BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed Rss Feed  
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2015-04-27 12:52 PM
in reply to: healthlawyer

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: 5k Story with a Happy Ending

So you didn't stick around to get your award? 1 more year for me before I join the "closer to 49" club!

2015-04-27 2:14 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: 5k Story with a Happy Ending

Congrats Todd!  I'm on the upper end of that club!

2015-04-27 3:34 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: 5k Story with a Happy Ending
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Congrats Todd!  I'm on the upper end of that club!

Yup, 46 going on 47 for me this year. So you've got lots of company! Hey, a few more years and I'll be one of the youngest guys in my age group. I figure I can get a medal some day if I just outlast the competition.
2015-04-27 10:04 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Originally posted by nrpoulin

Alright sorry it has taken so long. I have had a number of really tough days at work.
Second race of the season this past Sunday. Another pool swim sprint 300y/10m/3.1. Slightly bigger field here with a number of the same athletes as well.

Here is the link

I know you're disappointed with your run, but sounds like a pretty good race to me. As always, I'm jealous of your swimming! I've only given a little thought to trying the bike and run without socks, but to me it just isn't worth it to save a few seconds in transition. I'd rather feel comfortable and not have to worry about blisters! Do you roll your socks? I read an article somewhere that mentioned it and I used that method last year during my two tris and it seemed to work well. With the socks rolled up, they go on pretty quickly even when your feet are wet. Basically, you put the socks on (pre-race) and then roll them down until there's only about enough room to get your toes in. That way, when you put them on, you only need to get your toes in and then roll them back up. Yeah, I might lose 20 seconds in T1, but I'll take that over getting a blister. Maybe if you train enough without socks then you could build up the toughness of your skin and you wouldn't blister, but personally I just do everything with socks on.

I did myself a big favor last year and incorporated some hill work into my cycling workouts. Sounds like you survived pretty well on the bike. I don't know how your time/speed compares to your training, but it seems like you did well. I also didn't have particularly good run times last year. Although, I'd say my run times during my two sprint tris were almost on par with what I was doing in 5Ks. After my last tri, I concentrated on my running over the two months following that and really made some gains.

Remember, it's still only April, so there's plenty of time still to train. When is your "A" race?

After a bit of introspection I was pretty happy with this race. I struggle with my previous success with running and forget that was 15 years ago and 30 pounds lighter. We have rolled out a new therapy at work and it has occupied a lot of time and I have missed more than a few workouts. I have modified my plan and re-focused on running. I added a few tempo and interval workouts and turned up the intensity. instead of missing a run I will miss a swim. I had a race planned for mid May but I have to work and the the alternative race is this coming weekend. I decided not to register in favor of finding a 5K this month. I have to keep reminding myself that although I am a lot slower than 15 years ago, I am a lot faster than 3 years ago and that's a bigger deal.

I do roll my socks but find that I fumble everything. I have never tried to bike without shoes and certainly haven't tried running. I wish I had some hills, but there is seriously none. I have heard that they are planning on building a triathlon training center about an hour from here. I wonder if they will build a hill.

2015-04-27 10:05 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion
Originally posted by Dominion

