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2009-04-18 2:34 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Trina-Rae, your training schedule looks very good. As you are already good at doing, remember to listen to your body and take extra rest if you need it. You may find that you need every 3rd week down instead of every 4th week, for example, or, surprisingly, you may find that you can actually do a little more than 10% increases per week (it's a guideline. Some people cannot increase that quickly; some can actually increase a little more quickly, especially with the bike and swim). Either way, just be very attuned to where you are at, both during each workout and as a pattern, and your schedule will serve you very well.

Don't tack too much on to the brick run. Keep those runs 20-30 min. at most. Increase your other runs, or add a short extra run on another day. You'll do much better doing shorter runs more frequently than adding on to a difficult workout.

2009-04-18 2:50 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Garmin 310XT

Hi Manatees!  I'm looking at that Garmin too. Right now I have a 210 that I've had for about 2 years. It serves the purpose very well, but I'd love to have a heart rate monitor, and if you're gonna upgrade, you might as well go all the way. I'm just thinking of which gift giving occasion to ask to get it for. (anniversary is Tues., then there's mother's day and my birthday is May 11). Dh has a 405 that he runs with, doesn't even use the heart rate monitor. He got it cuz he broke his 205 somehow. He always manages to break his electronics so he "has" to upgrade. My stuff never breaks. Except for the time at Mardi Gras that I dropped my i phone in the toilet so I had to get a 3G. Anyway, if anybody else gets one, write a review!!

On to my bad bike luck. This has not been a good week. After my horrible swim workout, I flatted my bike earlier this week. Dh changed the tube for me this morning so I could ride while he did a long run. I didn't make it around the block before it flatted again! I changed the tube and when I was putting air in it , I could hear it leaking. That was my last tube, so there wasn't going to be a ride today. I SO DID NOT WANT TO RUN TODAY!!!!! But the pool is closed on weekends until the summer, so that was my only choice, since I really hate  walking. Everything on me from the waist down is sore from working out at the gym. And I ran yesterday. But I ran 4.5 miles. Once I got to the end of my block, I was ok. Then dh and I went out to lunch & split a burger & fries. Enough about me.

I'm sure Amy is done with her race by now. Can't wait to hear how she did and what she thought. Hopefully she will post soon and do a race report ASAP when she gets home (not to much pressure on Amy, huh?).

Btw, for those of you getting ready to do that first sprint, I was too stupid to be scared before mine. I knew very little about triathlon. I just did it. There were lots of other people there who were just like me, riding upright on their hybrids in running shoes on platform pedals who had never seen an aerobar, much less a tri bike. Of course, there were also lots of people there who had a lot of experience, too, and plenty of fancy gear. I don't remember what my finishing time was, but it wasn't fast, but I wasn't last, either. You'll be fine, too. Just don't overthink it. Remember, it's just swimming, biking, and running. You do that every day. You'll just be doing it all on the same day back to back with other people, that's all. Nerves are natural, but just keep it simple.

Happy training to all & enjoy this great weekend.!!

2009-04-18 3:00 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Hi all, I am home, things went really well, I will update later. I just ate a HUGE lunch and am heading to the jacuzzi tub ASAP. Just wanted to let you all know it went well. I can't remember my unofficial time, and the official isn't posted yet, but it' somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 hrs 45 minutes, plus or minus 5 or so minutes. I'll post more later on today/tonight. 

2009-04-18 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Amy's half mary
Congratulations, Amy! Hope you enjoyed that big lunch cuz you earned it!! That jacuzzi is gonna feel great!!
2009-04-18 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2094043

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
givemashot - 2009-04-18 3:00 PM

Hi all, I am home, things went really well, I will update later. I just ate a HUGE lunch and am heading to the jacuzzi tub ASAP. Just wanted to let you all know it went well. I can't remember my unofficial time, and the official isn't posted yet, but it' somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 hrs 45 minutes, plus or minus 5 or so minutes. I'll post more later on today/tonight. 

2009-04-18 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: just a little more bike...
Before anything else I have to say:
Way to Go, Amy!!!!!!!

