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2013-06-20 8:50 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Portly Tri

Originally posted by luv2bhealthy

5 Reasons to Break Up With Your Scale

1. Scale weight fluctuates wildly.

2. Scale weight says nothing of health.

3. The scale blinds you to real results.

4. The scale keeps you stuck on on food.

5. The scale maintains control of your self-esteem.

If you’ve got an unhealthy relationship with the scale, the only way to get back to a good place is to ditch it altogether. Donate it to Goodwill, recycle it or take it out back and give it a proper beat-down, Office Space-style. Because the sooner you ditch the idea that the scale is your ultimate measure of success, the healthier and happier you’ll be.

Well said!  Somehow the scale has become the 'holy grail' for almost anyone who is mildly interested in improving their health or physical conditioning.

In my case, I have a weight goal, but more importantly, I also have fitness goals, body fat percentage goals, the list goes on and on.  I have lost 12% body fat in the last 6 months while losing about 35 pounds.  The body fat % loss is a far better indicator for me of my progress.  I am working out 2-3 hours a day and have finally consulted with a nutritionist.  If I focused exclusively on weight I would be pulling my hair out because that volume of exercise changes all the equations.

A few weeks ago my fitness and strength coach suggested we do several extreme 'boot camp' sessions to improve core strength and overall fitness.  We got with the nutritionist and came up with a plan to only take in protein shakes for 4 days, while I did a 3-hour boot camp each of those days - plus my normal swim/bike/run workouts.  I burned in excess of 3,000 calories on each of those days while taking in less than 800 calories, yet I GAINED weight - to the tune of 5 pounds.  If weight were the only criterion, I would have given up at that point.  I also dropped 4% body fat in those four days.  Pretty obvious what happened - I gained more lean muscle mass than I burned fat.

Had I been tied to a scale as a measure of progress, I would have considered the boot camp sessions a total failure.  However, because we took into account other indicators, we look at the boot camp sessions as a complete and total success!

One last thing - I weigh myself every morning and log that number in the body metric log here on BT.  BT averages the daily weight and gives a weekly average as well as a running monthly average (if you have not used that feature, you can log the weight under 'body metrics.' You can view your daily weight, weekly and monthly average weight on the nutrition calendar).  Those weekly averages are a much better indicator of 'weight' progress because they eliminate the daily fluctuations.  The monthly running average is an even better indicator of overall weight progress as you eliminate the daily fluctuations while having an objective number that you can track month to month.

I absolutely agree with Norma - if you can't put that little number into perspective then ditch the scale.

Edited by k9car363 2013-06-20 9:01 PM

2013-06-21 12:12 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Another weekend is here...
Anyone out there racing this weekend? If so, good luck!

If not, hopefully you've got your plans laid out for a solid weekend.

My plan is for a brick workout on Saturday--two hours on the bike followed by a 25 minute transition run. Sunday I've got a one hour run at a moderate pace with an open water swim in the afternoon.

The best part of the weekend will be Saturday afternoon. We're heading up the Wenatchee River about 15 miles from where I live for a half-day whitewater rafting trip. We've done it a couple of times before and it's a gas. I'm very lucky to live in a spot with recreation like this right out my door. A few river images can be found on the link below.

Hope you all have a great, SAFE weekend!

2013-06-21 1:13 PM
in reply to: 0

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Originally posted by lutzman

Anyone out there racing this weekend? If so, good luck!

If not, hopefully you've got your plans laid out for a solid weekend.

My plan is for a brick workout on Saturday--two hours on the bike followed by a 25 minute transition run. Sunday I've got a one hour run at a moderate pace with an open water swim in the afternoon.

The best part of the weekend will be Saturday afternoon. We're heading up the Wenatchee River about 15 miles from where I live for a half-day whitewater rafting trip. We've done it a couple of times before and it's a gas. I'm very lucky to live in a spot with recreation like this right out my door. A few river images can be found on the link below.

