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2009-01-06 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1889687

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
naners - 2009-01-06 10:51 AM

Hi all!

Looks like everyone's been busy over the past couple of days.  I saw a biggest loser reference, and had to comment that I love that show...and hope that it's a little less catty this season!

Hi Nalani...what you been up to? Is it raining where you are too?

2009-01-06 1:19 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hey everyone, I'm just checking in. The holidays are over and I just weighed in on Monday at 217.5. That is my highest ever. It was a little bit of a reality check. Anyway, I'm more dedicated to getting back in shape now.

Looks like I've got a lot of pages to read to catch up.

2009-01-06 1:30 PM
in reply to: #1889769

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-06 8:18 AM
naners - 2009-01-06 10:51 AM

Hi all!

Looks like everyone's been busy over the past couple of days.  I saw a biggest loser reference, and had to comment that I love that show...and hope that it's a little less catty this season!

Hi Nalani...what you been up to? Is it raining where you are too?

Hi!  It has been wet on and off for the past couple of days, but not at the moment.  Right now, it's a little cloudy...but the blue skies are trying to come out.  Is it rainy in your neck of the woods?

2009-01-06 1:51 PM
in reply to: #1889819

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
naners - 2009-01-06 11:30 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-06 8:18 AM
naners - 2009-01-06 10:51 AM

Hi all!

Looks like everyone's been busy over the past couple of days.  I saw a biggest loser reference, and had to comment that I love that show...and hope that it's a little less catty this season!

Hi Nalani...what you been up to? Is it raining where you are too?

Hi!  It has been wet on and off for the past couple of days, but not at the moment.  Right now, it's a little cloudy...but the blue skies are trying to come out.  Is it rainy in your neck of the woods?

it was drizzling...more like a very damp fog....and I am thrilled because it looks like it is clearing up here, also! Want to go for a ride with me, Nalani? I am going to go ride my favorite loop - and it is really scenic...and not too awfully hilly. Whatcha say? lets go ride!

2009-01-06 1:59 PM
in reply to: #1889775

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
ScotInMinnesota - 2009-01-06 11:19 AM

Hey everyone, I'm just checking in. The holidays are over and I just weighed in on Monday at 217.5. That is my highest ever. It was a little bit of a reality check. Anyway, I'm more dedicated to getting back in shape now.

Looks like I've got a lot of pages to read to catch up.

Hi Scot - Tis the season to be a bit overweight...and now is the time to start that training program to get you back where you want to be. What is your first race you are aiming for?  and what is it that motivates you? we all answered this and I am hoping to compile this that as a team we can do our parts and try to help each other get to our short term and long term goals. Glad to have you back.

2009-01-06 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1889765

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-06 2:17 PM
Sledge - 2009-01-06 10:57 AM
Girl Passing on Left

do you like your clip on aerobars? I seem to ride a lot in the crouched position and wondering if I should give them a tri try.

Aero bars made a big difference for me!  I don't know all of the physiology (is that a real word?) of it, but the first thing it did was reduce my heart rate, thereby helping endurance.  The second thing is that you are in a different position, and it just seems that you can use your legs more effectively.  Since my legs are the strongest part of me, that's a good thing.

are there lots of brands of aerobars? what do you use Cheri and Nicole?

Starting in 2007 on my Specialized Sequoia I first tried Profile Design GT Jammers but couldn't get my wrists comfortable. I switched to Profile Design T2+ (s-bend design)and was very happy with them. When I moved them to the Allez I found that I didn't feel like I was in control and needed to find something else. I ended up with some r-bend design aerobars from an uncommon brand called BBB.

IMO bars that are adjustable for width, length, and rotation offer the most ability to dial them in to suit you.

2009-01-06 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hey all!

Whew! I think I caught up on all my reading, but I just skimmed some of the posts.

Sorry to be MIA for a few days - I had a nice surprise when I got home from work Friday. My son & husband decided to remodel the bathroom (we only have one, of course!) so that's what I did all weekend. They're big starters, but slow finishers and I'm hosting a PTA meeting tonight, so needed to get it usable again. I did manage a trainer ride (just butt conditioning for now) and a long run, so I wasn't completely off the grid.

