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2010-12-28 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3264672

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
So my Hyperlink skills are not as good as I though lol, here is the link for the class

2010-12-28 1:28 PM
in reply to: #3264635

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mike6232 - 2010-12-28 1:07 PM Wow I did not know that there was so much to think about when you train and when you race.  This spring will be my first attempt at a triathlon race.  So far I have just run 2 5K runs.  I was thinking that I would just make my first attempt at a sprint tri around March or April and then just go from there and see how I felt.  I know all of you are doing longer races and timing may not matter as much with a sprint.  Should I have some type of plan on sprint races (when and how far apart) or does it not matter as much whith the short races?

I am by far not an expert but I can tell you for my little experience that you do want to go into any Tri with a plan and training no matter what the distance, It will be better in the long run. I did my 1st and only Tri sprint distance in July with no training, no plan, just my regular fitness level and after surviving the swim I was able to complete it no worries but my body was in complete pain for the next week!
2010-12-28 1:37 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

My one concern is the swim.  I'm not affraid of it, just that last year in my three races I performed, technicaly, very badly.  My training in the pool went well, I build a good base for sprint distance and was averaging about 2min/100m.  I did expect to be a little slower in the race but not 2:30/100m.  At my last race I realized all my mistakes when I got in the last 100m of the swim.  In October I started the a begginer swim plan and concentrated on my technique.  I've made a lot of improvements, and trying to make every movement 2nd nature so I don't have to think about it in the race.  So, for 2011 I want to be technicaly sound with my swim so come race day I just need to breath and sight.

2010-12-28 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3264689

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sstucker - 2010-12-28 11:37 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

My one concern is the swim.  I'm not affraid of it, just that last year in my three races I performed, technicaly, very badly.  My training in the pool went well, I build a good base for sprint distance and was averaging about 2min/100m.  I did expect to be a little slower in the race but not 2:30/100m.  At my last race I realized all my mistakes when I got in the last 100m of the swim.  In October I started the a begginer swim plan and concentrated on my technique.  I've made a lot of improvements, and trying to make every movement 2nd nature so I don't have to think about it in the race.  So, for 2011 I want to be technicaly sound with my swim so come race day I just need to breath and sight.

There is very much a big difference in the pool vs. Open Water (OWS).... Many factors will come into play, but the main one that is discussed here over and over is "sighting" in the open water.  It's easy to follow the little black line in the pool, but what about when you hit the open water?  Often times people will find themselve's all over the place.  A good way to practice this in the off season is to swim in the pool and try swimming a lap now and again with your eye's closed.  It is a lot harder than it sounds.

For my poor swim times I also just say that the course was a lot longer than the advertised distance!  Seems to workout ok for me !
2010-12-28 1:54 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

The ONE concern I have is will I still remain at the same avg speed for the bike? I WANT to avg at least 16mph at nearly every ride.  I know it takes time, and I'm going through "growing pains" with riding. I just want to be able to go faster and do better with group riding.

Running  - I'm already seeing a difference. I NOW know I'm capable of doing 6 miles without stopping!! So, I'm sure I'll see a HUGE improvement for the '11 season.

Swimming - eh, probably a little faster, but I'm not expecting too much though. 
2010-12-28 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3264445

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2010-12-28 11:21 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

As the author of the question, I have an unfair advantage so I'll '10 my whole goal was to complete my first IM to squish the water demons.  I knew when I crossed the finish line, they would vanish.  And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Why can't your time goal be your carrot? You're not gonna reach your time goal by accident -- you still need to put in all of the work. Now that you know what to expect when it comes to race day (with the caveat that you can never know truly what to expect in an IM!), put your eye on the prize and go sub-13!!! Think of all the energy you don't need to waste fretting about the swim. You know you can do that part with time to spare!!!!

Ok, I don't know if this is going to make any sense to anyone, but I don't watch the clock when competing in triathlon, especially at a distance like IM.   My swim isn't worth monitoring--it'll be a small swing, the bike is managed only through Watts (and a little HR) and my run is all RPE.  It comes down to the training and the day.  To stick a goal of 13 hours out there is going to be based on my 6 month build and barring any stupidity or technical issues, it'll happen.   I won't necessarily know it until I get very close to the finish line just like this year.  I had no idea what the elapsed time was until I got to the chute, none.  i need to think more about it, but maybe it's all about the training.  Put in more hard work than I did last year, watch the progress and know when I hit the line I am prepared to do great things.....not sure....need to think some more.

