BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business Rss Feed  
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2015-01-19 3:06 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Burd

Note to not take 2 weeks off of the swim. I was doing 2.8k hard workouts and still had more to give but today I did 1000 yards and got my butt kicked. Dear lord I hope my swim fitness comes back fast. 82 days until my first 70.3 and after the swim today I'm a bit worried.

Oh the bright side I'm at 2/5 for the week after a swim and bike today.

Alex - I thought about you on my ride today. We need to touch base so I can send you the training plan that got me to the finish line of IMMT injury free (if I can do it so can you!!!)

I think it was Dr. Bobby (this was 3 years ago and I'm pretty sure I remember Thor getting involved in this thread as well) who gave me this incredibly important piece of advice when I was worried (freaking out) about finishing an upcoming HIM. He told me - you could finish the half Ironman today. it would hurt but you can do it! And I would tell you the same thing: 82 days from now you will toe that line and you will be ready to go. If you put in the time and you're willing to do the work, I will promise you that you will finish. It might be the worst race of your life... It might hurt a lot... But YOU WILL FINISH! Believe in yourself Nancy boy you're the real deal You've come so far and you have a ton of time to get stronger. Plus, the beer they hand you at the finish line will make you cry (in a good way)!

2015-01-19 3:11 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Time for some BDAS housekeeping: I took some time this week to create a table containing everyone's usernames and first names. It's located on the front page of my training log and you can cut and paste it into your own (just hit the edit button at the top of the page). Having this information will help you support your fellow BDASers and send them inspires to keep them motivated and to cheer them on during their training. Here is the link:

I tried to be careful - but please let me know if there are any mistakes or if I misspelled your name. I'm more than happy to change it.

Thor - would you please repost the message about what you have to do to reply to an inspire. Thx.
2015-01-19 3:16 PM
in reply to: fifthcircle

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by fifthcircleI can't get Bell's here, but I think I've had the Two Hearted once. Was it all (or mostly) Centennial hops? I like that variety quite a bit.

Indeed that's the one! 4 oz of Centennial at various stages during the boil, and one more oz for dry hopping a couple weeks into secondary fermentation. BTW I can't get it here either, but ironically enough (since it's a Michigan beer) - I got to try it in Florida.

The 5 workout challenge for the week already has me reconfiguring stuff I was supposed to have today off since it's a holiday and my swim class is cancelled, and so my wife is going to a long yoga class. But now I can't lose the day for fear of a CLP. SO - I'll cook dinner have it ready for when she's home from class and be dressed and ready so I can head out the door to the Y to get something in. See, day one and this challenge is already good for me! The only question is what to do tonight - I feel like I should swim since I'm missing my usual Monday swim, but I also haven't run (other than a 5 minute interval workout during my training session on Saturday), in more than a week... I think the dreadmill wins tonight!
2015-01-19 3:27 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by firebert

Originally posted by fifthcircleI can't get Bell's here, but I think I've had the Two Hearted once. Was it all (or mostly) Centennial hops? I like that variety quite a bit.

Indeed that's the one! 4 oz of Centennial at various stages during the boil, and one more oz for dry hopping a couple weeks into secondary fermentation. BTW I can't get it here either, but ironically enough (since it's a Michigan beer) - I got to try it in Florida.

The 5 workout challenge for the week already has me reconfiguring stuff I was supposed to have today off since it's a holiday and my swim class is cancelled, and so my wife is going to a long yoga class. But now I can't lose the day for fear of a CLP. SO - I'll cook dinner have it ready for when she's home from class and be dressed and ready so I can head out the door to the Y to get something in. See, day one and this challenge is already good for me! The only question is what to do tonight - I feel like I should swim since I'm missing my usual Monday swim, but I also haven't run (other than a 5 minute interval workout during my training session on Saturday), in more than a week... I think the dreadmill wins tonight!

John - Bell's 2 hearted is perhaps my favorite beer on the planet. I so wish they sold it in MA. Luckily, they sell it in VA where my in-laws live. It makes it just a little easier to go down there for a visit

Why don't you do a brick tonight - a short swim/run... that way - when you take tomorrow off - you will know you've earned it!

Kudo's on avoiding the CLP - it keeps us both honest!
2015-01-19 3:29 PM
in reply to: chayes

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by chayes

Originally posted by Qua17

Christina - welcome. As a Browns fan, I was tempted to tell you to go join another group - but I'm hoping letting you in gives the Browns the karma they need to finally make the playoffs next year

Seriously welcome and we are glad to have you! When is the marathon?

Wait... there are Browns fans? I learn something new every day on BT.
The Marathon is May 2.