Today I'm doing my medium length run and need to start some core training because my lower back is giving me issues since I started trainer-riding. Maybe I'll try to get outside for tomorrow's ride, but I'm a cold-wimp. Cold for me is sub-50 F (that's about, what, 16 C?). I DO mean WIMP!

Don't obsess on the weight too much, now. Cut yourselves some slack, it's a tough time of year and you know you can get back on the wagon! I think Biggest Loser does start tonight - I have it on my record list and am looking forward to some inspiration.

Have a great day all!
2009-01-06 3:02 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I made it to the gym this am. It was good. I did a 1000m swim and a 5 mi bike. Not too shabby.
It was not crazy busy, which I like. But I get to go at a good time. The pool is small. It only has three lanes. I like it for the winter because it is indoors. But the other pool I used to swim has 15 lanes and it is beautiful. It is outdoor, which is great in the summer, but it is a bit chilly for me in the winter. After my 14 day trial, I think I will be joining.

2009-01-06 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Wow this whole working and BT forum thing is tough. Certainly not going to give up BT so.... yep, wishful thinking. Smile The thread seems to grow exponentially (math teacher here) each time I go back to it but I love reading through and then of course recognize the importance of the Inspires and logging my miles/minutes.

Sorry to hear about all of the rainy days out there...No rain here (too cold for rain! Smile) but the sun isn't shining either. Hope that you can all get out or stay in to do a run/ bike/ swim/ stretch/ walk/ weight train/core train.

I agree with Trish that some of you are pretty hard on yourselves with the weight thing. You are all training hard so you're well on your way- it will take time. Typically the faster it comes off, the faster it will likely go back on too. If anyone likes cookbooks- there are a couple by two Canadian gals called LooneySpoons and Crazy Plates. They are perfect for people looking for healthy meals. They have all the nutritional information and give tons of fun little tidbits and facts about nutrition. It is even just fun for reading as they come up with crazy names for recipies like 'It's a Wonderful Loaf' for my fave meatloaf recipie or 'Isn't she Loafy' for a tasty chocolatey zucchini loaf. Another solid choice is 'Ultimate Foods for Ultimate Health.'

Hope the sunny skies are back for you all soon! 

Yvonne Kiss

2009-01-06 5:24 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I weighed in so high this morning I can't even bring myself to post it.  My back is not so good, so I've been taking it easy and my appetite hasn't realized that I'm not burning so many calories yet.  I'm sort of glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with that right now, but good luck to all of us trying to lose it!

Sorry I've been bad about checking in.  I can rarely get here from work anymore (non-work related sites are blocked) and home is just hectic.  By the time I'm done taking care of the kids, training, cleaning, doing laundry, etc., I only have 6 hours until I have to start it all over again...and it's always good to have a little sleep in there to help get it all done.  I actually tried to check in from the phone on the elliptical last night...but it's tough for me to post without getting dizzy

I was able to check out some blogs yesterday and looks like everyone is training well right now! 



2009-01-06 6:12 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I rode a short little ride...had to get is sunshining and not sure how long it will last. I am hoping to ride to the pool, swim and then take a short ride again tomorrow. Hope everyone else has some type of workout planned. Great job on checking in and letting us know what you are doing...everyone! KIU!

2009-01-06 6:23 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
2009-01-06 6:50 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I ran with crazy Dan, my coaching buddy this afternoon.  He always comes up with new ways to torture me!  Today we started with a one mile warm-up, then ran the next 0.2 at race pace or better, the rest of that mile at a recovery pace.  Then at mile 2 we started over again, except this time we ran 0.3 miles at better than race pace, then a shorter recovery distance.  You can see what's coming, right?  At mile 3, we ran 0.4 miles at a blistering pace, then I nearly collapsed!   Actually, I managed to jog it in to the car, then collapsed.  Great day!


