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2008-09-12 9:33 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
gme...hope the rest brings you back to PR form!

Yesterday, selected Daniel

50pullups/400m run/21 reps 95lb thrusters/800m run/21 reps 95lb thrusters/400m run/50 pullups

Completed in 29:39 after a 5:30 min jumprope warmup....I slept well and decided to sleep in this morning rather than getting out for my CFE sprints.

2008-09-12 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Ouch gme, that sounds rough. Take your time healing up!


Pueblo, I feel you man, Doing CFE in the morning is a spirit crusher for me some days, Tuesday I hit the ole snooze myself.  Sometimes the rest is better than the workout anyways.


Today CFE, Swimming

10x50m with 2:00min rest between sets.

This afternoon I'm dreading the clean and jerks... Legs are still a mess from wednesday. Hoping for at least 200+ lbs on 3 out of 5 sets.

Edited by Leegoocrap 2008-09-12 12:17 PM
2008-09-13 1:45 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Woke up, checked CFE website, cried a little bit, now its time to go run 4 seperate 5k's. Sigh... be back some day.
2008-09-14 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Only made 3 out of the 4 5k's for CFE yesterday. So sad I know. Didn't want to risk blisters in the rain though.


Today, looked at "the chief" WOD, decided it would be a little too easy, and scaled it. 

3 Squat Cleans, 135lbs

6 Clapping Push Ups

9 Goblet Squats, 30lbs

5 rounds, max supersets in 3 minutes each round.

Round 1 & 2 - 3 supersets

Rounds 3-5 - 2 Supersets

I was way wrong about scaling this workout. Finished about 3 hours ago and I still don't feel right.

2008-09-16 12:00 AM
in reply to: #1369702


North Carolina
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

I read through most of these pages. I have been lurking on this site for almost two months and love it. Been doing CF for almost 3 years, more off than on. My question is, how do I put a WOD into the training log that's here on the site?

 Thanks, Matt

2008-09-16 12:13 AM
in reply to: #1676403

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
matt0369 - 2008-09-16 12:00 AM

I read through most of these pages. I have been lurking on this site for almost two months and love it. Been doing CF for almost 3 years, more off than on. My question is, how do I put a WOD into the training log that's here on the site?

 Thanks, Matt

Right below the strength training is a box for sports. Crossfit is listed as a "sport" along with a bunch of others ("home improvement" is listed as a sport, which seems odd, but I agree you can get a good workout doing home improvement stuff). Choose that, then just copy and paste the WOD in the comments section. That's probably the easiest way. Alternatively, you can try to list the exercises in the weight training section.

2008-09-16 2:41 AM
in reply to: #1369702


North Carolina
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Makes sense, thank you . I was hoping the big ones like Fran would be in there already.
2008-09-16 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Last night...3xCFWU then "The Chief"-scaled

3reps 120lb power clean
6 reps pushups
9 reps squats

5 3 min rds with 1 min rest

4/3/3/3/3 Wow, this is one Q would like and I'm sure kill at!

This morning - 3xCFWU less pullups then "Fran" 8:23

My body is smoked!
2008-09-16 11:01 AM
in reply to: #1369702

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Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Yesterday... Fran

21,15,9 of 95lb Thrusters and Pull-ups

 4:37, new pr by almost a minute. Pull-ups were kipping, unbroken, thrusters (A$$ to BosuBall) I had to break into mini-sets of 3. (7,7,7 - 5,5,5 - 3,3,3) now, almost 15 hours later, I still don't feel right. Fran always treats me bad, and after chief sunday and heavy clean&jerks friday, my upper body is absolutely smoked.

Felt like crap this morning and hr  was a bit off, so no CFE this morning, hopefully things will be back in check for Michael this afternoon.

2008-09-16 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1677169

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Leegoocrap - 2008-09-16 12:01 PM

Yesterday... Fran

21,15,9 of 95lb Thrusters and Pull-ups

 4:37, new pr by almost a minute. Pull-ups were kipping, unbroken, thrusters (A$$ to BosuBall) I had to break into mini-sets of 3. (7,7,7 - 5,5,5 - 3,3,3) now, almost 15 hours later, I still don't feel right. Fran always treats me bad, and after chief sunday and heavy clean&jerks friday, my upper body is absolutely smoked.