Originally posted by nrpoulin Alright sorry it has taken so long. I have had a number of really tough days at work. Second race of the season this past Sunday. Another pool swim sprint 300y/10m/3.1. Slightly bigger field here with a number of the same athletes as well. Here is the link Another single file swim. I seeded at 1:40 when I registered and thought about changing to a 1:35 but decided this race I would try to improve my transitions and would swim in a tri top. The swim went well. Passed two people, and one in the middle of a lap as he wouldn't hold at the wall. Left the pool at 4:50-4:55. Felt good and happy with this time. T1 went smooth could be faster without socks. The bike went good. One of the guys I passed in the pool left TA before me. He was at my last race and I knew we were close on the bike, and he beat me on the run. I passed him and pushed for the next racer (Ed). There were a lot of hills and the course was fun. Felt a little more confident opening it up on the downhills with a better road surface underneath me than last month. Maxed out at 37 mph, which maybe a record for me. I also had to use my small ring which was also a first.. My average speed was similar this race to the last. The winner (same as last month) was 1.5 mph slow this race. Ed and I jockied a little but I passed him at mile 9 and didn't see him again till the run. Later he told me he had purchased a power meter and was racing by power. T2 went okay with exception of loosing a shoe, and having to go back for it. Off on the run I started out and ED was on my heals (he had a better transition again). I stay right behind him for about half a mile and his pace was to fast for me. I slow from a 7:30 to 9:40. Although there were some uphills and downhills overall the trend for the first half was winding up a hill and then winding down. First mile was 9:15 pace, then 9:20, and finished with 9:05. I got passed by two people and wasn't able to respond. I did push the last 0.3 mile pretty hard as i heard foot steps. Once again I was limited by the run. Decided to focus morn on the run and take a swim workout off the books. That being said I haven't ran yet this week. Hoping for a bike and run tomorrow after I get off work in the morning.

Nice race! Sounds like a great swim and bike. Keep working on that run, it will come along with consistent work.


Thanks Chris
2015-04-27 10:10 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion
That is awesome Todd.


2015-04-29 9:09 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion
Originally posted by nrpoulin

After a bit of introspection I was pretty happy with this race. I struggle with my previous success with running and forget that was 15 years ago and 30 pounds lighter. We have rolled out a new therapy at work and it has occupied a lot of time and I have missed more than a few workouts. I have modified my plan and re-focused on running. I added a few tempo and interval workouts and turned up the intensity. instead of missing a run I will miss a swim. I had a race planned for mid May but I have to work and the the alternative race is this coming weekend. I decided not to register in favor of finding a 5K this month. I have to keep reminding myself that although I am a lot slower than 15 years ago, I am a lot faster than 3 years ago and that's a bigger deal.

I do roll my socks but find that I fumble everything. I have never tried to bike without shoes and certainly haven't tried running. I wish I had some hills, but there is seriously none. I have heard that they are planning on building a triathlon training center about an hour from here. I wonder if they will build a hill.


I'm glad you're coming around. It's always tough to measure your current success against past achievements. In terms of triathlon (or even running), I have such a limited background that I have so little to compare to. Sadly, I'm setting PRs in my late 40s! Anyway, I'd say you have some positive things to build on as the season progresses.

A triathlon training center sounds pretty cool. I would love it if they had something like that around me.

2015-04-30 2:47 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion

I think this is probably what you are talking about:.

Also a good discussion on ST about it. :;post=5308291;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

2015-04-30 7:04 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion
Originally posted by Dominion

I think this is probably what you are talking about:.

Also a good discussion on ST about it. :;post=5308291;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

So cool!
2015-04-30 7:44 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: April Totals

S: 17224 yds

B: 314 miles

R: 50 miles

Bike focus this month. Swim wasn't bad considering pool was closed for a week for the temp dome to come down.

2015-04-30 7:44 PM
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Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
That's the place. Wilmington has a bunch of races in the surrounding areas. Kinda eyeing that area for retirement

Edited by nrpoulin 2015-04-30 8:57 PM

2015-04-30 10:16 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Intensive training suggestion

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by Dominion

I think this is probably what you are talking about:.

Also a good discussion on ST about it. :;post=5308291;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

So cool!

No doubt, cool!


I had a good month hitting my goals even while putting in 190 hours at work in the last two weeks.  Six more weeks before I start my taper!

April Totals:  

Swim: 9h 38m - 26750.00 Yd

Bike: 24h 03m - 352.55 M

Run: 9h 53m - 64.56 M

2015-05-01 12:56 AM
in reply to: 0

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: April Totals
R: 45.13 miles
B: 152.43 miles
S: 12,100 yards
Strength: 6 hours

My numbers are not as high this month as I would have liked due to attending two different conferences. However, I tried to work my training into this by parking or staying a mile from the conference center and running back and forth each day, although I probably looked funny running in skirts and sandals. Ha ha ha!