Hope you all have a great, SAFE weekend!


Not racing this weekend. My next triathlon is the Triangle Triathlon (New Hill, NC) 7/20 then the NC State Triathlon Championship(Greensboro, NC) 8/31.

This weekend I'm doing a 50 mile bike ride Saturday, then a BBQ Saturday afternoon at a friend's place. Sunday will be a 2000 Yard Swim at the Campbell University Pool and maybe if I feel up to it and can find the time, a kayak trip down the Cape Fear River (It's in my backyard). Seem to be mostly over my injuries from the encounter with the free range dog. Shoulder is still a little sore but improving every day. Wednesday I went out for what started out to be a three mile jog, but I felt so good it ended up being 9 miles. It felt so good to be running again, the weather was perfect and I just didn't want to stop. I've been wanting to get into the pool, but they've been having swim camp and the pool has been bus during the times I've been able to go. There's not any open water lakes close by that I can swim regularly. In one way the accident maybe did me a little good (aside form the pain and the bike), it forced me to take a break and get some rest. I've been pushing myself really hard since January and I think I needed to take a breather. I know I felt much better when I ran Wednesday and my times were much better.

Edited by Bull 2013-06-21 1:15 PM
2013-06-21 6:29 PM
in reply to: Bull

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Newport News
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Originally posted by Bull

Originally posted by lutzman

Anyone out there racing this weekend? If so, good luck!

If not, hopefully you've got your plans laid out for a solid weekend.

My plan is for a brick workout on Saturday--two hours on the bike followed by a 25 minute transition run. Sunday I've got a one hour run at a moderate pace with an open water swim in the afternoon.

The best part of the weekend will be Saturday afternoon. We're heading up the Wenatchee River about 15 miles from where I live for a half-day whitewater rafting trip. We've done it a couple of times before and it's a gas. I'm very lucky to live in a spot with recreation like this right out my door. A few river images can be found on the link below.

Hope you all have a great, SAFE weekend!


Not racing this weekend. My next triathlon is the Triangle Triathlon (New Hill, NC) 7/20 then the NC State Triathlon Championship(Greensboro, NC) 8/31.

This weekend I'm doing a 50 mile bike ride Saturday, then a BBQ Saturday afternoon at a friend's place. Sunday will be a 2000 Yard Swim at the Campbell University Pool and maybe if I feel up to it and can find the time, a kayak trip down the Cape Fear River (It's in my backyard). Seem to be mostly over my injuries from the encounter with the free range dog. Shoulder is still a little sore but improving every day. Wednesday I went out for what started out to be a three mile jog, but I felt so good it ended up being 9 miles. It felt so good to be running again, the weather was perfect and I just didn't want to stop. I've been wanting to get into the pool, but they've been having swim camp and the pool has been bus during the times I've been able to go. There's not any open water lakes close by that I can swim regularly. In one way the accident maybe did me a little good (aside form the pain and the bike), it forced me to take a break and get some rest. I've been pushing myself really hard since January and I think I needed to take a breather. I know I felt much better when I ran Wednesday and my times were much better.

I did the Triangle Triathlon a few years ago, long but fast bike ride if I remember. Also swam in Harris Lake last year, Nuclear Swim water temperature 90+ degree, but used time for my Qualifier for the Great Chesapeake Swim. May do a short sprint in NC the REX in August this year my Son and his wife live in Raleigh.

This weekend we'll be doing a Bike Run brick on Saturday, I going to take it easy as I have a mile OWS in Virginia Beach on Sunday.
2013-06-21 7:49 PM
in reply to: tkatzhyman

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Crap, I actually got to do some things around the house this weekend. I can't let stuff like that get in the way of my training.

Actually going to get up and get the workout done early, Going to do my first brick, going to do a 10 mile bike ride with really only one decent hill at the halfway point then I am going to do a 4 mile run on the track and try to fit in some of Steve's workouts. Should be interesting, curious to see how the legs will transition from bike to run.

