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2013-10-13 5:39 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by popsracer

Originally posted by Asalzwed Won the 10K OA women's and got a PR. Now for a beer. Whew.

Congrats.  Not bad for a Coug.

Holy cow!  Big weekend for you :)

So awesome, Salty, you've been training hard and smart--look at how that pays off!  Wish I could buy you a beer...

2013-10-13 8:35 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by Asalzwed Won the 10K OA women's and got a PR. Now for a beer. Whew.

Congrats!  I spent today riding a bike and complaining about how hard half marathons are.

2013-10-14 12:25 PM
in reply to: msteiner

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by msteiner

Originally posted by Asalzwed Won the 10K OA women's and got a PR. Now for a beer. Whew.

Congrats!  I spent today riding a bike and complaining about how hard half marathons are.

Yeah, I really like the HM distance, and the recovery certainly beats marathon recovery but I have found that it always takes a LITTLE longer than I think it will. 

You have lots of time for your marathon training, so be sure to recovery well!

2013-10-14 1:17 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

I'm evaluating how I am going to handle this week. I think I did a good amount of mileage last week that left me fresh enough to race well on Saturday, so I will do something pretty similar since I am racing this weekend. My hamstrings and back are a little sore, but nothing a little active recovery, icing and heat won't cure. I am just debating doing my track workout Wednesday. I know it won't benefit my performance for Saturday, as it takes longer than that to realize the benefits of a workout, but my long term is much more about end of season. So, that being said, I think I will complete the workout. If I feel like anything hurts (not just sore) I'll just stop.

2013-10-14 1:21 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club
I don't remember if I asked before but I was wondering the other day about the time commitment to the distance specific plans. I jump around through the year doing a lot of different races from 5k's to IM's and as I study a training plan I wonder about how I should be structuring my schedules given that I bounce around with my short term focus. Last month I was more focused on prepping for a marathon. Now I am looking forward to four weekly 5k's beginining in four weeks. Around the first of the year I'll be looking again at a March and April marathon while working through a 20 week plan for a June HIM.I think I've build a decent base and am launching into kind of a phase II with some R workouts and occasional I. I've limited it to one quality workout a week but am thinking that with a 5k focus I should be doing two. Maybe a R workout as Q1 early in the week and either a cautious I or tempo workout later in the week. I say cautious because I still feel a little vulnerable to tweeking something. I shortened my long run this weekend from13-15 to 10 in hopes that would leave me a little fresher for a more intense training week. I'm looking for thoughts on this because the training plans seem to be more geared to many weeks and if I'm bouncing around with different focus am I short circuiting the longer term benefits of following a plan all the way through. I think others do a lot of different events and am curious how you utilize JD methods without devoting half a year to a specific distance. I hope this makes sense.
2013-10-14 1:34 PM
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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Well, I look at training in blocks but ultimately I do have a long term plan and those block fit into it.

The marathon is my ultimate goal and so when it comes down to making a tough decision, I always use the "How will this benefit my marathon" filter.

Right now, I am focusing on the strength part of my training. This strength is meant to give me marathon strength, but I have this block totally oriented to shorter/harder types of workouts. Notice I am not doing much over 15 miles for long runs, as I am not "marathon training"

As for how many Q workouts. I don't even know that the number is specific to the type of racing you are doing. I think it simply has to do with how much your body can handle. The specific workout should be specific to the system you are trying to work, and more than likely that has to do with the type of races you are training for within that block.


I used to jump around a lot, but I've found that giving each block more focus is going to be much more beneficial to my bigger goals. I hope that makes sense ...


*Each time block seems to vary. A marathon/endurance  block is more than likely going to be much longer than a speed or strength block. But do keep in mind that it takes a period of time to actually allow a system to improve. I think JD says 6 weeks or so to increase the VDOT

Edited by Asalzwed 2013-10-14 1:42 PM

2013-10-14 1:51 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

And speaking of that ol' VDOT friend of ours ... I think I can get a pretty rough ballpark of mine but it's really difficult to determine with the kind of racing I have been doing!