You're killing me
2015-01-19 3:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Happy MLK day everyone...

I weighed in this morning and was still in the 220's... I was hoping for a few pounds lost but the snacks I ate during the playoff games (along with some tasty beers - thank you Jared and Kate for helping me avoid the warm Coors) did not help. So, I took some time today to set up my closet to help me in the weight loss department, as I did last year. I put the 20 pairs of pants and 10 shirts that are too small for me on the right side of the closet and I've arranged them from largest to smallest. Each week, instead of the weigh in - I'm going to try on a pair of pants. If it fits, I'll move it to the other side of the closet and start wearing it again. If it doesn't fit, I'll wait a week and try again. Hopefully this will motivate me for a good chunk of the year -- as I make my way back to my goal weight of 170.

I went for a great ride this afternoon. For the first time in a long while - I felt the need to push it (that drive has been missing since I finished IMMT last August) and I was averaging about 16 mph (which is flying for me). I wasn't able to maintain it - but it felt so good to be out there!

I hope you are all enjoying your day off.


2015-01-19 4:04 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by Burd

Note to not take 2 weeks off of the swim. I was doing 2.8k hard workouts and still had more to give but today I did 1000 yards and got my butt kicked. Dear lord I hope my swim fitness comes back fast. 82 days until my first 70.3 and after the swim today I'm a bit worried.

Oh the bright side I'm at 2/5 for the week after a swim and bike today.

Alex - I thought about you on my ride today. We need to touch base so I can send you the training plan that got me to the finish line of IMMT injury free (if I can do it so can you!!!)

I think it was Dr. Bobby (this was 3 years ago and I'm pretty sure I remember Thor getting involved in this thread as well) who gave me this incredibly important piece of advice when I was worried (freaking out) about finishing an upcoming HIM. He told me - you could finish the half Ironman today. it would hurt but you can do it! And I would tell you the same thing: 82 days from now you will toe that line and you will be ready to go. If you put in the time and you're willing to do the work, I will promise you that you will finish. It might be the worst race of your life... It might hurt a lot... But YOU WILL FINISH! Believe in yourself Nancy boy you're the real deal You've come so far and you have a ton of time to get stronger. Plus, the beer they hand you at the finish line will make you cry (in a good way)!

I know this message is for Alex and sorry to horn in but Dr. Bobby's words that you are sharing DQ are helping me more than you realize. My goal is a HIM this year and I haven't signed up for one yet bc I am terrified. I just keep remembering how my Oly's hurt because of lack of training.

Anyone have suggestions for a first HIM late in the season...really late and warm and flat and well something I can finish?
2015-01-19 4:15 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business

How do you train in the HR zone. I was suppose to run in Z1 for 45 mins and I hit that zone in the first 3 minutes. How do I stay that low for the entire time? I would literally be walking if I stayed that low. I actually trained in Z4 but felt pretty good the entire time.
2015-01-19 4:30 PM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I was considering doing the Miami 70.3 in October (flat and warm) but did not fit with my kids school schedule, no chance of taking holidays by then. But sounds an attractive one.

John, glad to hear you tried Estrella in Barcelona: it is a well know beer in the north of Spain and one of my favourites. I have to admit I am more of a wine drinker, but after talking so much about beer at home after joining BT I got for Christmas a kit to brew 40 pints of beer (Muntons Export Pilsner, any suggestions?)

Kate, look forward to train together with you in Madrid!

I am in for the 5 workouts in the week, a bit late for today but tomorrow no excuses!
2015-01-19 4:44 PM
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New user
Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I am in in the challenge. 750 m in 17 min this morn. (Testing my sprint time as I was rushed this morn). Spinerval tonight! Weight today 245 lb. so far so good, on track at 2+ lb/week loss

Edited by Jeakins 2015-01-19 5:22 PM
2015-01-19 4:50 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
David--your idea about the closet is fantastic!! My wife just cleaned mine out today of all my 2-4XL shirts and too big pants. Now there is room to put the clothes that are just a bit too small in for motivation!

2015-01-19 4:59 PM
in reply to: cwpeters

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Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by cwpeters

I'm in for the 5 workout challenge and agree a brick counts as 2. I also second the Monday through Sunday week.

Brag time, last week my long run was 7 miles and I struggled with a 13:49/mile pace. This week, I went 9 miles at 11:29 per mile. 2 miles further and 2:20 faster per mile! Feeling much more confident for my HM in 3 weeks. Brag over, thanks for playing along.


