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2012-04-25 10:24 AM
in reply to: #4171416

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-25 5:21 AM

BOOOya - good workout this morning, nothing crazy, legs finally recovered form long run, so papers went alittle quicker.  Son helped out :> - so I was in the pool at 5:50, swam 56 laps and I felt much better about this mornings swim compared to Monday.  I sooooo need togo 3 times a week.

Tuesday is my weight day, every Tuesday morning I use our WII fit, really just a expensive scale for me, but my wife does several excerise games.  Anyway 165 - yay  I normally  eat like crazy afterwords because why not I've got a hole week to lose.  Well I didn't, I was super good at work and feeling really  full of myself.  So in the afternoon I had a meeting in Detroit - 2 hour drive, by the time I get there I'm sooooo hungry, get in the meeting 2 cookies, 2 more cookies a sandwich, another sandwich and 2 cookies, leave the meeting w/ a SANDWICH AND 4 COOKIES - OMG - WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. - lol lol lol I felt so sick on the ride  So me thinks better planning next time when my routine changes and bring a healthy snack.  Easy to say now, but wow what a melt down.  Oh Well - week is going good and work is busy so days are flying by.

What does everyone else do?  I'm sure you have mentioned it I just forgot. SO me paper boy by night and Cafeteria manger (big baby sitter) by day.

later all

PB, your posts make me laugh!  The real question is how big were the sandwiches and how big were the cookies??    My swim was put on hold this morning because my dogs got into a little tussle last night and when I went to break it up, I was tagged in the forearm.  I have a nice little puncture wound that may need a couple of stitches and will have to get a tetanus shot...yay.  So, no swimming today but I'm going to hit the gym instead and do some bike riding.  I don't want to miss a workout and I might as well keep on doing what I was doing before; nothing wrong with it.

I have a desk job, unfortunately...I'm a Business Manager for a group of medical offices.  My day consists of working on the computer, scheduling, billing, coordinating patient care, visiting with patients (that's the fun part) and personal assistant to the boss.  It's a great working envrionment but not much for exercise.  I do try and bring healthy snacks with me and lunch-it saves money and I don't eat a bunch of crap during the week.  I drink water all day and save the Pepsi for my treat on the weekends.

56 laps, way to go!!  I can tell by your posts that you're improving and feeling more confident.  That's all it takes-confidence goes a looooong way.  Have a great day!!

2012-04-25 1:55 PM
in reply to: #4171416

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-25 2:21 AM

BOOOya - good workout this morning, nothing crazy, legs finally recovered form long run, so papers went alittle quicker.  Son helped out :> - so I was in the pool at 5:50, swam 56 laps and I felt much better about this mornings swim compared to Monday.  I sooooo need togo 3 times a week.

Tuesday is my weight day, every Tuesday morning I use our WII fit, really just a expensive scale for me, but my wife does several excerise games.  Anyway 165 - yay  I normally  eat like crazy afterwords because why not I've got a hole week to lose.  Well I didn't, I was super good at work and feeling really  full of myself.  So in the afternoon I had a meeting in Detroit - 2 hour drive, by the time I get there I'm sooooo hungry, get in the meeting 2 cookies, 2 more cookies a sandwich, another sandwich and 2 cookies, leave the meeting w/ a SANDWICH AND 4 COOKIES - OMG - WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. - lol lol lol I felt so sick on the ride  So me thinks better planning next time when my routine changes and bring a healthy snack.  Easy to say now, but wow what a melt down.  Oh Well - week is going good and work is busy so days are flying by.

What does everyone else do?  I'm sure you have mentioned it I just forgot. SO me paper boy by night and Cafeteria manger (big baby sitter) by day.

later all

Good for you on the swim!! Bad boy on the scarfing cookies! just kidding, it's okay to indulge every now and then right? you're body was craving! That happens to me every now and then, it doesn't help when you have to young kids who love to eat typical kid snacks. My daughter is getting better though, she's nine and the other day she tried to follow me on my bike ride, I think she's seeing mommy getting in shape and wants to get fit too by riding her bike more. 

I'm a special education teacher at a high school on Oahu. I love it, i work with kids with multiple disabilities and some are in wheelchairs. I do a lot of lifting and physical therapy exercises with them so triathlon training has really helped with my work. I use to get a lot of back injuries from lifting them but now I'm waaaayyy stronger! I think the tri training is gonna keep me ABLE to do my job into retirement, hopefully! i've still got a ways to go. 

