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2013-01-02 11:27 AM
in reply to: #4556543

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Tracker09 - 2013-01-01 3:22 PM

Happy first day of training.  My plan is starting with 4 - 6 weeks of downtime due a separated shoulder.  I'll catch up though.  The first day of training for IMCDA in 2011 started with a broken rib.  It's best to get the pain out of the way early.

Ouch! Heal quickly!

2013-01-02 2:27 PM
in reply to: #4557919

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Happy New Year - first day back after a 25day honeymoon.  Currently 20lbs over the target race weight.  Let the training begin (in a couple weeks)....

Hope you are all injury free....

2013-01-03 7:14 AM
in reply to: #4341496

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Extreme Veteran
Ballston Spa, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Seeing how it was -10 this morning...I'll run at night when it's a toasty 17 out! LOL! I HATE winter!
2013-01-03 7:30 AM
in reply to: #4341496

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
it is C.O.L.D here, too. Temp of 4 with a feels like of -7. I'm heading out for a few miles and hoping I don't become a Popsicle. Could be worse: LP has a temp of -17 with a feels like of -35! Bbbrrr

Edited by cheekymonkeys1 2013-01-03 7:31 AM
2013-01-03 8:55 AM
in reply to: #4341496

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

12 miles on the treadmill sucks. But you know what's worse? 14 this weekend if the weather is lousy

I am just so afraid to slip and get hurt. I can deal with the cold, I just don't want to get injured. Again. I'm still taking tramadol for pain some days!

2013-01-03 9:21 AM
in reply to: #4559402

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

cornick - 2013-01-03 8:14 AM Seeing how it was -10 this morning...I'll run at night when it's a toasty 17 out! LOL! I HATE winter!


The TM at the gym is waiting for me

2013-01-04 12:50 PM
in reply to: #4341496

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Okay, copied the elevation profiles from www.mapmyride for IMLP and the Rev3.  Made them the same scale based on the 56 mile distance:

(Elevation profiles Rev3 Quassy and IMLP.jpg)

Elevation profiles Rev3 Quassy and IMLP.jpg (39KB - 19 downloads)
2013-01-04 4:03 PM
in reply to: #4341496


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Hi Vets-

Couple of questions. I have done two HIM in the past two years and would like to crack the LPIM...what is the best way to get in the darn race? I have heard that volunteering helps but how can I sign up to be a volunteer? 

AND...since this is my off year (hubby has big events) any thoughts about training a year out? What do people recommend? 


2013-01-04 4:32 PM
in reply to: #4562291

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Bel Air
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

cobratodd - 2013-01-04 1:50 PM Okay, copied the elevation profiles from www.mapmyride for IMLP and the Rev3.  Made them the same scale based on the 56 mile distance:


The elevations aren't 100% scaled together, but just looking at it Quassy has a lot more undulating terrain while LP seems to be either up up up or down down down.  I think that constant change from up to down up to down makes Quassy a little more difficult than Placid terrain wise, but obviously distance wise LP deserves more patients.  Awesome charts, thanks

2013-01-04 4:34 PM
in reply to: #4562682

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Bel Air
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2013-01-04 5:03 PM

Hi Vets-

Couple of questions. I have done two HIM in the past two years and would like to crack the LPIM...what is the best way to get in the darn race? I have heard that volunteering helps but how can I sign up to be a volunteer? 

AND...since this is my off year (hubby has big events) any thoughts about training a year out? What do people recommend? 


I didn't volunteer or attend the event last year, but stalked a couple of minutes before general registration opened and got a spot within the first couple minutes it was open.

However, here's a link to volunteer.  It doesn't open up until February.

2013-01-04 4:36 PM
in reply to: #4562682

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Best way to get in is to volunteer at the 2013 race and then sign up the next day.  I think the race sold out within a few hours after online registration opened this year.  Some years, it has been even faster.  I decided last fall that I was going to do IMLP 2013, and I started gearing my training towards that event.  So, nothing wrong with starting training that far out.  Don't burn yourself out, give yourself intermediate goals, and some down time before you really ramp up training next winter.  (most people start their LP training plan around Jan. 1)  Hope that helps...others may have better advice!  Good luck!