That's a fantastic improvement!
2015-01-19 5:01 PM
in reply to: chayes

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Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'm in for the challenge. I did a 6 mile run today- it's my long run for the week, as this is a step-back week. It was great to feel fresh and happy after the "long run". Next week's is 11 miles, which I'm half-dreading/ half excited about.
2015-01-19 5:12 PM
in reply to: #5085097

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Z1 would be a walk for me as well. The thing is, if you are doing "polarized training", you REALLY need to keep the easy stuff EASY. Then, do the hard stuff HARD! This is the mistake that 99% of us make when training. We are going medium on easy days, and med-hard on hard days. You end up with significantly lesser gains than if you would keep it easy most of the time, and go hard as hell when it was prescribed.

Just google polarized training. Lots of info out there.
2015-01-19 5:26 PM
in reply to: chayes

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Ok it's settled - some form of brick tonight (never actually done a brick). I tried to do one a week ago Sunday but by the time we warmed down and spray cleaned the spin bikes then went over to the track, it was really too long to call it 'T2' haha.

Dave - the closet idea is excellent. Think of it this way. Weight is just a number. That fluctuates day to day depending on fluid retention and everything else. But the clothes fitting - that's what makes you feel better because you know you look better.

Juan - I've never done a pilsener or any kind of lager for that matter. I think the only difference is that the yeast goes in when the wort is cold (in an ale it usually goes in when the wort is down to 70F aka room temp). Guessing you still have to boil the grains and any malt to make the wort though, and this is definitely the hardest part of brewing. You get the grained water (in the ales I've done the grain steeps like a tea bag) up to a boil, which is easy enough. As soon as you add any kind of sugar (malt in beer's case) - it expands very rapidly and can head to a boilover in a hurry. I've learned to shut the heat off before adding malt, and keep a very close eye on it when bringing it back to a boil. Oh and I learned yesterday that even a couple oz of hops has enough sugar in it to cause the boil to rise like crazy and potentially boil over if you're not watching it.
So to sum up - keep a close eye on it and don't drink too much while brewing

Cynthia - I hear ya on zone 1. I think I hit zone 2 just standing from a chair! My wife had to do a zone 2 treadmill workout yesterday and ended up walking it because of the same thing - went to Z4 fast even in a light run and then spent a bunch of time trying to get the HR down... When I was running with an HR monitor (gotta get on that again) - I'd spend my whole workout on the upper end of Z4 with plenty of forays into 5.

Actually that settles it - tonight's run will be with the Pear strapped to my chest.
2015-01-19 7:48 PM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Syndiethea


How do you train in the HR zone. I was suppose to run in Z1 for 45 mins and I hit that zone in the first 3 minutes. How do I stay that low for the entire time? I would literally be walking if I stayed that low. I actually trained in Z4 but felt pretty good the entire time.

I try to stay in the zone it tells me and it's crazy hard. On the run I had to do a run/walk to keep my heart rate down. The more I did it the shorter the walks got so I guess that was improvement. Too bad I'm back to square one since I stopped running due to an injury

2015-01-19 9:08 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Quakertown, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I'm jealous of the time some of you had to work out today. I didn't have off. I also didn't want to fall behind so I went for a good swim tonight. I really need to eat dinner earlier because I felt like I was going to sink initially. 1 down 4 to go.
2015-01-19 9:22 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Qua17

Time for some BDAS housekeeping: I took some time this week to create a table containing everyone's usernames and first names. It's located on the front page of my training log and you can cut and paste it into your own (just hit the edit button at the top of the page). Having this information will help you support your fellow BDASers and send them inspires to keep them motivated and to cheer them on during their training. Here is the link:

I tried to be careful - but please let me know if there are any mistakes or if I misspelled your name. I'm more than happy to change it.

Thor - would you please repost the message about what you have to do to reply to an inspire. Thx.

Sorry, my dear, but I wrong in two spots. I'm smiley9188. And Colleen. (With 2 Ls). Thanks for correcting me and thank your or organizing this. It is so valuable to me to hear what others are doing and keeping me motivated. This group is awesome
2015-01-19 9:36 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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Lincoln, Nebraska
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Hold the phone on the brewing talk....

1) Traditional pilsners are lager beers. Lager yeast is bottom fermenting (ale is top fermenting), and also ferments at lower temps. Ales 60-90F. Lagers 40-50'sF.

2) Don't boil your grains! Above 170F the husks break down and cause astringency in your finished product.

3) Sorry to get way off topic. Yea for running and stuff! Swimming too!!! I get pretty geeked out on brewing.

2015-01-19 9:36 PM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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Bradenton, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Anyone have suggestions for a first HIM late in the season...really late and warm and flat and well something I can finish?

There are 2 good HIM's I can recommend in south Florida that are late season races.