2009-01-06 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Well I think our group is really coming together, thanks to are a very special lady and I am glad you invited me to your group.

I agree with Monica,Trish and Yvonne, that we are being pretty hard on ourselves about the weight, or I know I am....from this day on I will not beat myself up over my weight, I am already feeling lighter and better since I (like Julie) am back on my regular (non-holiday) nutrition. I will be weighing in each Monday though and posting it, it will keep me accountable.

Cheri - thanks for your encouragement and inspiration...I appreciate your positive attitude.

Amy CA - good job getting your swim and bike in today.

Lyssa - I'm glad you have a keyboard now, you are just an energizers battery...go, go , have an electric personality.

Nicole - great job on the roller...ha...I know what they are now.

Dan - Have you lived in Japan your entire life? Do speak Japanese and English? This is the first time I have ever talked to anyone in Japan, it's pretty cool.

Julie H. - another Hoosier to chat with and hopefully meet soon, we only live 45 min from one another. I'm glad you enjoyed your spin class and good job...your going to do great!

Jennifer - I hope you get over the treadmill blues, sometimes that is our only option, I hate them too.

Isabelle - Hope it is getting a bit easier to juggle all your responsiblities and training.

Scot - very glad to hear from you, and glad your back in the groove.

Patricia - three months until your half marry...good luck with training.

Naners - Do you ocean swim much?

Everyone have a great evening....and let's kick butt the rest of this week!!!!

Amy IN
2009-01-06 6:57 PM
in reply to: #1890594

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
AndriaLL - 2009-01-06 3:24 PM

I weighed in so high this morning I can't even bring myself to post it.  My back is not so good, so I've been taking it easy and my appetite hasn't realized that I'm not burning so many calories yet.  I'm sort of glad to see I'm not the only one struggling with that right now, but good luck to all of us trying to lose it!

Sorry I've been bad about checking in.  I can rarely get here from work anymore (non-work related sites are blocked) and home is just hectic.  By the time I'm done taking care of the kids, training, cleaning, doing laundry, etc., I only have 6 hours until I have to start it all over again...and it's always good to have a little sleep in there to help get it all done.  I actually tried to check in from the phone on the elliptical last night...but it's tough for me to post without getting dizzy

I was able to check out some blogs yesterday and looks like everyone is training well right now! 



Andria - no worries if you are not able to check in daily...we understand...and if your back is not doing take it easy girl. In fact I think its time for a swim in  your need to put those kids to bed a little early tonight and while you are tucking them in - draw a nice hot bubble bath for yourself and soak those aches away! Feel better and join in when you can...and as soon as you are whole again come and have some fun with us!

2009-01-06 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1890742

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

DAN YOU ARE THE MAN!!! thanks for doing that! I was having a boogar of a time trying to get the links to work...HTML is not my thangy! so thanks BUNCHES! you are d best!

2009-01-06 7:08 PM
in reply to: #1890785

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-01-06 4:50 PM

I ran with crazy Dan, my coaching buddy this afternoon.  He always comes up with new ways to torture me!  Today we started with a one mile warm-up, then ran the next 0.2 at race pace or better, the rest of that mile at a recovery pace.  Then at mile 2 we started over again, except this time we ran 0.3 miles at better than race pace, then a shorter recovery distance.  You can see what's coming, right?  At mile 3, we ran 0.4 miles at a blistering pace, then I nearly collapsed!   Actually, I managed to jog it in to the car, then collapsed.  Great day!


Oh how many miles did you do Cheri? hoping you are in your jammies and propped up reading a good magazine or watching a good show. GREAT RUN SISTER! YOU GO GIRL! I cant wait to see your next race day times! my oh my! you are going to FLY!!!

