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2010-02-14 7:57 PM
in reply to: #2669306

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
I wouldn't worry about it.  You're paying them for the fit so you're not "using" them. Your paying them for their services.  Besides, bike fits are higher margin for the LBS than bike sales are anyway.

DTraitor - 2010-02-12 6:54 AM

LBS etiquette question.


I’m going to buy my first tri bike with some of my tax return.  I’ve been watching craigslist and looking online at some of the local shops, and it seems I’ll get more for my money buying used.  However, I don’t know much about fit on a tri bike.  So my idea is to go to a few LBSs and try some bikes, different brands and sizes, then look for something like that used.  Would it then be rude/bad form to go back to the most helpful LBS and pay for a fit on a bike I bought used?  Would I be using the shops I didn’t give any money to?



2010-02-16 12:47 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
How's everyone doing?  Anything in your training you'd love to tell the group to help others get motivated?
2010-02-16 1:10 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Winter Park, Florida
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Whew!  I played catch-up on Sunday and did my biggest brick ever (and it's still the beginning of my HIM training plan):  2hr bike in all zones, and 45minute run Z2-Z4, then this morning I had a "breakthrough" 45minute run at did intervals at race pace (first time hitting race pace since taking time off in October to heal my Post.Tib.Tendonitis).

My legs are trashed and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-02-16 1:19 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

I will be starting my 20 week prep for Muncie HIM starting on Monday so taking a bit of a recovery week before that gets going.  The last couple of days I have been looking back through my logs from a year ago and it is pretty cool to see the progression and how some things seemed so not attainable but now are commonplace.  I think I did my first 1000 yd T pace swim test at 18:xx late in 2008 and now am at 15:4x which is pretty cool.  I also could not imagine running sub 7 minute miles and did that in an Olympic Tri leg on 2 occasions last year.  Just a reminder that our bodies are capable of unimaginable things if we dedicate ourselves.  Keep up the hard work peeps!

I have also been thinking about my basic training week and how to structure it as I am self coached but open to opinions for sure.  I am wrestling with putting my long run mid-week and then having two bikes on the weekend with Saturday being a brick (30 minute run) and Sunday being a long ride.  The weekend is the best time for me to train and it would really boost my bike fitness I think without being detrimental to my swim/run.  A recovery day would be Monday with a recovery swim or completely off.

Last year I had my long ride on Saturday with my Long run on Sunday.  It did not seem to effect my run on Sunday. 

Any thoughts?


Edited by rymac 2010-02-16 6:25 PM
2010-02-16 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Small Town
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Awe, well... I'm 2 weeks in to my 24 week plan for Racine.  last week was huge!  This week won't be as big due to the days we have the girls in school vs my days at home with the girls.  Work has been so busy and our little girl (1y/o) is cutting her 2 top teeth.  I have an upper respiratory infection that dropped to my chest (bronchitis),  so I've had too many sleepless nights.  I haven't slept a straight 6 hours in a long time! 

I'm stoked for spring to get here so I can break the bike off the trainer! 

Anyway, all is well.  Seriously.  I get sick this time of the year, every year - so no big deal.

Hope all is well with everyone here as well!
2010-02-16 1:54 PM
in reply to: #2675755

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
That sounds like a good plan with the exception of the brick every week.  I think a mid week long run is ideal and if an athlete has the time to do it, it's what I recommend.  However, I have never recommended any of my athletes do a brick every week but I am not well advised on your particular on the surface, the brick every week gives me pause.

You might realize more adaptation benefit for high performance by replacing the brick with a 2nd long run (if that's your week point) on Sat and have your mid week long run contain intensity that slowly increases the total time at race pace GRADUALLY over the weeks leading up to Muncie.

Also, while your long bikes may not have affected your runs on Sunday (the day after), this could be because of 2 reasons (1) not enough intensity on your long bikes and/or (2) not effective zone training on your sunday runs.  What I've found in most athletes is that doing your long run the day after your long bike every week primarily does 2 things (1) teaches you to run slow and (2) increases your opportunity for injury.

rymac - 2010-02-16 1:19 PM

I have also been thinking about my basic training week and how to structure it as I am self coached but open to opinions for sure.  I am wrestling with putting my long run mid-week and then having two bikes on the weekend with Saturday being a brick (30 minute run) and Sunday being a long ride.  The weekend is the best time for me to train and it would really boost my bike fitness I think without being detrimental to my swim/run.  A recovery day would be Monday with a recovery swim or completely off.