I did the Lilac Century Bike Ride with the brick option again last Sunday, although, again, I did the 25-mile loop instead of one of the longer rides. It was interesting comparing my numbers with last year. This year I did the 25-mile ride in 1:56:25 (it's an extremely hilly and difficult course) on my new road bike, while last year, it took me 2:22:00 to ride the 20.34-mile loop on my mountain bike. I didn't have a bike computer last year, so I didn't realize the turn-around area was actually a few miles short of the halfway point. This year, I discovered that little factoid and chose to ride further down the road before turning around to make it a full 25 miles.

And, I ran the 5K in 45 minutes, versus 59 minutes last year. (I didn't remember the 5K run course including a two-mile uphill stretch! OMG!) I didn't really push myself because I don't do any triathlons that include long hills like that, and I didn't want to take a chance on injuring myself, even though I'm 70 pounds lighter than I was this time last year. And it was sure nice picking up that size medium t-shirt instead of the 2X I got last year!

I've been working with my new performance trainer in Spokane a couple of times, and I think I've made some improvements in my running. She has me doing a lot of running drills and she says my form has improved quite a bit. It's going to take a lot of work and a lot of time before I feel comfortable as a runner, but I feel like I'm making progress.

I'm tapering now because the Bloomsday 12K race is this Sunday. It's my first Bloomsday and my longest run ever--I still haven't run 7.5 miles!--and I'm really looking forward to it, especially since a lot of my friends are also participating. It's HUGE and they're pretty much shutting down the entire city of Spokane for the day! It's going to be a lot of fun!

Edited by burner2 2015-05-01 12:58 AM
2015-05-01 6:26 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: April Totals

Swim: 2h 47m 40s - 7000 M
Bike: 3h 24m 34s - 29.78 Mi
Run: 3h 20m 15s - 21.45 Mi

My swim volume was up about 10% this month. I think that is mostly due to not having to cut off as much of my workouts due to foot cramps. I still get them, but I have been able to avoid them to a better degree. I'm going to make a concerted effort to make this the month that I start going to the pool twice a week.

While still not getting a ton of riding in, my bike total was nearly 3x what I did in March so that's a positive start. We still had many days where the high was only in the low 50s at the end of April, so I've still had to supplement with some time on the trainer. This is where I need the most work, especially since I'm moving up to the Olympic distance this year.

My run total is down by nearly 40%. Some of that is due to the fact that I took nearly a week off in the beginning of the month and some of it was due to the fact that I was sick for a good portion of the month. I've got a 10K race that I really want to crush in just over a month, so I'm really going to have to start logging some miles on the run.

It's 3 months until my "A" race, so now I need to start ramping up a little more. I need to start doing longer rides and start to mixing in some bricks.
2015-05-01 9:53 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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New user
Subject: RE: April Totals
My April totals are atrocious. Down in every category and I'm rather embarrassed to even post the numbers.... Much of April's demise came with the passing of my mother-in-law.... and taking care of family. A new added stress is that we're now moving and doing so is/will be stealing my valuable training time for at least another month. Packing stuff up and driving 45 minutes to the new place and all doesn't leave much time for training with getting in the required "fun" time in the kids. (that's my requirement, Triathlon is my hobby, family will always be first) I'm hoping that all this lifting and moving boxes furniture and other things count towards some sort of fitness activities. All the added stress has me burnt out and exhausted by days end and then I haven't been sleeping well so I'm just too tired to think about fitting in a quality workout. I do have a brick run scheduled tonight with a training buddy, but he's dictating the pace, hopefully I can keep up. Somethings better than nothing at this point...

Next race is May 31st on a hilly course. Dropping down to the sprint due to my inability/time constraints in training lately. Age group podium is still my goal, but it's a tough AG in the sprint series. Good luck to everyone as they prepare for their upcoming races! Train smart and have fun out there!

2015-05-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: April Totals

Good luck on Sunday, burner2!!

