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2009-01-22 8:48 PM
in reply to: #1919741

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Kellie -- glad to hear surgery went well. Let us know how you are doing! What did the doc say? Are you on drugs? (Is that too personal?!) Hope you are feeling good SOON!

2009-01-22 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1919741

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-01-21 9:19 AM

Hey guys, wish me luck!  I go in for my knee surgery tomorrow.  HOpefully it will be a quick easy smooth operation like the doc thinks it will be.   I'll let you guys know this weekend how it went!

 Hope everyone is having a good training week!

Kellie-I was away for 2 days, so sorry I'm getting to this so late. I hope everything went well for you. I'm sending lots of positive energy your way!

2009-01-23 4:31 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED


 Sorry, been swamped all week and missed this, hope all went well!!!



2009-01-23 4:35 PM
in reply to: #1922488

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

razorxp - 2009-01-22 11:19 AM So when is everyones first race of the season? I have a very short sprint (indoor pool) in april and 70.3 in May.


My first ever tri is May 3rd.  It's short, with a pool swim, so should be a good intro.  Hope to do 3 others over the summer, with the final one being an Olympic Distance.  

2009-01-23 4:52 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Thanks for the well wishes here and in my blog everyone!   THe surgery went well.  He removed the Plica and found no further damage so that is good.  Now its just sit and recover time, which drives me a little nuts!  My husband is taking care of me though and got me some movies to, so I will be watching movies and whatnot.  Hopefully the recovery goes as smooth as the surgery.  Time will tell!


Oh, and yes, they gave me Vicoden, except the generic kind is what the pharmacy filled.  The generic brand for Vicoden does not work for me at all, so that kind of sucks.  I would have to pay good money to get the real stuff they told my husband, and I am not in that much unbearable pain.  I popped a few advil.  It just seems to be sore.    Tomorrow I can remove all the wrap.  So we'll see!


Have a great weekend everyone!

2009-01-24 6:43 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Extreme Veteran
Southeastern Michigan
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

It is good to hear that there is no other damage.  Let that hubby take care of you!!!

My first race of the year: the Martian 1/2 Marathon.  I was hoping for a sub 2:00 but I don't believe I am trained that well at all.

2009-01-24 5:22 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

So far I'm planning an Oly in August. It's a small local one, so I'm hoping it will be fairly beginner friendly.

But I'm looking for a couple of 5 and 10K's before that.

2009-01-25 9:01 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Page 2,  hopefully everyone is out training instead of checking BT
2009-01-26 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
So whats on tap for everyone this week?   Im doing more laying around recovering, so give me some good stuff, make me jealous
2009-01-26 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1929010

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kellc09 - 2009-01-26 11:17 AM So whats on tap for everyone this week?   Im doing more laying around recovering, so give me some good stuff, make me jealous

I'm doing week 5 of Jorge's program. But I also know that I have to travel for work on Weds/Thurs again this week, which makes working out impossible on thosae 2 days.

So the plan is this:

Today bike day 1 of week 5.

Tues: Swim and run

Weds- nada


Friday: Day 2 of week 5 bike.

I'm really struggling with the winter Blahs this week. I want to bike outside and that isn't possible.

2009-01-26 3:47 PM
in reply to: #1929010

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kellc09 - 2009-01-26 11:17 AM So whats on tap for everyone this week?   Im doing more laying around recovering, so give me some good stuff, make me jealous


Plan says:

4k swim 

5mile run

I shall see, shoulder is not liking the swim yet.  Any advice on how to adjust my training plan, I am currently on a 17week IM training plan.  The problem is I only have a 70.3 in May and the full in not until August/Nov.  So far I am just adjusting the workouts in order to avoid burnout.

2009-01-26 5:05 PM
in reply to: #1929010

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-01-26 10:17 AM

So whats on tap for everyone this week?   Im doing more laying around recovering, so give me some good stuff, make me jealous

I'll be doing Jorge W8 days 2&3 on W&F. Plan to do easy-ish spins on T/Th mornings. Will run as schedule and weather allow, but hopefully most days. Will probably do a stair workout on Wednesday. Friday I'm gonna do my best friend's boot camp with a 4-mile run and then some abs/etc. work.