2012-04-25 2:11 PM
in reply to: #4171989

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-25 5:24 AM
Paper Boy - 2012-04-25 5:21 AM

BOOOya - good workout this morning, nothing crazy, legs finally recovered form long run, so papers went alittle quicker.  Son helped out :> - so I was in the pool at 5:50, swam 56 laps and I felt much better about this mornings swim compared to Monday.  I sooooo need togo 3 times a week.

Tuesday is my weight day, every Tuesday morning I use our WII fit, really just a expensive scale for me, but my wife does several excerise games.  Anyway 165 - yay  I normally  eat like crazy afterwords because why not I've got a hole week to lose.  Well I didn't, I was super good at work and feeling really  full of myself.  So in the afternoon I had a meeting in Detroit - 2 hour drive, by the time I get there I'm sooooo hungry, get in the meeting 2 cookies, 2 more cookies a sandwich, another sandwich and 2 cookies, leave the meeting w/ a SANDWICH AND 4 COOKIES - OMG - WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. - lol lol lol I felt so sick on the ride  So me thinks better planning next time when my routine changes and bring a healthy snack.  Easy to say now, but wow what a melt down.  Oh Well - week is going good and work is busy so days are flying by.

What does everyone else do?  I'm sure you have mentioned it I just forgot. SO me paper boy by night and Cafeteria manger (big baby sitter) by day.

later all

PB, your posts make me laugh!  The real question is how big were the sandwiches and how big were the cookies??    My swim was put on hold this morning because my dogs got into a little tussle last night and when I went to break it up, I was tagged in the forearm.  I have a nice little puncture wound that may need a couple of stitches and will have to get a tetanus shot...yay.  So, no swimming today but I'm going to hit the gym instead and do some bike riding.  I don't want to miss a workout and I might as well keep on doing what I was doing before; nothing wrong with it.

I have a desk job, unfortunately...I'm a Business Manager for a group of medical offices.  My day consists of working on the computer, scheduling, billing, coordinating patient care, visiting with patients (that's the fun part) and personal assistant to the boss.  It's a great working envrionment but not much for exercise.  I do try and bring healthy snacks with me and lunch-it saves money and I don't eat a bunch of crap during the week.  I drink water all day and save the Pepsi for my treat on the weekends.

56 laps, way to go!!  I can tell by your posts that you're improving and feeling more confident.  That's all it takes-confidence goes a looooong way.  Have a great day!!

whoa! sorry to hear about your dog bite seoulgirl!. I just saw a potential disaster the other day on my bike ride, a little tiny toy dog charged a huge dog. Fortunately the owner of the big dog was able to pull her dog away, the little one got away from the owner. I'm sure the big dog would have swallowed that tiny dog whole if he had been able to...Your job sounds busy! nice to have a good working environment. Speedy healing to you!

2012-04-25 2:23 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Not the best report for me today. I set out on my short run yesterday feeling really good and motivated after such a great bike ride the day before. So i thought, since it's only a 23 minute run scheduled, I'll try to go a little faster and see if I can improve my mile pace (usually 12minutes). I was feeling great from the start all the way through the end. My legs were fine, my breathing was great! I finished the 23 minutes and headed home feeling so proud of myself. 

I get home, connect my garmin to my comp....and my average mile pace was 13:30!!!!! I couldn't believe it!! I seriously thought something was wrong with my watch. My husband laughed and told me the satellites don't lie:-) I'm still a little perplexed as to how this could be possible. I REALLY felt like I was going faster....but I guess the opposite was happening......just sucked! I have no explanation except maybe my legs were still recovering from my bike ride the day before? They were a little tight but not really sore. Anyway, I'm swimming today....resting the legs so I can attempt a good run again on thursday. Have a great hump day all!

2012-04-26 6:51 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

What a morning, not really much of a training day - papers came late and where really big, so I worked those bags and made it to work only 45min late!  Oh well life goes on.

Dog bite - ouch!  Good for you to keep going to gym.

don't ever worry about your time 13:30 - sure it was not what you where trying for - the important part is you ran your 23min.  I remember a few months back you where not running at all.  Just keep it up and stay focused on injury free and running 23 min.

