a very solitary run. It was run on a canal path and really there were only a few spots with cheering fans. I opted for no headphones even though they stated that they were allowed on the trail (only 1 road to cross twice since it was an out and back). This was a Boston qualifier they all allow headphones? The 500 runners fanned out quickly so I had a lot of time to get to know myself. This allowed me to whine and complain without irritating people.

- After spending all that time with myself I think I learned that I irritate myself.

- The Delaware Canal path is a pretty run. I should do it again. Most of it looked like the picture in Wikipedia:

- I was told by my podiatrist that a marathon is only 20% more work than a half. He may be a runner and a good doctor but he is either insane or an outright liar. He was mentioned in last months Runner's World....I'm thinking liar.

What's next?

- Let my body repair and drink some of the beer I was depriving myself from drinking. My wife went to the new craft beer store and picked up some Allagash. That'll do.

- I'm going to try to keep my running base up. I think I would have been better if I started with a better base.

- I've already signed up for my normal April half marathon. I think it'd be nice to try to get my 2:08 PR under 2:00.

2015-11-16 7:27 PM
in reply to: Snewo

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Dave O- A sub 2 hour half would be a pretty mean feet! But I think if you keep your base up then you can work on speed workouts during the course of the winter - you could really add the speed workouts just in time for Valentine's day. Plus - there would be less impact on your body since you're not building your base.

Join me in my weight loss odyssee and it will be a done deal
2015-11-16 7:30 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Rode my bike to work this morning. This was my reward.


FullSizeRender.jpg (97KB - 3 downloads)
2015-11-17 5:10 AM
in reply to: #5152250

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Wooooow, that's beautiful and certainly its own reward.
2015-11-17 3:56 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
This morning was a bit on the frustrating side. Despite icing my sore shoulder - slight impingement - it was still too sore to swim on, so I spent 45 minutes aqua jogging. I wonder what it's going to take to get me swimming again. Hopefully my PT can perform a miracle.

I ate well for the second straight day... So that's a bonus. I need to remember that losing pounds will help me just as much as getting in a good swim.

Anyone have any races coming up in the near future?

2015-11-17 3:58 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by aviatrix802

Yea! I love this group! I think it's brilliant to have co-mentors and I hope to one day have the experience to do that. Thank you, Scott and Alan, for stepping up to help Dave. So great!

Gretchen, 15 seconds per mile is a great goal - you go, girl!!

I find this time of year is so key to having a group for motivation. I've been getting on here and reading, but my off-season training has been intermittent at best. I need to buckle down and get a little more scheduling in my life. The tough part is that any nice day, I'm up flying - so no outdoor biking. I just finished my flight instructor refresher so that was a little time spent and I'm trying to get a couple students finished up before really junk weather rolls in. Oh, it was snowing here today! Ack!

I'll get back on the horse!
Does anyone have a challenge for the last half of this month????

Jenn - I was never good with coming up with a challenge for the group but how about a personal challenge.

Here's my weekly plan
Bike to work 3x and get in a "long ride" on Sunday
2 runs and an aqua jog
2 swims if my shoulder will tolerate it
PT and rolling every day

What's your plan? If one of us comes up short - that person owes the other a beer.


Hey Jenn - Are you in? How bout this - if you lose, you owe me a can of heady topper. I'll do anything for that stuff.
2015-11-17 5:04 PM
in reply to: #5152489

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ah! I am in but have to come up with a plan! Seeing how it's already Tuesday (though I did get in a short run) I think I need to plan to do something everyday through the weekend. That sounds easy but hubby is out of town all week and I'm basketball taxi and flying a few "cross countries" late in the week so it will get interesting. I have gained 2 pounds this week - mostly due to homemade chocolate chips cookies.
I've got 3 Headies in the fridge right now!
I think my goal will be to get on the bike twice (indoors or out), swim twice and run when I can. I'll use the 15/20/20 thing for timing we've done in the past.
2015-11-17 7:13 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Ah! I am in but have to come up with a plan! Seeing how it's already Tuesday (though I did get in a short run) I think I need to plan to do something everyday through the weekend. That sounds easy but hubby is out of town all week and I'm basketball taxi and flying a few "cross countries" late in the week so it will get interesting. I have gained 2 pounds this week - mostly due to homemade chocolate chips cookies.
I've got 3 Headies in the fridge right now!
I think my goal will be to get on the bike twice (indoors or out), swim twice and run when I can. I'll use the 15/20/20 thing for timing we've done in the past.

OK - it's on! Nothing like the best Imperial IPA on the East Coast to get one motivated!

What's 15/20/20?
2015-11-17 9:47 PM
in reply to: #5152587

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Minimum time spent doing s/b/r. It was something like that last March or so. I think Thor came up with it?
2015-11-18 11:19 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'm in for a challenge. I need something, 7 weeks till Dopey and I am not finding my motivation. going to force myself to run this week.

Jenn I need to try some of that heady topper. Nowhere to get it down here.

2015-11-18 2:23 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by b2b14

I'm in for a challenge. I need something, 7 weeks till Dopey and I am not finding my motivation. going to force myself to run this week.

Jenn I need to try some of that heady topper. Nowhere to get it down here.

Well dang it, get up here and do a race and I will provide it!! hahaha! I will definitely bring Switchback too - people need to try that. Their porter should be back out soon too for colder weather (love, love, love the porter. smokey goodness and chocolate milk all in one)

I binge watched Arrow on Netflix from my trainer today (24 degrees outside) and ran yesterday. Tonight I play basketball - don't know if that counts, but my 8 year old and I do baseline ladder sprints and I'm dead by the end. My plan was to also get to the pool today but that will wait until tomorrow as I continued my binge to finish all of season 2 of Arrow. (completely addicted to this show). So I need another bike and 2 swims and maybe 1 or 2 more runs and I'll be happy with this week.
2015-11-18 3:09 PM
in reply to: Snewo

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

Congratulations on the marathon!

Last year (before the plantar fascitius) I found keeping a running base of ~20 miles a week was a good half marathon foundation. I ran two sub 2:00 HM's out of the 4 HM's I did last year. This year my mileage has been a little lower due to said foot issues so I'm back in the 2:05 - 2:10 range. Fortunately my foot is feeling good so I might be able to go sub 2:00 for my last HM at the end of the year.

2015-11-19 8:31 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by b2b14

I'm in for a challenge. I need something, 7 weeks till Dopey and I am not finding my motivation. going to force myself to run this week.

Jenn I need to try some of that heady topper. Nowhere to get it down here.

Well dang it, get up here and do a race and I will provide it!! hahaha! I will definitely bring Switchback too - people need to try that. Their porter should be back out soon too for colder weather (love, love, love the porter. smokey goodness and chocolate milk all in one)

I binge watched Arrow on Netflix from my trainer today (24 degrees outside) and ran yesterday. Tonight I play basketball - don't know if that counts, but my 8 year old and I do baseline ladder sprints and I'm dead by the end. My plan was to also get to the pool today but that will wait until tomorrow as I continued my binge to finish all of season 2 of Arrow. (completely addicted to this show). So I need another bike and 2 swims and maybe 1 or 2 more runs and I'll be happy with this week.

Blowing off a pool workout for TV? I think you're awfully close to owing me some HT. You should make that two runs
2015-11-19 8:40 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Crappy day at work and no workout thanks to a day off. I did go to my PT for acupuncture - my calves and shoulder are still sore... But I ate like a champ. So, I got that going for me... Which is nice.
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