MiamiMan - Zoo edition is a very well run event. Takes place near Zoo Miami. Swim is in a crystal clear spring fed lake, wetsuit legal, 2 laps, NO GATORS. Bike is a modified out and back with a loop. Pancake flat but wind can make it interesting. Good support on the bike. Run is a 2 lap, through the zoo with great aid stations and interesting views.

REV3 Florida (supposedly bought out by Challenge) - west coast race in Venice, FL. Swim is in the Gulf, usually wetsuit legal but can be choppy or cancelled. Super storm Sandy forced them to call off the swim the 1st year of the race. Cons are salt water, unpredictable and sharks. Bike has a few bridges but nothing over 65 feet high (Florida mountains) and again can be a wind challenge. Run is flat and has resulted in some very fast times by some of my team mates.

Both races are in November and the temps that time of the year are glorious compared to the rest of the country.
2015-01-19 9:49 PM
in reply to: #5075170

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DeLand, Florida
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Lots of great workouts today. Still day one though gotta keep that level of enthusiasm the whole week.

Workout report. Went for the swim/run double. 600 yds in the pool in 20 odd minutes. Oof. I'm still trying to rest less in between 50s to keep that cardio fitness building but my breathing is still so bad... Swim is always going to be my worst I think.

'Transition' aka the locker room. Oy what a mess. Forgot proper, ahem, undergarments. Thankfully I brought real running shorts (with the built in undies) so I could run sans undergarments. Sorry for TMI...also forgot my water bottle. And forgot that if you leave your HR sensor idle for 8 months, the battery is probably dead. Did my whole run having to hear 'I'm sorry I can't read your heart rate. Try tightening the strap or moistening the contacts' every 5 mins. All that aside I did 2.5 miles negative split trying to see where my HR was (using the treadmill's HR touch sensor thing). Talk about zone training - mile 1, 10 min/mi. 155 HR. mile 2, 9:30. 157 HR. mile 2.5, 9:00. 161. Maybe those speeds are too close to see an increase.

Oh yeah rewarding myself with a Sixpoint Resin IIPA. Absolutely delicious double, and $10/6 at Trader Joes!

2015-01-19 10:27 PM
in reply to: firebert

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
I've never tried the HR thing- my heart rate is always crazy high. Even when I swam 3-4 hours a day in college it was still crazy high.

Congrats on a ton of great workouts.

Thank you DQ for the list- however when I pasted it did not hold the double column format- any idea what I did wrong? It still works as is.

This weekend was glorious here- 60s. So I took advantage and headed out on the local gravel multi use path on my bike. I passed both ways a dude that I'm guessing was one of the bad pro triathletes (there are so many here and I don't really follow that level of the sport) but he was motoring and running in tri shorts on a January day in Colorado.

The multi use path is awesome and can get you with one or two road crossings to 6 brewpubs/ breweries with tasting rooms all with in a short ride.

Yesterday when I got back from my run my husband surprised me with strawberry daiquiris- which tasted so good after a run.

I still need to find races to round out my season- I'm getting too focused on my first race :-)

I finally hacked my inability to remember my locker code when I swim so infrequently - I sharpied it to the inside of my goggle strap! Hopefully this will help with the annual tossing of the lock I can't remember the combo too when I come out of hibernation to train again.
2015-01-19 11:28 PM
in reply to: Moonrocket

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
i am in on the five training for the week, especially since i have 2 down just today. Got a 1000 yds in tonight. Thanks for the suggestions on the HIM...any recommendations west of the Rockies? Florida sounds amazing but may be just out of reach.
2015-01-19 11:45 PM
in reply to: Syndiethea

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
Originally posted by Syndiethea

i am in on the five training for the week, especially since i have 2 down just today. Got a 1000 yds in tonight. Thanks for the suggestions on the HIM...any recommendations west of the Rockies? Florida sounds amazing but may be just out of reach.

Hey Cynthia- I know you mentioned West of the Rockies, but this one has a pretty good reputation and a great view of the Rockies in Mid- Sept...!harvest-moon-triathlon-duathlon--aqua...

Not an official IM race though. The half in Boulder is sold out for the year- and In June now I think? It used to be in Aug until they started the IM race last summer and took that date.
2015-01-20 8:39 AM
in reply to: firebert

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society - Open For Business
2/5 (21/400) for the week (year)--early run with my dog this morning, just under 35minutes.
Another semester starts today. This is always a time when it is difficult for me, as my schedule changes a lot and I have to figure out new routines. Fortunately, I'm teaching two classes I've taught before (one five times), so that helps reduce the prep time required.

Happy training all!!
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