2009-01-06 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1890788

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-06 4:53 PM Well I think our group is really coming together, thanks to are a very special lady and I am glad you invited me to your group. I agree with Monica,Trish and Yvonne, that we are being pretty hard on ourselves about the weight, or I know I am....from this day on I will not beat myself up over my weight, I am already feeling lighter and better since I (like Julie) am back on my regular (non-holiday) nutrition. I will be weighing in each Monday though and posting it, it will keep me accountable. Cheri - thanks for your encouragement and inspiration...I appreciate your positive attitude. Amy CA - good job getting your swim and bike in today. Lyssa - I'm glad you have a keyboard now, you are just an energizers battery...go, go , have an electric personality. Nicole - great job on the roller...ha...I know what they are now. Dan - Have you lived in Japan your entire life? Do speak Japanese and English? This is the first time I have ever talked to anyone in Japan, it's pretty cool. Julie H. - another Hoosier to chat with and hopefully meet soon, we only live 45 min from one another. I'm glad you enjoyed your spin class and good job...your going to do great! Jennifer - I hope you get over the treadmill blues, sometimes that is our only option, I hate them too. Isabelle - Hope it is getting a bit easier to juggle all your responsiblities and training. Scot - very glad to hear from you, and glad your back in the groove. Patricia - three months until your half marry...good luck with training. Naners - Do you ocean swim much? Everyone have a great evening....and let's kick butt the rest of this week!!!! Amy IN

Wow are soo cute...I love this post! You definitely deserve the: 

2009-01-06 7:28 PM
in reply to: #1890860

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-06 5:20 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-06 4:53 PM Well I think our group is really coming together, thanks to are a very special lady and I am glad you invited me to your group. I agree with Monica,Trish and Yvonne, that we are being pretty hard on ourselves about the weight, or I know I am....from this day on I will not beat myself up over my weight, I am already feeling lighter and better since I (like Julie) am back on my regular (non-holiday) nutrition. I will be weighing in each Monday though and posting it, it will keep me accountable. Cheri - thanks for your encouragement and inspiration...I appreciate your positive attitude. Amy CA - good job getting your swim and bike in today. Lyssa - I'm glad you have a keyboard now, you are just an energizers battery...go, go , have an electric personality. Nicole - great job on the roller...ha...I know what they are now. Dan - Have you lived in Japan your entire life? Do speak Japanese and English? This is the first time I have ever talked to anyone in Japan, it's pretty cool. Julie H. - another Hoosier to chat with and hopefully meet soon, we only live 45 min from one another. I'm glad you enjoyed your spin class and good job...your going to do great! Jennifer - I hope you get over the treadmill blues, sometimes that is our only option, I hate them too. Isabelle - Hope it is getting a bit easier to juggle all your responsiblities and training. Scot - very glad to hear from you, and glad your back in the groove. Patricia - three months until your half marry...good luck with training. Naners - Do you ocean swim much? Everyone have a great evening....and let's kick butt the rest of this week!!!! Amy IN

Wow are soo cute...I love this post! You definitely deserve the: 

Wait...Dan you win too! for completing that lovely red team chart.

Edited by Girl Passing on Left 2009-01-06 7:29 PM
2009-01-06 7:38 PM
in reply to: #1888726

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Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-01-06 8:06 AM

Hi my friends !  I made it through spin class and REALLY, all because of the wonderful tips I was given by you all, and by youtube ! lol  I watched some tutorials on how to set up the bike.

Instructor was very nice, there are two avid bikers in the class, they ride 100's of miles.  Two gals who just got new fancy bikes and are training for 100 mile rides and two of us newbies. Oh yeah, I talked about BT and triathlons, they are considering them, but none of them are after it like I am ! lol

They had three rules, no politics, no religion and drink your water bottle.  LOL  We joked about the seat pain (and wow was I glad when all the bits/butt got numb). I was SOAKED with sweat and so was the new guy with me, the others seemed like they could go clubbing right after class but they were working so unbelievably is that ? lol

The class was an hour, and I did as suggested, took it easy, brought my towel and a water bottle (I had gatoraid........figured if I cramped up it would help me).  Truly thank you all for helping me get through it.  I go back on Wednesday night and now I love having the first class under my belt.