Felt like crap this morning and hr  was a bit off, so no CFE this morning, hopefully things will be back in check for Michael this afternoon.

That's an interesting technique. I can get the first set of 21 on both exercises without rest. How long did you rest? You still got a smoking time... one of the fastest I've seen. Good job.

Fran's a smoker. Absoultey destroys me. Who would have thought a couple of minutes can be that devastating?
2008-09-16 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1369702

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2008-09-16 12:06 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Crossfit this morning with Lisa and Ann. They enjoyed the weights, clean and jerk. They were a little sore from yesterday and they’re new to the lifts, so they took it easy. I enjoyed the work and it was refreshing that I wasn’t trying to overload my CV system.

I should have done another set and also have gone heavier. But I don’t want to push it with the power lifts. I don’t want to hurt myself. I could have gotten up to 135, I think. Maybe higher. Nott too sure. Either way, I am happy.


Tabatas when I was done. I’m very happy with them. I set the speed for 7.6 mph on intervals 1-4. I increased to 7.7 on 5-7 and then 8.0 on #8. I had been fighting my way up to 7.5 for the entire time. The best part is that I felt good when I was done. I wasn’t dying like I usually am.
2008-09-16 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1677383

Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
berlinsd - 2008-09-16 1:03 PM
Leegoocrap - 2008-09-16 12:01 PM

Yesterday... Fran

21,15,9 of 95lb Thrusters and Pull-ups

 4:37, new pr by almost a minute. Pull-ups were kipping, unbroken, thrusters (A$$ to BosuBall) I had to break into mini-sets of 3. (7,7,7 - 5,5,5 - 3,3,3) now, almost 15 hours later, I still don't feel right. Fran always treats me bad, and after chief sunday and heavy clean&jerks friday, my upper body is absolutely smoked.

Felt like crap this morning and hr  was a bit off, so no CFE this morning, hopefully things will be back in check for Michael this afternoon.

That's an interesting technique. I can get the first set of 21 on both exercises without rest. How long did you rest? You still got a smoking time... one of the fastest I've seen. Good job. Fran's a smoker. Absoultey destroys me. Who would have thought a couple of minutes can be that devastating?


My rest was somewhere between 10-15 seconds the first set, probably closer to 5-10 seconds on the 15 and 9 set. The last time I did fran I attempted completely unbroken sets, but was unable to catch my breath about midway through the 15set of pullups and had to break. 

Honestly I feel anybody that can do them (even slower) unbroken is in reality "closer" to a sub-4 minute time. To break 4 minutes you really need to be able to do everything unbroken at a fast pace. It also doesn't hurt to be shorter/more compact. If I could do mine at the same pace unbroken I would be alot closer to the 3-minute mark...but alas, maybe next time.

2008-09-16 6:44 PM
in reply to: #1369702

New Mexico
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
An afternoon of Bike Patrol followed by

"Chief" (scaled)
5x 3 min. Rnds. of:
3x 75 lb power cleans
6x pushups
9x Squats

12 sets total

Probably should have dropped some weight on the power cleans.
2008-09-16 10:24 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD


First 800m - 3:06

First Round - 6:28

Second 800m - 3:18

Second Round - 12:46

Third 800m -  3:23

Finish - 19:21 < New PR by 2:02... whoohoo.
On a side note I absolutely despise this workout. My lower back is like jell-0 on the second and third 800m sprint. (I know, I'm not much of a sprinter...)

2008-09-16 11:51 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Hello folks, so i've been MIA for a bit, work has been crazy busy recently and just haven't had time to log anything! Eek! In any case I am starting to put my focus a bit more on strength now and doing a bit less of the swim, bike, run and even standard CF. I'm planning on playing rugby again this coming season so I need to get my strength up! I'm doing a modified 2x a week version of Starting Strength with a metcon CF workout on the weekend and a few swim/bike/run workouts sprinkled in when I can fit them through the rest of the week.

I can't remember all my workouts that I haven't posted so I'm just going to put down todays and go from there:

4x3 squats - 285, 290, 295, 300lbs (was supposed to just do 3 but I was feeling strong and just wanted to keep going up!)
3x3 shoulder press - 3x120lbs
3x3 deadlift 3x305lbs

Not too shabby for 152lbs, I've been getting some decent gains recently, whenever I start seeing good improvements it gets me really jazzed up. Upper body still has a lot of work to do though.