Now for my bike question...if I buy the Ruby Comp (which I think I am going to do) what do I do about pedals?   Should I just buy some regular pedals and use my running shoes for this first one or should I go for clipless and shoes?   Every LBS has said to use clipless from the start.    And...if I go clipless which brand?   I have heard of Speedplay and Look.   The LBS guy talked a lot about Specialized's shoes - I think they are called Body Geometry??


Oh, and I bought myself 2 swim caps off of Amazon yesterday!  Thought I would try a silicone and a latex to see which I liked best. And...I found out my 19yo son got a job in MT this summer and I found another sprint Tri to do close to where he will be on Aug. 15!!  Haven't told dh that yet, but I figured if I am training and getting all this Tri stuff put together, I might as well take advantage of it while the weather is good!


2009-04-18 4:19 PM
in reply to: #2094155

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Melon Presser
Subject: Bike Clipless Pedals--Which

Now for my bike question...if I buy the Ruby Comp (which I think I am going to do) what do I do about pedals?   Should I just buy some regular pedals and use my running shoes for this first one or should I go for clipless and shoes?   Every LBS has said to use clipless from the start.    And...if I go clipless which brand?   I have heard of Speedplay and Look.   The LBS guy talked a lot about Specialized's shoes - I think they are called Body Geometry??


If you have to buy pedals anyway, then go ahead with clipless. But I'd go cheap. This is a place where quality is still very good at "low" levels and unless you plan to race the Giro or Tour de France, you don't need fancy pedals and shoes . Clips and shoes will last you a very long time.

For beginners, I recommend SPD (Shimano-compatible) because you can clip in on either side of the pedal. These will run you about $55, and the cleats to attach to your shoes will come with them.

I'd go with mountain biking shoes because they are very comfy and have a recessed clip, which makes them much easier to walk in instead of clopping around on large hard cleats (annoying in transition!)

A pair of low-end Shimano mountain biking shoes should do you very well and will cost $70-$80.

The LBS should put you on a trainer and teach you how to clip in and clip out and let you practice for a bit in the store.
2009-04-18 6:24 PM
in reply to: #2094190

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Subject: RE: Bike Clipless Pedals--Which
what do you think of these?|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318

They are kind of worn but if I could get them for under $10 would it be worth it?

2009-04-18 7:00 PM
in reply to: #2094015

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
TriAya - 2009-04-18 12:34 PM

Trina-Rae, your training schedule looks very good. As you are already good at doing, remember to listen to your body and take extra rest if you need it. You may find that you need every 3rd week down instead of every 4th week, for example, or, surprisingly, you may find that you can actually do a little more than 10% increases per week (it's a guideline. Some people cannot increase that quickly; some can actually increase a little more quickly, especially with the bike and swim). Either way, just be very attuned to where you are at, both during each workout and as a pattern, and your schedule will serve you very well.

Don't tack too much on to the brick run. Keep those runs 20-30 min. at most. Increase your other runs, or add a short extra run on another day. You'll do much better doing shorter runs more frequently than adding on to a difficult workout.

Thank you Yanti! ... I appreciate and value your input ... it's been a few years since I've done any tri training and I feel like a newbie again, or that triathlon was a lifetime ago. My life was so different back then, so many things have changed for me it's like I'm starting over (major career shift, marriage ending, a move to a new city - that kind of stuff).

Although I have written out my plan for the next 15 weeks, I've only put until the end of May into my dayplanner ... so I can easily adjust and make changes as my body tells me to.

2009-04-18 7:09 PM
in reply to: #2094388

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Bike Clipless Pedals--Which
ranchrunner - 2009-04-18 4:24 PM

what do you think of these?|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318

They are kind of worn but if I could get them for under $10 would it be worth it?


I echo what Yanti has said re: going clipless right away, but going cheap ... when I bought my first road bike back in 2006, I hadn't been on a bike in 20 years. I went clipless immediately ONLY because I found a great LBS that threw in free shoes! The pedals and the shoes were really worn, but hey - I'm only doing sprints so it's not like I need super fancy equipment ...

I practiced riding around in my yard for a week, I kept falling over but it was on grass so it was totally ok. Then I DROVE my bike to a park 3 blocks from my house, so I could ride on the paved path but still fall on the grass. ;-)

I'd like to reiterate that I am not scared of my bike ... I'm scared of the people and cars around me when I'm riding my bike. When I'm out by myself with no one around it is the best time of my life! ... but when it comes to being around other cyclists and cars and traffic and stop signs and lights I get really nervous.

