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2009-04-19 1:24 PM
in reply to: #2093609

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
lmscozz - 2009-04-18 8:17 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-04-18 5:45 AM
lmscozz - 2009-04-17 9:28 PM

reid15 - 2009-04-17 6:54 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-17 9:29 PM HI EVERYONE.  QUICK FLY BY.  ill be back through to read/respond to posts.

quick question.

does anyone HAVE/USE a GARMIN FORERUNNER 310XT??  [w foot pod and bike sensor]

ive been looking at one online.  and REI has them on sale.  and i talked to dh about purchasing one and he seemed willing to lay down the cash for it.   just wondering if anyone had a 'review'?

if not, do you have any other similiar devices (make and model) that you do use that works well for all three tri disciplines?

I had a 305 (my wife uses it now) and a 405. I understand the xt is waterproof so you can use it in the pool but I have the old version so I only used it on the bike and run. Once you get passed the size and clunkyness of it you'll really like it. it's easy to use and you can download all the info (pace, distance, lap times, heartrate....) to your computer and see your progress. I'm still getting used to the 405, nicer look and size but if I would buy one today I'd probably go for the xt so I could use it for the swim. Art

I echo Art's sentiments on the 405. I've had the 405 for a year (got it for Mother's Day last year) and I do like it. If I was in the market now, though, I'd probably go for the new one you can use in the water. I got an inexpensive Ironman watch at Target that works in the water, but doesn't have the heart rate m onitor capability. The foot pod wasn't too helpful on the 405,but I love the cadence for the bike and the GPS is really cool. Downloading right into your BT plan is easy as well.


THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK.  this way i have more to 'justify' the purchase to my dh whose thinking we could buy a lot of boat schwag for what we'll spend on 'just a watch'....

its hard to explain  to him ALL the XT does [hes not a runner/cyclist/triathlete], and why though not absolutely necessary (what is necessary, really?) it would make my trng/racing life so much sweeter.

i think the argument that worked the 'best' was the fact that i could spend less, and buy each component seperately (other more cheaper versions) but in the end, when you add it all up, id probably be spending at least what i would pay for the Garmin, if not more....and with the Garmin its all there in one.

he seemed to go for that.

NOT that i need his 'approval' to purchase the thing, mind you.  its just we try to agree as much as possible on MAJOR purchases, and this being $400-500 is pretty major purchase in our household.  im hoping....

what impressed me about 310XT is that its completely water resitant, has a lap counter, it keeps track of your data 'seperately' for all three disciplines, say across a brick/race....and it even has a function to track your T1&T2 times.

i thought as far as trng/race data it doesnt get more TRISPECIFIC than that.

and then it has all the usual 'bells and whistles' common to that 'level' of Garmin, downloading trng info, keeping track of your distance for bike/run, pace, mph, cadence et al.

all i need to do is to get it to do is my LAUNDRY AND COOK DINNER. 

i told him it could be my mother day, birthday (june1) gift combined, cuz id like to have it before i did the MS150.

seems reasonable to me.  does he take the 'bait'???  we shall see....


I'm more than convinced!!   Let us know.....

LYNN.  OH, if my DH was as convinced...

i DO make a good point though....and im one heck of a arguer (shoulda been a lawyer instead of Counselor) had to be, what a penny pincher of a DH.  love em.  that's why we have what we have but.....

when it comes to 'extraneous' purchases, esp one he doesnt 'get', its like squeezing blood out of turnip.  (is that how that expression goes???)

we shall see.

2009-04-19 1:32 PM
in reply to: #2095248

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Subject: RE: Garmin 310XT
ShawnC13 - 2009-04-19 11:53 AM

skrtrnr - 2009-04-18 5:45 AM
lmscozz - 2009-04-17 9:28 PM

reid15 - 2009-04-17 6:54 PM
skrtrnr - 2009-04-17 9:29 PM HI EVERYONE.  QUICK FLY BY.  ill be back through to read/respond to posts.

quick question.

does anyone HAVE/USE a GARMIN FORERUNNER 310XT??  [w foot pod and bike sensor]

ive been looking at one online.  and REI has them on sale.  and i talked to dh about purchasing one and he seemed willing to lay down the cash for it.   just wondering if anyone had a 'review'?

if not, do you have any other similiar devices (make and model) that you do use that works well for all three tri disciplines?

I had a 305 (my wife uses it now) and a 405. I understand the xt is waterproof so you can use it in the pool but I have the old version so I only used it on the bike and run. Once you get passed the size and clunkyness of it you'll really like it. it's easy to use and you can download all the info (pace, distance, lap times, heartrate....) to your computer and see your progress. I'm still getting used to the 405, nicer look and size but if I would buy one today I'd probably go for the xt so I could use it for the swim. Art

I echo Art's sentiments on the 405. I've had the 405 for a year (got it for Mother's Day last year) and I do like it. If I was in the market now, though, I'd probably go for the new one you can use in the water. I got an inexpensive Ironman watch at Target that works in the water, but doesn't have the heart rate m onitor capability. The foot pod wasn't too helpful on the 405,but I love the cadence for the bike and the GPS is really cool. Downloading right into your BT plan is easy as well.