You are now a spin queen! Congrats

2009-01-06 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1889904

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-06 8:51 AM
naners - 2009-01-06 11:30 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-06 8:18 AM
naners - 2009-01-06 10:51 AM

Hi all!

Looks like everyone's been busy over the past couple of days.  I saw a biggest loser reference, and had to comment that I love that show...and hope that it's a little less catty this season!

Hi Nalani...what you been up to? Is it raining where you are too?

Hi!  It has been wet on and off for the past couple of days, but not at the moment.  Right now, it's a little cloudy...but the blue skies are trying to come out.  Is it rainy in your neck of the woods?

it was drizzling...more like a very damp fog....and I am thrilled because it looks like it is clearing up here, also! Want to go for a ride with me, Nalani? I am going to go ride my favorite loop - and it is really scenic...and not too awfully hilly. Whatcha say? lets go ride!

How's about I cheer you on while I go for a jog .

2009-01-06 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1890788

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-06 1:53 PM Well I think our group is really coming together, thanks to are a very special lady and I am glad you invited me to your group. I agree with Monica,Trish and Yvonne, that we are being pretty hard on ourselves about the weight, or I know I am....from this day on I will not beat myself up over my weight, I am already feeling lighter and better since I (like Julie) am back on my regular (non-holiday) nutrition. I will be weighing in each Monday though and posting it, it will keep me accountable. Cheri - thanks for your encouragement and inspiration...I appreciate your positive attitude. Amy CA - good job getting your swim and bike in today. Lyssa - I'm glad you have a keyboard now, you are just an energizers battery...go, go , have an electric personality. Nicole - great job on the roller...ha...I know what they are now. Dan - Have you lived in Japan your entire life? Do speak Japanese and English? This is the first time I have ever talked to anyone in Japan, it's pretty cool. Julie H. - another Hoosier to chat with and hopefully meet soon, we only live 45 min from one another. I'm glad you enjoyed your spin class and good job...your going to do great! Jennifer - I hope you get over the treadmill blues, sometimes that is our only option, I hate them too. Isabelle - Hope it is getting a bit easier to juggle all your responsiblities and training. Scot - very glad to hear from you, and glad your back in the groove. Patricia - three months until your half marry...good luck with training. Naners - Do you ocean swim much? Everyone have a great evening....and let's kick butt the rest of this week!!!! Amy IN

I like it.  It kind of also serves as cliffs notes for "what's going on with our group."  And to answer your question, I used to do quite a bit of ocean swimming, but not so much anymore.  How does it feel now that you started your "training is in order?" 

2009-01-06 8:34 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Amy, your post was so lovely !  A little sweetness for all of us ! YOU ROCK

and how cool is that, we are only 45 minutes from each other !!!  I can't wait to meet you in person !

Weight loss will come for all of us that are after it !  Just keep going toward our goals !!

Good night to you all, tomorrow is a new day for eating right and exercise. Plus, how cool is it to wake up to all of our friends on BT !!!!

Thanks for your encouragment means the world to me !

2009-01-06 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1890797

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-07 9:59 AM
dcon - 2009-01-06 4:23 PM

DAN YOU ARE THE MAN!!! thanks for doing that! I was having a boogar of a time trying to get the links to work...HTML is not my thangy! so thanks BUNCHES! you are d best!

My pleasure.  Will be happy to update it again if required.  Note that the "GPOL Mentor Forum Link" near the top of the chart does work and will take you to the last page of the forum.

2009-01-06 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1890788

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-07 9:53 AM 

 Dan - Have you lived in Japan your entire life? Do speak Japanese and English? This is the first time I have ever talked to anyone in Japan, it's pretty cool. 

 Amy IN


Hi Amy: I grew up near Buffalo (lots of snow & cold), went to college near Chicago (less snow, but still cold).  I've been out of the US since '87 and most of the time in Japan, but also lived/worked for two years in Thailand and 1.5 years in the UK.    My Japanese is okay -  I can muddle through most conversations and am still trying to study.  Luckily my wife's English is better than my Japanese.


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