Other Resources Challenge Me! » Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge Rss Feed  
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2009-10-09 8:54 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
Last run before the snowfest tomorrow...22 min in Z2 (max 150 bpm HR) on the tready...

31 degrees (27 windchill) with SNOW!

Race dress plan: shorts, 2 long-sleeved tech shirts, running pants, gloves, running hat...

Just look for Ralphie...

2009-10-09 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2451414

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
sparco - 2009-10-09 8:54 AM Last run before the snowfest tomorrow...22 min in Z2 (max 150 bpm HR) on the tready...

31 degrees (27 windchill) with SNOW!

Race dress plan: shorts, 2 long-sleeved tech shirts, running pants, gloves, running hat...

Just look for Ralphie...

LOL!! You all are hilarious!Laughing

2009-10-09 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2451456

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
mindymin21 - 2009-10-09 9:06 AM
sparco - 2009-10-09 8:54 AM Last run before the snowfest tomorrow...22 min in Z2 (max 150 bpm HR) on the tready...

31 degrees (27 windchill) with SNOW!

Race dress plan: shorts, 2 long-sleeved tech shirts, running pants, gloves, running hat...

Just look for Ralphie...

LOL!! You all are hilarious!Laughing

Didn't realize you guys say 'y'all' down in Nebraska. 

BTW, looks like the Huskers pulled through at the last minute last night...

Edited by sparco 2009-10-09 9:20 AM
2009-10-09 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
Isn't it beautiful?  Definitely on my list for upcoming Christmas decorations...(who would buy this? )...

2009-10-09 9:28 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

Morning all.
So I did my run outside last night and even though I didn't get my full 4 miles in (it started to get dark and I don’t like running the trails by myself in the dark) I did get 2. I will just have to pick up the slack this weekend. Smile

And thanks again for the advice on the clothing. I decided to go with quarter length leggings, a wicking t-shirt, a hoddy, gloves and a head band ear warmer. Seemed to work rather well, in fact I even got so hot that I ended up taking off the gloves and head band. I really like running outside in the cold, it gives you a kind of refreshing feeling.

2009-10-09 9:40 AM
in reply to: #2451489

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
sparco - 2009-10-09 9:20 AM
mindymin21 - 2009-10-09 9:06 AM
sparco - 2009-10-09 8:54 AM Last run before the snowfest tomorrow...22 min in Z2 (max 150 bpm HR) on the tready...

31 degrees (27 windchill) with SNOW!

Race dress plan: shorts, 2 long-sleeved tech shirts, running pants, gloves, running hat...

Just look for Ralphie...

LOL!! You all are hilarious!Laughing

Didn't realize you guys say 'y'all' down in Nebraska. 

BTW, looks like the Huskers pulled through at the last minute last night...

Normal Nebraskans don’t. But that’s just what happens when you live on a military base and every one of your neighbors is from Texas. I use to live in Texas so when I’m around them too long I pick it up.

I heard about the game, didn’t watch it though. To busy drinking and jabber jawing...

2009-10-09 10:28 AM
in reply to: #2451414

Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
sparco - 2009-10-09 9:54 AM Last run before the snowfest tomorrow...22 min in Z2 (max 150 bpm HR) on the tready...

31 degrees (27 windchill) with SNOW!

Race dress plan: shorts, 2 long-sleeved tech shirts, running pants, gloves, running hat...

Just look for Ralphie...

LMAO....you'll shoot your eye out!!
2009-10-09 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

Ok, Guess I better chime in on the post padding contributions...

Got 5 miles in yesterday morning in a mist... was fun.  Now today, it's pouring rain so no workout at the moment-- was going to go swim, but I have this aversion to swimming when there is lighting in the neighborhood... Call me whimpy....

As for cold weather running... SAL --- 34 and Snow for whistlestop -- SWEET!  Perfect running weather... as long as the wind stays calm.   I lived in the Frozen Tundra long enough.