Scott, I'm sorry to hear about your loss, man.  Thoughts and prayers your way.

2015-05-02 4:41 AM
in reply to: healthlawyer

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: 5k Story with a Happy Ending
Originally posted by healthlawyer

I had a minor pleasant surprise on Saturday. My firm sponsors a local 5k here in PA every year and we get a couple of free entries. I am not a big fan of the 5k distance so I usually only do them on special occasions with my family (Thanksgiving, July 4 etc.) or if they are free. Anyway, I figured I'd jump into this one and be back home before the wife and kids got up. If nothing else, it would be a short tempo run and I was curious to see how I would feel after running on the treadmill all winter. I ran it in 7:54/mi. I was pretty disappointed at first but chalked it up to the fact that it's a very hilly course. So hilly, in fact, that I don't think I will do this race again - even for free. Anyhow, I grabbed a bottle I water and jumped in my car as soon as I finished. Later in the day I logged on to check the official results and it turns out I placed 3rd in the 40-49 age group and 21st overall out of 120+/-. I guess in my disappointment I hadn't really accounted for the fact that it was a tough course for everyone! Now I just have to come to grips with the fact that I closer in age to 49 than I am to 40.

Have a great week!


Nice. Good job!
2015-05-02 4:43 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Gun Time or Chip Time?
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

I have a bit of a rant.  Twice now, with the same race company, I have watched awards given out based on gun time and not chip time.  It cost me the Male Masters award a few weeks ago and maybe the same thing this weekend.  I started my Garmin on the START line and stopped it 10-15 seconds after I cross the FINISH line.  I had 22:26 which really would be 22:16 or so if I would've stopped it at the line.  The timing company has me at 23:00.  That's a lot!!  On their website a few weeks ago they had the results listed by gun time and then changed it a few days later to sort by chip time.  Too late!!  The results from this weekend are in a pdf type format and in gun time.  I have an email into them to see if it's something they do or if it's something the event host requested.

What do you guys usually see in race results, gun or chip?

Interesting... I seem to recall most of the events I do use chip time more than gun time... but I'm getting older and my memory foggier so maybe I'm wrong about that
2015-05-02 6:06 AM
in reply to: ecpasos

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Gun Time or Chip Time?
Originally posted by ecpasos

Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

I have a bit of a rant.  Twice now, with the same race company, I have watched awards given out based on gun time and not chip time.  It cost me the Male Masters award a few weeks ago and maybe the same thing this weekend.  I started my Garmin on the START line and stopped it 10-15 seconds after I cross the FINISH line.  I had 22:26 which really would be 22:16 or so if I would've stopped it at the line.  The timing company has me at 23:00.  That's a lot!!  On their website a few weeks ago they had the results listed by gun time and then changed it a few days later to sort by chip time.  Too late!!  The results from this weekend are in a pdf type format and in gun time.  I have an email into them to see if it's something they do or if it's something the event host requested.

What do you guys usually see in race results, gun or chip?

Interesting... I seem to recall most of the events I do use chip time more than gun time... but I'm getting older and my memory foggier so maybe I'm wrong about that

Same here. I've only done a few events that didn't use chip time and that's because they were so small and didn't use chips! I did one 5K maybe 4 years ago that had a total of 23 runners in it. LOL I joined the race on a whim in preparation for my primary running race of the year 2 weeks later. I ran great and set a new PR at the time. Bad news was that I injured my ankle and it totally screwed up my A race. I think my time difference between the two races was something like 5:00! Ouch and ouch again. Anyway, any race that I've done that has used chips has always used the chip time and never the gun time. That just seems bizarre to me.
2015-05-03 7:18 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: April Totals
Still mostly short workouts but pretty consistent (I think I missed 3 days).

B: 85.7
S: 13,804
r: 45.7

On a different note, I ran the Broad Street 10 miler today with my wife. Perfect day!

