BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed Rss Feed  
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2011-08-13 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3642394

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Terps421 - 2011-08-13 6:37 PM
dcon - 2011-08-13 6:19 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-08-13 7:33 PM I'm back and I survived!  Big thunderstorm,  course was 6m too long, but I perservered at a far better pace than a year ago.  The highlight other than getting 'er done...Robby Ventura was doing the ride as a promotional guest and as he was coming up behind me, he told me I was a pocket rocket on the hills....of course, he then flew by with ease while I was chugging away!  This was my last looooooooooooong ride and I'm gladddddddddddddddd.


18+ hours on the bike in one week?  AWESOME!!!



NO 18 hour bike weeks must be thinking about Kim...

Linda--take care of yourself!!!! 

Linda (Terps)--foot healed?????

2011-08-13 8:36 PM
in reply to: #3642482

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-13

NO 18 hour bike weeks here....

according to your logs there are.

2011-08-13 9:05 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Great job, Suzy! Can't wait to watch you rock IMMOO!

Bib numbers for our IMCA racers... totally awesome!!!


I'm having a blast in Vegas! First time I've been here, as I'm usually happier in the woods, and I'm enjoying every moment of it. Saw Zumanity last night, which was absolutely amazing!

Unfortunately, I am feeling like the poster child for "what not to do when preparing for a race"... wore my heels (which I never wear) Thursday night and walked too much. Now I have a huge blood blister on the bottom of my right foot extending up between three of my toes and a quarter size blister on the bottom of my left foot... should make for an interesting 31 miles tonight.  I may be wishing for an alien abduction. Undecided

2011-08-13 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3641653

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
bfwhitt - 2011-08-12 9:25 PM
TrevorC - 2011-08-12 9:04 PM
bfwhitt - 2011-08-12 5:49 PM

If you all don't mind I am jumping back into the fray of these blogs. I have only had time to be a voyeur over the past few months, but you know it is lonely out there and I need some contact with those who live this day in and day out.

So I did my first Oly about a month ago...and I can say I finished..and the swim was good...the rest was down hill. Last race of the year coming up in September. Thanks for the entertainment over the past few months with some very interesting and enlightening topics, I will do my best to contribute...but I am sure I will have more questions then answers.

Down at the Jersey shore this week, and hoping to get lots of training in, ran on the beach today, tried without socks for the first time...that was a mistake...some nice blisters...had to take my shoes off for the last two running in the surf


btw - I had a nano holder as well and hated it...plugs never stayed in my ears, and it always sounded like they were singing underwater...I guess they were

I thought I saw you running down there the other day.


Good to see you back Bruce!!

Yeah that's right The Situation has got nothing on me (well except maybe 30 years younger and a lot more $$$).....Thanks Trevor..

Ok, all this talk of the Jersey Shore, and maybe the picture too, got the best of my curiosity.  I decided it was time I watch an episode.  I lasted 30 minutes into the first episode of the first season!  Oh my, if that show is any indicator of the state of our society, we are doomed. 

On a more positive note, I had another excellent trial run today.  May have been the longest run of the year.  Woot Woot!!

2011-08-13 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3642476

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-08-13 9:07 PM

Hey, all!

Weird week around here.  Took a fall running on Sunday, and it threw me for a loop. Not a bad fall, but achy and scraped up. Also dealing with a flare of RA - not fun, making me whiney.  Flew down to SoCal to start my girl at grad school, and sent my guys on a backpacking trip.  Putting around the house, cleaning, sorting, etc......doing my workouts solo - and light.

Lurking a bit on BT.....sending good thoughts to all!  Amazed at some of your races and workouts!!!

Back in the swing of things soon, I'm sure.


Linda,  Sorry to hear about your fall.  Hope you are all healed and feeling 100% soon.

Trevor,   So excited about your upcoming race.  Will be watching #781. 

Bruce, glad you've come out of the shadows :-)  Congrats on your first oly.

2011-08-14 6:07 AM
in reply to: #3642496

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-13 8:36 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-13

NO 18 hour bike weeks here....

according to your logs there are.

Ok, I guess if you look at it from last Sunday through Saturday it is over 18 hours..WOW.  I had no idea.  No wonder i'm pooped.

2011-08-14 7:15 AM
in reply to: #3642687

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-14 9:07 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-13 8:36 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-13

NO 18 hour bike weeks here....

according to your logs there are.

Ok, I guess if you look at it from last Sunday through Saturday it is over 18 hours..WOW.  I had no idea.  No wonder i'm pooped.