I'm planning 6 miles in the morning... Might have to break out my tights.... forecast for tomorrow morning...  49 degrees!   And this is in TX.  Today's high only supposed to be 65.  That's cold for this time of year.. yesterday high was 85


2009-10-09 11:44 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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Santa Clarita
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

I rode my bike tuesday and it got down to 37F . Brrrr , took me all morning to warm up afterwards. 


Got another 4 miles  and change run in  getting me up to 25% complete for the challenge .  My bike (side challenge for me is over 50%) is really taking shape.  


Go Keepers lets scare the beejeezuss out of the other teams and take the LEad ....  !

2009-10-09 4:51 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

Ok so today was planned for four miles, ended up with 9.95 running with elementary students.  Tomorrow will be a rest day, Sunday will be 12 miles.

2009-10-09 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

I have a run on tap tomorrow for 5 and Sunday which was supposed to be 3.  However, I realized today I was supposed to do 4 on Tuesday and did 3 that day so I'm going to switch Sunday to 4 miles.

2009-10-09 5:33 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
About 10.5 miles today. Temps in the mid 30s. I may do a 10K tomorrow morning - or not. It will likely be in the mid 20s for the race and I'll wait to see how I feel in the morning.
2009-10-09 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
we went into the 80's today, very unusual. Back to seasonal (60's) for the rest of the week. I want to ride tomorrow but we're supposed to have winds in the teens so I'm not sure I'll go out.
2009-10-09 9:37 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
Hi Team!

I'm back from my little trip

I was able to get all my planned running in, so i'm right on track for the month!

2009-10-10 4:32 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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A farming town in MN
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
I'll be slogging through 26.2 miles this morning in the world's largest refrigerator...
2009-10-10 9:22 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

Got my 5 miles in this morning.  It is going to P-O-U-R so the humidity was horrible, almost as bad as running in August around here.

2009-10-10 10:01 AM
in reply to: #2452666

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

sparco - 2009-10-10 4:32 AM I'll be slogging through 26.2 miles this morning in the world's largest refrigerator...

Good Luck!!!


2009-10-10 10:02 AM
in reply to: #2427104

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Tremonton, Utah
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

Good Morning, Fellow Crypt Keepers.


Well, Got my run in this morning.  Goal for week was 19, completed 19.   Was great!   25 Miles for the month so far, so I'm wondering if I need to change the goal.   We'll see how it goes.

Pace felt good as well!



2009-10-10 3:25 PM
in reply to: #2452666

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
sparco - 2009-10-10 5:32 AM I'll be slogging through 26.2 miles this morning in the world's largest refrigerator...

have fun with that Sal

2009-10-10 3:37 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
I didn't do the 10K this morning. I went out later and got in 7.8 miles. It was in the low 20s, windy and freezing drizzle. I was almost getting brain freeze when running into the headwind a few times. It should be a little warmer tomorrow.

The month is one third over. Everyone should be at 33% of their goal or more by now. I topped 100 miles for the month today and only have another 150 to go.
2009-10-10 6:00 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
Well there was snow on the ground this morning when I woke up but I stuck my plan and went out anyway. It was 30 degrees by the time I started running and when I got done it was 33(although I felt like ripping all my clothes off, I was so hot)
If I wouldn't have been running up and down hills the whole time I think I would have liked it a lot more. I did manage to get in 4.2 today so I'm happy. Tomorrow will be the same or maybe a little more. Smile

2009-10-10 7:48 PM
in reply to: #2427104

indian land, South Carolina
Silver member
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge

I figured the running stage at Kona was a good time for a challenge update, so here you go:

Show Us Your Ghoulies:    33.7%

Running Pumpkins:             27.6%

Crypt Keepers:                     27.1%

E.V.I.L. Running Reapers:  24.7%

2009-10-10 9:11 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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Queens, NY
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
ah, Chrissie! What an inspiration!
2009-10-10 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
i am still at it. another 1.3 down. beginning monday i will add another .65 miles, just happens to be the distance around my block.
2009-10-10 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2427104

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hiding in your closet
Subject: RE: Crypt Keepers - Halloween Run Challenge
every one is doin great keep up the effort.
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