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2011-07-27 9:09 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-07-27 1:28 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-07-27 5:35 AM HEY GANG!  Guess what?  It's time to peak at your calendar and SHOUT out your race plans if you have any!  Who are the lucky ones this week?

I am racing the Ripon Medical Center tri on Sunday.  Olympic Distance on a hilly technical course for both the bike and run.  However, it's a nice small local race for a good cause and a race I do every year in memory of Jeff, my friend that passed after a 20+ year battle with ALS in 2010.  We go up and stay at a Jeff's Sisters Cabin (Lake house) for the weekend with a bunch of peeps and I race on Sunday.  (Note to self, don't ride the 4000 hp jetski for hours on Saturday before your swim like last year!!!)

Race plan is to swim hard, bike at 95% of FTP, and put in a solid 10k at Z3+.  Looking forward to seeing the Hurt Locker in full color at some point in time of the day!  In honor of Skinny's IM-Texas swim and for all the 2011 IM-Moo folks, I am thinking about racing sans the wet-suit if the H2O temp is way above the 76.8 mark.  (Lake is at 80 degrees right now, but it is also raining!)  It will be a race-day decision based on who I see that is racing in my AG and how the road rash feels.    

Good Luck to all the Racers this weekend, be safe, be fast and  ......   REPRESENT!!!! 

its been a year already.  damn.  and i still have to turn my head sideways to watch the video!!!


so, you're going fishing.... with john daly drinks ;-)  about this, i assume.  well, i'm never one to pass up a good drink.... 

one clerical issue before i get on my soap box.  usat grey area is 78 - 84.  wtc grey area is 76.1 - 83.8.  unless the rd at ripon applied for and received dispensation to place it at 76.8


wetsuits.  plain and simple dino, if the temp is above 78, don't wear it.

my reasoning has got nothing to do with all the sally's crying about the wetties being so aggressive and all this petty nonsense.  i have a little more faith in my fellow competitors than thinking those wearing wetsuits intentionally go out of their way to bring harm upon those of not wearing them as i read in some of the posts.

its got everything to do with the rule and more importantly the spirit of the rule.  first the rule, Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wet suit without penalty in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon up to and including a water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. why on earth would anyone accept being penalized before the gun even goes off.  that's crazy regardless of what the penalty is (i don't get the i'm not gonna podium stance).   the spirit of the rule...  there were two lines entering the water at IMTX.  those of us proudly walking in and treading water for a good 10 minutes.  and those on the walk of shame, wearing wetsuits.  you could feel it.  you could see it.  the look in their eyes.  intangible perhaps, but it was there  but that's ok, because my f'ingbullshit 15:29 is listed in the age group results. there's isn't.  what a terrible way to waste all that training and time away from family. 

there should be one temp at which the delineation of wetsuit or not is made.  the equipment athletes are are permitted to use at any given temperature should be the same across the board.

my .02 for this weekend... if you're gonna spend 5 minutes worrying about who is wearing a wetsuit then make sure you spend 5 minutes worrying about who is gonna get a flat.  and 5 minutes worrying about who is gonna cave when it gets warm. 

screw that.  go race brother. laugh at the sally's.  you and jeff can have a good laugh about em'.


edit.  almost forgot.  road rash???  pfffffffffffftt.             ha.


Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-07-27 9:37 PM

2011-07-28 2:59 AM
in reply to: #3616356

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-07-27 8:35 PM HEY GANG!  Guess what?  It's time to peak at your calendar and SHOUT out your race plans if you have any!  Who are the lucky ones this week?


Nothing for me... my knee pain is improving every day but I still can't run. I had to turn down an invitation to race a 10k with friends next weekend, that SUCKS!!!!!

2011-07-28 3:30 AM
in reply to: #3617938

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-28 10:42 AM
jfought - 2011-07-27 6:11 PM


So, I'm out on my ride this morning and going up a hill.  I can hear a car approaching behind me, but he (or she) doesn't seem to be going for the pass.  Then, as I top the hill and see an on coming truck, I start hearing a horn honking behind me.  beep, beep, beep, beep.  I'm like, "wtf???" the next thing I know, the truck is meeting me and the person from behind is passing me and trying to squeeze in between.  I am so shocked and still wondering wtf he was beeping at, that I end up off the pavement, in the dirt and grass, and heading for the ditch.  Still don't know how I pulled it back on the road, or kept it right side up, but I did.  Stupid impatient people! 

