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2009-02-09 8:18 AM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hi! All. I know I have been missing for a few days now. THings have been really crazy at work - month end activities, plus last week was just one of crisis managements type weeks.

Anyways, I didn't get all my scheduled workout in last week. But the ones I did, went pretty well. I am starting to finally find my breathing rhythm in swimming. So the swim has been going fairly well. Didn't get all the scheduled run and bike in for last week. I did however walk/jog yesterday for 55 minutes and managed to get 4.2 miles. Longest distance thus far. I am pretty slow in everything but am starting to feel like I am getting into the groove of things. So feel better overall.

Got my swim in this morning. Will try to squeeze in a run this afternoon at work (I have a shower at work so it helps). If not, then will just have to run after work.

2009-02-09 8:56 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

 A rainy monday here.  Can't really complain as we are so in need of some rain.  If it's going to happen, better now than on the wekend.  Although given the conditions  this past weekend, I think I would rather workout in the rain than in 25+ winds.

This week is all about cleaning stuff up and figuring out who to transition my open projects to.  There are 3 or 4 open or ongoing projects.  Other than that, finishing up a few things.  Deal is that this is my last weel 100% dedicated to my current role.  Next week I am splitting my time 50-50 and then the wek of the 23rd I am 100% dedicated to the new job.

The shock of the sudden reassignment has work off and I really am thinking that this is going to be a good opportunty.  Since it is a new position, it is going to be what I make it.

Going to lift at lunchtime and then swim tonight.  I brought my stuff so I will not go home and try to think of 25 reasons why I should blow it off. 

Happy Monday and Happy birthday to my bro!!

2009-02-09 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1949843

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
enders_shadow - 2009-02-06 4:12 PM

When I did it, I ran in the morning before work (but after I dropped off my kids at the daycare by my office)...I would run and then have to cool down a little bit . Once I was no longer dripping sweat, then the baby wipes would work. Probably wouldn't work to go from running back to work immediately.

Good advise, I'll have to add that into my plan. 10 more days in this office and then we move. I can't wait, it will knock almost half an hour each way off of my commute. That's an extra hour a day back to me! Nevermind the aggrivation of sitting in traffic + gas costs. So, I'm excited

Weekend was decent workout wise. Saturday's ride was not good. We had so many flats so I felt like we never got moving. Then we had to cut it short because I had plans and the flats killed our riding time. The last 10 miles the wind picked up and it was brutal. I had to hold my bike sideways and my body the other way just to keep it under control. It was scary and I was so glad to be off the bike. Then Sunday my legs were shot from the ride, so the run hurt more then it should have.

I've been tossing around the idea of the Lonestar Quarter. The winds made me not want to do it. But, it is a fun race and I love that distance. I'm really torn

Pros: Good distance, great race director, lots of BTers
Cons: Cold water (I hate wetsuits), possible winds on the bike course, I haven't been following a plan. Is it too late for me?

2009-02-09 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Go for it Erin!  I am in for the half.  I did the quarter 2 years ago. The water was chilly, but not too bad.  My biggest problem was I did not body glide well and ended up chafeing really bad on the inside of my upper arm.  Did not bother me on the bike, but I had to run with my arms out like I was a chicken.

I don't recall the winds being too terrible, but remember, you get the headwind in one direction, but the tailwind is great.

2009-02-10 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
OK, so yesterday I was supposed to do a 13 mile run for my mary plan...I got all set to go, but my footpod wouldn't work. Last week I did a 12 mile run and it took me 2:14 (but I had a cold)...I figured I would just go run for 2:30 and then map my run when I came back.

It turns out, yesterday, I actually ran 15 miles in 2:34! WHOO WHOO! Fast time and it felt great...probably because I felt like I was only running 13 miles.

I'm sending my footpod to Polar to have them fix it, but gosh, maybe I should just ignore the numbers more often.
2009-02-10 9:45 AM
in reply to: #1954324

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Great run ender!

