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2012-07-05 7:09 AM
in reply to: #4294914

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
kaburns1214 - 2012-07-05 7:50 AM

jsnowash - 2012-07-05 7:32 AM Thanks for the great course review! Were your GWB pedestrian path shots of the North pedestrian path? I believe that is where we are running - the Port Authority web-site says the North Pedestrian path is "normally closed". Not that it probably makes that much difference... If you photographed the south side pedestrian path, we may be climbing different stairs, but I imagine they're all pretty similar..... I'm hoping to go do a little course recon within the next few weeks, too....

I got the North pedestrian path (the south side was closed).  I intentionally went on a day when the North side would be open.

Nice! Is there a schedule posted somewhere of what days the north/south side are open?

2012-07-05 7:13 AM
in reply to: #4294932

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
jsnowash - 2012-07-05 8:09 AM
kaburns1214 - 2012-07-05 7:50 AM

jsnowash - 2012-07-05 7:32 AM Thanks for the great course review! Were your GWB pedestrian path shots of the North pedestrian path? I believe that is where we are running - the Port Authority web-site says the North Pedestrian path is "normally closed". Not that it probably makes that much difference... If you photographed the south side pedestrian path, we may be climbing different stairs, but I imagine they're all pretty similar..... I'm hoping to go do a little course recon within the next few weeks, too....

I got the North pedestrian path (the south side was closed).  I intentionally went on a day when the North side would be open.

Nice! Is there a schedule posted somewhere of what days the north/south side are open?



2012-07-06 7:41 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Massapequa, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

hey all-  just checking in.

rolled my right ankle playing frisbee of all things July 4th and have a pretty severe grade 3 sprain.  Swelling is severe as is the bruising.  Im in a brace which restricts lateral movement, and am also wearing a jobst compression stocking (toe to knee).  Doing the RICE thing as well.

So here I am 30+ days out from my first IM and am feeling undertrained on the run.  So far my longest run has been 9 miles (same morning as the ankle sprain), and i lost about 10 weeks with a 2nd metatarsal stress fracture on the same foot.  The plan was to get to about 15 miles and then pretty much interval the IM marathon with some 30 seconds or so of walking after each mile, as necessary.

Just feeling behind the 8-ball, especially with a real tough run course in the cards here.  Coach thinks we can press on as long as I am pain free, but i just fear breaking down. 

Part of me wants to press on and overcome these setbacks, and then the other part of me is thinking that things happen for a reason and maybe i should heal up, keep training and fight a new day.  Anyone suffering at all with injuries leading up to this race? 

2012-07-06 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4296783

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Sorry to hear about your injuries.... that sucks.... IMO you need to decide what kind of race experience you want to have. I'm with your coach in that I think you could finish the race, but you will need to adjust your expectations.... You need to be prepared for the probability that you may (probably will) need to walk a good bit of the run. You might consider a plan of something along the lines of 3 min run/2 min walk for the entire run. It will likely be a long day. You could also consider (since you've paid the $$$ entry fee!) a planned DNF after the bike -do the swim & bike, get some of the IM experience and, then pack it in and cheer on other racers.

Sorry you've had such a tough go...
2012-07-06 9:15 AM
in reply to: #4296783

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Dlyon - 2012-07-06 8:41 AM

hey all-  just checking in.

rolled my right ankle playing frisbee of all things July 4th and have a pretty severe grade 3 sprain.  Swelling is severe as is the bruising.  Im in a brace which restricts lateral movement, and am also wearing a jobst compression stocking (toe to knee).  Doing the RICE thing as well.

So here I am 30+ days out from my first IM and am feeling undertrained on the run.  So far my longest run has been 9 miles (same morning as the ankle sprain), and i lost about 10 weeks with a 2nd metatarsal stress fracture on the same foot.  The plan was to get to about 15 miles and then pretty much interval the IM marathon with some 30 seconds or so of walking after each mile, as necessary.

Just feeling behind the 8-ball, especially with a real tough run course in the cards here.  Coach thinks we can press on as long as I am pain free, but i just fear breaking down. 

Part of me wants to press on and overcome these setbacks, and then the other part of me is thinking that things happen for a reason and maybe i should heal up, keep training and fight a new day.  Anyone suffering at all with injuries leading up to this race? 