2013-10-14 1:53 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club
That makes a lot of sense and is very helpful. I have 5k's on 11/9, 11/23, 11/28, 12/7, and 12/14 so I'm treating this like a short track season with focus on developing speed and strength. The 6 week adaption period is important for me to recognize as I'll have 9 weeks before my peak race. I can't tell you how excited I am to see my 5k PR crushed.
2013-10-14 3:18 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by popsracer That makes a lot of sense and is very helpful. I have 5k's on 11/9, 11/23, 11/28, 12/7, and 12/14 so I'm treating this like a short track season with focus on developing speed and strength. The 6 week adaption period is important for me to recognize as I'll have 9 weeks before my peak race. I can't tell you how excited I am to see my 5k PR crushed.

Yeah, in my opinion that is a great way to do it. Gives you lots of time to really develop that speed/strength. You could even start with being consistent with 1Q workout and slowly work in 2, towards the end of that, peaking for that final 5K 

2013-10-15 5:39 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

So, is this thread all wrapped up? 

2013-10-16 8:35 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by Asalzwed

So, is this thread all wrapped up? 

Daily?...probably.  Though honestly I learned a ton from reading the book and sharing thoughts with you peeps, so I'd like to keep it around for running questions.  It's a lot easier than throwing it out in TT and getting 20 responses from folks that don't know your history or no responses at all.

2013-10-16 8:51 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Asalzwed

So, is this thread all wrapped up? 

Daily?...probably.  Though honestly I learned a ton from reading the book and sharing thoughts with you peeps, so I'd like to keep it around for running questions.  It's a lot easier than throwing it out in TT and getting 20 responses from folks that don't know your history or no responses at all.

yes. I completely agree Mike. I'd like to keep it going so I can ask questions as I work through my first JD plan/season. You know, when I can run again :/
2013-10-16 11:47 PM
in reply to: switch

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

I am still just getting into applying this stuff so my head is going to be in this for a while to come.  Since I haven't done a lot of it in 30 years I'm cautiously feeling my way into the workouts.  I did my 3rd weekly R workout the other day and it felt so good that I'm planning on doing a Q2 tomorrow or the day after.

I'm looking at the 5k to 15k plan (p. 244) since I'm focusing on some 5k's through the winter.  I'll stick to slightly scaled down phase II.  I'm a little freaked out at 5 or 6 mile repeats at T pace.  That's supposed to be about 30 seconds per mile slower than 5k pace.  Seems like a really, really tough workout so early in the phase.  I'm just wondering if I'm ready for this. 

2013-10-17 7:32 AM
in reply to: popsracer

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

These do work alright if you have a sense of how much harder running you want to get in. What kind of pace would you be running them at? I don't have the book in front of me, but often times it seems there is some recommendation of the amount of time spent doing something like this. 5 @6'/mi is much less than 6 @8'/mi. 30' vs 48'.

2013-10-17 8:58 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by popsracer

I am still just getting into applying this stuff so my head is going to be in this for a while to come.  Since I haven't done a lot of it in 30 years I'm cautiously feeling my way into the workouts.  I did my 3rd weekly R workout the other day and it felt so good that I'm planning on doing a Q2 tomorrow or the day after.

I'm looking at the 5k to 15k plan (p. 244) since I'm focusing on some 5k's through the winter.  I'll stick to slightly scaled down phase II.  I'm a little freaked out at 5 or 6 mile repeats at T pace.  That's supposed to be about 30 seconds per mile slower than 5k pace.  Seems like a really, really tough workout so early in the phase.  I'm just wondering if I'm ready for this. 

I think for us mere mortals, 20-30 minutes of T pace will do just fine, especially with your 5k focus.  For me, that's about 2.6 - 3.8 miles.  As Ben said, for someone who runs their T pace @ 6:30 would be able to get almost 5 miles in.

That said, 30 minutes at T pace is still one tough workout.  Maybe break it up into cruise intervals?  4 x 7', 1' RBI or something?

2013-10-17 10:13 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

I'd be doing them a 7:30 so I think I'll do four.  I wasn't sure if doing less would take away much benefit of the workout but sounds like 30 minutes at T would be just about right.  Thanks.

2013-10-17 10:33 AM
in reply to: popsracer

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

That sounds good. I usually ran about half an hour or so for these types of workouts. Good solid work without wiping you out.