Hey, more swim questions? I concentrated a little more on my kick today which I have been totally neglecting due to working on my stroke, The kicking seemed to help, everything was a little easier and my arms were less fatigued.

I developed a cramp in my left calf towards the end of my pool session, does anyone have a good method for dealing with this? I just got out of the pool and walked around to get ride of this but what if I was in open water, what can you do to get rid of the pain?

BTW - Going to check out the Crusty Barnicles, they are an open water swim group that meets early Sunday mornings only about 10 minutes from my house, should be very cool.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thanks James
2013-06-21 8:57 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Portly Tri
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by luv2bhealthy

5 Reasons to Break Up With Your Scale

1. Scale weight fluctuates wildly.

2. Scale weight says nothing of health.

3. The scale blinds you to real results.

4. The scale keeps you stuck on on food.

5. The scale maintains control of your self-esteem.

If you’ve got an unhealthy relationship with the scale, the only way to get back to a good place is to ditch it altogether. Donate it to Goodwill, recycle it or take it out back and give it a proper beat-down, Office Space-style. Because the sooner you ditch the idea that the scale is your ultimate measure of success, the healthier and happier you’ll be.

Well said!  Somehow the scale has become the 'holy grail' for almost anyone who is mildly interested in improving their health or physical conditioning.

In my case, I have a weight goal, but more importantly, I also have fitness goals, body fat percentage goals, the list goes on and on.  I have lost 12% body fat in the last 6 months while losing about 35 pounds.  The body fat % loss is a far better indicator for me of my progress.  I am working out 2-3 hours a day and have finally consulted with a nutritionist.  If I focused exclusively on weight I would be pulling my hair out because that volume of exercise changes all the equations.

A few weeks ago my fitness and strength coach suggested we do several extreme 'boot camp' sessions to improve core strength and overall fitness.  We got with the nutritionist and came up with a plan to only take in protein shakes for 4 days, while I did a 3-hour boot camp each of those days - plus my normal swim/bike/run workouts.  I burned in excess of 3,000 calories on each of those days while taking in less than 800 calories, yet I GAINED weight - to the tune of 5 pounds.  If weight were the only criterion, I would have given up at that point.  I also dropped 4% body fat in those four days.  Pretty obvious what happened - I gained more lean muscle mass than I burned fat.

Had I been tied to a scale as a measure of progress, I would have considered the boot camp sessions a total failure.  However, because we took into account other indicators, we look at the boot camp sessions as a complete and total success!

One last thing - I weigh myself every morning and log that number in the body metric log here on BT.  BT averages the daily weight and gives a weekly average as well as a running monthly average (if you have not used that feature, you can log the weight under 'body metrics.' You can view your daily weight, weekly and monthly average weight on the nutrition calendar).  Those weekly averages are a much better indicator of 'weight' progress because they eliminate the daily fluctuations.  The monthly running average is an even better indicator of overall weight progress as you eliminate the daily fluctuations while having an objective number that you can track month to month.

I absolutely agree with Norma - if you can't put that little number into perspective then ditch the scale.

That is so awesome! I love boot camps, and it is obvious that you've got people who know what they are doing. You are doing a lot of working out. Glad you are seeing positive results!

2013-06-21 9:00 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Originally posted by lutzman

Anyone out there racing this weekend? If so, good luck!

If not, hopefully you've got your plans laid out for a solid weekend.

My plan is for a brick workout on Saturday--two hours on the bike followed by a 25 minute transition run. Sunday I've got a one hour run at a moderate pace with an open water swim in the afternoon.

The best part of the weekend will be Saturday afternoon. We're heading up the Wenatchee River about 15 miles from where I live for a half-day whitewater rafting trip. We've done it a couple of times before and it's a gas. I'm very lucky to live in a spot with recreation like this right out my door. A few river images can be found on the link below.

Hope you all have a great, SAFE weekend!