Two thoughts for you:

1. Be careful.  I've had many, many, many ankle sprains and have had my left ankle surgically reconstructed.  When I've tried to start running before the ankle was fully healed, I've often developed a problem in the opposite leg.  I twice developed achilles tendonitis in my right leg when I tried to run too soon on an ankle sprain in my left leg.  When you try to run on an injured ankle you often do things to your stride that results in other problems.

2.  Water running.  Its boring but very effetive.  I had an issue with a slipped disk before IMLP last year and did a lot of pool running.  I didn't have my fastest IM marathon but I was still able to run a 4:20 on a pretty tough course. 

2012-07-06 12:31 PM
in reply to: #4296783

Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Maybe also give it some time....still have a month+ before the race. You may feel markedly better in a week if you take care of yourself, rest, etc. You've come this far, I would try that before packing it in now.

2012-07-08 5:14 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Okay, I realize it's WAAAYYY too early to begin obsessing about race day weather -- but that won't stop me from doing it anyway

I found this site that makes long range weather predictions. I sure hope their forecast for mid-August is correct!! As of this morning, the prediction for Aug 11 in NYC is for a high in the mid-70's, and the few days before and after predict a high in the mid-80's. Here's hoping they're right!!

2012-07-08 8:03 PM
in reply to: #3550668

Westchester County
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Great site and great weather prediction.  Not that I am doubting their abilities, but I wonder how they came up with the unseasonably cool temps for that specific day.


Hope everyone is training well and safe and look forward to the big day.



2012-07-08 8:58 PM
in reply to: #4299632

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
It's really never too soon to start obsessing about the weather, although it will be another couple of weeks before I refresh things hourly to have the latest intel. Last week, the average temp on my long ride recorded as 93deg, today it was 60, and it just might have been my favorite long tri bike ride ever. I think 8/11 is going to be a great day no matter what, but every degree we can get below 90 will make it that much better.
2012-07-09 4:48 AM
in reply to: #4300367

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
frnk36 - 2012-07-08 9:03 PM

Great site and great weather prediction.  Not that I am doubting their abilities, but I wonder how they came up with the unseasonably cool temps for that specific day.


Hope everyone is training well and safe and look forward to the big day.



Oh, I'm sure predictions that far out are not especially accurate.... It's just nice to think that MAYBE we could get a day like that for the race.... Hey, a girl can dream - right??
2012-07-09 8:41 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

OK, so if someone is going to obsess on weather, can I do it about the tides?

I checked out tides for 41st street

Since the tide will be going out during the swim, does that mean it will be a favorable current?

2012-07-09 9:01 AM
in reply to: #4300898

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

I believe the outgoing tides will be favorable for our swim.

I did the NYC tri yesterday - outgoing tides as well.  it was incredible to see the occasional stick or branch floating downstream fast ... i'm typically a 1:50 - 2:00/100 swimmer and had a 1:20/100 swim time, which included a break to clear goggles, and a "lazy" easy swim effort. 

side note - the hudson was not that bad to swim in.  water temp was 74 degrees, it was murky, sure, but i have been in more brackish water.  it was light brown in color, salt water, felt a lot like an ocean swim.  i spoke w a guy from DC who said that the potomac was way worse then the hudson.

the absolute coolest part of the race was run from T2 up 72nd street, with the NYC buildings on either side and great crowds cheering.


2012-07-09 12:39 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
I had seen a link to some geological organization on some other post either here or on Slowtwitch that stated that the tide will be slack at 7am. Around 7:10, the tide will start flowing out . So basically, I think the tides will be negligible. By the end of our swim, we'll start getting a little boost. Don't forget that further up the river, the tidal effect lessens.

As for weather, I signed up with the belief that July weather generally is worse than August. Still get the hot days, but the heat waves don't linger, and that helps alot.

2012-07-09 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
The race director said the tides for the NYC tri are MUCH stronger than where we will be swimming. She doubted we would notice the tides at all.
2012-07-11 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3550668


Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
that's a bummer - was hoping for a nice hour long drift in the Hudson...looks like I might actually have to do some work
2012-07-11 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Does anyone have a copy of the Facebook Q&A that apparently went on a while back?  I can't get the link to work...