I'm just glad I didn't hear squealing tires like Suzy did! 

I will admit (but only to my mg peeps) that having my hand off the handlebar so that I could flip the driver off may have been a factor in me ending up off the road.  Just sayin' MAYBE Laughing

Good luck this weekend racers (and swimmers)!!

i'm glad you're ok. f them!  do me a favor though, there's a chance we might meet some day and get really drunk and who knows what else.  so, as much a mf'r these losers are and no matter how irate you are at them, keep that finger down and your mouth shut.  DO NOT give them any more reason to ever so slightly nudge the wheel over just a hair... and take you out.

let karma do its thing. 


Ha! Great post!!!

Seriously, John's right, you never know what type of moron is at the wheel...

Having said that, it's hard to hold back in the heat of the moment, last month I was running in the dark and a car went past me and shouted some abuse, I instantly shouted back "f@&k off wan%@#$!!!" at the top of my voice; the car had 3 young guys in it and I wondered if they'd stop or not, luckily they didn't or it would have become nasty...

2011-07-28 6:05 AM
in reply to: #3618051

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-27 9:09 PM
badgerintx - 2011-07-27 1:28 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-07-27 5:35 AM HEY GANG!  Guess what?  It's time to peak at your calendar and SHOUT out your race plans if you have any!  Who are the lucky ones this week?

I am racing the Ripon Medical Center tri on Sunday.  Olympic Distance on a hilly technical course for both the bike and run.  However, it's a nice small local race for a good cause and a race I do every year in memory of Jeff, my friend that passed after a 20+ year battle with ALS in 2010.  We go up and stay at a Jeff's Sisters Cabin (Lake house) for the weekend with a bunch of peeps and I race on Sunday.  (Note to self, don't ride the 4000 hp jetski for hours on Saturday before your swim like last year!!!)

Race plan is to swim hard, bike at 95% of FTP, and put in a solid 10k at Z3+.  Looking forward to seeing the Hurt Locker in full color at some point in time of the day!  In honor of Skinny's IM-Texas swim and for all the 2011 IM-Moo folks, I am thinking about racing sans the wet-suit if the H2O temp is way above the 76.8 mark.  (Lake is at 80 degrees right now, but it is also raining!)  It will be a race-day decision based on who I see that is racing in my AG and how the road rash feels.    

Good Luck to all the Racers this weekend, be safe, be fast and  ......   REPRESENT!!!! 

its been a year already.  damn.  and i still have to turn my head sideways to watch the video!!!


so, you're going fishing.... with john daly drinks ;-)  about this, i assume.  well, i'm never one to pass up a good drink.... 

one clerical issue before i get on my soap box.  usat grey area is 78 - 84.  wtc grey area is 76.1 - 83.8.  unless the rd at ripon applied for and received dispensation to place it at 76.8


wetsuits.  plain and simple dino, if the temp is above 78, don't wear it.

my reasoning has got nothing to do with all the sally's crying about the wetties being so aggressive and all this petty nonsense.  i have a little more faith in my fellow competitors than thinking those wearing wetsuits intentionally go out of their way to bring harm upon those of not wearing them as i read in some of the posts.

its got everything to do with the rule and more importantly the spirit of the rule.  first the rule, Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wet suit without penalty in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon up to and including a water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit. why on earth would anyone accept being penalized before the gun even goes off.  that's crazy regardless of what the penalty is (i don't get the i'm not gonna podium stance).   the spirit of the rule...  there were two lines entering the water at IMTX.  those of us proudly walking in and treading water for a good 10 minutes.  and those on the walk of shame, wearing wetsuits.  you could feel it.  you could see it.  the look in their eyes.  intangible perhaps, but it was there  but that's ok, because my f'ingbullshit 15:29 is listed in the age group results. there's isn't.  what a terrible way to waste all that training and time away from family. 

there should be one temp at which the delineation of wetsuit or not is made.  the equipment athletes are are permitted to use at any given temperature should be the same across the board.

my .02 for this weekend... if you're gonna spend 5 minutes worrying about who is wearing a wetsuit then make sure you spend 5 minutes worrying about who is gonna get a flat.  and 5 minutes worrying about who is gonna cave when it gets warm. 

screw that.  go race brother. laugh at the sally's.  you and jeff can have a good laugh about em'.


edit.  almost forgot.  road rash???  pfffffffffffftt.             ha.