2015-05-03 10:49 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: Spokane Lilac Bloomsday 12K Run
Finish time: 01:41:12
Overall place: 17,270th of 42,996
Time up Doomsday Hill: 06:49
Pace per mile: 13:33
Average pace for 52-year-olds: 14:59
Placed 277th among 689 people the same age
Placed 12,426th among 30,571 people from Washington
Placed 1st among 1 person with the same last name
Placed 8,534th among 25,139 females
Placed 129th out of 426 among 52-year-old females
Placed 616th out of 1,966 people in age group
Placed 279th ahead of 19,144 people up Doomsday Hill

This was a lot of fun and the most organized event I've ever competed in! I somehow got placed to start in the middle of the pack, about 35 minutes after the first start group, and a half hour ahead of the final start group. It was a party atmosphere, with beach balls flying and--something I thought was really weird--people throwing their clothes in trees.

When the starter gun went off for my group, we all took off, and the first mile or so was pretty flat, so I made good time. At about mile two, the hills started, and it was all up and down BIG hills for the next four miles. About mile 5.5, we came to "Doomsday Hill," a hill that creates fear in the hearts of Spokanites. They even had separate timing chip lines at the bottom and then at the top to see how long it took people to climb the hill. But, it wasn't nearly as steep as the mountain I live on, so I wasn't so impressed. On the other hand, because this was the farthest run I've ever done and I had two miles left to go, I chose to walk, along with everybody else. I ran again once I got near the top--and accepted a chocolate donut from a strange man on the side of the road--and did pretty well until about 10K. By that point, I was hurting pretty badly, and my time shows it. I took a hydrocodone to finish out the race, but I don't think it kicked in until AFTER I crossed the finish line. However, I did cross the finish line running, and I think I did pretty well, despite wanting to drop and curl into a fetal position at the end. I even came in first in my name group! Woohoo!

My next event is the Troika Sprint Tri at the end of the month.

2015-05-04 5:06 AM
in reply to: #5075698


Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
I love wacky races like this. Sounds like a fun time! Just out of curiosity what was the quickest time up the hill?
2015-05-04 9:21 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: Feb Volume
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Sorry for the late posting. I had a killer start of the month. After working for 80 straight hours I didn't do anything last week. I did have decent March

SWIM 6h 52m 44s - 21900.00 Yd
BIKE 3h 06m 28s - 56.90 Mi
RUN 5h 33m 01s - 38.85 Mi

Really happy with the swim numbers and the improvement in my run volume. Still need to bring the run volume up a little, and need to spend some time on the bike.

Next race next weekend. Keeping the expectations low

Monthly Totals for April
SWIM 2h 31m 36s - 8000.00 Yd
BIKE 6h 35m 06s - 122.21 Mi
RUN 4h 36m 45s - 32.22 Mi

Well despite my best efforts I wasn't able to get close to my run goals this month, and actually down a little. Also down in swimming but that was somewhat intentional, maybe not to that degree. Bike numbers are up but probably need to be a bit higher

We rolled out a new clinical program and this increased my work load tremendously. All things considered I am pretty satisfied with the month, and looking forward to May.

Toward the end of the month I started doing more intervals and tempo runs. I am hoping this turns into some speed this summer.


2015-05-04 11:55 AM
in reply to: iluvlucy1117

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: RE: Dominion's Sprint/Oly/70.3 Group--Closed
Originally posted by iluvlucy1117
I love wacky races like this. Sounds like a fun time! Just out of curiosity what was the quickest time up the hill?

It looks like it was about 2:03, but I'm not sure because that's the fastest time I could find for an age-grouper, who was just a few minutes behind the race winner, Lani Rutto from Kenya. They don't post individual statistics for the non age-groupers. Rutto ran the entire race in 34:22. I can't even imagine! I'd love to run a 5K in 34:22!
2015-05-04 8:34 PM
in reply to: burner2

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: Nice night
Calm, 71 degrees, it would be a really nice, comfortable night for a run. Hmmm, but I'm sitting on the couch having a beer! Pre-Cinco de Mayo Corona for me! I might just have another.
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