General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2010-06-30 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2952734

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
gopennstate - 2010-06-30 9:59 AM
Marvarnett - 2010-06-30 9:52 AM
gopennstate - 2010-06-30 9:51 AM i was all set to go up there this weekend and i just looked at the's going to get into the high 30s at night.  for the girl who doesn't ride sub 60, this is a problem! 

They are called arm warmers beautiful.  Love them!

it's my toes that are the problem.  my shoes fit perfectly without socks. 

Toe covers.  Go on the outside.  Or if you're really worried, shoe covers.  I own several pairs of both.  They are not that expensive and pretty much every bike shop has them.

2010-06-30 9:12 AM
in reply to: #2949013

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
gopennstate - 2010-06-28 3:37 PM
This actually might be quite accurate for some of us....  not that i know anyone. 

LBS just retaught me how to change a flat.  I couldn't remember from last year.  No sarc font sadly!

GPS training schedule:
General Preparation - June 28 to July 4
Specific Preparation - July 5 to 11
Peak Training - July 12 to 18
Taper/Race - July 18 to 25

2010-06-30 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2952778

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
JorgeM - 2010-06-30 10:12 AM
gopennstate - 2010-06-28 3:37 PM
This actually might be quite accurate for some of us....  not that i know anyone. 

LBS just retaught me how to change a flat.  I couldn't remember from last year.  No sarc font sadly!

GPS training schedule:
General Preparation - June 28 to July 4
Specific Preparation - July 5 to 11
Peak Training - July 12 to 18
Taper/Race - July 18 to 25

that is great.....

jenN should be nice and fresh for the swim.....gotta find those pink toes......

Edited by cusetri 2010-06-30 9:15 AM
2010-06-30 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

x2 on the toe covers.  Mine HATE the cold after too many winter foot posts.  Super sensitive.  Toe caps work wonders.



2010-06-30 9:38 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Question for those who have ridden the course both on a CompuTrainer and in the non-virtual world:

Did you find the CT to be a realistic interpretation of the ride, or was it more/less difficult?  Why and where was it different?  I know the descents can't be mimiced, but are the climbs similar in the effort required?

Thanks people

2010-06-30 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2952850

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
thelunchbox - 2010-06-30 10:38 AM

Question for those who have ridden the course both on a CompuTrainer and in the non-virtual world:

Did you find the CT to be a realistic interpretation of the ride, or was it more/less difficult?  Why and where was it different?  I know the descents can't be mimiced, but are the climbs similar in the effort required?

Thanks people

decents not nearly as fast, climbs feel more difficult on the CT.

I dont recall, but speed is not a very good comparison, one way or the other....

it is probably more difficult on the CT because it is hard to mimic any momenteum, but I dont know for sure.

even on the climb up 86 there are spots you can coast...not so much on the CT

Edited by cusetri 2010-06-30 9:55 AM

2010-06-30 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2952900

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
cusetri - 2010-06-30 9:53 AM
thelunchbox - 2010-06-30 10:38 AM

Question for those who have ridden the course both on a CompuTrainer and in the non-virtual world:

Did you find the CT to be a realistic interpretation of the ride, or was it more/less difficult?  Why and where was it different?  I know the descents can't be mimiced, but are the climbs similar in the effort required?

Thanks people

decents not nearly as fast, climbs feel more difficult on the CT.

I dont recall, but speed is not a very good comparison, one way or the other....

it is probably more difficult on the CT because it is hard to mimic any momenteum, but I dont know for sure.

even on the climb up 86 there are spots you can coast...not so much on the CT

I agree with that.  The climbs are much harder on th CT because on the real course you have some momentum from the downhills, not so much on the CT.  Also, the big descent you barely have to pedal, not so much on the CT.  However, not too sure about miles 25-35 anymore, as they are different now...but on the real course, the 9N out and back is nothing to worry about.
2010-06-30 10:17 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I SOOOOO hope we have a cool day on 7/25.  I'd rather race in the 50s than in the 80s.

Just so I don't jinx my cool weather since karma likes to get me, I'll actually say for the record that I hope it's either really really hot or it rains all day.
2010-06-30 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2952964

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2010-06-30 11:17 AM I SOOOOO hope we have a cool day on 7/25.  I'd rather race in the 50s than in the 80s.

Just so I don't jinx my cool weather since karma likes to get me, I'll actually say for the record that I hope it's either really really hot or it rains all day.

No SIR...I want it hot!  I want 80's at the start and go up from there.  None of this northern weather crap.
2010-06-30 10:40 AM
in reply to: #2952778

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
JorgeM - 2010-06-30 10:12 AM
gopennstate - 2010-06-28 3:37 PM
This actually might be quite accurate for some of us....  not that i know anyone. 

LBS just retaught me how to change a flat.  I couldn't remember from last year.  No sarc font sadly!