Edited by SSMinnow 2011-07-28 6:22 AM
2011-07-28 6:33 AM
in reply to: #3618253

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-07-28 7:05 AM


i caught the post before you edited it. again, YES you're butt looks great with or without the wetsuit.   please stop worrying about this!!!!

2011-07-28 6:47 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Hey peeps. The sauna down here continue. Yesterda's run left m legs drained the rest of the day. I am going riding shortly but figure it wiser to skip the run later and do a practice ocean OWS. Gonna try for at least 2K yards parallel to the beach.

2011-07-28 7:22 AM
in reply to: #3616356

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-07-27 8:35 AM HEY GANG!  Guess what?  It's time to peak at your calendar and SHOUT out your race plans if you have any!  Who are the lucky ones this week?


No races here, but I did sign up for one more Oly on Aug 21.


Definitely be careful with those special hand signals.   It is a habit I also need to be a little more careful about.  Luckily, I can get in some really good ranting in English without most people understanding what I'm saying.  

2011-07-28 8:50 AM
in reply to: #3616356

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-07-27 5:35 AM HEY GANG!  Guess what?  It's time to peak at your calendar and SHOUT out your race plans if you have any!  Who are the lucky ones this week?

No racing for me this weekend... out of town to the in-laws one last time before the move to VA.


On another note, BIG THANKS to all you peeps in the MG (especially John, Suzy and Kim) for the encouragement to do another LT.  The big "training zone" light bulb came on today during my run or maybe that was just the sun; but anyway, it all makes sense now and the accurate/current LT was the key!  Huge mental win!

Thanks gang! You guys ROCK!

Oh and one more thing - signed up for my first official half marathon...  The Hottest Half in White Rock Texas, 14 Aug.


Good luck to all the racers this weekend!  Race smart and travel safe!

2011-07-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: #3617776

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-07-27 5:11 PM


So, I'm out on my ride this morning and going up a hill....


Jayne - Glad to hear you kept it upright and safe!  I talk a lot with my hands too... Sealed

2011-07-28 9:31 AM
in reply to: #3618051

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-27 9:09 PM 

one clerical issue before i get on my soap box.  usat grey area is 78 - 84.  wtc grey area is 76.1 - 83.8.  unless the rd at ripon applied for and received dispensation to place it at 76.8

wetsuits.  plain and simple dino, if the temp is above 78, don't wear it.

my reasoning has got nothing to do with all the sally's crying about the wetties being so aggressive and all this petty nonsense.  i have a little more faith in my fellow competitors than thinking those wearing wetsuits intentionally go out of their way to bring harm upon those of not wearing them as i read in some of the posts.

its got everything to do with the rule and more importantly the spirit of the rule.  first the rule, Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wet suit without penalty in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon up to and including a water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit.   

I understand your soapbox .... to a point, but only because I am a fairly strong swimmer.  If I was not a strong swimmer, I probably would never consider doing a race longer than a sprint without wearing a wetsuit.  It wouldn't matter if that caused my results to have an asterisk next to them, have some ST or BT peeps thumbing their Holier-than-thou noses at me, etc.  Safety comes first in my book.  If the race director allows them for whatever reason with whatever allowances, let those that want to wear them .... wear them.  It should be up to me at that point to either get outta their way or draft them if they are going to be that much faster because of the suit. 

I do agree completely that there is no way fellow competitors are intentionally more aggressive if they have a wetsuit on, I think that is a bunch of pu$$y-foot whining. 

Besides, It's really "their race of one" that they are just sharing with me!  

Edit .... cause I terp'ed it!  

