General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2010-07-02 8:20 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
In regards to what happens/what to do after Ironman

Here is a little write up I did on Post Race Depression:

2010-07-02 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2957398

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
cincytodd - 2010-07-02 6:35 AM
swishyskirt - 2010-07-01 4:44 PM

runnerx - 2010-07-01 5:06 PM
WittyCityGirl - 2010-07-01 3:28 PM I'm sure post-IM is like post-wedding... all that effort for ONE freaking helluva day!
yeah, but after the wedding, at least you get a honeymoon. After the Ironman, you get "Well, great for you. Now about all those things you put aside till after the race...."

Here's something to go along with the wedding analogy, since we went down that road: I am not married, but a ton of my friends recently are. This meant going to a lot of bridal showers and wearing dresses I didn't care to and spending money I didn't really have on their big day.

So, here's my question: can we start a similar tradition for IM? Can we have a triathlon shower, where you register for somewhat unnecessary and expensive stuff that you want other people to buy for you? Like, a new tri suit, or a nice set of wheels? 



Swishyskirt, I LIKE The way you think!!
2010-07-02 9:25 AM
in reply to: #2337428

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Great answers from everyone on what they are doing Post-Ironman.  It actually reminded me that I am doing a lot of what others are doing!   Two weeks later I am doing a local Sprint Race, the next day we leave for DISNEY WORLD!  Then I start training for my BQ attempt at the Steamtown Marathon in October. 

I was so silly and punch-drunk when I asked that question.  Slept 11 hours last night and I feel like the fog is lifting a bit and brain is working.  A little better at least

2010-07-02 10:34 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Jersey Shore
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
awesome stuff/topics last few days.....

as for me after IMLP...  well I will be getting ready for BABY to come!!!!  It sems that my wife says "After Lake placid" alot lately...  LOLOLOLOL  All good she is great support... 

I still see myself training just maybe not as long...... I love this stuff!!!  Plus I have NYC Marathon to look forward to.... I was lucky enough to get in 2 years in a row..... 

Hey if  dont get back on here before the 4th.... Happy 4th of July everyone!!!  

SAT-- 1 1/2 Hour Ocean swim followed by 100 min run..... SUN--- 120 mile Bike.  Love it!!!!

2010-07-02 10:39 AM
in reply to: #2957473

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Marvarnett - 2010-07-02 7:46 AM Last big weekend kids!

Saturday = 5.5 hrs at IM race effort followed by a 30' T-run
Sunday = 22 miles at IM race effort with the last 3 pushed harder

Here we go!

what? you are not training Monday?
2010-07-02 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2957769

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Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Dream Chaser - 2010-07-02 10:25 AM

 Then I start training for my BQ attempt at the Steamtown Marathon in October. 

Ain't no party like a Scranton party 'cause the Scranton party don't stop!

2010-07-02 3:41 PM
in reply to: #2957473

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St Charles, IL
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Marvarnett - 2010-07-02 7:46 AM Last big weekend kids!

Saturday = 5.5 hrs at IM race effort followed by a 30' T-run
Sunday = 22 miles at IM race effort with the last 3 pushed harder

Here we go!

I've got a ~22 miler on Monday, and my last ~100 mile bike on Thursday.

2 hour bike/30 min brick on Sunday.

A couple 4-5k swims in there for good measure too.

Last "big" push before I start winding it down for race day!  Starting to get eager! 

2010-07-02 4:48 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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2010-07-02 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2958941

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-07-02 4:48 PM My 4 hour ride at IM pace was essentially a FAIL today. Decided to bag the 10k run because it wasn't happening. Actually I feel pretty good about it as it was 4 hours of struggle and I made the smart choice to back away. Take care LPers

What happened? 

I had an epic fail last sunday...hoping to get a lil confidence back tomorrow! 

prolly a smart play on the 10k

2010-07-02 6:44 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Call out to anyone who wants to ride the course for a few hours on Saturday of race weekend. I'll be there to volunteer on Sunday and am scheduled for a 4 hour ride that Saturday. I doubt many racers would want to do that on the day before, but maybe others who are volunteering? Reply here or PM me. I know this thread clips along pretty well occasionally and I don't want to miss anyone. It's almost like TAN in here sometimes
2010-07-02 7:40 PM
in reply to: #2959060

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
mrbbrad - 2010-07-02 7:44 PMCall out to anyone who wants to ride the course for a few hours on Saturday of race weekend. I'll be there to volunteer on Sunday and am scheduled for a 4 hour ride that Saturday. I doubt many racers would want to do that on the day before, but maybe others who are volunteering? Reply here or PM me. I know this thread clips along pretty well occasionally and I don't want to miss anyone. It's almost like TAN in here sometimes
What the hell is TAN.

2010-07-02 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2958941

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
PennState - 2010-07-02 5:48 PMMy 4 hour ride at IM pace was essentially a FAIL today.Decided to bag the 10k run because it wasn't happening. Actually I feel pretty good about it as it was 4 hours of struggle and I made the smart choice to back away.Take care LPers
It's OK Fred. I am about ready too blow off my swim for SubWay
2010-07-02 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I didn't have any post-race depression, on the contrary, it was a high like i've never been on for a month.  I wanted to go sign up for IMWI Comm Fund and do it.  I wanted to go ride my bike, all kinds of stuff.  I was so pumped.  It was the first time I could truly say I loved this sport.  So, just let it be.  Don't make it a self fulfilling prophesy.   I realize that maybe I march to a different drum, you know, loving that LP swim like nothing else, loving taper time b/c the work is done (well it was last year ) & you've got all that extra time to sleep, hang out with your family, etc., but my point is don't make that stuff true for you just b/c you think it.  