Later all got to get busy



2012-04-26 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Tri-I agree with PB; the main thing I took away from your post was the fact that YOU felt great during your run.  I know it was a let down for you because you felt like you were moving faster than your Garmin recorded, but your positive feeling while running shouldn't be overshadowed by your time.  I applaud you for running, as well!  I've slacked a lot on my running and to date, I've only had one superb run and that was quite sometime ago and may have been a fluke, because I haven't been able to repeat that performance.  I still feel good when I run and I still set attainable goals for myself so I don't get too frustrated and I think it has to start with the brain before our bodies can make it happen.

It's pouring down rain here today but I'm going to the gym tonight after work again to do some serious walking.  My "walking" race is the first weekend of May and I've kind of been a little lax getting my mileage in.  So tonight, my goal is 5 miles and by next week, I should be up to 7 miles easy and that's the distance of the race, so I should be ok. 

You guys have a great Thursday!  One more day until the weekend.

Oh, thanks for the well wishes on recovery-my arm is a little swollen today but no pain; little tender in some spots but this will heal in no time.  Dogs are


2012-04-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Almost forgot-rode 11.15 miles yesterday.  It was a good ride!

2012-04-26 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4174541

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-04-26 5:13 AM

Almost forgot-rode 11.15 miles yesterday.  It was a good ride!



2012-04-26 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Thanks for the encouraging words. I never thought about that....I did feel good running and thats what matters:-) and YEAH! I have forgotten how a few months ago I could barely run 10 minutes...I had to run some, walk some, run some etc....I guess I was just being hard on myself. Thanks for the words of wisdom...

WHAT AN AWESOME MENTOR GROUP!!!! have a great day....I've got my 39min. run today.

quick question: what kind of healthy snacks do you eat? I'm still trying to lose about 5 more pounds so I'm watching what I eat as well as portion control but I really need something in the pm to help me have the energy to do these long runs. 

2012-04-27 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4175084

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
TriMoTri - 2012-04-26 11:54 AM

Thanks for the encouraging words. I never thought about that....I did feel good running and thats what matters:-) and YEAH! I have forgotten how a few months ago I could barely run 10 minutes...I had to run some, walk some, run some etc....I guess I was just being hard on myself. Thanks for the words of wisdom...

WHAT AN AWESOME MENTOR GROUP!!!! have a great day....I've got my 39min. run today.

quick question: what kind of healthy snacks do you eat? I'm still trying to lose about 5 more pounds so I'm watching what I eat as well as portion control but I really need something in the pm to help me have the energy to do these long runs. 

I walked/ran for 65 mins total of 4.5 miles yesterday-trying to make sure I don't completely fail at Bloomsday next weekend.  I felt really good, but I think I need better socks-any suggestions??

I noticed I have the same problem on the days when I swim; I sometimes wake up with zero energy and it takes me a little bit to get going.  I've tried to eat something around 8p-830p with some carbs to give me an energy boost in the am.  Nothing too heavy and nothing that has empty calories-usually like a bowl of popcorn or a piece of breaded chicken, and sometimes I'll make extra pasta at dinnertime to snack on before bed, but that's just me.  I think some it has to do with metabolism and what your body can digest and not turn to fat.  The sweets are a killer for me so I try and save those for weekend treats, but even then, I really try not to overdo it.

My hubby and I are going to watch a bodybuilding competition this weekend; one he participated in last year.  An ironic bit of information, the guy who won the competition last year was arrested about 2 months ago for murdering his girlfriend.  Guess he won't be back to defend his title this year.  My husband decided not to compete this year because of his new job and responsibilities, but he's hoping to compete in another show, soon.  Should be a fun weekend.

I didn't get up to swim today but I plan on hitting the gym tonight for some light cardio before the weekend.  I hope you all have a great Friday and that your weekend is filled with fun and huge strides in your training!!

2012-04-27 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4176759

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Happy Friday Seoulgirl and PB!

Good job on the 4.5 miles! You'll be ready for your event for sure:-)

I'm gonna try banana with a spoon of peanut butter...better than chips right?lol! thats usually what I reach for at my house. Yea, my stomach is weird, I train better on an empty stomach or with a little snack. I ate a huge lunch once and  tried to run 3 hours later....I was still burping and feeling uncomfortable. 