Edited by badgerintx 2011-07-28 9:32 AM
2011-07-28 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3618581

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-07-28 10:31 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-27 9:09 PM 

one clerical issue before i get on my soap box.  usat grey area is 78 - 84.  wtc grey area is 76.1 - 83.8.  unless the rd at ripon applied for and received dispensation to place it at 76.8

wetsuits.  plain and simple dino, if the temp is above 78, don't wear it.

my reasoning has got nothing to do with all the sally's crying about the wetties being so aggressive and all this petty nonsense.  i have a little more faith in my fellow competitors than thinking those wearing wetsuits intentionally go out of their way to bring harm upon those of not wearing them as i read in some of the posts.

its got everything to do with the rule and more importantly the spirit of the rule.  first the rule, Each age group participant shall be permitted to wear a wet suit without penalty in any event sanctioned by USA Triathlon up to and including a water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit.   

I understand your soapbox .... to a point, but only because I am a fairly strong swimmer.  If I was not a strong swimmer, I probably would never consider doing a race longer than a sprint without wearing a wetsuit.  It wouldn't matter if that caused my results to have an asterisk next to them, have some ST or BT peeps thumbing their Holier-than-thou noses at me, etc.  Safety comes first in my book.  If the race director allows them for whatever reason with whatever allowances, let those that want to wear them .... wear them.  It should be up to me at that point to either get outta their way or draft them if they are going to be that much faster because of the suit. 

I do agree completely that there is no way fellow competitors are intentionally more aggressive if they have a wetsuit on, I think that is a bunch of pu$$y-foot whining. 

Besides, It's really "their race of one" that they are just sharing with me!  

Edit .... cause I terp'ed it!  

understood.  but i'm sorry dino, i don't think this is "thumbing their Holier-than-thou noses at me".  its simply a matter of safety for everyone involved in the race. personal responsibility trumps everything, regardless of what a rule book, a race director or who/whatever had to say.

edit... and that safety starts long before anyone enters the water.  whatever happens in the water, drafing, getting out of theay, starting position, etc... doesn't really have much to do with all this. 

if one can't do the distance then train some more and come back later in the season or next year. it'll probably be much more enjoyable and safer, for everyone.

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-07-28 10:20 AM

2011-07-28 11:59 AM
in reply to: #3618677

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-28 10:13 AM

understood.  but i'm sorry dino, i don't think this is "thumbing their Holier-than-thou noses at me".  its simply a matter of safety for everyone involved in the race. personal responsibility trumps everything, regardless of what a rule book, a race director or who/whatever had to say.

edit... and that safety starts long before anyone enters the water.  whatever happens in the water, drafing, getting out of theay, starting position, etc... doesn't really have much to do with all this. 

if one can't do the distance then train some more and come back later in the season or next year. it'll probably be much more enjoyable and safer, for everyone.

I think there is a little "Holier-than-thou" attitude anytime this discussion occurs.  More so on ST than on BT, but it is there.  i.e. "I am not intimidated by the distance and you are."  Besides, IMO a wetsuit is really not that different than an aero helmet, race wheels, or a disk on the bike.  It might save a participant a little bit of time but by no where near enough to get them on the podium.  I don't hear many people complaining about the $10,000+ carbon bikes that are finishing in the bottom third at every race because the owners don't have the engine to power that Ferrari.  

Based on your quote below, it appears we agree that no one is intentionally being more aggressive because of the suit.  

fattyfatfat - 2011-07-27 9:09 PM  my reasoning has got nothing to do with all the sally's crying about the wetties being so aggressive and all this petty nonsense.  i have a little more faith in my fellow competitors than thinking those wearing wetsuits intentionally go out of their way to bring harm upon those of not wearing them as i read in some of the posts.  

So I guess I am looking for your input on how putting a bunch of swimmers into the water already in panic mode would make a race Safer?  And furthermore, and probably the root of this entire discussion is, who really cares what John Jim or Jane Doe is doing next to me as long they are within the race rules and it doesn't make the environment less safe for me?   