On a good note I was on & off my bike for 9.5 hours today (got lost a bunch hence the 9.5 hours) and felt awesome.  My run off the bike was great too.  So I guess 2010 4 weeks of training is working out so far.  I'm almost done Week 1!  

And on an excellent note, I snapped the cable on the left side 40 miles in, so I couldn't shift into the big ring.  So the LBS is ordering me pink cable housing & pink tape.  Finally my bike is gonna get chicked out.  I could not be more thrilled that cable broke!  
2010-07-02 9:56 PM
in reply to: #2959220

New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I too had more of an Ironman high as opposed to depression. I was invincible. Didn't want to lose my incredible fitness level. In hindsight, i should have taken more time off to recover, but I had NYC marathon coming up so rushed into that training too soon, and after many niggling little injuries were popping up, finally opted out of the marathon.

Good to have a goal, but make it realistic and make sure you have time in there for recovery.
2010-07-03 2:32 AM
in reply to: #2959250

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

Super long bike, but not as long as GPS's

8:40, 129 miles, 7000ft of climbing according to Garmin Connect. 

Tweaked my knee about half way but there was no way out other than riding home so I sucked it up and got it done.  It wasn't fast and it wasn't pretty. 

Did a very short run when I got home and there was zero pain.  When my Doc gets home from work I'll have her check it out.

2010-07-03 2:34 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

On another note, thank goodness that the IM bike is only 112 miles long.  I'm running out of island!

2010-07-03 4:08 AM
in reply to: #2337428

Millersville, MD
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
TAN = thread about nothing.  Essentially a very slow chat room but with message board postings on the Cup of Joe forum.  Don't waste your time IMHO.

I don't know how it didn't occur to me that IMLP taper coincided with le tour, but that little revelation still has me on cloud 9.  So I'm supposed to truly rest during the taper, not tackle the million other things that have been back-burnered (yard work, house projects, work, etc).  Sounds good to me... get home from work and watch the tour every night!

PS - pink cable housing is faster

Actually, GPS, if it makes you love your bike more, and therefore spend more time riding it, pink cable housing will make you faster.

Edited by JoshKaptur 2010-07-03 4:10 AM
2010-07-03 5:48 AM
in reply to: #2959357

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2010-07-03 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2959357

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
JoshKaptur - 2010-07-03 5:08 AM TAN = thread about nothing.  Essentially a very slow chat room but with message board postings on the Cup of Joe forum.  Don't waste your time IMHO.

I don't know how it didn't occur to me that IMLP taper coincided with le tour, but that little revelation still has me on cloud 9.  So I'm supposed to truly rest during the taper, not tackle the million other things that have been back-burnered (yard work, house projects, work, etc).  Sounds good to me... get home from work and watch the tour every night!

PS - pink cable housing is faster

Actually, GPS, if it makes you love your bike more, and therefore spend more time riding it, pink cable housing will make you faster.

 I have been waiting to have a legit reason to spend the $$ to chickify my bike.  Too bad I was gonna sell it on 7/26.  I'm not selling it now!!!   When will my speedplays break so I can justify buying the pink speedplays?

I ordered a cobb saddle yesterday too....i told ginger i thought they had a market for a pink one!   
2010-07-03 7:02 AM
in reply to: #2959357

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

I don't know how it didn't occur to me that IMLP taper coincided with le tour, but that little revelation still has me on cloud 9.  So I'm supposed to truly rest during the taper, not tackle the million other things that have been back-burnered (yard work, house projects, work, etc).  Sounds good to me... get home from work and watch the tour every night!

The Tour de Lance, Baby!! 

And that's an excellent point about the Taper that I've read repeatedly.  Taper means REST; not starting all the projects you've been putting off during Ironman training. 

2010-07-03 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2337428

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Edited by PennState 2010-07-03 4:46 PM

2010-07-03 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
Speaking of bad days......double flatted on my way to meet up for a 100 mile group ride. Was so mad after all the set up for the day that I wanted to light my bike on fire, throw it cliff a cliff,etc. Went home, put in on the trainer and rode the full IMLP on the CT. Talk about suffering! That may have been one of the worst things I have ever done. I did, however watch some of the Tour De France on Versus.....Plus I figure riding 112 on the CT is like riding 140 on the road.....

2010-07-03 9:35 PM
in reply to: #2337428

Extreme Veteran
Sea Isle City, NJ
Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
I can't wait for my off day tomorrow. Beach with the family, fireworks, then ice for treats I like to call it. Happy 4th of July everyone!
2010-07-04 6:58 AM
in reply to: #2959410

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread

I got a black bike that I pinked out and get so many compliments.... as people are passing me May I recommend some hot pink walled tires. They really take it to a new level. You might have use a different type of tires then me though. I don't know the which one is which but you know, the whole tubular vs clincher thing. Fuel belt makes a nice hot pink bento too.
2010-07-04 7:42 AM
in reply to: #2960360

Subject: RE: Ironman USA Lake Placid : Official Thread
lesleyann - 2010-07-04 7:58 AM Jen, I got a black bike that I pinked out and get so many compliments.... as people are passing me May I recommend some hot pink walled tires. They really take it to a new level. You might have use a different type of tires then me though. I don't know the which one is which but you know, the whole tubular vs clincher thing. Fuel belt makes a nice hot pink bento too.

Pro 3's in pink
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