Whoa! murdered his girlfriend? thats very sad...thats cool you and you're husband will watch that competition together! Have a good time:-)

Well, I pushed through my 39 min. run yesterday! It was tough but I kept hearing both of your voices in my head telling me I could do it.....seriously! PB in one ear and Seoulgirl in the other ear! It's amazing how that kind of support pops into my head when I want to quit and just give up for the day. I got tired in breathing around 2miles  but my legs were I kept pushing on....By the last 5 minutes, my legs were getting wobbly but I made it through..

Thank you both so much, it was unexpected:-) That was the longest run ever for me...3.28 miles according to my garmin, and I know I shouldn't care what my mile pace was but I checked anyway and it was under 12 minutes so I was happy!

Have a great weekend!

p.s.- I don't have any sock solutions. I use addidas, they're thick which work for me, thinner socks give me blisters. I have a bunion (big toe that curves inward) so I bought this product called Bunion Bootie. It holds my big toe straight and then I put a silicone toe spacer inbetween my big toe and next toe. It totally saved me from the pain I use to endure from this condition. I couldn't run without pain before. 

Edited by TriMoTri 2012-04-27 2:45 PM

2012-04-30 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I missed a bunch, Sorry for no posting on Friday - work got in the way.  SOoooooo

Healthy snack - for me genola bars - cliff bars really fill me up.  Easy to grab and go.  Lots of fruit in our house at all times!  I struggle at this one as well.

Great run Tri - and soul girl did you get the new bike?  - You guys are rocking it! Keep up the great work!   Murder - when I read it the 1st time I thought it said my husband was the murderer.   lol

So I did the same long ride saturday - this time I rode my paper route bike - MTB w/ road tires.  I took 17 min off last weeks ride.  Still had those darn winds and it sleeted and rained for the last 45min.  Sleet was fine as it bounched off me when it turned to rain - it kinda sucked.  I did find out why my feet get so wet - front tire splash off bike frame goes right into my right foot.  Good lesson learned, not much I can do about it - but another lesson learned - running socks do not make good bikeing socks.   I ran 2 miles again after the ride and felt super, so the decision has been made for race day.  MTB it is - I'm so much more comfortable on it, I feel I have more power on the hills, I can ride w/ no hands like it's nobodies bussiness, (so I can show off for the hotties) lol -   The road bike is just to old, and it is not set up correctly I'm sure.  5 weeks togo and things are falling into place, this is a recovery week - so just 5 miles to fencing class tonight.

Later all


2012-04-30 1:47 PM
in reply to: #4180602

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-04-30 3:26 AM

I missed a bunch, Sorry for no posting on Friday - work got in the way.  SOoooooo

Healthy snack - for me genola bars - cliff bars really fill me up.  Easy to grab and go.  Lots of fruit in our house at all times!  I struggle at this one as well.

Great run Tri - and soul girl did you get the new bike?  - You guys are rocking it! Keep up the great work!   Murder - when I read it the 1st time I thought it said my husband was the murderer.   lol

So I did the same long ride saturday - this time I rode my paper route bike - MTB w/ road tires.  I took 17 min off last weeks ride.  Still had those darn winds and it sleeted and rained for the last 45min.  Sleet was fine as it bounched off me when it turned to rain - it kinda sucked.  I did find out why my feet get so wet - front tire splash off bike frame goes right into my right foot.  Good lesson learned, not much I can do about it - but another lesson learned - running socks do not make good bikeing socks.   I ran 2 miles again after the ride and felt super, so the decision has been made for race day.  MTB it is - I'm so much more comfortable on it, I feel I have more power on the hills, I can ride w/ no hands like it's nobodies bussiness, (so I can show off for the hotties) lol -   The road bike is just to old, and it is not set up correctly I'm sure.  5 weeks togo and things are falling into place, this is a recovery week - so just 5 miles to fencing class tonight.

Later all


Thanks for the report PaperBoy! I was a little worried you got sick or something....glad to hear everything is falling into place. The next time I groan about the rain here in Hawaii while riding or running... I'm gonna slap myself.....I can't imagine riding in sleet and rain and snow like you do! lol! I'm on a recovery week too...and I need it, I did another brick on saturday and you were right! they do get easier...I was very happy my legs were able to run after a long bike ride. I've been completely wiped out though so sunday I just rested, no training at all except stretching. Have a good one everyone!