2012-07-11 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Barring strange river behavior due to wind, all predictions show the net flow of the river will be 0 at the start of the swim at 7am (basically the same as swimming in a lake), and then gradually increase to downstream by about .1 meters/second every 30 minutes after that. So at 7:30, if you're able to benefit from that in it's entirety, you gain about 10 seconds/100m, then 20 seconds/100m at 8am, etc.

On the question about the facebook chat, I read it and didn't learn anything that they hadn't published already, either in the faq or the transportation guides that came out in May.

Also, I read on another forum that they have to shut down the sound system at the finish line at 10pm due to noise concerns - has anyone else seen or heard that? That would suck, the late finish line scene is one of the best parts of the day and one I am hoping to attend if I am in any condition to do so.
2012-07-11 10:03 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

mrhighside, go to the Ironman U.S. Championship facebook page. Look for the following post:

Ironman U.S. Championship shared IRONMAN's photo.
May 31
Thanks for a great session! Check out all the questions and answers.

Click on the ill-fitting Aquadraat Ironman image. The picture contains 107 comments from the Q&A. I considered copying & pasting them here, but it's long and hard to follow in text format. I bet you can figure out how to access it based on my directions.

As mentioned above, the Q&A isn't too different from the official FAQ, except there are some repetitive comments from people who are afraid of the race (threats of backing out) and legit complaints/concerns about the course being spectator unfriendly.

2012-07-12 10:19 AM
in reply to: #4306242

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

coxma22 - 2012-07-11 2:58 PM Barring strange river behavior due to wind, all predictions show the net flow of the river will be 0 at the start of the swim at 7am (basically the same as swimming in a lake), and then gradually increase to downstream by about .1 meters/second every 30 minutes after that. So at 7:30, if you're able to benefit from that in it's entirety, you gain about 10 seconds/100m, then 20 seconds/100m at 8am, etc.

Maybe I'll strategically place myself towards the back of the pack to enter the water!

2012-07-12 10:20 AM
in reply to: #4306242

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

coxma22 - 2012-07-11 2:58 PM Also, I read on another forum that they have to shut down the sound system at the finish line at 10pm due to noise concerns - has anyone else seen or heard that? That would suck, the late finish line scene is one of the best parts of the day and one I am hoping to attend if I am in any condition to do so.

In the city that never sleeps?  If there is one place where you would think noise would not be an issue it would be on Saturday night in NYC!  I really hope for everyone's sake that this isnt true.  The midnight scene at the finish line is epic.

2012-07-12 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4307770

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Mirdban - 2012-07-12 10:20 AM

coxma22 - 2012-07-11 2:58 PM Also, I read on another forum that they have to shut down the sound system at the finish line at 10pm due to noise concerns - has anyone else seen or heard that? That would suck, the late finish line scene is one of the best parts of the day and one I am hoping to attend if I am in any condition to do so.

In the city that never sleeps?  If there is one place where you would think noise would not be an issue it would be on Saturday night in NYC!  I really hope for everyone's sake that this isnt true.  The midnight scene at the finish line is epic.

I can bring a bullhorn so we can keep shouting!

2012-07-13 4:17 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Hi Everyone,

I'm heading to NYC/NJ to run most of the run course tomorrow, but I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to get to transition.  Does anyone know what good address would be to put in my GPS?  Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find that anywhere.  Smile

Thanks in advance!

2012-07-13 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4310625

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
1800 River Road, Fort Lee, NJ is right across the street from the park entrance.
2012-07-14 6:10 AM
in reply to: #4310694

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Bedford, NH
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Great, thanks Matt!
2012-07-14 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

Hey All,

Trying to set some goals for this race. Anyone have any thoughts about how to account for heat or hills? I live in South Florida, so I don't expect the heat to be to bad, but we don't have any hills.

I finished IM Cozumel in 2010 in 12:37.

I finished the Great Floridian in 2011 in 12:32 (at least that one had hills).

I was hoping to go under 12:30 and am trying to get a sense if that fits. I would say my swim and run are better than they were last year for the GFT and my bike is also in good shape. I rode 6:18 at GFT and am hoping to ride something similar in NY.

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