2010-12-28 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3264712

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
swbkrun - 2010-12-28 1:48 PM
sstucker - 2010-12-28 11:37 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

My one concern is the swim.  I'm not affraid of it, just that last year in my three races I performed, technicaly, very badly.  My training in the pool went well, I build a good base for sprint distance and was averaging about 2min/100m.  I did expect to be a little slower in the race but not 2:30/100m.  At my last race I realized all my mistakes when I got in the last 100m of the swim.  In October I started the a begginer swim plan and concentrated on my technique.  I've made a lot of improvements, and trying to make every movement 2nd nature so I don't have to think about it in the race.  So, for 2011 I want to be technicaly sound with my swim so come race day I just need to breath and sight.

There is very much a big difference in the pool vs. Open Water (OWS).... Many factors will come into play, but the main one that is discussed here over and over is "sighting" in the open water.  It's easy to follow the little black line in the pool, but what about when you hit the open water?  Often times people will find themselve's all over the place.  A good way to practice this in the off season is to swim in the pool and try swimming a lap now and again with your eye's closed.  It is a lot harder than it sounds.

For my poor swim times I also just say that the course was a lot longer than the advertised distance!  Seems to workout ok for me !

I am pool inept and better in OW after last year.  For me, the sole reason was I spent a load of time in it, especially in crazy conditions.  I took a class, I did many races, including aquathons and swam with a group of girls...probably in the OW 3xs per week.  It helped. I'm not the best siter in the world, but I learned how to do it off others.  I also learned better breathing and relaxation.   I'm faster in the OW, than I am in the pool.....go figure!  If you have access to the lakes, make it a priority to get in them!
2010-12-28 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3264495

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2010-12-28 9:53 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 10:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

There will be a couple of us with this similar answer....

Trying to balance IM training and still stay a husband and father! Even with an on board spouse, its going to get hairy around June and July.

Not a Mom here, except to our needy (of exercise) dog and needy (of laps to lie on) cat, but my concern is to balance marathon and IM training with being a good partner/wife, a good boss and a good daughter to my mom and dad.  As my dad's health has been declining, I am picking up some of the slack to help out my mom and also to spend more time with dad. 

Yesterday was my day "off" from work.  After a long day of taking dad to various doctor appointments, getting the dog out for a hike and a bath, still got home to do a two hour threshold trainer ride before dinner...I was kind of proud of myself since I really just wanted to lie down and take a nap. 

I realize I did not answer Suzy's question from yesterday...and was thinking about that while running around yesterday trying to finish up everything without getting frustrated with all of the waiting.   Aside from all of the incredible useful tri info gained from the group, one super important thing I have learned from almost everyone is that family and friends come first.  There are some incredible parents, daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, and good friends that have shared their stories online here...sometimes we all get caught up in training, breakthrough workouts, pr's, etc, but where would we be without our families and friends...would we be the same people we are right now? 

Also, I never take my good health for granted!  Let's make this another great MG year!  This is my second year with swbkrun.  I would not be the triathlete that I am today without this group!

2010-12-28 3:18 PM
in reply to: #3264490

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2010-12-28 12:50 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Can I pick ones for the different races I plan on doing?

For tri's my biggest concern for 11 is to figure out how to run off the bike.

Obviously if you ride too hard your run will probably stink.  But per all my numbers I am not riding hard at all, I am normally riding below where I should be and still my run stinks. 

For bike racing my concern is racing itself.  Road racing is a completely different animal from tri's and even cyclocross.  Tri's are pretty much an individual thing, you don't have to really worry about anyone else on the course.  Bike races have a lot of unwritten rules, you have teammates, etc.

maybe your calculator needs new batteries. 

2010-12-28 5:26 PM
in reply to: #3264490

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
dalessit - 2010-12-28 11:50 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Can I pick ones for the different races I plan on doing?

For tri's my biggest concern for 11 is to figure out how to run off the bike.

Obviously if you ride too hard your run will probably stink.  But per all my numbers I am not riding hard at all, I am normally riding below where I should be and still my run stinks. 

For bike racing my concern is racing itself.  Road racing is a completely different animal from tri's and even cyclocross.  Tri's are pretty much an individual thing, you don't have to really worry about anyone else on the course.  Bike races have a lot of unwritten rules, you have teammates, etc.

What do you think is holding you back? it sounds to me like it might be mental.  The one thing I learned from my last race this year is in order to really give it 100% you are going hurt, maybe for a long time.  I thought I was doing well in my HIMs, but I realize that was not the case.  I wasn't entering the pain cave nearly hard enough.  Best way to do it is in short races because you know you only have to do it for a 5K or 10K....suffer baby
2010-12-28 5:31 PM
in reply to: #3264675

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-28 2:24 PM So my Hyperlink skills are not as good as I though lol, here is the link for the class

I heard that the jackrabbit classes in general are pretty good. the only thing that you may want to do in addition to these sessions is some group OW swim or lessons in OW (they may offer them latter in the season)..  Also as it gets closer to the NYC tri, there are a couple of races on the same swim course.  I heard it's a great pre-race because you swim in less crowded water..   Also as the water gets warmer there are group swims at Cedar Beach, I plan to attend these as well.