2013-01-04 4:38 PM
in reply to: #4562682

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Hi deeomara - welcome to the group and to BT!

This will be my 3rd IMLP in a row. I registered online the first two years. In 2011 online registration was open for all of 10 minutes. In 2012 I did not register before the race as I was not sure I would want to race LP again. I registered online from my hotel room on the day after the race; registration was open for approximately 1 hour. Last year I did register the day before the race, but I heard registration was open online for several hours. So based on my experience, my best guess is that you would be able to register online the day after, but you would want to be sitting at your computer ready to go as soon as it opened.

All that said, I HIGHLY recommend volunteering if you can. I wish I had been able to as the race-day experience it obviously provides is tremendous. And you can incorporate some great reconnaissance training into your visit a year in advance. IMLP is a GREAT first Ironman.

As to training this far out? First, go back and read the last three year or so groups on BT - that alone is a tremendous resource that will allow you to race the course like a vet. You haven't really given much information about you that would allow specific advice (age, athletic background, current training, race accomplishments outside of completion, strengths, weaknesses, limiters, etc). For me (46 years old, training and racing consistently for 20+ years) I would be focusing on strength training targeted toward injury prevention (not mass building). Core focus first (Pilates, yoga) then isolateral bodyweight stuff (plyometrics, TRX). It won't directly make you faster, but taking the time to build up the appropriate strength to make you more resilient and less prone to overuse injury, which for obvious reasons will make you tangentially faster. Consistency is key to training for IM, and staying injury free is the key to consistency. Overuse injuries are probably the single most common thing that keeps IM athletes from showing up at the starting line. Also, if you have any weight issues that you want to work on, do it now - many have found weight loss and focused IM training to be counterproductive to one another.

Good luck, and keep us posted as to your progress. This is fun stuff!

2013-01-04 10:32 PM
in reply to: #4341496


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I'm registered for IMLP this year and it will be my first IM. I am using the Fink plan and I got in my run today. How does this plan account for different paces? For example, when it calls for a 30 minutes run some people could run 3 miles or 5 miles in 30 minutes. Depending on how fast they are. Does the plan take this into account? If you are on the slower end you will be doing less miles over the 30 weeks than someone who is faster. When starting the plan should I be able to hold a certain pace in the bike and run for the plan to work?
2013-01-04 10:42 PM
in reply to: #4341496

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Question this will be my first IM have done 4 HIM in last 2 years. What is your long bike ride in January and Feb. I will be indoors till April and have never done much biking over 60 miles in a day. So what should I be at going into March. I planed on building to 3.5 hrs(50miles) long ride on trainer going to the end of March. Than increasing about 5 miles a week once outside. Does this sound like it will work? Will have 3 rides over 100 befor LP.
2013-01-05 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4563062

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
mambwe - 2013-01-04 11:32 PM

I'm registered for IMLP this year and it will be my first IM. I am using the Fink plan and I got in my run today. How does this plan account for different paces? For example, when it calls for a 30 minutes run some people could run 3 miles or 5 miles in 30 minutes. Depending on how fast they are. Does the plan take this into account? If you are on the slower end you will be doing less miles over the 30 weeks than someone who is faster. When starting the plan should I be able to hold a certain pace in the bike and run for the plan to work?

The plan really does not account for different ability levels as it pertains to speed. Fink likes to do everything by time. So early on, you might be getting in 3 miles in a 30 minute run whereas I might be getting in 2.5 miles. Over time through all three phases, we both should be making progress, but perhaps not at the same pace. The reality is that you and I might get closer from a performance perspective but neither of us is ever likely to catch someone who starts out doing 7 minute miles. Again, in theory, everyone following the Fink plan should get better (a rising tide), however, your 3 hour long run might cover 19 miles whereas mine might cover 17. Net, net, we followed the same plan but you should finish before I do on race day. It is just a philosophy. Some plans are all about distance. Fink is all about time.
2013-01-05 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4563069

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
deadman - 2013-01-04 11:42 PM

Question this will be my first IM have done 4 HIM in last 2 years. What is your long bike ride in January and Feb. I will be indoors till April and have never done much biking over 60 miles in a day. So what should I be at going into March. I planed on building to 3.5 hrs(50miles) long ride on trainer going to the end of March. Than increasing about 5 miles a week once outside. Does this sound like it will work? Will have 3 rides over 100 befor LP.