No racing, but hope to get some training in for all three. Hope to run tomorrow then bike and swim on Sunday.
2013-06-22 5:50 AM
in reply to: luv2bhealthy

Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
No racing. we are in Ottawa, Canada so no bike either. I am swimming in public pools and running.
About 6 months ago, i changed from weighing on scale everyday, or multiple times a day, to only on Sundays. The freedom from the scale has been helpful.
My 18 year old son just completed his first race - a 10 K. He came in 4th in his AG. Over the past year, he has lost 70 pounds. He really wants to eat healthy food and be fit. He is now weighing 130 giving him a BMI of about 19. Long, long story .... but he is at a therapeutic boarding school.
Question: can anyone recommend a book about healthy nutrition and endurance sports? I would like to send it to him because staff is a little concerned that he is losing too much weigh. He is now training for a half marathon.
2013-06-22 6:42 AM
in reply to: charlotte hobbs

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New user
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Originally posted by charlotte hobbs

No racing. we are in Ottawa, Canada so no bike either. I am swimming in public pools and running.
About 6 months ago, i changed from weighing on scale everyday, or multiple times a day, to only on Sundays. The freedom from the scale has been helpful.
My 18 year old son just completed his first race - a 10 K. He came in 4th in his AG. Over the past year, he has lost 70 pounds. He really wants to eat healthy food and be fit. He is now weighing 130 giving him a BMI of about 19. Long, long story .... but he is at a therapeutic boarding school.
Question: can anyone recommend a book about healthy nutrition and endurance sports? I would like to send it to him because staff is a little concerned that he is losing too much weigh. He is now training for a half marathon.

I like the nutrition sections in the training books I have used for all the sports, there is ususally a chapter or two on nutrition. The book I used the most is "Going Long" by Joe Friel and Gordon Bryan. Has a chapter called, "Nutrition the Fourth Discipline" that is good. I have a sports nutrition book that is boring to read but I do use it as reference and can handle about one chapter at a time, "Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes" by Monique Ryan.

If he enjoys running there is a great running fictional book that I would recommend for any distance runner, "Once a Runner" by John L Parker, JR. No nutrition advice (unless the track team adventures with college cafeterias count) but really captures the mind set of a distance/competitive runner.
2013-06-22 6:48 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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New user
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Originally posted by lutzman

Anyone out there racing this weekend? If so, good luck!

If not, hopefully you've got your plans laid out for a solid weekend.

My plan is for a brick workout on Saturday--two hours on the bike followed by a 25 minute transition run. Sunday I've got a one hour run at a moderate pace with an open water swim in the afternoon.

The best part of the weekend will be Saturday afternoon. We're heading up the Wenatchee River about 15 miles from where I live for a half-day whitewater rafting trip. We've done it a couple of times before and it's a gas. I'm very lucky to live in a spot with recreation like this right out my door. A few river images can be found on the link below.

Hope you all have a great, SAFE weekend!


No racing this weekend, but a group training ride/run today. My daughter and some of her friends are home for a friends wedding, so I have a house full of company and going to enjoy them, after the long session Saturday morning.

Be safe out there and enjoy the weekend.
2013-06-22 11:18 AM
in reply to: Kay Ewing

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
No racing this weekend for me, but do have a local sprint coming up next weekend. Had a good run yesterday and a fantastic bike ride this morning up on the Skyline Drive. It is grueling beauty. 2 800 ft climbs and 2 500 ft climbs today on a 37 mile ride. But it is so wonderful up there in the early morning. Saw a bear and an incredible doe this morning. Hardly any cars before 9am, just a few bikes and maybe 5 cars in the first 90 minutes. Just serene. Springs, rock outcroppings, and views of various valleys. But grueling. Was happy to average 14mph. Hoping to get to the 50 mile mark by mid-July. That's sufficient for HIM training rides.