2010-12-28 5:53 PM
in reply to: #3265097

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
trying1 - 2010-12-28 5:31 PM
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-28 2:24 PM So my Hyperlink skills are not as good as I though lol, here is the link for the class

I heard that the jackrabbit classes in general are pretty good. the only thing that you may want to do in addition to these sessions is some group OW swim or lessons in OW (they may offer them latter in the season)..  Also as it gets closer to the NYC tri, there are a couple of races on the same swim course.  I heard it's a great pre-race because you swim in less crowded water..   Also as the water gets warmer there are group swims at Cedar Beach, I plan to attend these as well.

Thanks, ye I figured I would need some OW time and my Tri club has ties to a OW swim group that operates outta Brighton  beach so I plan on doing some swims with them, I will also look into those pre races as well
2010-12-28 6:22 PM
in reply to: #3264753

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 3:06 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-12-28 11:21 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

As the author of the question, I have an unfair advantage so I'll '10 my whole goal was to complete my first IM to squish the water demons.  I knew when I crossed the finish line, they would vanish.  And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Why can't your time goal be your carrot? You're not gonna reach your time goal by accident -- you still need to put in all of the work. Now that you know what to expect when it comes to race day (with the caveat that you can never know truly what to expect in an IM!), put your eye on the prize and go sub-13!!! Think of all the energy you don't need to waste fretting about the swim. You know you can do that part with time to spare!!!!

Ok, I don't know if this is going to make any sense to anyone, but I don't watch the clock when competing in triathlon, especially at a distance like IM.   My swim isn't worth monitoring--it'll be a small swing, the bike is managed only through Watts (and a little HR) and my run is all RPE.  It comes down to the training and the day.  To stick a goal of 13 hours out there is going to be based on my 6 month build and barring any stupidity or technical issues, it'll happen.   I won't necessarily know it until I get very close to the finish line just like this year.  I had no idea what the elapsed time was until I got to the chute, none.  i need to think more about it, but maybe it's all about the training.  Put in more hard work than I did last year, watch the progress and know when I hit the line I am prepared to do great things.....not sure....need to think some more.

man, i missed this gem....really?  one example.....

"Was totally thrilled when I popped out of the water at 1:35."

lol,  you crack me up....

Edited by fattyfatfat 2010-12-28 6:24 PM
2010-12-28 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3265124

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-28 3:53 PM
trying1 - 2010-12-28 5:31 PM
GrapeJuice - 2010-12-28 2:24 PM So my Hyperlink skills are not as good as I though lol, here is the link for the class

I heard that the jackrabbit classes in general are pretty good. the only thing that you may want to do in addition to these sessions is some group OW swim or lessons in OW (they may offer them latter in the season)..  Also as it gets closer to the NYC tri, there are a couple of races on the same swim course.  I heard it's a great pre-race because you swim in less crowded water..   Also as the water gets warmer there are group swims at Cedar Beach, I plan to attend these as well.

Thanks, ye I figured I would need some OW time and my Tri club has ties to a OW swim group that operates outta Brighton  beach so I plan on doing some swims with them, I will also look into those pre races as well

So I just gotta ask... What's the story behind GrapeJuice??

Edited by kkcbelle 2010-12-28 7:08 PM
2010-12-28 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Out of the office for the day...and this MG will make you pay. 

In reference to the double peak question... I agree with almost everything that has been said so far, you know how you recover and how much you hurt after a race better than anybody else, so you will have to make a peaking decision or A-race/B-race decision based on your training and pain threshold.  Just don't push the envelope to far and get hurt.  

I also want to further enforce Ryan's idea that shorter "Races" can be a lot of fun if actually Raced properly.  Don't feel like you need to be doing a HIM or IM every season or 2x a season to have a good tri-season.  Make your season what you want it to be.... After all, you are really only racing against yourself, you're just letting a bunch of others tag along for the ride!!!