Last year I had my long ride on Saturday with my Long run on Sunday.  It did not seem to effect my run on Sunday. 

Any thoughts?


2010-02-16 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2675834

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

Thanks Steve.  Yeah most of my long runs were at Daniels E pace or just a bit faster which is about :45 - 1:00 per mile slower than I ran the half at Racine.  I did do alot of M pace and T pace running in separate run sessions though but not in my long runs.  My bike and run fitness comparatively with AG and OA ranks in races seem to be quite close with my swimming not as good but not horrible (the classic triathlete it seems..haha).  I am not dead set on the bricks in fact I rarely do them.  I will monitor my bike and run fitness and see how they are stacking up with each other as to which way I go with the Saturday workout.  I appreciate the insight...very helpful.


Steve- - 2010-02-16 2:54 PM That sounds like a good plan with the exception of the brick every week.  I think a mid week long run is ideal and if an athlete has the time to do it, it's what I recommend.  However, I have never recommended any of my athletes do a brick every week but I am not well advised on your particular on the surface, the brick every week gives me pause.

You might realize more adaptation benefit for high performance by replacing the brick with a 2nd long run (if that's your week point) on Sat and have your mid week long run contain intensity that slowly increases the total time at race pace GRADUALLY over the weeks leading up to Muncie.

Also, while your long bikes may not have affected your runs on Sunday (the day after), this could be because of 2 reasons (1) not enough intensity on your long bikes and/or (2) not effective zone training on your sunday runs.  What I've found in most athletes is that doing your long run the day after your long bike every week primarily does 2 things (1) teaches you to run slow and (2) increases your opportunity for injury.

rymac - 2010-02-16 1:19 PM

I have also been thinking about my basic training week and how to structure it as I am self coached but open to opinions for sure.  I am wrestling with putting my long run mid-week and then having two bikes on the weekend with Saturday being a brick (30 minute run) and Sunday being a long ride.  The weekend is the best time for me to train and it would really boost my bike fitness I think without being detrimental to my swim/run.  A recovery day would be Monday with a recovery swim or completely off.

Last year I had my long ride on Saturday with my Long run on Sunday.  It did not seem to effect my run on Sunday. 

Any thoughts?


2010-02-16 3:33 PM
in reply to: #2676022

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Remember, running at Daniels E pace teaches your body to run at Daniels E pace (which you need) but to put together your speed work and your endurance work you'll need to add intensity to your long runs that more and more closely mimic race day intensity and duration as race day draws closer.  Doing this in the weeks leading up the HIM will allow you to perform your best...depending on how deep your fitness is, you can even do two build periods to really lock in your ability to execute race pace on race day.

rymac - 2010-02-16 3:20 PM

Thanks Steve.  Yeah most of my long runs were at Daniels E pace or just a bit faster which is about :45 - 1:00 per mile slower than I ran the half at Racine.  I did do alot of M pace and T pace running in separate run sessions though but not in my long runs.  My bike and run fitness comparatively with AG and OA ranks in races seem to be quite close with my swimming not as good but not horrible (the classic triathlete it seems..haha).  I am not dead set on the bricks in fact I rarely do them.  I will monitor my bike and run fitness and see how they are stacking up with each other as to which way I go with the Saturday workout.  I appreciate the insight...very helpful.


Steve- - 2010-02-16 2:54 PM That sounds like a good plan with the exception of the brick every week.  I think a mid week long run is ideal and if an athlete has the time to do it, it's what I recommend.  However, I have never recommended any of my athletes do a brick every week but I am not well advised on your particular on the surface, the brick every week gives me pause.

You might realize more adaptation benefit for high performance by replacing the brick with a 2nd long run (if that's your week point) on Sat and have your mid week long run contain intensity that slowly increases the total time at race pace GRADUALLY over the weeks leading up to Muncie.