Best thing about the last two workouts is that I actually felt like doing more than planned (and did). Means I'm finally getting in shape (and that it wasn't too hot). If I can just get rid of this sack of potatoes, I should be pretty close to where I'd like to be, physically.

Ran into a friend this week who was trying to talk me into an HIM in early Sept. Tempting... we'll see how the next few weeks go. I've got a couple of weeks starting in mid-July that will be difficult to maintain high training plan - and those would be key weeks. For now, just enjoying the journey!

Have a great weekend everyone!

2013-06-22 8:32 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
My first sprint tri is in three weeks. I'm going to try and put a little more time in for the next two weeks and then taper.
2013-06-23 4:32 PM
in reply to: b2run

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New user
Hingham, MA
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
Weighing in at 178. Down just another pound but I am going to take luv2bhealthy's advice and not look at the scale to mark my acccomplishments this week. I ate right, finish 2 weeks straight of going to the pool without missing and I did my first brick today. I now have a new found admiration for all you tri people. I did an 18 mile bike ride and then immediately ran 4 miles. For the first mile I felt like I was running with lead flip-flops. That was the longest 4 miles I ever ran and it was hot, it just hit 90 which is high up here in Boston.

Anyway, just one more week for the Portly Triathlete Challenge.

Hope everyone had a good weekend.

2013-06-23 7:26 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: Hi ... is it possible to join the group?
Hi all.  I've been tied in with the forum now for a few years and thought I'd like to switch up some and join another mentor group. 

MY STORY: I'm a 56 year old guy that had allowed the couch to really creep up and pour the weight on.  I’m a regular in the gym for 3-4 years now and the current sports I’m passionate about are skiing, cycling and golf.  This is my 3rd year of doing triathlons, and I really enjoy the competition, the events and the training as well.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 36+ years with 3 daughters.  All daughters are out of the house, so the wife and I are empty nesters.  The daughters and I enjoy skiing and snowboarding together.  The oldest daughter is a runner and has competed in several events.  We've all done tri's together and some of the SIL's. 

CURRENT TRAINING: All of the sports.  I especially love cycling and swimming ... not so much running and this is my weakest sport of the 3.  All in all training boils down to about 5-6 hours each week.  Cycling is my favorite of the 3 sports and I mountain bike along with road riding too. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Azalea Sprint Tri in March.  NCBC Spring Rally in April (100k bike ride) and I'm slotted for one more Sprint event and the White Lake International in Sept.

I'd love to join the group and certainly look forward to the camaraderie, the help, coaching and advice.  Ciaoo ...

2013-06-23 8:55 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Hi ... is it possible to join the group?
Originally posted by Dorm57

Hi all.  I've been tied in with the forum now for a few years and thought I'd like to switch up some and join another mentor group. 

MY STORY: I'm a 56 year old guy that had allowed the couch to really creep up and pour the weight on.  I’m a regular in the gym for 3-4 years now and the current sports I’m passionate about are skiing, cycling and golf.  This is my 3rd year of doing triathlons, and I really enjoy the competition, the events and the training as well.

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 36+ years with 3 daughters.  All daughters are out of the house, so the wife and I are empty nesters.  The daughters and I enjoy skiing and snowboarding together.  The oldest daughter is a runner and has competed in several events.  We've all done tri's together and some of the SIL's. 

CURRENT TRAINING: All of the sports.  I especially love cycling and swimming ... not so much running and this is my weakest sport of the 3.  All in all training boils down to about 5-6 hours each week.  Cycling is my favorite of the 3 sports and I mountain bike along with road riding too. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Azalea Sprint Tri in March.  NCBC Spring Rally in April (100k bike ride) and I'm slotted for one more Sprint event and the White Lake International in Sept.

I'd love to join the group and certainly look forward to the camaraderie, the help, coaching and advice.  Ciaoo ...

No problem, we're glad to have you. We've got a very friendly group with a range of skills and experience. We'll look forward to sharing the training and triathlon life with you.