Truth be told - I love my bike. AND my clipless pedals. Just go for it.

2009-04-18 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2094155

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: just a little more bike...
ranchrunner - 2009-04-18 1:51 PM

>Way to Go, Amy!!!!!!!

x 1000,000 Million! We are so proud of you!

2009-04-18 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Bike stuff
I really wish I'd gone clipless way before I did. But when I got my road bike a few years ago, my lbs didn't sell bike shoes.I would have had to go to the city to get them. I actually thought about it, but when I first started riding my new bike with the aerobars, it was so twitchy and I felt really unstable, even out of the bars. Then I was too scared to do anything else. But I waited way to long. I think Yanti is right to recommend going clipless right away with a less expensive pedal & shoe.
I still get nervous when I have to unclip. And ditto what you said about cars and other cyclists, traffic lights, etc, TR. They make me really scared. Especially the motor vehicles. Do you get the impression that half of them don't even see you no matter how visible you try to make yourself and how well you follow the rules of the road? 
2009-04-18 7:45 PM
in reply to: #2094493

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Bike stuff
mammatri's - 2009-04-18 5:35 PM
Especially the motor vehicles. Do you get the impression that half of them don't even see you no matter how visible you try to make yourself and how well you follow the rules of the road? 

No, I'm fairly certain they see me ... but I fully believe they don't care! You sure can tell the other cyclists simply by how they drive their cars.
2009-04-18 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2094517

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Subject: RE: Bike stuff
SpiritFire - 2009-04-18 7:45 PM
mammatri's - 2009-04-18 5:35 PM Especially the motor vehicles. Do you get the impression that half of them�don't even see you no matter how visible you try to make yourself�and how�well you follow the rules of the road?�
No, I'm fairly certain they see me ... but I fully believe they don't care! You sure can tell the other cyclists simply by how they drive their cars.

So true.
2009-04-19 12:50 AM
in reply to: #2092884

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El Dorado Hills, CA
Subject: RE: Training Plans and Motivation
Beth...yes I have one...i was following the couch to 5k to start with....i did print out that training  plan from trinewbie for the sprint  looked  interesting but I figured I might need to get a bike and some pool access before i went too far down that road. 

As far as loading it into your training log i didn't think you could do it unless you were at least a bronze member but if you can, super! 

Sharie....I am totally engrossed in your bike travails....I am looking for one myself and am on a budget so I have been reading with interest and scouring the craigslist postings...

Congrats AMY on your half mary....GREAT accomplishment!!!

2009-04-19 1:23 AM
in reply to: #2094388

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Bike Clipless Pedals--Which
ranchrunner - 2009-04-18 6:24 PM what do you think of these?|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318

They are kind of worn but if I could get them for under $10 would it be worth it?


The shoes and cleats seem fine but the pedals worry me a little. Not on a safety issue, but they look pretty worn and pedals will lose tension after a while.

On the other hand, if you only bid up to $10 or $15 (remember shipping is about $10, too) you'll have gotten yourself a decent pair of shoes and cleats, and you can probably get another set of used SPD/Shimano pedals for not too much.

2009-04-19 8:50 AM
in reply to: #2094801

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Subject: RE: Bike Clipless Pedals-and another bike
Thanks Yanti - I won't pay too much for them.  I am a seasoned bargain hunter.   You have to be to raise 5 kids on a ranching budget!!

One of the BT members who offered me a bike on the Classifieds has sent pictures.   Here is a link to the bike specs.

 It is a size M (54/55 is what he said)

(for some reason when I tested the link it doesn't take you directly go to the second group "Road", the second bike in "OCR - Composite", then scroll down on that page to the OCR 3)

He said "I have a Giant OCR C3 complete carbon, medium size (which is 54/55ish) from 2006 that has less than 1,000 miles on it. It is set up as a triple (meaning the crank has three rings of 53, 39 and 30 I believe) But I also have a FSA SLK (53/39) crank which retails for $329, that I could change out for a little extra."  His also has an Ultegra derailer rather than the stock one shown at the above link.