2009-02-10 5:56 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Someplace I really do not want to spend the night at again...the emergency vet.

At about midnight, Dodger got up (nothing new there) and proceeded to throw up.  OK, not unusual since it had rained and the ground was wet.  This usually menas that when she is outside, she is bug hunting.  We get it cleaned up and get back into bed, and then the coughing started.  She had several bouts of this terrible coughing.  It was different that anything we have heard before.  She would cough for a few minutes, then be OK for a half hour or so but then it would start again.

At 4:30 we decided that this was not OK and put the pups in the car and went to the emergency vet.

They took us right away, I think we were the only people there.  The tech came in and took her temp (normal) and listened to her heart and lungs.  Then the vet came in.  Seriously, she looked to be about 19 years old but she was wonderful.  She spent a lot of time listening to her heart and lungs which was no easy task considering that Dodger was very agitated and panting terribly.  She immediately told us that she was concerned because she could hear an obvious issue that her lungs were not getting enough air.  She told us that there were several things that could cause this (none of this we wanted to hear) and the best way to tell was to do chest x-rays.

They took her to the back.  It was the longest 45 minutes I have experienced in a long time.  Turns out it took so long because she was so worked up that they had to give her a sedative to be able to do the x-rays.

Finally she came back and spent a lot of time with us going over the films.  No masses or tumors (thank God).  She did, however, have some fluid built up in her lungs and around her heart.  I have had experience with this before as my mom's dog had the same condition (but much worse), and knew that there were medications that will help her.

They had to run a blood test to make sure that her kidney and liver functions were OK (which they were) and they gave her a shot of Lasix.  We also have a pill that we have to give her once a day.

Got home about 9 and put all of us to bed.  It was immediately obvious that Dodger was feeling better as her breathing which was sounding laboured and hard was now silent and you could see that she was getting deeper breaths.

The vet told us that we caught this in the very early stages and she expects Dodger to do very well on the medication.  We do have to follow-up with our own vet but as of now (12:30 pm) she is coming out of her sedation stupor, we got about 3 hours of sleep and life is very very good.

Thank you Dr. Turner!

Not doing our run tonight.  We'll see how we are doing later.
2009-02-11 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Looks like the meds that Dodger got are working.  No coughing at all last night.  The downside of this medicine is that it makes her have to pee more frequently so she did get us up a number of times.  I guess that's better than peeing on the floor though.

Never had trouble falling back to sleep so it was a good night.

Bike intervals tonight.  Starting to get mentally prepared for 3 hours on the tri bike on Saturday.  I am actually looking forward to it!

2009-02-11 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Marcy, I am so glad Dodger is ok! I'm sure that 45 minutes felt like an eternity. I'm a complete mess when my pets are sick and in for exams. We had a bad year last year with our babies (3 of the 4 got very sick) and it was horrible. I'm hoping 2009 is better for us.

As for Lonestar, thanks for your opinion I'm almost committed, just haven't taken the plunge yet.
2009-02-11 12:03 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hi there, remember me?

I've not been posting in here because i don't feel like I have anything much to talk about. I've not been motivated to do much training for the last few weeks. I've gotten in a few good sessions and many mediocre ones. I've also let my nutrition slip. Haven't put any weight back on but I haven't taken anymore off either. Anyway, my 26 week plan to IMKY begins march 1 so maybe I'll just take it easy untill then and hope I get motivated between now and then. Haver a great week all.

2009-02-11 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Sorry to hear about Dodger...hope today brings continued healing.

Was supposed to swim today - as I've been avoiding the pool religiously - but life has gotten in the way and it looks like a trainer ride late tonight. Meh.

2009-02-15 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hey all,  Looks like Dodger is on the mend.  After numerous tests (and being really thankful for pet insurance), the diagnosis is COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.  It is manageable and she seems to be doing much better.