2010-12-28 7:08 PM
in reply to: #3265149

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fattyfatfat - 2010-12-28 4:22 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 3:06 PM
kkcbelle - 2010-12-28 11:21 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

As the author of the question, I have an unfair advantage so I'll '10 my whole goal was to complete my first IM to squish the water demons.  I knew when I crossed the finish line, they would vanish.  And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Why can't your time goal be your carrot? You're not gonna reach your time goal by accident -- you still need to put in all of the work. Now that you know what to expect when it comes to race day (with the caveat that you can never know truly what to expect in an IM!), put your eye on the prize and go sub-13!!! Think of all the energy you don't need to waste fretting about the swim. You know you can do that part with time to spare!!!!

Ok, I don't know if this is going to make any sense to anyone, but I don't watch the clock when competing in triathlon, especially at a distance like IM.   My swim isn't worth monitoring--it'll be a small swing, the bike is managed only through Watts (and a little HR) and my run is all RPE.  It comes down to the training and the day.  To stick a goal of 13 hours out there is going to be based on my 6 month build and barring any stupidity or technical issues, it'll happen.   I won't necessarily know it until I get very close to the finish line just like this year.  I had no idea what the elapsed time was until I got to the chute, none.  i need to think more about it, but maybe it's all about the training.  Put in more hard work than I did last year, watch the progress and know when I hit the line I am prepared to do great things.....not sure....need to think some more.

man, i missed this gem....really?  one example.....

"Was totally thrilled when I popped out of the water at 1:35."

lol,  you crack me up....

You are like the kid brother that remembers every thing one says or does... 

I actually love looking at the clock coming out of the helps give me motivation to get on my bike and try to catch up to all the girls ahead of me!  I always have a really hard time calculating my split though...I get confused trying to subtract race start time with when my wave goes off.  Unfortunately or fortunately, I usually underestimate my swim split and think I actually did better than what I do.  I guess it leads to a more positive race experience.

I guess this year at IM will be my first time actually starting at gun time!!!  (I would be thrilled, too, with a 1:35!).  I will be racing to beat Suzy's T1 time...I guess I better get lessons from John.

2010-12-28 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Only concern so far...Way to early in the season to stress about anything.... is:

Beating Tony off the Bike at Rev3 in Knoxville.....since we are now in the same AG!
(still considering doing the HIM just to avoid the possibility of a full season of trash talk!!Laughing
2010-12-28 7:33 PM
in reply to: #3264415

Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

I have 2. 

First I want to be sure I find a balance between being a new dad and a new triathlete. 

Second I want to get better at running.  Currently I cannot run a full 5k without walking.  I completed my first tri and swam 1:30 better than I trained and biked right about spot on where I expected but my run was all intervals of run/walk.

Edited by Kerrdog79 2010-12-28 7:37 PM
2010-12-28 7:36 PM
in reply to: #3265214

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2010-12-28 8:08 PM

You are like the kid brother that remembers every thing one says or does... 

or doesn't do.  comes in handy when the bs gets out of hand.  ;-)
2010-12-28 7:53 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
BS? Who does that?
2010-12-28 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I think I am in the same camp with many of the other MGers.  I think balancing life and IM training will be one of the things I need to focus on for '11.  Summer here gets very busy as lake time and cold beer cuts in to training time and I need to make IM a priority and I WILL this year. 

Last year I got derailed from training seriously during the summer and I can't let that happen again.

2010-12-28 7:59 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

I may be a little late to the party on this question.

My biggest concern is choosing the correct training plan. Being that I have ZERO experience with endurance training I am worried I may burn myself out in 2 months.

During my football days, I was always taught to give 100% on every rep and go as far and fast as possible. After reading many of your posts, I am seeing a lot of chat about peaking, etc….

So, if anyone has any recollection of what there first training plan looked like, your feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!

2010-12-28 8:13 PM
in reply to: #3265294

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Memarshall80 - 2010-12-28 8:59 PM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

I may be a little late to the party on this question.

My biggest concern is choosing the correct training plan. Being that I have ZERO experience with endurance training I am worried I may burn myself out in 2 months.

During my football days, I was always taught to give 100% on every rep and go as far and fast as possible. After reading many of your posts, I am seeing a lot of chat about peaking, etc….

So, if anyone has any recollection of what there first training plan looked like, your feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!

was my first plan.  the race was a little longer than an oly but i thought it worked out well.  check out the plans here on bt to.  and DO NOT worry.  stick to the plan you select and you'll be ready to rock in july.  who knows, you might even find something to race before then!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2010-12-28 8:14 PM
2010-12-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 2:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

For me it is ramping up my run and bike distances to the HIM level without serious knee pain.   I'm working that with a slow base build this winter - more about that on another day. 
2010-12-28 8:16 PM
in reply to: #3265281

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Terps421 - 2010-12-28 8:53 PM BS? Who does that?


 not me!!!  <<<<--------hahahahhahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2010-12-28 8:17 PM
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