Also, while your long bikes may not have affected your runs on Sunday (the day after), this could be because of 2 reasons (1) not enough intensity on your long bikes and/or (2) not effective zone training on your sunday runs.  What I've found in most athletes is that doing your long run the day after your long bike every week primarily does 2 things (1) teaches you to run slow and (2) increases your opportunity for injury.

rymac - 2010-02-16 1:19 PM

I have also been thinking about my basic training week and how to structure it as I am self coached but open to opinions for sure.  I am wrestling with putting my long run mid-week and then having two bikes on the weekend with Saturday being a brick (30 minute run) and Sunday being a long ride.  The weekend is the best time for me to train and it would really boost my bike fitness I think without being detrimental to my swim/run.  A recovery day would be Monday with a recovery swim or completely off.

Last year I had my long ride on Saturday with my Long run on Sunday.  It did not seem to effect my run on Sunday. 

Any thoughts?


2010-02-16 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
I have my last marathon of the season this Sunday in Ft. Lauderdale. Looks like the temps will be a little warm (lows mid 60s, highs mid 70s). So last month i will have run a 1/2 in low 30's with sleet and this month it will be 30-40 degree warmer with humidity. After this race I will add biking to the mix and aim to do a sprint tri in mid-march. I've been doing running-swimmimg bricks, but will have to do some swim-bike and bike-run bricks to get ready.Ann-Marie
2010-02-17 11:34 AM
in reply to: #2559007

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

Still patiently waiting for my Felt B12 to come in...yeah still not here.  It is supposed to come in from overseas early next week.  So now I am trying to outfit this bike with hydration, pedals, blah blah blah.  Good lord this is going to cost way more money.  Is it really necessary to charge $50 for a bottle cage??  I am ranting but wow this stuff is pricey.   We are bringing my old bike down to Florida to keep at my parents when my sister and I visit so can't keep the pedals and cages plus I want to add some color to the new ride.

I think I am going with the XLab Turbo wing and gorilla cages.  I am going to jimmy up a aerobar bottle holder with zip ties.  The torpedo mount is expensive and after looking over on ST there are lots of people with good setups just using a cage and zip ties in the aerobars.  I am going with the Speedplay zero pedal systems and trying to get some used with cleats as I have the X's right now.

Anybody have hydration setups they love?  I am open to cheaper solutions...if there are any.  Thanks.


2010-02-17 1:30 PM
in reply to: #2677517

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
i used xlab and didn't like them.  i go old school with 2 cages on my frame and one aerobar bottle.

when racing IMs i keep tubes, C02, levers, etc in 1 water bottle cage, 1 4hr bottle of fuel in the other bottle cage and plain water in aerobottle...that way when flying through aid stations i grab a couple waters and begin to pour into aerobottle so if anythings spills out it's just water and not sticky yucky gross gatorade

sometimes i race tubulars....when i do, i tape tires under my seat

oh, and my bottle cages are aluminum and cost $13/each.  i know that spending $50 on a cage won't get me to a sub 5hr bike split vs using aluminum cages. 

rymac - 2010-02-17 11:34 AM

Still patiently waiting for my Felt B12 to come in...yeah still not here.  It is supposed to come in from overseas early next week.  So now I am trying to outfit this bike with hydration, pedals, blah blah blah.  Good lord this is going to cost way more money.  Is it really necessary to charge $50 for a bottle cage??  I am ranting but wow this stuff is pricey.   We are bringing my old bike down to Florida to keep at my parents when my sister and I visit so can't keep the pedals and cages plus I want to add some color to the new ride.

I think I am going with the XLab Turbo wing and gorilla cages.  I am going to jimmy up a aerobar bottle holder with zip ties.  The torpedo mount is expensive and after looking over on ST there are lots of people with good setups just using a cage and zip ties in the aerobars.  I am going with the Speedplay zero pedal systems and trying to get some used with cleats as I have the X's right now.

Anybody have hydration setups they love?  I am open to cheaper solutions...if there are any.  Thanks.


Edited by Steve- 2010-02-17 1:31 PM

2010-02-17 3:15 PM
in reply to: #2677815

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

I completely agree on the bottle cages..lots of people have recommended the xlab cages just because they do not eject bottles so thats what I was thinking there.  I could care less if they are carbon or aluminum..not going to affect my bike time IMO.  Anybody have a specific low cost cage that has worked well?

I know alot of you are doing sister had a garage sale and lost everything from the bumps..lots of debris on that course..especially that section next to the Interstate..good lord.