I understand the "three rings vs. two rings" but the FSA SLK is beyond my current understanding.   He also said he would throw in Ultegra pedals if I could use them.   He says he is pretty firm at $900 + shipping costs.  I haven't made any kind of offer to him.  Also, the tires you see don't come with it, he will change them back to the stock tires/wheels.

Here is a picture
From bike

So, which do you think is a better deal?  This Giant or the Ruby Comp?   They are both basically the same size - 54 - but the Ruby is WSD.

Thanks again for all the help here...and Carole, I am glad that all my questions about a bike are helping you!


Edited by ranchrunner 2009-04-19 9:04 AM
2009-04-19 9:47 AM
in reply to: #2094043

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

givemashot - 2009-04-18 1:00 PM

Hi all, I am home, things went really well, I will update later. I just ate a HUGE lunch and am heading to the jacuzzi tub ASAP. Just wanted to let you all know it went well. I can't remember my unofficial time, and the official isn't posted yet, but it' somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 hrs 45 minutes, plus or minus 5 or so minutes. I'll post more later on today/tonight. 

Congratulations Amy!! You are a runner!

2009-04-19 9:50 AM
in reply to: #2095037

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Bike Clipless Pedals-and another bike

Hi Sharie -- Just wanted to give you some feedback re: bike. My husband bought a Giant OCR carbon, etc. with upgraded components on Craig's list last year and he LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his bike. Maybe more than me. Lol. I'm not that familiar with the WSD, but understand the concept. You're already getting expert advice from Yanti, but just thought I'd let you know his experience with it. No major issues, really no issues at all. He even crashed it pretty hard (cracking his helmet and ending up in ER) but the bike was fine!

2009-04-19 10:12 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi Manatees! 

Great discussions around the Garmin and Bike shopping!!!

Amy - Awesome job on your race!!!

TR - your training plan looks great

Carole - makes sense to hold off on a tri training until you have access to all the disciplines.  as far as planned training, I think you can still manually load in a training plan.  It's kind of a pain, but I find it to be helpful.  fwiw

Edited by lastcall2003 2009-04-19 10:13 AM
2009-04-19 11:42 AM
in reply to: #2093716

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Garmin

Edited by ShawnC13 2009-04-19 11:51 AM

2009-04-19 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2093579

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Garmin 310XT

skrtrnr - 2009-04-18 5:45 AM
lmscozz - 2009-04-17 9:28 PM

reid15 - 2009-04-17 6:54 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-17 9:29 PM HI EVERYONE.  QUICK FLY BY.  ill be back through to read/respond to posts.

quick question.

does anyone HAVE/USE a GARMIN FORERUNNER 310XT??  [w foot pod and bike sensor]

ive been looking at one online.  and REI has them on sale.  and i talked to dh about purchasing one and he seemed willing to lay down the cash for it.   just wondering if anyone had a 'review'?

if not, do you have any other similiar devices (make and model) that you do use that works well for all three tri disciplines?

I had a 305 (my wife uses it now) and a 405. I understand the xt is waterproof so you can use it in the pool but I have the old version so I only used it on the bike and run. Once you get passed the size and clunkyness of it you'll really like it. it's easy to use and you can download all the info (pace, distance, lap times, heartrate....) to your computer and see your progress. I'm still getting used to the 405, nicer look and size but if I would buy one today I'd probably go for the xt so I could use it for the swim. Art

I echo Art's sentiments on the 405. I've had the 405 for a year (got it for Mother's Day last year) and I do like it. If I was in the market now, though, I'd probably go for the new one you can use in the water. I got an inexpensive Ironman watch at Target that works in the water, but doesn't have the heart rate m onitor capability. The foot pod wasn't too helpful on the 405,but I love the cadence for the bike and the GPS is really cool. Downloading right into your BT plan is easy as well.


THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK.  this way i have more to 'justify' the purchase to my dh whose thinking we could buy a lot of boat schwag for what we'll spend on 'just a watch'....

its hard to explain  to him ALL the XT does [hes not a runner/cyclist/triathlete], and why though not absolutely necessary (what is necessary, really?) it would make my trng/racing life so much sweeter.

i think the argument that worked the 'best' was the fact that i could spend less, and buy each component seperately (other more cheaper versions) but in the end, when you add it all up, id probably be spending at least what i would pay for the Garmin, if not more....and with the Garmin its all there in one.

he seemed to go for that.