Also, based on my Laissez Fraire economics background (Yes from "Communist" Madison, WI ... I know, how the h#ll did that happen???), I will stress that I believe it's the race directors race and they get to make the rules.  It's then the people's decision to vote with there $$$$ based on those decisions.  Hence my earlier sentiments quoted below:   

badgerintx - 2011-07-28 9:31 AM  If the race director allows them for whatever reason with whatever allowances, let those that want to wear them .... wear them.   

I know there are plenty of 70.3-er's & 140.6-er's that have and will swim "the distance" but may never feel comfortable doing it without a wetsuit.  To exclude that consumer is not only a poor business decision but is unnecessary from a safety perspective if handled by the RD appropriately.   

In closing, I will say this again, because I believe it will all my being:

badgerintx - 2011-07-28 9:31 AM   Besides, It's really "their race of one" that they are just sharing with me!  


2011-07-28 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Hey gang! Thanks for all the well wishes and my dad is still in the hospital but is doing MUCH better! He should be released soon but we are not rushing it, we all just want him to get all the treatment he needs before he comes home and comes home when hes ready.

Now on another note, with George like speed Tongue out here is my Race Report from Saturdays race

Hyperlinking was acting stupid

Edited by GrapeJuice 2011-07-28 1:34 PM
2011-07-28 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I sure hope the water doesn't warm up 20 degrees in the next few weeks at IMC.

I have never open water swam any distance without one.

But I'm Canadian. Not in our wheel house to worry about water temps... Frown

2011-07-28 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3619224

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-07-28 12:20 PM

Hey gang! Thanks for all the well wishes and my dad is still in the hospital but is doing MUCH better! He should be released soon but we are not rushing it, we all just want him to get all the treatment he needs before he comes home and comes home when hes ready.

Now on another note, with George like speed Tongue out here is my Race Report from Saturdays race 

Nice. Great news about your Dad!!!

2011-07-28 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

The whole wetsuit no wetsuit debate could go on forever and I'm bored with the whiny back and forth boo hooing on ST.  The rules are the rules and a bunch of cry babies won't be changing them.  USAT will be if they see fit.

It is possible that this issue will be encountered in Madison this year.  I am one of the people that will either wear a wetuit and forgo by Kona slot or walk away.  I wear a wetsuit because I am not a great swimmer,  but even more so because I carry the demons from having nearly drown at 27yo and I have epilepsy.  If I feel an aura coming on I have a fighting chance of turning on my back and hoping someone will see me.  Without the suit, I will drown.  Plain and simple.  Another year of practicing in the pool will not take any of that away.

 I chose to participate in this sport because I like it.  I know it is dangerous for me and I am willing to take some risks, but why wouldn't I use the suit if it is allowed?  I won't feel an ounce of shame donning it on 9/11. NONE. And it the water is 88F, then I guess I will be cheering on Kim from the sidelines.  That's life.  Live it.

2011-07-28 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3619275

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-07-28 11:35 AM

The whole wetsuit no wetsuit debate could go on forever and I'm bored with the whiny back and forth boo hooing on ST.  The rules are the rules and a bunch of cry babies won't be changing them.  USAT will be if they see fit.

It is possible that this issue will be encountered in Madison this year.  I am one of the people that will either wear a wetuit and forgo by Kona slot or walk away.  I wear a wetsuit because I am not a great swimmer,  but even more so because I carry the demons from having nearly drown at 27yo and I have epilepsy.  If I feel an aura coming on I have a fighting chance of turning on my back and hoping someone will see me.  Without the suit, I will drown.  Plain and simple.  Another year of practicing in the pool will not take any of that away.

 I chose to participate in this sport because I like it.  I know it is dangerous for me and I am willing to take some risks, but why wouldn't I use the suit if it is allowed?  I won't feel an ounce of shame donning it on 9/11. NONE. And it the water is 88F, then I guess I will be cheering on Kim from the sidelines.  That's life.  Live it.

If the water is 88F, I don't think I could swim 2.4 miles let alone 1.2 miles in a two piece bikini, I am not kidding!  When I swim at the one "hot" pool that I resort to if I have to (it is about 83-84 degrees and the older folks seem to love it), my head gets so frickin' hot, it feels like it is about to explode, I kid you not.  So, if that happens, it looks like I would be cheering right alongside you.  That's just crazy. 