Edited by rymac 2010-02-17 3:15 PM
2010-02-17 3:57 PM
in reply to: #2678075

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
I know people that use gorilla cages and swear by them (they don't eject with xlabs) but honestly, I've tried all the cages with the xlab and if they didn't eject i was constantly reaching behind me to check to make sure they are secure after each time I went over got annoying.

people use them with success so try them out you might like them.  i just know from my own experience that it was more trouble than it was worth.  plus there have been a study or two that has shown xlabs are less aerodynamic than frame bottles (i think cobb did a study) because w as the air passes over your back it creates lots of drage at your lower back from the cages being upright (think about all those t-shirts that ride up on motorcycle riders in the summer when you see them on the expressway and you'll get a brief sense of the aerodynamics I'm talking about) so anything that gets in the way of the airflow past your lower back and down to your rear tire has show to be less aerodynamic because of the "tornado" that's created and causes a pulling effect on the bike and rider.

i didn't get too caught up in the aerodynamics argument in making my decision to nix xlab, it was based on the fact that I got sick and tired of always reaching behind me to check (or push back down) the bottles everytime I hit a bump...very annoying.  i do admit, however, I ride faster aand harder than normals folks over bumps/RR tracks etc as my ride is pretty much bomb proof and I don't really mind wrecking my bike every now and then.

rymac - 2010-02-17 3:15 PM

I completely agree on the bottle cages..lots of people have recommended the xlab cages just because they do not eject bottles so thats what I was thinking there.  I could care less if they are carbon or aluminum..not going to affect my bike time IMO.  Anybody have a specific low cost cage that has worked well?

I know alot of you are doing sister had a garage sale and lost everything from the bumps..lots of debris on that course..especially that section next to the Interstate..good lord.


2010-02-18 4:36 PM
in reply to: #2678075

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Winter Park, Florida
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Ryan, I asked the same question about hydration systems a while ago.  I ended up taking the advice of another BT'er and got the Profile Design: Aquarack check it out at :
Hopefully the link still works...yep I just tried the link.  I think it's around 1/2 the price of xlab for their comparable item (with shipping included).

Good luck!

rymac - 2010-02-17 3:15 PM

I completely agree on the bottle cages..lots of people have recommended the xlab cages just because they do not eject bottles so thats what I was thinking there.  I could care less if they are carbon or aluminum..not going to affect my bike time IMO.  Anybody have a specific low cost cage that has worked well?

I know alot of you are doing sister had a garage sale and lost everything from the bumps..lots of debris on that course..especially that section next to the Interstate..good lord.


2010-02-18 6:47 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Small Town
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
I have an XLab and love it... after replacing the cages with a Specialized cage.  Specialized makes 2 types of cages, road and mountain.  They look similar but the mtn cage holds much more tight.  So I used 2 mtn cages on the xlab and put a road cage on the bike frame.  They have several color options.  I haven't lost any bottles since putting those cages on. 

2010-02-19 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2680732

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

Now you are just showing off haha!!  I think I am going with the Xlab turbo wing and profile design $5 cages that are good grippers, light, and similar to what I have now. 

Eddie - I have that system on my bike currently and have no complaints..never lost a bottle.  It will be roughly the same $$ as what I am thinking about with the xlab and profile cages.  Xlab seems to allow you to carry other stuff much more efficiently (tubes, CO2, inflator).  Thanks for the replies all.


JHagerman - 2010-02-18 7:47 PM I have an XLab and love it... after replacing the cages with a Specialized cage.  Specialized makes 2 types of cages, road and mountain.  They look similar but the mtn cage holds much more tight.  So I used 2 mtn cages on the xlab and put a road cage on the bike frame.  They have several color options.  I haven't lost any bottles since putting those cages on. 

2010-02-19 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2681338

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Kewaunee, WI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Looks just like my bike, but mine is a year older and a different color. Well, minus the Giro helmet. Nice Ride.

rymac - 2010-02-19 8:24 AM

Now you are just showing off haha!!  I think I am going with the Xlab turbo wing and profile design $5 cages that are good grippers, light, and similar to what I have now. 

Eddie - I have that system on my bike currently and have no complaints..never lost a bottle.  It will be roughly the same $$ as what I am thinking about with the xlab and profile cages.  Xlab seems to allow you to carry other stuff much more efficiently (tubes, CO2, inflator).  Thanks for the replies all.