2012-04-30 8:04 PM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

I am learning the importance of having a mantra during a friend text me once before an open water swim race I was in and she said to "kick ".....I found myself saying this over and over in the begining and it made me kinda laugh underwater. But, as I went further and was getting tired (it was a 2,000m race) I started saying it again and I swear it helped me pick up some energy. It really becomes a mental competition on race day doesn't it? 

Does anyone use a specific mantra when they race? 

2012-05-01 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Favorite mantras during training is - I'm getting paid to excersise!  You can, you will!  Others pop in there as well but never stick.

I also really like to sign the song Going the distance by Cake.  It is a nascar thing I think but it keeps me going - "He's going the distance he's going for speed all alone all alone in his time of need. he's raceing and pacing and plotting the corse he's fighting and rideing rideing on his horse, he's going the the distance....  you get the idea - I've only ever done 2 races and each time I'm grinning so big and thinking I'm doing it, I'm doing it, don't forget this is a race..... mantras never pop in my mind that I can recall.  Just enjoy the moment and remeber to look around!  ALot.


Swam 40 laps - biked well and ran good last night, recoveryyyyyyy :>

2012-05-01 12:23 PM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Ok!  So, I'm a little behind; didn't get a chance to post yesterday because work was crazy and by the time I got home, I was ready to veg out.  The weekend was a blast, both relaxing and fun, so I was sad to see it end so quickly, but isn't that how weekends go??

Tri-great job on the running and the swimming!!  I'm happy to be a positive voice during your training!!    It does help to know that you are accountable to someone.  Even if we are like virtual coaches, having to write about MY training keeps me honest.  Same way with my food.  For a while, I was really updating my food intake on this website and it was cool to see how consistent I was becoming.  I haven't been recording it for quite sometime, but I also feel as though my eating habits have changed.  I do enjoy food and it is a constant challenge for me, but I try to do everything in moderation so I don't overdo it when the opportunity arises.  I have found when I eat too much of a bad thing or just too much in general, I am physically sick AND it effects me mentally, too.  So, I really push myself to make better choices all of the time.

PB-No new bike, yet.  It's still in the discussion phase and since I've postponed my competition, I still have some time to get the best bike for my money.  I would like to be riding outside, so I may just pick up an inexpensive road bike so I can start spending time outside. 

I haven't been swimming since I was injured with the dog fight, but I'm heading to the pool tonight.  I'm going to try and swim 100 laps tonight.  Not sure, but 80-90 would be fine with me too.  I don't really have any kind of mantra when I'm training-music does it for me.  When I swim, I try to find a balance between my strokes and counting, so it almost becomes very methodical for me; kind of like a mantra.

Well team, I hope your week is off to a great start.  The weather seems to have shaped up and we're having more sunny days than rainy days, so that's always a good thing.  Keep up the good work and have a great Tuesday!!

2012-05-02 2:15 AM
in reply to: #4183018

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-05-01 2:10 AM

Favorite mantras during training is - I'm getting paid to excersise!  You can, you will!  Others pop in there as well but never stick.

I also really like to sign the song Going the distance by Cake.  It is a nascar thing I think but it keeps me going - "He's going the distance he's going for speed all alone all alone in his time of need. he's raceing and pacing and plotting the corse he's fighting and rideing rideing on his horse, he's going the the distance....  you get the idea - I've only ever done 2 races and each time I'm grinning so big and thinking I'm doing it, I'm doing it, don't forget this is a race..... mantras never pop in my mind that I can recall.  Just enjoy the moment and remeber to look around!  ALot.


Swam 40 laps - biked well and ran good last night, recoveryyyyyyy :>

I like that! I seem to hear this mantra more and more when i run, I think you mentioned it..."I can do this, I can do this.." It seems to help me. I think for the swim I'm gonna say "relax...relax...relax" lol! I'm already getting amped up and I'm still 6 weeks away!But yea, i'm gonna be grinning for sure :-)

2012-05-02 2:23 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Nice report Seoulgirl, so how did the swimming go? Hope your arm is all healed from that doggie bike. I definitely am trying to eat everything in moderation too...I can go crazy with junk food at times. This training has really helped me become more disciplined for when i feel tempted to blow off a workout or eat something totally bad for me, I stop myself and say no...I've gotten better at this as it gets closer to June.