With regards to our "peers" deciding how we should be racing, I say "I will do what I want to do, as long as it is within the rules set by the governing bodies for that particular race and you should, too"   I have practiced at the outdoor pool that they keep at 79-80F with my full sleeve and felt that same "my head is about to explode feeling".  Haven't tried it with the sleeveless, but may want to if Madison is in the middle of a heat wave...NOT going to think about it until we get closer. 

On another note, I have all of my workouts done for the week and it is only Thursday, whoopie!!!!  Off to Long Beach for Kathy's Dragon Boat races and I am just going to relax and be a good race sherpa...Apparently, my job will be to fetch $600 worth of California Pizza Kitchen food for 30 starving paddlers on Saturday and I am not quite sure how I will transport it the length of the harbor, but it has to be easier than walking my bike 2 miles up a steep hill in bike shoes and spandex in 95F heat and getting a beesting on my bootay! 

Have a great weekend everyone and good luck to our racers! 

2011-07-28 3:24 PM
in reply to: #3619471

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kt65 - 2011-07-28 3:56 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-07-28 11:35 AM

The whole wetsuit no wetsuit debate could go on forever and I'm bored with the whiny back and forth boo hooing on ST.  The rules are the rules and a bunch of cry babies won't be changing them.  USAT will be if they see fit.

It is possible that this issue will be encountered in Madison this year.  I am one of the people that will either wear a wetuit and forgo by Kona slot or walk away.  I wear a wetsuit because I am not a great swimmer,  but even more so because I carry the demons from having nearly drown at 27yo and I have epilepsy.  If I feel an aura coming on I have a fighting chance of turning on my back and hoping someone will see me.  Without the suit, I will drown.  Plain and simple.  Another year of practicing in the pool will not take any of that away.

 I chose to participate in this sport because I like it.  I know it is dangerous for me and I am willing to take some risks, but why wouldn't I use the suit if it is allowed?  I won't feel an ounce of shame donning it on 9/11. NONE. And it the water is 88F, then I guess I will be cheering on Kim from the sidelines.  That's life.  Live it.

If the water is 88F, I don't think I could swim 2.4 miles let alone 1.2 miles in a two piece bikini, I am not kidding!  When I swim at the one "hot" pool that I resort to if I have to (it is about 83-84 degrees and the older folks seem to love it), my head gets so frickin' hot, it feels like it is about to explode, I kid you not.  So, if that happens, it looks like I would be cheering right alongside you.  That's just crazy. 

With regards to our "peers" deciding how we should be racing, I say "I will do what I want to do, as long as it is within the rules set by the governing bodies for that particular race and you should, too"   I have practiced at the outdoor pool that they keep at 79-80F with my full sleeve and felt that same "my head is about to explode feeling".  Haven't tried it with the sleeveless, but may want to if Madison is in the middle of a heat wave...NOT going to think about it until we get closer. 

On another note, I have all of my workouts done for the week and it is only Thursday, whoopie!!!!  Off to Long Beach for Kathy's Dragon Boat races and I am just going to relax and be a good race sherpa...Apparently, my job will be to fetch $600 worth of California Pizza Kitchen food for 30 starving paddlers on Saturday and I am not quite sure how I will transport it the length of the harbor, but it has to be easier than walking my bike 2 miles up a steep hill in bike shoes and spandex in 95F heat and getting a beesting on my bootay! 

Have a great weekend everyone and good luck to our racers! 

I love it, have fun Kim!!

2011-07-28 3:35 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Did my first ocean OWS today. What a blast! It is very exciting and you have to be engaged the whole time. I swam with the undertow up and against it on the way back. Did .97 miles in 37:17. Not trying for speed just trying to get used to it for this weekend.


1. Bilateral "breathing" is essential

2. Actually breathing facing the shore only so I did not swallow water. Looking out to sea to watch the swells;

3. It is really weird to take a stroke and find no water under the pulling arm beacause you are cresting a wave.

4. Sigihting is easy beacuse of the shore; and

5. Exiting the water is HARD as you fight the undertow AND try to get your legs working.

Great news Andre!