Sounds like your plan will get your there. Hard to answer this question as it really depends on your bike goal.

2013-01-05 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4341496

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Okay freaks ... how did week one go for those of you on a 30 week plan?

I managed 3.5 hours on the bike, 2h 20m for the run, and just over an hour in the water (3000 yds).
While I completed all that was scheduled by Fink, I'll be slightly ahead of those numbers now that my winter break is ending and I'll be back on my regular schedule.


2013-01-05 1:25 PM
in reply to: #4563558

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BernardDogs - 2013-01-05 1:51 PM

Okay freaks ... how did week one go for those of you on a 30 week plan?

I managed 3.5 hours on the bike, 2h 20m for the run, and just over an hour in the water (3000 yds).
While I completed all that was scheduled by Fink, I'll be slightly ahead of those numbers now that my winter break is ending and I'll be back on my regular schedule.


Still have my bike tomorrow (likely a bit over the 1 hour in the plan), but I was 70 min in the pool, 2 hours on the run, and should be 2.5 to 3 in the saddle.  At the end of training, if all goes okay, I hope to end up 66-75% of the prescribed swim times, 120-150% of the bike, and 80-90% of the swim.  (This is using the intermediate plan as a baseline.)  For me, the swim is something to get thru, but an extra 10 or 15 minutes of improvement is not a big target (I expect to swim a 1:25 to 1:35).  I really don't think it likely I will add a third swim workout, either, which I think is planned at some point.  The bike is a big area of focus for me, as I think that bike fitness can drag into the run and I am on the bike for the longest!  The run will be a bit under as I don't like to have training runs over 2 to 2.5 hours.  Too much wear and tear on my body.  

All that said, we are in week one.  Let's see what life brings!  

BTW, great earlier comparison between Quassy and IMLP.  It looks like Quassy will be a more difficult bike, which is great for preparation!

2013-01-05 3:14 PM
in reply to: #4563601

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Bel Air
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
jsenc2002 - 2013-01-05 2:25 PM
BernardDogs - 2013-01-05 1:51 PM

Okay freaks ... how did week one go for those of you on a 30 week plan?

I managed 3.5 hours on the bike, 2h 20m for the run, and just over an hour in the water (3000 yds).
While I completed all that was scheduled by Fink, I'll be slightly ahead of those numbers now that my winter break is ending and I'll be back on my regular schedule.


Still have my bike tomorrow (likely a bit over the 1 hour in the plan), but I was 70 min in the pool, 2 hours on the run, and should be 2.5 to 3 in the saddle.  At the end of training, if all goes okay, I hope to end up 66-75% of the prescribed swim times, 120-150% of the bike, and 80-90% of the swim.  (This is using the intermediate plan as a baseline.)  For me, the swim is something to get thru, but an extra 10 or 15 minutes of improvement is not a big target (I expect to swim a 1:25 to 1:35).  I really don't think it likely I will add a third swim workout, either, which I think is planned at some point.  The bike is a big area of focus for me, as I think that bike fitness can drag into the run and I am on the bike for the longest!  The run will be a bit under as I don't like to have training runs over 2 to 2.5 hours.  Too much wear and tear on my body.  

All that said, we are in week one.  Let's see what life brings!  

BTW, great earlier comparison between Quassy and IMLP.  It looks like Quassy will be a more difficult bike, which is great for preparation!


I agree with you on the swim.  It doesn't matter how much time I put into the pool I usually end up around the same swim time.  I except to be somewhere between 1:10 - 1:15 and that little extra time you gain for IM doesn't make too much of a difference over the 140.6 miles.  I actually put 0 hours into the pool this week, 2.5 hours running, and 2 hours biking.  I have another hour bike tomorrow.  I was sick this past weekend and took tuesday and wednesday off to get back to 100%.  I'm not too worried about it since I did a good amount of base building over the past 2 months.