JHagerman - 2010-02-18 7:47 PM I have an XLab and love it... after replacing the cages with a Specialized cage.  Specialized makes 2 types of cages, road and mountain.  They look similar but the mtn cage holds much more tight.  So I used 2 mtn cages on the xlab and put a road cage on the bike frame.  They have several color options.  I haven't lost any bottles since putting those cages on. 

2010-02-21 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2559007

Soutwest Florida
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Gasparilla marathon on 2/28 then off to the tri trng. Been doing some mtb work my first couple tri's are Xterra series. Miami, Caloosahatchee then maybe Pelham. Running has been getting better for me just need to stay healthy and run my race. Hopefully this year I wont get caught in all the drama. lol First marathon went out way to fast paid for it dearly at the 16 mile mark. Oh well 20# lighter should help the times.
2010-02-21 8:08 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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St. Paul, MN
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
We've had some warm weather around here the last few days (mid 30's), really makes me want to ride outside.  The nice blue bike above isn't helping.  But, I'll take learning to read while riding the trainer as consolation, too much sand on the shoulders for me to feel comfortable.
Also, I think I have flip turns down to where I can do them without getting water up my nose about 90% of the time.  Its fun.  And I'm easily amused.


Edited by DTraitor 2010-02-21 8:09 PM
2010-02-21 8:37 PM
in reply to: #2685045

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

DTraitor - 2010-02-21 9:08 PM We've had some warm weather around here the last few days (mid 30's), really makes me want to ride outside.  The nice blue bike above isn't helping.  But, I'll take learning to read while riding the trainer as consolation, too much sand on the shoulders for me to feel comfortable.
Also, I think I have flip turns down to where I can do them without getting water up my nose about 90% of the time.  Its fun.  And I'm easily amused.


I told myself in November that I was going to learn to do flip turns.  Every workout was flip turns no matter what even though it was uncomfortable for a long time and by Christmas I was good to go.  Now I have gotten to do them so threshold sets are pretty comfortable.  It is good to feel like a swimmer at the pool doing flip turns.  Keep doing them and you will have it down pat in no time.  Its amazing how fast your body adapts.

On a different an email that my bike is still not on its way here and it could be a month or longer.  I was told it would be in this week.  There is only (1) shop within a 300 mile radius that has this bike so I am just going to have them hold it for me.  I want my shop to deal with them but if it does not work out I am just heading down there on my own and making the frustrating.

20 weeks to Muncie starts tomorrow..woot!  Have a good week of training everyone.


2010-02-22 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2559007

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
Ryan: I can't believe you still don't have your bike! Very frustrating.   I am still waiting for my first fitting on the GURU, but it will happen at the end of this week so I should be on the new ride soon.

Just getting back from 12 days in Maui/Kauai where I spent more time at the beach than anything SBR related. Did a little ocean swimming, some more running rehab, but that was pretty much it. Loved that time off, but probably time to get back to business!

Happy Monday gang!

2010-02-25 3:51 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED

Everybody's all must be training!!


2010-02-25 3:56 PM
in reply to: #2693885

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Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
ha ha ha.  I was just thinking the same thing this morning!

No questions for the Mentors?? 

rymac - 2010-02-25 3:51 PM

Everybody's all must be training!!


2010-02-25 4:16 PM
in reply to: #2559007

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Winter Park, Florida
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
I've been busy training too!  Big week for me so far:  Tuesday=TT Breakthrough bike (went awesome), Wednesday=Longest Swim workout to date (went aweseme-er), Today=1hour Breakthrough Run (which I finally hung onto for the whole hour).

I'm getting back some of my endurance finally, but I can tell that I've got quite a lot further to go.

Oh, and SSminow you heard this on my blog already:  My HIM BT training plan is on crack!
2010-02-26 4:29 AM
in reply to: #2693937

Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Steve-'s Distance Endurance Group - CLOSED
I was in Florida last week.  some nice runs on the beach.  and one nearly 16 mile run which was my longest to date but not hardest (trails are harder).  I'm focusing on endurance for now, giving plenty of recovery between longer runs. 

Steve-  I'm thinking I would benefit more from running longer 2-3 days per week with light cycling days in between as opposed to trying to run 5-6 days/week.  I am trying to get plenty of running endurance early for a trail marathon at the end of April.  I plan on transitioning into an Ironman program after that.  My cycling endurance builds up relatively quickly.  I have to save some energy for work as well as I am on my feet moving around all day.
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