Yep.  You deserve to be pooped (uh oh....that doesn't sound right).   Anyway, if you look at Sat to Sat, you did 22+ hours in 8 days.   That's what I did in July which was my best month ever.    As I said yesterday.....AWESOME.  

2011-08-14 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Suzy- you rock!  Congrats on a great ride. 

Roni- I hope all went well in your race and your blood blister didn't impair you too bad.

Linda- Sorry to hear about your fall.  Hope it's starting to feel better.

2011-08-14 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3642687

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-08-14 7:07 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-13 8:36 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-13

NO 18 hour bike weeks here....

according to your logs there are.

Ok, I guess if you look at it from last Sunday through Saturday it is over 18 hours..WOW.  I had no idea.  No wonder i'm pooped.

Yep. Awesome job.
2011-08-14 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3642531

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
RoniS - 2011-08-13 10:05 PM

Great job, Suzy! Can't wait to watch you rock IMMOO!

Bib numbers for our IMCA racers... totally awesome!!!


I'm having a blast in Vegas! First time I've been here, as I'm usually happier in the woods, and I'm enjoying every moment of it. Saw Zumanity last night, which was absolutely amazing!

Unfortunately, I am feeling like the poster child for "what not to do when preparing for a race"... wore my heels (which I never wear) Thursday night and walked too much. Now I have a huge blood blister on the bottom of my right foot extending up between three of my toes and a quarter size blister on the bottom of my left foot... should make for an interesting 31 miles tonight.  I may be wishing for an alien abduction. Undecided


Just so you don't feel alone I have two blisters on both feet, not from wearing high heels of course (well at least this time).... , I ran without socks for the first time ever on the beach, big mistake....what was I thinking...8 miles....finally had to take the shoes off and run in the surf that was a relief....although when you step on a jellyfish....squish...ewwww

2011-08-14 10:12 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Roni-  Hope your run is going/went well!?!?!?


Nice night for a run I hear??


2011-08-14 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds
18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!
2011-08-14 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Anyone else notice and appreciate the fact it's not 100 f-ing degrees anymore?--well, unless you're in Texas. 

2011-08-14 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3642976

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds

kt65 - 2011-08-14 2:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!

Haven't been around from the start, but that is quite an accomplishment for anyone.  Great job!!!

2011-08-14 2:06 PM
in reply to: #3642976

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds

kt65 - 2011-08-14 12:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound![/QUOTE



You are going to kick some cow butt at IMOO. You are a friggin'

2011-08-14 2:25 PM
in reply to: #3642976

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds

kt65 - 2011-08-14 2:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!

awesome.  here's something for your hard work. 



welcome home to your buddy! 

2011-08-14 2:28 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
2011-08-14 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3642976

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds

kt65 - 2011-08-14 2:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!


Kim, definitely something to be proud of, your swim, wow 40000 yds!! Also, very happy news about our fine troop back from Afghanistan.

2011-08-14 2:45 PM
in reply to: #3642976

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds

kt65 - 2011-08-14 1:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!

I cannot image swimming 4000 yards in a pool!  I never did it last year and am nowhere close to it this year.  Very nice work Kim.  How the heck did you keep track of all those yards?????

Jane--I am loving the cooler weather.  It is one of the reasons my workouts have been going better lately.  For my run today it was only 74F, a dream come true!!

I keep meaning to ask this question, but is anyone planning to sign up for IM Canada, IM LOUR or IM WI when it opens up?  Tracy or Trevor, repeaters?

2011-08-14 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3643051

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds
SSMinnow - 2011-08-14 1:45 PM

kt65 - 2011-08-14 1:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!

I cannot image swimming 4000 yards in a pool!  I never did it last year and am nowhere close to it this year.  Very nice work Kim.  How the heck did you keep track of all those yards?????

Jane--I am loving the cooler weather.  It is one of the reasons my workouts have been going better lately.  For my run today it was only 74F, a dream come true!!

I keep meaning to ask this question, but is anyone planning to sign up for IM Canada, IM LOUR or IM WI when it opens up?  Tracy or Trevor, repeaters?

I think Michelle understands I have a bit of a 'bug' now. It won't be next year though. 

But June 2013, I turn 40. IMCDA is in June.....Idaho is nice in June right?

2011-08-14 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

No longer a virgin on the bike, first crash, and hopefully the last (but I doubt it).