Next week I "officially" start my HIM training plan and hope my PT will give me the green light to swim (seeing her just once this week on Th). But if not all is not lost, as the swim is my strength and the sport I can neglect the most. I plan to stick with Jorge and sort-of play around with the plan early on... I feel I have a great base and the time to tweak things for what I'm doing now.

David, what is up with your shoulder??

2009-01-26 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Trainer ride today

Tuesday: run 3 miles

Wednesday: run 6 miles

Thursday: run 3 miles

Friday: Re-test LTHR on trainer

Sat:6 mile run

Sun:12 mile run

Still trying to get in the pool!Frown  Will try again this week

Training for a spring mary and doing Jorge's plan is tough for me!  I have even more admiration for IM athletes who train even harder.

2009-01-26 9:39 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Yesterday was the first day of my HIM training for the bike/swim, and I'm about halfway through my marathon plan so the next week looks like this:

Today: run hill repeats/ swim 3100yd

Tuesday:  bike 1hr/run 45'/ yoga

Wednesday: run 50'/swim 3500yd

Thursday: bike 1hr 15'/swim 1700yd/ yoga

Friday: bike 2hrs/ run 45' (brick)

Saturday: run 2hrs 40'/ yoga

Sunday: swim 3200yd/ yoga

2009-01-26 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Elgin, Ok
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
Tues- Bike 58 min
Swim 29 min

Wed- Run 29 min

Thurs- Bike 1:18 min
Swim 38 min

Fri- Run 38

Sat- off

Sun- Run 48 min
2009-01-27 6:51 AM
in reply to: #1929010

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Millstadt, IL
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

kellc09 - 2009-01-26 10:17 AM So whats on tap for everyone this week?   Im doing more laying around recovering, so give me some good stuff, make me jealous

 We finally have snow here, to the point that I skipped my swim workout at the Y this morning.  Going to ride the trainer after my wife gets up, then do a swim workout @ noon.  I think I discovered the cause of my calf pain, so now I'm waiting on the weather to clear a bit so I can begin running again.  I got sloppy with my form, and was not leaning forward at all, and was keeping my left heel completely off the ground, which was placing too much stress on my calf and causing it to tighten up, so hopefully I can get back to running correctly and pain free. 

2009-01-27 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

Alright, nice workouts going on this week guys


RazorXP, I would think that by the point of the HIM, you will be far enough along in your IM program to complete the HIM as a run through?   If you dont think you will be, I would do a HIM plan, and then go back into the IM plan after the HIM is over.


2009-01-27 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1931797

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-01-27 2:13 PM

Alright, nice workouts going on this week guys


RazorXP, I would think that by the point of the HIM, you will be far enough along in your IM program to complete the HIM as a run through?   If you dont think you will be, I would do a HIM plan, and then go back into the IM plan after the HIM is over.



Completing is not really an issue, my goal is sub 5:15 my problem is that I need to do longer workouts to prepare for the IM without getting bored (burnt out).  I want to redeem my race from last year as leading into the race I was not able to run the 6 weeks leading upto it.   My only real goal for the summer is to stay healthy and still get quality workouts in.


2009-01-27 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1931808

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
razorxp - 2009-01-27 1:19 PM
kellc09 - 2009-01-27 2:13 PM

Alright, nice workouts going on this week guys


RazorXP, I would think that by the point of the HIM, you will be far enough along in your IM program to complete the HIM as a run through?   If you dont think you will be, I would do a HIM plan, and then go back into the IM plan after the HIM is over.



Completing is not really an issue, my goal is sub 5:15 my problem is that I need to do longer workouts to prepare for the IM without getting bored (burnt out).  I want to redeem my race from last year as leading into the race I was not able to run the 6 weeks leading upto it.   My only real goal for the summer is to stay healthy and still get quality workouts in.