Now to answer a few questions/comments.

lvthgme - 2008-09-16 10:04 AM

Have any of you done any CF Certs? I'm PONDERING doing one...I'm a bit concerned b/c what if my elbow isn't better?

I have done the level 1 and the Barbell cert, plus for any cert out there I probably know several people that have done it. Which one were you thinking about?

As for going injured, you certainly can, you don't have to participate or go hard on any workouts. It's a lot more fun if you do though, so I would probably try to do it while healthy, especially with how much they cost. Most of them you do have to sign up for well in advance though, so even if you are injured now you should be healed up by the time the cert rolls around (hopefully!) If you want any more in-depth info feel free to send me a PM.

Leegoocrap - 2008-09-16 10:20 AM

Honestly I feel anybody that can do them (even slower) unbroken is in reality "closer" to a sub-4 minute time. To break 4 minutes you really need to be able to do everything unbroken at a fast pace. It also doesn't hurt to be shorter/more compact. If I could do mine at the same pace unbroken I would be alot closer to the 3-minute mark...but alas, maybe next time.

If you can do Fran unbroken you are a stud and probably going sub 3:00. My best time was 3:08 and I'm far from being able to go unbroken. Another guy at my gym has a 2:56 and he can't go unbroken either. At 5'6" I do have the short guy advantage though.

Lastly, way to go everyone, lots of awesome times/weights being posted up here! Keep the PRs rollin!

2008-09-17 9:59 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
3xCFWU less back extension & situps 9:18
3 Rds 800m run/50 back xtensions/50 GHD
2008-09-18 6:24 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

omg...  today's wod is so nasty. Grace you are a mean mean woman. I think this one is going to have to be scaled down for my poor shoulders! 135 was getting close to my 3r max.  It'll take forever to do 30 of them!


This morning, CFE, 30:20 x 8 Running (on the treadmill...ick) 9.0 the entire time. Should have went faster but it said under your 5k pace soo...

2008-09-18 7:09 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Yesterday went for a run, 4.66 miles up some steep hills. Was planning on riding my bike in to work today but my lower calves/achillies were pretty sore from the run (this is what happens when I slack off!) so decided to take it easy, hard lifting day on tap for tomorrow.

On a side note I am getting excited, I'm going to Interbike next week, wooo!!!!
2008-09-18 7:45 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Smoker this morning. Actually wasn't too bad because I couldn't move that fast. I dropped the clean weight to 115 for rounds 4&5.

"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

#1: 3
#2: 4
#3: 3
#4: 4
#5: 3

Total: 17

Afterwards, my buddy and I flipped a truck tire. I brought it down the length of the gym and he brought it back. 5, non-stop, lengths.


Fran tomorrow. I think I'm going to try hard on her. My quads are smoked though.
2008-09-18 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

Grace this afternoon

135lb Clean & Jerk


took way too many breaks, planned on going 5-5-5-5-5-5 the whole way but forearms gave out after 15 reps. Still probably could have pushed harder for under 6min mark... So many cleans here lately, shoulders are just dying.

2008-09-19 6:22 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Fort Bragg
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Fran is no longer my nemesis.

Although I know my form wasn't perfect, it was probably the best I've done for time. So no record books, but I'm happy as a clam. I looked cross at my partner when I was done because I figured that she screwed up the clock. She said that it was the real time.

Previous PR: 5:48

TODAY: 3:42!!!

I stopped three times. I split the middle round into 10 and 5 for both thrusters and pull-ups. Then I split that last set off pull-ups into 5 and 4.

I took a few seconds between sets, but not too many. I knew that long breaks are my nemesis.
2008-09-19 7:56 AM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: ...
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2008-09-19 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD
Nice job on the Fran, smokin time!

Morning workout:
3x3 back squat @ 300lbs
3x3 bench press @ 175lbs
was supposed to do power cleans after this but a new guy came by the gym and I had to answer some questions and such so didn't have time, will try to run by tomorrow morning before my park workout to get them in.
2008-09-19 7:03 PM
in reply to: #1369702

Knoxville area
Subject: RE: CrossFit WOD

5k today... did after swimming for about 30-45 minutes, or at least thats what I blame my time on.

5k - 23:32

Oh well there's always tomorrow.

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