2011-07-28 5:34 PM
in reply to: #3619557

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-07-28 4:35 PM

Did my first ocean OWS today. What a blast! It is very exciting and you have to be engaged the whole time. I swam with the undertow up and against it on the way back. Did .97 miles in 37:17. Not trying for speed just trying to get used to it for this weekend.


1. Bilateral "breathing" is essential

2. Actually breathing facing the shore only so I did not swallow water. Looking out to sea to watch the swells;

3. It is really weird to take a stroke and find no water under the pulling arm beacause you are cresting a wave.

4. Sigihting is easy beacuse of the shore; and

5. Exiting the water is HARD as you fight the undertow AND try to get your legs working.

Great news Andre!


Doug, OWS in the Atlantic is so much fun, I will be doing it next week and I can't wait!! Enjoy and good luck!! Kick butt : )

2011-07-28 6:07 PM
in reply to: #3619557

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-07-28 4:35 PM

Did my first ocean OWS today. What a blast! It is very exciting and you have to be engaged the whole time. I swam with the undertow up and against it on the way back. Did .97 miles in 37:17. Not trying for speed just trying to get used to it for this weekend.


1. Bilateral "breathing" is essential

2. Actually breathing facing the shore only so I did not swallow water. Looking out to sea to watch the swells;

3. It is really weird to take a stroke and find no water under the pulling arm beacause you are cresting a wave.

4. Sigihting is easy beacuse of the shore; and

5. Exiting the water is HARD as you fight the undertow AND try to get your legs working.

Great news Andre!

Wow! I cannot spell!

2011-07-28 10:11 PM
in reply to: #3619768

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Great job to last weekend's racers, and good luck to this weekend's racers. GrapeJuice, glad to hear Dad is doing better - -hope he keeps up the improvement.

I'm a gal on the go. Just got back from Yellowstone, where we saw tons of bison, lots of elk, coyote, grizzly bears (mama plus two cubs), super-duper cool volcanic bubbly stuff and hot springs, awesome nature-scapes, and a very special black bear. Well, I was not enamored with him as much as the rest of my group. We had hiked to a small lake, and everyone else headed back. Me, I couldn't tear myself away, so sat a few more minutes taking mental pictures, just enjoying being in the moment. I eventually got moving again, my husband and daughter had slowed to wait for me. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll catch up," I said. I keep walking, and my husband, looking behind me, says, "Bear. There's a bear. Bear!!!! Holy cow!" I turn and look behind me and here comes a black bear sauntering up the trail. He had to have passed where I was sitting by the lake -- I shudder to think how dirty my skivvies would have been had I hung out for just one more minute. I was not amused by said bear and did my best to get my daughter and get moving along the trail. Husband, his sister and her son, all stopped to snap photos and video -- waaaaay too close for my comfort level. Big burly ex-cop brother-in-law was the most pansy-a$$'ed of the group, which made for some hilarious re-caps later on! Ha!!

Anyway, Yellowstone was amazing. Loved it. Must go back for more. 


I'm home for a day, and tomorrow we leave for camping for the weekend. As I am packing up, I realize I have come full circle: A month ago I completed an Ironman. Tonight, I put Captain Morgan rum in my fuel bottle for easy transport to the camp site. Oh dear. I'll find my way back again, but I have a bunch more fun to have and slacking off to accomplish first. So please, put in some SBR miles for me, OK?!! 

Happy trails!! I'll check in again when I'm home for a day (then we're off to Grand Cayman for some kid-free scuba!)!

2011-07-28 11:31 PM
in reply to: #3620015

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-07-29 1:11 PM

Great job to last weekend's racers, and good luck to this weekend's racers. GrapeJuice, glad to hear Dad is doing better - -hope he keeps up the improvement.