Last week was obvuiously a bust with training, but some things are more important.   Today starts a new week and it is starting with a 1:20 run.  We decided to go do a trail run.  Not what we need to be doing 2 weeks before our half marathon, but it's what we want to do!

2009-02-15 2:13 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Glad to hear you have a diagnosis - I had no idea dogs could get COPD.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
2009-02-17 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
I'm so glad Dodger is doing better!

I had a super busy weekend and during a moment of weakness on the trainer Sunday I signed up for Lonestar. So, I'm in for the Quarter!
2009-02-18 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Yeah Erin!!  LoneStar is going to be a BLAST!!  I just hope the water is not too cold.  That is my biggest fear
2009-02-18 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1968077

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
dodgersmom - 2009-02-18 9:48 AM

Yeah Erin!!  LoneStar is going to be a BLAST!!  I just hope the water is not too cold.  That is my biggest fear

OK, talk to me about cold water....

I have a wetsuit (but have never had a WS legal race). I'm doing an early season oly (May) where it will be cold and WS encouraged. If the water is ~60-65 degrees, don't your feet and hands get cold?

2009-02-19 12:56 PM
in reply to: #1968156

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
enders_shadow - 2009-02-18 9:21 AM

dodgersmom - 2009-02-18 9:48 AM

Yeah Erin!!  LoneStar is going to be a BLAST!!  I just hope the water is not too cold.  That is my biggest fear

OK, talk to me about cold water....

I have a wetsuit (but have never had a WS legal race). I'm doing an early season oly (May) where it will be cold and WS encouraged. If the water is ~60-65 degrees, don't your feet and hands get cold?

I am hoping the water isn't too cold too! I wish I could help answer your question Kristen, but I've only worn a wetsuit in one race. I hate, hate HATE wetsuits, I have a thing about not liking anything touching my neck. I feel like I am choking. So the entire race all I could think was that I was going to suffocate and die. I honestly didn't feel anything and my pace was slowed by over 10 sec/100 with the wetsuit on because I was so uncomfortable. I really can't remember feeling my hands or feet.
2009-02-20 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1968156

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Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

enders_shadow - 2009-02-18 9:21 AM
dodgersmom - 2009-02-18 9:48 AM Yeah Erin!!  LoneStar is going to be a BLAST!!  I just hope the water is not too cold.  That is my biggest fear
OK, talk to me about cold water.... I have a wetsuit (but have never had a WS legal race). I'm doing an early season oly (May) where it will be cold and WS encouraged. If the water is ~60-65 degrees, don't your feet and hands get cold?

Yes they will get cold when you are waiting to go, but as soon as everyone starts beating on each other you will either warm up, get numb, or forget about your hands and feet.  60-65 won't be horrible. Just make sure to get in and warm up before your wave.  This will let you get used to the sensation of putting your face in the water.  That is likely to be the only unpleasant surprise if you haven't done it already.

2009-02-22 3:17 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Did my first race of the season this morning. Not too bad for as cold as it was. Here is my RR:

and some pics:


2009-02-22 4:28 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Great job Scott!!!
2009-02-23 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller Tx
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Hi all, Just wanted to show off the new lids that Marcy and I will be sporting this season.  I will look like a major poseur, but i'll look good being one!  I did them myself BTW.

Edited by Doughboy 2009-02-23 4:30 PM

2009-02-24 12:23 PM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Great job Scott.

Steve - Love the little ghost dude on the helmet.

2009-02-27 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1856442

Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full

Today, for the first time I swam 400 yards in under 10 minutes (9:57). Woo hoo. I am totally psyched about it.

This is my shorter distance/time week. So 400 yds swim this morning and later a 5 mile bike ride.


2009-02-27 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Whoo Hoo Lina!  Great job
2009-03-03 9:09 AM
in reply to: #1856442

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Keller, Texas
Subject: RE: Dodgersmom and Doughboy's Group -Full
Where did everyone go???
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