Ah ok.  I get the problem now, I read it opposite    The distance isnt going to hurt you really, but if you want more speed to meet your goal, adjust your non endurance days (long days) for more speed than distance.  Leave your long run, bike, swim in, but do more intervals and speed work with the shorter workouts.   

2009-01-27 4:50 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

I just realized a problem with overlapping the marathon and HIM plan... no rest days. So, any suggestions on working a rest/recovery day into the plan? Should I just cut out a couple easy workouts to make a rest day once a week? Could I take a rest day every 10 days and not be overtraining? What about just a swim as an active recovery day? Love to hear any thoughts on this.

2009-01-27 8:21 PM
in reply to: #1932305

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
roni_runnw - 2009-01-27 4:50 PM

I just realized a problem with overlapping the marathon and HIM plan... no rest days. So, any suggestions on working a rest/recovery day into the plan? Should I just cut out a couple easy workouts to make a rest day once a week? Could I take a rest day every 10 days and not be overtraining? What about just a swim as an active recovery day? Love to hear any thoughts on this.


Hey Roni..


Working out 7 days a week wont hurt you if its set up properly.  The key is spreading apart the intense days and easier days.   If you want to get the most out of a "rest" day, only do a swim one day a week.  Swimming is actually quite a nice recovery workout and I have found that if you place a more endurance based swim after your long weekend runs (so say Monday if your long run is Sunday) it actually feels pretty good and helps the legs out when Im done swimming.  Give it a try.   

2009-01-27 10:04 PM
in reply to: #1932710

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
kellc09 - 2009-01-27 8:21 PM

roni_runnw - 2009-01-27 4:50 PM

I just realized a problem with overlapping the marathon and HIM plan... no rest days. So, any suggestions on working a rest/recovery day into the plan? Should I just cut out a couple easy workouts to make a rest day once a week? Could I take a rest day every 10 days and not be overtraining? What about just a swim as an active recovery day? Love to hear any thoughts on this.


Hey Roni..


Working out 7 days a week wont hurt you if its set up properly.  The key is spreading apart the intense days and easier days.   If you want to get the most out of a "rest" day, only do a swim one day a week.  Swimming is actually quite a nice recovery workout and I have found that if you place a more endurance based swim after your long weekend runs (so say Monday if your long run is Sunday) it actually feels pretty good and helps the legs out when Im done swimming.  Give it a try.   

I totally agree... Not coming from any experience of training for a mary and a HIM simultaneously... but I LOVE a swim day after a long run day. It really feels good on the ankles and hip flexors and spine. I takes pressure off and helps get the kinks out in a totally non-impact way. I would also guess that a total rest day now and then would be good both mentally and physically. But that's just me -- and I'm not very good about doing that (I don't like the way my body feels when I don't work out -- I get achy!), but I know it's good for us to do!
2009-01-28 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1856184

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Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

We're getting slammed with a storm today. I was supposed to go to Long Island for the next 2 days but postponed it because of the weather. This was my first thought when the office manager there agreed with my decision: "Great! Now I can get day 2 of the bike week in tonite!" How bad is that?

Every one who's getting hit with this storm, be safe.-Heidi

2009-01-28 9:14 AM
in reply to: #1933138

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Shelby Twp
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED
slow turtle - 2009-01-28 7:58 AM

We're getting slammed with a storm today. I was supposed to go to Long Island for the next 2 days but postponed it because of the weather. This was my first thought when the office manager there agreed with my decision: "Great! Now I can get day 2 of the bike week in tonite!" How bad is that?

Every one who's getting hit with this storm, be safe.-Heidi


Haha, to others it may seem bad, but to us here in this forum, and website probaby, it is a normal thought

2009-01-28 3:41 PM
in reply to: #1856184

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: kellc09's Mentor group - CLOSED

We tend to make the best of whatever situation we are in , don't we!  I came home to a foot of snow, so I got 1.5 hours of snow shoveling in!  I purposely did squats to work the legs and moved fast to get my HR up.  Since I won't be able to run on the roads tonight, at least I got something in.

I'll also do some yoga later this evening.

You bet I'm going to log it as training!Wink

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