I'm a gal on the go. Just got back from Yellowstone, where we saw tons of bison, lots of elk, coyote, grizzly bears (mama plus two cubs), super-duper cool volcanic bubbly stuff and hot springs, awesome nature-scapes, and a very special black bear. Well, I was not enamored with him as much as the rest of my group. We had hiked to a small lake, and everyone else headed back. Me, I couldn't tear myself away, so sat a few more minutes taking mental pictures, just enjoying being in the moment. I eventually got moving again, my husband and daughter had slowed to wait for me. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll catch up," I said. I keep walking, and my husband, looking behind me, says, "Bear. There's a bear. Bear!!!! Holy cow!" I turn and look behind me and here comes a black bear sauntering up the trail. He had to have passed where I was sitting by the lake -- I shudder to think how dirty my skivvies would have been had I hung out for just one more minute. I was not amused by said bear and did my best to get my daughter and get moving along the trail. Husband, his sister and her son, all stopped to snap photos and video -- waaaaay too close for my comfort level. Big burly ex-cop brother-in-law was the most pansy-a$$'ed of the group, which made for some hilarious re-caps later on! Ha!!

Anyway, Yellowstone was amazing. Loved it. Must go back for more. 


I'm home for a day, and tomorrow we leave for camping for the weekend. As I am packing up, I realize I have come full circle: A month ago I completed an Ironman. Tonight, I put Captain Morgan rum in my fuel bottle for easy transport to the camp site. Oh dear. I'll find my way back again, but I have a bunch more fun to have and slacking off to accomplish first. So please, put in some SBR miles for me, OK?!! 

Happy trails!! I'll check in again when I'm home for a day (then we're off to Grand Cayman for some kid-free scuba!)!

Life away from triathlon training sounds great! What are we all doing this crap for anyway????Wink

2011-07-29 5:31 AM
in reply to: #3620062

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-07-28 11:31 PM
kkcbelle - 2011-07-29 1:11 PM

Great job to last weekend's racers, and good luck to this weekend's racers. GrapeJuice, glad to hear Dad is doing better - -hope he keeps up the improvement.

I'm a gal on the go. Just got back from Yellowstone, where we saw tons of bison, lots of elk, coyote, grizzly bears (mama plus two cubs), super-duper cool volcanic bubbly stuff and hot springs, awesome nature-scapes, and a very special black bear. Well, I was not enamored with him as much as the rest of my group. We had hiked to a small lake, and everyone else headed back. Me, I couldn't tear myself away, so sat a few more minutes taking mental pictures, just enjoying being in the moment. I eventually got moving again, my husband and daughter had slowed to wait for me. "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll catch up," I said. I keep walking, and my husband, looking behind me, says, "Bear. There's a bear. Bear!!!! Holy cow!" I turn and look behind me and here comes a black bear sauntering up the trail. He had to have passed where I was sitting by the lake -- I shudder to think how dirty my skivvies would have been had I hung out for just one more minute. I was not amused by said bear and did my best to get my daughter and get moving along the trail. Husband, his sister and her son, all stopped to snap photos and video -- waaaaay too close for my comfort level. Big burly ex-cop brother-in-law was the most pansy-a$$'ed of the group, which made for some hilarious re-caps later on! Ha!!

Anyway, Yellowstone was amazing. Loved it. Must go back for more. 


I'm home for a day, and tomorrow we leave for camping for the weekend. As I am packing up, I realize I have come full circle: A month ago I completed an Ironman. Tonight, I put Captain Morgan rum in my fuel bottle for easy transport to the camp site. Oh dear. I'll find my way back again, but I have a bunch more fun to have and slacking off to accomplish first. So please, put in some SBR miles for me, OK?!! 

Happy trails!! I'll check in again when I'm home for a day (then we're off to Grand Cayman for some kid-free scuba!)!

Life away from triathlon training sounds great! What are we all doing this crap for anyway????Wink

I agree with David!!

The bear thing would scare the crap out of me too.  Being on my bike meant I could flee pretty quickly if need be, but on foot? Uh, no way!

Enjoy your vacations and that kid free time! Love it.

2011-07-29 7:12 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

bummer....I was swimming today and my right hand hit the right hand of the guy in the adjacent lane. He was quite a bit bigger and heavier (also younger/stronger). Best case I have a bruised ring finger on my right hand. Worst case, I disconnected a tendon in that finger (top segment of my finger is not straight). I need to wait until the swelling goes down and see a specialist.

Doc did not object when I mentioned running and cycling (trainer) so it shouldn't slow me down too much.  It is interfering with my typing speed.

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