Hit my first car on ride today, driver took a right hand turn right in front of me, I was on the white line and it was wet and slick, applied the brakes and kept sliding, didnt want to wipe out so let out the brakes and hit the back of the car, luckily was only going about 12mph, hit the back of the car with my left brake handle and squished my hand a little, then was able to steer along the right side of the car and stay on the bike. Only bent the my hand brake a little...this could have been a lot worse.....

Guy slowed down and passenger asked if i was ok, they never stopped, I hope they have lots of scratches on thier car.

going to order my road ID now...Smile

Edited by bfwhitt 2011-08-14 5:06 PM

2011-08-14 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3643170

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
bfwhitt - 2011-08-14 5:05 PM

No longer a virgin on the bike, first crash, and hopefully the last (but I doubt it).

Hit my first car on ride today, driver took a right hand turn right in front of me, I was on the white line and it was wet and slick, applied the brakes and kept sliding, didnt want to wipe out so let out the brakes and hit the back of the car, luckily was only going about 12mph, hit the back of the car with my left brake handle and squished my hand a little, then was able to steer along the right side of the car and stay on the bike. Only bent the my hand brake a little...this could have been a lot worse.....

Guy slowed down and passenger asked if i was ok, they never stopped, I hope they have lots of scratches on thier car.

going to order my road ID now...Smile

Did you get the plate?  That is illegal in WI!  Not that the police would do much, but still.  I am glad that you are ok.  

2011-08-14 5:18 PM
in reply to: #3643165

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds
TrevorC - 2011-08-14 5:00 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-14 1:45 PM

kt65 - 2011-08-14 1:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!

I cannot image swimming 4000 yards in a pool!  I never did it last year and am nowhere close to it this year.  Very nice work Kim.  How the heck did you keep track of all those yards?????

Jane--I am loving the cooler weather.  It is one of the reasons my workouts have been going better lately.  For my run today it was only 74F, a dream come true!!

I keep meaning to ask this question, but is anyone planning to sign up for IM Canada, IM LOUR or IM WI when it opens up?  Tracy or Trevor, repeaters?

I think Michelle understands I have a bit of a 'bug' now. It won't be next year though. 

But June 2013, I turn 40. IMCDA is in June.....Idaho is nice in June right?

You're only 40?

Training all winter long for an IM in a basement?  WOW.

2011-08-14 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Hey Roni - How was the run last night?!  


Today was HOT and Humid...bleh! I did ~9 miles bike ride in an hour.  I was a sweeper for Beginner Group ride...I was helping a lady on her first bike ride in a long time (on a MTB), so it was the slowest ride ever. :-)  

Hope everyone's doing well and training hard, but no harder than Suzy. :-

2011-08-14 7:25 PM
in reply to: #3643165

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closeds
TrevorC - 2011-08-14 6:00 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-14 1:45 PM

kt65 - 2011-08-14 1:33 PM 18 hours on the bike in one week? Nah, definitely not me! But for those of you who have known me since my start here in the MG, or who have seen my struggles with the swim, this morning I swam 4000 yards straight in the pool in 1:31 and change. It is something I could not fathom 1 year ago, but I am really happy about it and how all of these long session in the pool have been going...may not, check that, does not translate to open water for me yet, but I am super stoked! Stayed strong until the end. . Off to a welcome home BBQ for one of our finest troops back from Afghanistan. So happy he is safe and sound!

I cannot image swimming 4000 yards in a pool!  I never did it last year and am nowhere close to it this year.  Very nice work Kim.  How the heck did you keep track of all those yards?????

Jane--I am loving the cooler weather.  It is one of the reasons my workouts have been going better lately.  For my run today it was only 74F, a dream come true!!

I keep meaning to ask this question, but is anyone planning to sign up for IM Canada, IM LOUR or IM WI when it opens up?  Tracy or Trevor, repeaters?

I think Michelle understands I have a bit of a 'bug' now. It won't be next year though. 

But June 2013, I turn 40. IMCDA is in June.....Idaho is nice in June right?

I am currently still planning on signing up for IM Moo 2012 but having second thoughts after this summer.  I thought it'd be easier to get the training in with the daylight hrs all summer but I'm now thinking it'd be nicer to do something a little earlier so we can make a family vacation out of it and not rush it b/c of the kids school.  If I decide to do an ealier one that means I'd have to wait til 2013 and I also turn 40 in May 2013, in fact, just a few days off from IMTX.  I've always wanted to visit TX.

Kim- you are a ROCK STAR!!  I;m in awe!

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