I'm in recovery week, ran 21 minutes today and did about 1.8 miles or so..I think I went a little faster too but it felt good and thats what matters right?

Have a great week training!

2012-05-02 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

i work in a cafeteria, w/ candy everywhere and cookies!  So it is never a big deal just to be walking along grab some and not think twice about it.  These last few weeks the best thing for me is to read the cal count, now I have no idea how many cal i eat in a day, but I'll ask myself, those cookies are 140 cal  - is that really worth running 1.5 miles for those cookies.  1 candy bar 280 cal, really, Do I want to run 3 miles for that candy bar - hell no.  This has been working for me 5 days a week while at work, when I get home it is a different story, but if I stay good at work, well than I did my job.

had lots of fun this morning on route, nothing extra just a fun 2 hours.  Sometimes it is work (thursdays)  most times it is a workout w/  fun mixed in.  Today was just fun, I was tossing those papers and nailing those porches, riding smooth - I have been working on my wheelies alittle - 10 feet!  and bunnie hops - right over every crub!  Not many 42 year old dudes can say they have been practicing thier wheelies!  lol

later all have a super Wednesday.

2012-05-03 1:31 AM
in reply to: #3947226

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

i love that! Having fun tossing those papers:-) You must have been a baseball player too when you were young. Yea, must be tough managing a cafeteria with all those smells and food around.

Had a nice swim today...about 35 minutes but I only did about 1600 yards because it got crowded and I had to slow down to make sure I didn't hit anyone swimming near me. I swim at the 24hr fitness club pool when i can't get to the ocean. There were a few other triathletes but the majority were old people bouncing up and down in the water getting in the way so it was a little challenging.

Pretty good hump day today!

2012-05-03 6:45 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

good morning today - no rain :>  so always good when things are dry.

Recovery week is in full swing - looking forward to next week already, looks like I'll build again for 3 weeks and than recover 1.5 weeks before race, on the calendar things are falling into place.

Book the hotel for the night before race day, been taste testing which cliff bars I want to bring w/ me - choc brownie for sure,  got a friends house ready for a shower and cold beer after the race, man today I feel like I want to race now!  It's been since December training started, kinda hard to keep my head clear of anything else.  Yard work, kid ativities are at a all time high, new glasses for everyone,  every weekend we have plans - WHAT ABOUT ME!  ME ME ME IT IS ALL ABOUT ME ISN'T.

Ok I feel better - no it is not all about me, life will go on.

Later all have a super Thursday

2012-05-03 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Eastern Washington
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

Well, I miss one day of posting and look what happens!  It sounds like you guys are doing a great job getting ready for your upcoming races.  Next week for you, PB??  Can't wait to hear and see the results!  Tri, 6 weeks out for you??  Wow, the time flies.  My arm is almost fully healed; think there's a little bit of nerve damage, but no big deal.  Price I pay for having 3 like minded Dobermans running around the house.    Never a dull moment, kind of like having kids!!  lol

My "walking" race is this weekend and I'm trying to get prepped for the day.  I'm not anticipating too many problems, just a lot of people. 50,000+ people participate in this race.  It's not an amateur race, at all.  I'll be lucky if I don't get run over!!  I walked 3.77 miles yesterday in 65 mins and it's a 7.5 mile course.  I think I'll be ok.  No swimming yet; having a issue with the gym and being overcharged for my membership.  I'm not going to go until they resolve the issue.  It sucks because I miss the swimming, but our local pool opens up at the end of the month, so I'll be able to swim in town after work.

Not much else to report; going to walk again tonight after work.  Race is on Sunday and I'm taking Monday off work to relax. 

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday and only one day left until the weekend!  Any big plans for Cinco de Mayo???

2012-05-03 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4187655

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
Paper Boy - 2012-05-03 1:45 AM

good morning today - no rain :>  so always good when things are dry.

Recovery week is in full swing - looking forward to next week already, looks like I'll build again for 3 weeks and than recover 1.5 weeks before race, on the calendar things are falling into place.