GPS training schedule:
General Preparation - June 28 to July 4
Specific Preparation - July 5 to 11
Peak Training - July 12 to 18
Taper/Race - July 18 to 25

Dammit...why can't I have only 6 days of peak?!  Why does she get to have all the fun?!
2010-06-30 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I love the wild Lake Placid weather! Last week we were all talking about 95 degree days and making sure we are all heat acclimated, now we are discussing arm warmers and booties! Does it get any better than this? 2 big weeks left for me then the taper begins!!! We are ready people!!

2010-06-30 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
As they say about the Adirondacks..."if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes."

Last year started overcast, rained during the swim, by the time I got out the sun was shining. The day before was nice in the morning, then a deluge in the afternoon.

Volunteering this the transition won't affect me.
2010-06-30 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

I am shot.  Anyone else feeling 'out of it'?  Like, I keep forgetting where I put stuff.  Losing track of time and days.  Things I did last week, my wife kindly informs me I just did yesterday.  Good times!

2010-06-30 1:42 PM
in reply to: #2953555

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Extreme Veteran
Worcester, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-06-30 1:09 PM

I am shot.  Anyone else feeling 'out of it'?  Like, I keep forgetting where I put stuff.  Losing track of time and days.  Things I did last week, my wife kindly informs me I just did yesterday.  Good times!

Yes, you are over-trained.. or at least riding that hairyedge.. are you sleeping like crap? I had my last HUGE weekend- Hey, I'm just trying to finish reasonably - and I was like this yesterday.. LONG ride sat, LONG HOT run Sunday, swim Monday.  I slept like crap, couldn't think straight, overslept, couldn't focus.  Called the coach - I promised the wife I would tell him. Gave me a day off, said don't do housework, cook dinner, sit on couch - "other activities that are fun," but relax.  Last night, early to bed, good meal, and slept better. I feel energized.  Unless you are elite of going for a Kona spot (you might be) chances are you will benefit more from a rest day than pushing through. MOST of the work is in the bank now, and at least I am better off backing off a bit than pushing through and being sick or more miserable.  

Anyway, those are some classic over-training symptoms, so take it easy for a day or two.

Edited by AdCo 2010-06-30 1:44 PM
2010-06-30 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

I've been having the best quality sleep ever!  Doesn't seem like that rings true with all the other BTers though... I just find that I wake up A LOT more often during the night than I used to...always anticipating the alarm clock going off!

2010-06-30 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2953555

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-06-30 1:09 PM

I am shot.  Anyone else feeling 'out of it'?  Like, I keep forgetting where I put stuff.  Losing track of time and days.  Things I did last week, my wife kindly informs me I just did yesterday.  Good times!

I think you make a good point........wait what are we talking about again?

2010-06-30 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2953759

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Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
WittyCityGirl - 2010-06-30 3:02 PM

I've been having the best quality sleep ever!  Doesn't seem like that rings true with all the other BTers though... I just find that I wake up A LOT more often during the night than I used to...always anticipating the alarm clock going off!

x2 on the waking up alot during the night. Always feel like I overslept and missed the alam.
2010-06-30 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Crap, I don't even remember posting that question.  Yikes!!  (i kid, i kid!)

I've been sleeping well, just feeling a little foggy now & again.  Short term memory is a little spotty, and keep losing track of time and days mostly.  Time is going very fast actually.

2010-06-30 3:55 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Jersey Shore
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I can relate to all this... had to stop 80 % through on my trainor last night I was just wooped, couldnt go anymore.....  BUT,,,,, I think it may be bacuase I have bit on my mind now more than ever.......  My wife and I just found out we are expecting or first child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I couldnt be any happpier, I have to admit that when  found that out, IMLP took a back seat.......  Still IMLP is a DREAM of mine, but the other is even a BIGGER Dream!!!!  This is Awesome!!!!  Life is Good for us!!!
2010-06-30 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Congrats on the pregancy.  Life will get a lot more interesting in the next nine months.  Trust me!  Oh, and it is no longer all about you. 

2010-06-30 4:32 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-06-30 4:34 PM
in reply to: #2953689

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2010-06-30 4:40 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Extreme Veteran
South Orange
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
mazel tov. It's not every year two dreams come true together
2010-06-30 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Yeah, I hear you on losing track of everything.  Half the time I don't know whether to s#$t or wind my watch.  Yesterday, I was speaking to someone about March, insisting that it was last month.  I knew it was June, but couldn't grasp it for some reason.  The wife is ready to beat me, since I never remember what we have going on or what she says to me unless it pertains to LP (or Disney since we're flying out the friday after the race).

2010-06-30 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2953555

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-06-30 2:09 PM

I am shot.  Anyone else feeling 'out of it'?  Like, I keep forgetting where I put stuff.  Losing track of time and days.  Things I did last week, my wife kindly informs me I just did yesterday.  Good times!

Dude you did 112 miles of training today.  What do you expect? 

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