2013-06-23 10:16 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Hi ... is it possible to join the group?
Originally posted by lutzman

No problem, we're glad to have you. We've got a very friendly group with a range of skills and experience. We'll look forward to sharing the training and triathlon life with you.


With special emphasis on the experience ;-)

Welcome aboard!

2013-06-24 5:30 AM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
250 this week.
2013-06-24 9:23 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Weight 6/24
160.5 this week, up from last week.

2013-06-24 9:42 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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North Carolina
Subject: RE: Weight 6/24
Weekend's over and I did half what i had planned to do. Got the 50 mile bike ride which actually ended up being a 60 mile ride. It started raining the second we started out and it quit just about we were finishing up the last half mile. As fr s the swimming or kayaking is concerned, didn't get either done on Saturday. My gaughter showed up with the grandkids and I spent the day with them instead. AS much as I like tri's and working out, nothing comes before the grandkids.
2013-06-24 10:19 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...
James - Back to where I started - 202. But in better shape, so that's still progress. Goal for this week is to get to 200.
2013-06-24 8:15 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Hi ... is it possible to join the group?

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by Dorm57 Hi all.  I've been tied in with the site now for a few years and thought I'd like to switch up some and join another mentor group. 

I'd love to join the group and certainly look forward to the camaraderie, the help, coaching and advice.  Ciaoo ...

No problem, we're glad to have you. We've got a very friendly group with a range of skills and experience. We'll look forward to sharing the training and triathlon life with you. Steve

Thanks all. 

2013-06-24 8:22 PM
in reply to: JREDFLY

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Another weekend is here...

Originally posted by JREDFLY

Hey, more swim questions? I concentrated a little more on my kick today which I have been totally neglecting due to working on my stroke, The kicking seemed to help, everything was a little easier and my arms were less fatigued.

I developed a cramp in my left calf towards the end of my pool session, does anyone have a good method for dealing with this? I just got out of the pool and walked around to get ride of this but what if I was in open water, what can you do to get rid of the pain?

Hey James,

Happy to hear that things are starting to come together in the pool.  Remember what I said in my kick article? You get very little, IF ANY propulsion from your kick.  The improvement you experienced from kicking was that your legs were in the correct position and no longer acting as a big parachute slowing you down.  That makes the whole stroke easier and more efficient.

As to the cramp, when that happens in the water, you want to try and GENTLY stretch the muscle that is cramping.  If it is your calf, reach down, grab the toes on the leg that is cramping, and GENTLY pull your toes back to stretch the calf.  You also want to try and get your leg straight.  Bit of a challenge to do that in the water but it can be done.  Generally only takes 15-30 seconds of stretching to eliminate the cramp.

Keep up the good work in the pool.  Won't be any time at all and you will be a FOP swimmer!

2013-06-24 8:35 PM
in reply to: juneapple

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New user
Subject: RE: weight 6/24
Weight is 146 lbs. this morning. Forecast calls for rain all week in KY so may be indoors most of the week. Overheard a farmer comment that we are recieving all the rain we prayed for last summer.
2013-06-25 10:57 AM
in reply to: 0

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: The Week Ahead
Hi all:

I hope you've got your training week plan in place and are dialed in. It's a race week for me, so I'll be pulling back the training time starting tomorrow to taper for the weekend. I'm entered in a sprint race called the Five Mile Lake triathlon. I have no idea why the lake is called "Five Mile" because it's really not much more than a giant pond. The weird thing is it's what they call a "peat lake", meaning the soils surrounding it are largely peat moss. The result is while the water is quite clean, it's like swimming in coffee due to the color coming off the peat. It's very strange because you can't see your hand in front of your face. But, this will be my third time on this event so I know what to expect.