NOT that i need his 'approval' to purchase the thing, mind you.  its just we try to agree as much as possible on MAJOR purchases, and this being $400-500 is pretty major purchase in our household.  im hoping....

what impressed me about 310XT is that its completely water resitant, has a lap counter, it keeps track of your data 'seperately' for all three disciplines, say across a brick/race....and it even has a function to track your T1&T2 times.

i thought as far as trng/race data it doesnt get more TRISPECIFIC than that.

and then it has all the usual 'bells and whistles' common to that 'level' of Garmin, downloading trng info, keeping track of your distance for bike/run, pace, mph, cadence et al.

all i need to do is to get it to do is my LAUNDRY AND COOK DINNER. 

i told him it could be my mother day, birthday (june1) gift combined, cuz id like to have it before i did the MS150.

seems reasonable to me.  does he take the 'bait'???  we shall see....

I have the 305 and it is great.  I have the quick release clip and mount that goes on my bike.  I think it is well worth the kit, I clip the watch in on my aerobars and it is right up front in front of me and I can see all the info it is feeding me at any time and with the quick release clip it is easy to go from bike to run.


The 310XT looks great and by looks seems smaller then the 305.  I have never seen one besides a picture so I can't be sure of that.  The thing about the 310 is that it is new and with that to get one so soon after release you always pay much more then if it was a year or 2 old but isn't all technology like that.


With this watch being waterproof that is a huge thing.  I have seen people put the 305 in a sealable sandwich bag and then put it under their swim cap.  Looks funny but I guess it works for them.  But like was stated the features on this watch make it the complete tool for the triaining and racing triathlete.  Also like you said going out and purchasing multiple seperate units would probably be more expensive to match the quality of the garmin.


I am hoping $400- 500 is a major purchase in most homes I know it is here, so I understand about the discussion with your husband on the matterr and being able to explain the benefits and how it will help also shows him that this is thought out and you aren't just getting a some techie gear but are getting something beneficial and useful.

2009-04-19 12:36 PM
in reply to: #2094043

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Amy's half mary
givemashot - 2009-04-18 4:00 PM

Hi all, I am home, things went really well, I will update later. I just ate a HUGE lunch and am heading to the jacuzzi tub ASAP. Just wanted to let you all know it went well. I can't remember my unofficial time, and the official isn't posted yet, but it' somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 hrs 45 minutes, plus or minus 5 or so minutes. I'll post more later on today/tonight. 

Amy- YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!! enough said.

2009-04-19 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2094801

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Extreme Veteran
Eastern Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Bike Clipless Pedals--Which
TriAya - 2009-04-19 2:23 AM

ranchrunner - 2009-04-18 6:24 PM what do you think of these?|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318

They are kind of worn but if I could get them for under $10 would it be worth it?


The shoes and cleats seem fine but the pedals worry me a little. Not on a safety issue, but they look pretty worn and pedals will lose tension after a while.

On the other hand, if you only bid up to $10 or $15 (remember shipping is about $10, too) you'll have gotten yourself a decent pair of shoes and cleats, and you can probably get another set of used SPD/Shimano pedals for not too much.

FYI - When I got my first set of clipless pedals I didn't know you could adjust the tension to make it easier to get in and out of them. It can make a big difference getting used to them when you are just starting out.

2009-04-19 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2093709

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lunabelle - 2009-04-18 9:38 AM Stacie,

I'm thinking about a garmin also.  I didn't know about the waterproof one, sounds good if expensive.

But, boat stuff?  What kind of boat stuff? 

It is a rest day and we are off to San Diego for a wedding.

Oh, one other question - pretty stupid - what does DH stand for? 


sorry for the time it took respond.  crazy busy but oh so wonderful kid free weekend!

as for the boat stuff.  ya know boat stuff i dont know what he wants to buy, just 'boast stuff'

i do tris he handles the boat stuff

as for DH, it could stand for a lot of things i suppose, but i use it to me DEAR HUSBAND, cept when im mad then maybe DA^&  husband.    nothing stupid about asking that.

i hope you are enjoying SAN DIEGO.  ive been there two times and remembered how ABSOLUTELY LOVELY IT IS.

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