2013-01-05 7:18 PM
in reply to: #4341496

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I am doing my first week of the Fink plan in Shanghi. Did an hour run on the treadmill at the hotel this morning. I'll be running behind on the Fink plan as far as hours go for a couple of weeks, but fortunately I maintained some level of fitness during the off season. If only they had a treadmill on the plane for the ride home. 14 and a half hours in the air. Almost as long as I expect the race to take me
2013-01-05 7:23 PM
in reply to: #4562725


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Thanks! That was immensely helpful.

I decided to do a marathon this fall and so I will be training for some Olympics and maybe a half IM but the focus will be the marathon.  For info purposes 42, Mom of three, full time job, and I am race timer on the weekend for a computer racing/ scoring company so not a lot of free time! I am in the base phase for marathon, and still swimming and biking on the trainer- obviously still thinking ahead.

Planning on volunteering at LP and doing some IM camps prior to the race. Looking forward to being full of iron..instead of half full! 

Will go back and read for sure. 

2013-01-05 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4564001

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
[email protected] - 2013-01-05 8:23 PM

Thanks! That was immensely helpful.

I decided to do a marathon this fall and so I will be training for some Olympics and maybe a half IM but the focus will be the marathon.  For info purposes 42, Mom of three, full time job, and I am race timer on the weekend for a computer racing/ scoring company so not a lot of free time! I am in the base phase for marathon, and still swimming and biking on the trainer- obviously still thinking ahead.

Planning on volunteering at LP and doing some IM camps prior to the race. Looking forward to being full of iron..instead of half full! 

Will go back and read for sure. 

It is more expensive, but one can sometimes get into an IM event via a Carmichael Training Camp; I am pretty sure you get an entry if you pay for the camp.  Not positive on LP specifically, but may be an option if you are willing/able to pay for it.

2013-01-05 8:34 PM
in reply to: #4563558

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BernardDogs - 2013-01-05 1:51 PM

Okay freaks ... how did week one go for those of you on a 30 week plan?

I managed 3.5 hours on the bike, 2h 20m for the run, and just over an hour in the water (3000 yds).
While I completed all that was scheduled by Fink, I'll be slightly ahead of those numbers now that my winter break is ending and I'll be back on my regular schedule.


Zero swim, 2.25 hours bike and I ran 32 miles. 14 mile run today, week 3 of training for Boston. Next week starts swimming since I have a lighter running week. Juggling like a clown
2013-01-06 6:02 AM
in reply to: #4564065

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

I live really close to the Boston course, so I try to make my long runs coincide with the training programs', which are mostly Saturday.  I love to feed off the energy!  Someday I will do another outright least it would be easier gearwise for a while.  Do those of you that do marathons regularly do so because you are more runners, or you find it to be good for training?  Just curious how it impacts your tri training.

2013-01-06 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4564294

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
jsenc2002 - 2013-01-06 7:02 AM

Do those of you that do marathons regularly do so because you are more runners, or you find it to be good for training?  Just curious how it impacts your tri training.

I've been a life long runner, and have run marathons for a long time. I was injured last summer, so I bought a bike to keep fit. One of my cycling partners suggested I might as well learn to swim, so here I am.

For me, I'll be running beyond the time suggested by the Fink competitive plan ... today's long run, for example, was a 12 miler ... which is the minimal I've ever done for a Sunday run while not training for a marathon.

As for how it will impact my training ... that remains to be seen. I may end up backing off the run miles a bit in order to really nail the bike training. I've always been a single sport athlete, and IMLP will only be my third formal tri race (one sprint and one Oly this past summer). So the balancing act is all pretty new to me. Thankfully, I learned a while ago about the pitfalls of pushing too hard, and I'm pretty good at backing off when my body tells me I need to. I'm very appreciative for the time in the pool and on the bike that allows me fitness without the impact that running provides. 

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