FYI--here's what my taper week plan looks like:

Monday--off (much needed after a pretty hard week last week)
Tuesday--AM--indoor bike workout, 20 minute warm with 4 X 30 second spin ups to get the HR going, 3 X 3 minutes at race pace intensity with two minute recovery, then, 3 X 3 minute hard effort with each minute in the interval comprised of 40 seconds hard, 20 seconds recovery for the 3 minutes, 3 minutes recovery between sets. PM--2500-3000 in the pool
Wednesday--AM--swim lesson focused on stroke efficiency, PM--1 hour treadmill run. 20 minute warm up with a gradual build to a 6:40 pace peak. Main set: descending intervals which increase in pace by :15 per mile starting with 8 min @ 7:15, 6 minutes @ 7:00 pace, 4 minutes at 6:45 pace, 2 minutes at 6:30 pace. Each interval followed by a three minute recovery. 10 minute cool
Thursday--AM--2000 yards in the pool, mostly easy with a few sprints, PM easy ride on the TT bike just focusing on the spin
Friday-AM--very easy 35 minute run
Sunday--90 minute easy recovery bike ride

My goal pace on the 5K run in this Tri is about 6:45/mile, so if you try a set like I listed for Wednesday, be sure to adjust the intervals to the appropriate level for your speed. I'm trying to get a little intensity in the workout without too much stress. So as you can see only about 6 minutes of the entire treadmill run will be at or faster than goal race pace.

Have a great week!


Edited by lutzman 2013-06-25 11:03 AM
2013-06-25 4:07 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Week Ahead
Originally posted by lutzman

Hi all:

I hope you've got your training week plan in place and are dialed in. It's a race week for me, so I'll be pulling back the training time starting tomorrow to taper for the weekend. I'm entered in a sprint race called the Five Mile Lake triathlon. I have no idea why the lake is called "Five Mile" because it's really not much more than a giant pond. The weird thing is it's what they call a "peat lake", meaning the soils surrounding it are largely peat moss. The result is while the water is quite clean, it's like swimming in coffee due to the color coming off the peat. It's very strange because you can't see your hand in front of your face. But, this will be my third time on this event so I know what to expect.

FYI--here's what my taper week plan looks like:

Monday--off (much needed after a pretty hard week last week)
Tuesday--AM--indoor bike workout, 20 minute warm with 4 X 30 second spin ups to get the HR going, 3 X 3 minutes at race pace intensity with two minute recovery, then, 3 X 3 minute hard effort with each minute in the interval comprised of 40 seconds hard, 20 seconds recovery for the 3 minutes, 3 minutes recovery between sets. PM--2500-3000 in the pool
Wednesday--AM--swim lesson focused on stroke efficiency, PM--1 hour treadmill run. 20 minute warm up with a gradual build to a 6:40 pace peak. Main set: descending intervals which increase in pace by :15 per mile starting with 8 min @ 7:15, 6 minutes @ 7:00 pace, 4 minutes at 6:45 pace, 2 minutes at 6:30 pace. Each interval followed by a three minute recovery. 10 minute cool
Thursday--AM--2000 yards in the pool, mostly easy with a few sprints, PM easy ride on the TT bike just focusing on the spin
Friday-AM--very easy 35 minute run
Sunday--90 minute easy recovery bike ride

My goal pace on the 5K run in this Tri is about 6:45/mile, so if you try a set like I listed for Wednesday, be sure to adjust the intervals to the appropriate level for your speed. I'm trying to get a little intensity in the workout without too much stress. So as you can see only about 6 minutes of the entire treadmill run will be at or faster than goal race pace.

Have a great week!


Thanks for this taper information. I always wondered what exactly I should do during a taper week. I read on another thread that it's different for everyone, but this gives it some clarity.

Only got a run in over the weekend. No biking for swimming like I planned. It's so hot here (mid-high 90s) that it's hard to get motivated to get out on the bike. The run was done on a tredmill which I totally hate. Sunday came around, and I just got lazy plus I think I needed a rest day. But I did my spin class this morning. It is going to be difficult to muster the motivation to do things in this heat...
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