Book the hotel for the night before race day, been taste testing which cliff bars I want to bring w/ me - choc brownie for sure,  got a friends house ready for a shower and cold beer after the race, man today I feel like I want to race now!  It's been since December training started, kinda hard to keep my head clear of anything else.  Yard work, kid ativities are at a all time high, new glasses for everyone,  every weekend we have plans - WHAT ABOUT ME!  ME ME ME IT IS ALL ABOUT ME ISN'T.

Ok I feel better - no it is not all about me, life will go on.

Later all have a super Thursday

How exciting! I think I'm in the same place as you.....started training in January...I can't think of anything else except my race's TOTALLY all about me at my house LOL!  My husband and kids have been very supportive and I'm thankful. My daughter follows me on her bike when i run..they are all excited for me...somehow I'm managing daily life responsibilities like work, housework, cooking, driving kids to school, checking homework etc.... I've recently been hooked on watching sprint triathlons on youtube:-) So fun and exciting. 

Sounds like you are exactly where you should be as far as training PB!! awesome! enjoy the rest of "recovery" week...I'll start building next week too. Love your updates! 

2012-05-03 3:42 PM
in reply to: #4188102

Oahu, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!
seoulgirl39 - 2012-05-03 5:01 AM

Well, I miss one day of posting and look what happens!  It sounds like you guys are doing a great job getting ready for your upcoming races.  Next week for you, PB??  Can't wait to hear and see the results!  Tri, 6 weeks out for you??  Wow, the time flies.  My arm is almost fully healed; think there's a little bit of nerve damage, but no big deal.  Price I pay for having 3 like minded Dobermans running around the house.    Never a dull moment, kind of like having kids!!  lol

My "walking" race is this weekend and I'm trying to get prepped for the day.  I'm not anticipating too many problems, just a lot of people. 50,000+ people participate in this race.  It's not an amateur race, at all.  I'll be lucky if I don't get run over!!  I walked 3.77 miles yesterday in 65 mins and it's a 7.5 mile course.  I think I'll be ok.  No swimming yet; having a issue with the gym and being overcharged for my membership.  I'm not going to go until they resolve the issue.  It sucks because I miss the swimming, but our local pool opens up at the end of the month, so I'll be able to swim in town after work.

Not much else to report; going to walk again tonight after work.  Race is on Sunday and I'm taking Monday off work to relax. 

Hope you have a wonderful Thursday and only one day left until the weekend!  Any big plans for Cinco de Mayo???

Hey Seoulgirl! Wow! 50,000+ people? thats huge!...I'm sure it'll be really exciting to be a part of that...Can't wait to read your race report! 3 like minded Dobermans! LOL! yea, I bet that's a handful:-) very much like kids. 

Cinco de Mayo...hmmm, my favorite kind of food!...I think we'll go out to eat at a good mexican place...I'll  have fajitas! 

Have a great training day! Thanks for posting your support!

2012-05-04 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3947226

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Marshall Michigan
Subject: RE: Jac's Group - The water is warm, join us!

My race is June 10th in Grand Rapids Michigan, so I've got 36 training days left, 6 pounds to lose for my goal race weight, 150 anything, don't care if it 159.9 or 150.0, this would be a big accomplishment as I've only ever kissed the 150's once before couple years back.

I would love to out of the water in 60min, ride for 3.5 hours and run it in 2.5, so 7 hours hafe iropn distance goal.      I love race reports, so shoot me yours after the big walk.

Was thinking of you Tri - this morning during my run, different mantas poping into my head -I would say " Fast short strides" than count to 8 foot steps, "fast long strides" than 8 foot steps.   When I read running stuff they say to practice long strides,  honestly my mind can't stay focused on anything to long but the idea is "I believe"  your not breathing any harder and trying to keep the same foot cadence, than start reaching alittle on your strides while keeping that cadence, now in my training plan it said to do strides for 20 min or 30 min which I have not done very well and just end up running normal after 5 mins.  But breaking this up this morning worked well for me.   When I did my matathon, I just ran for 18 miles and than bonked.  run walk the rest of the way in, leg and feet hurt so much,   when you change your stride you use different muscles and more of the entire leg so you can run longer and faster.  So when you do your next long run try to mix up your cadence and you may see a improved time.

Going to Silver lake sand dunes to see family, sister in from texas, so we'll chill out on the deck and visit all day.  Weather looks good for it. - Mexican menu and cold beer :>  it been awhile since I had a beer!

Have a great weekend all



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