Something that really stood out to me in the book is how conscience he was of duration, or time. A lot of things are given in distance, but mostly due to it being easier or more convenient for people. These all had some adjustments in there to allow for the variation in ability. Lesser of 10 miles or 1 hr. Or lesser of 2 hrs or 16 miles (or whatever it was for some long runs). The VO2 work was where it most stood out with the 5 minute workbout cap for everyone. Slower people were more limited in their preset choices as they can't cover the longer ones within 5 minutes.

2013-10-17 4:45 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

During this period of frequent racing, when my training is notched back a bit, do you think my VDOT can still increase?

2013-10-17 4:54 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Extreme Veteran
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by Asalzwed

During this period of frequent racing, when my training is notched back a bit, do you think my VDOT can still increase?

Racing is speedwork, so possibly.  The added rest between races may actually help too.

2013-10-18 7:55 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

It might. Even shorter races aren't exactly low stress.

2013-11-12 2:10 PM
in reply to: brigby1

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Hmmmm before I ask my coach, I'm curious what you guys think of this.

I'll be starting marathon training in the middle of December. Typically I would do some sort of long(ish) tempo on Saturdays followed by my long run on Sunday. Do you think replacing 4-5 of those Saturday tempos (within a 16-18 week build) with a series of 2-mile races would be a good thing, break even or a bad thing?

I should add that IMHO, speed is my weakness. 

2013-11-12 2:43 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm before I ask my coach, I'm curious what you guys think of this.

I'll be starting marathon training in the middle of December. Typically I would do some sort of long(ish) tempo on Saturdays followed by my long run on Sunday. Do you think replacing 4-5 of those Saturday tempos (within a 16-18 week build) with a series of 2-mile races would be a good thing, break even or a bad thing?

I should add that IMHO, speed is my weakness. 

The main thing I would be concerned about would be the recovery cost and how it would affect your long run.  I would doubt that there's anything in your marathon training plan that calls for a 12-13 minute all-out effort.   

That said, racing is fun, you seem to be good at managing it, and it might keep you from going crazy not racing for four months. 

2013-11-12 2:47 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm before I ask my coach, I'm curious what you guys think of this.

I'll be starting marathon training in the middle of December. Typically I would do some sort of long(ish) tempo on Saturdays followed by my long run on Sunday. Do you think replacing 4-5 of those Saturday tempos (within a 16-18 week build) with a series of 2-mile races would be a good thing, break even or a bad thing?

I should add that IMHO, speed is my weakness. 

The main thing I would be concerned about would be the recovery cost and how it would affect your long run.  I would doubt that there's anything in your marathon training plan that calls for a 12-13 minute all-out effort.   

That said, racing is fun, you seem to be good at managing it, and it might keep you from going crazy not racing for four months. 

My thought is that a 2 mile race would be fairly comparable to a 4-6 mile "tempo."  I very well could be wrong though.

2013-11-12 2:55 PM
in reply to: switch

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Ok, I FINALLY finished the book and want to start incorporating JD's training plan in the BT run focus plan I'm on now.  So I got the sessions typed in to my log then went to the VDot tables to get the pace at which I should be doing said sessions.

According to the Vdot table my E is at 11:48 per mile. Now I'm far from being Speedy Gonzales but I don't think I can do a long run at 11:48/ mile! The M they have listed (based on a recent HM and 1.5 mile test at work) is 10:14. That is closer to my  easy pace. Thoughts?

2013-11-12 2:59 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: Sept 15-Oct 15 "Daniel's Running Formula" Book Club

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Hmmmm before I ask my coach, I'm curious what you guys think of this.

I'll be starting marathon training in the middle of December. Typically I would do some sort of long(ish) tempo on Saturdays followed by my long run on Sunday. Do you think replacing 4-5 of those Saturday tempos (within a 16-18 week build) with a series of 2-mile races would be a good thing, break even or a bad thing?

I should add that IMHO, speed is my weakness. 

The main thing I would be concerned about would be the recovery cost and how it would affect your long run.  I would doubt that there's anything in your marathon training plan that calls for a 12-13 minute all-out effort.   

That said, racing is fun, you seem to be good at managing it, and it might keep you from going crazy not racing for four months. 

My thought is that a 2 mile race would be fairly comparable to a 4-6 mile "tempo."  I very well could be wrong though.

I'm watching intently to see what others say, but I feel like anything I would say would be a guess :)

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