THANKS FOR THE FEEDBACK.  this way i have more to 'justify' the purchase to my dh whose thinking we could buy a lot of boat schwag for what we'll spend on 'just a watch'....

its hard to explain  to him ALL the XT does [hes not a runner/cyclist/triathlete], and why though not absolutely necessary (what is necessary, really?) it would make my trng/racing life so much sweeter.

i think the argument that worked the 'best' was the fact that i could spend less, and buy each component seperately (other more cheaper versions) but in the end, when you add it all up, id probably be spending at least what i would pay for the Garmin, if not more....and with the Garmin its all there in one.

he seemed to go for that.

NOT that i need his 'approval' to purchase the thing, mind you.  its just we try to agree as much as possible on MAJOR purchases, and this being $400-500 is pretty major purchase in our household.  im hoping....

what impressed me about 310XT is that its completely water resitant, has a lap counter, it keeps track of your data 'seperately' for all three disciplines, say across a brick/race....and it even has a function to track your T1&T2 times.

i thought as far as trng/race data it doesnt get more TRISPECIFIC than that.

and then it has all the usual 'bells and whistles' common to that 'level' of Garmin, downloading trng info, keeping track of your distance for bike/run, pace, mph, cadence et al.

all i need to do is to get it to do is my LAUNDRY AND COOK DINNER. 

i told him it could be my mother day, birthday (june1) gift combined, cuz id like to have it before i did the MS150.

seems reasonable to me.  does he take the 'bait'???  we shall see....

I have the 305 and it is great.  I have the quick release clip and mount that goes on my bike.  I think it is well worth the kit, I clip the watch in on my aerobars and it is right up front in front of me and I can see all the info it is feeding me at any time and with the quick release clip it is easy to go from bike to run.


The 310XT looks great and by looks seems smaller then the 305.  I have never seen one besides a picture so I can't be sure of that.  The thing about the 310 is that it is new and with that to get one so soon after release you always pay much more then if it was a year or 2 old but isn't all technology like that.


With this watch being waterproof that is a huge thing.  I have seen people put the 305 in a sealable sandwich bag and then put it under their swim cap.  Looks funny but I guess it works for them.  But like was stated the features on this watch make it the complete tool for the triaining and racing triathlete.  Also like you said going out and purchasing multiple seperate units would probably be more expensive to match the quality of the garmin.


I am hoping $400- 500 is a major purchase in most homes I know it is here, so I understand about the discussion with your husband on the matterr and being able to explain the benefits and how it will help also shows him that this is thought out and you aren't just getting a some techie gear but are getting something beneficial and useful.

SHAWN  thanks for the XCELLENT feedback.

can you come and be my CO-CHAIR as i argue the 'case' to my husband 

glad you understand about the discussion.  its important to me that i have his continued to support in all my tri-adventures, cuz honestly i could NOT do what i do without him, having three kids STILL at home.  [no ones in diapers anymore, but still...its a busy household nonetheless....]  

that said, i often feel 'queer' when i have to say that i have to chk with my husband about buying something, im a grown woman for god-sakes.  still, its important when your in a relationship....

thanks for understanding and for giving me some other angles to work WITH him on. 
2009-04-19 1:34 PM
in reply to: #2095314

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Subject: RE: Amy's half mary
reid15 - 2009-04-19 12:36 PM
givemashot - 2009-04-18 4:00 PM

Hi all, I am home, things went really well, I will update later. I just ate a HUGE lunch and am heading to the jacuzzi tub ASAP. Just wanted to let you all know it went well. I can't remember my unofficial time, and the official isn't posted yet, but it' somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 hrs 45 minutes, plus or minus 5 or so minutes. I'll post more later on today/tonight. 

Amy- YOU'RE AWESOME!!!!! enough said. Art




you must be really enjoying that POST-HALF RECOVERY DAY!

2009-04-19 1:52 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL


just a quick update from me and then im back out the door.

WHAT a weekend we've had.  weather-wise it couldnt have been better.  FRIDAY i went on my urban/soul ride.  not sure how much time or what distance i actually covered, but i know that it was worth the time/effort spent to do that. 
sometimes you just got to put down the trng schedule and just ride, just cuz. 

we dropped off our bikes to get serviced.  COREY, our bike-guy, was gonna give my bike a thorough goings-over and put on some swifty new tires in prep for my mini this weekend and my Sprint mid-May.

SATURDAY was spectacular as well.  Got in my longest run to date.  i felt great and FULLY PREPARED to run the 10K marathon relay leg come May 3rd. 

what a GREAT feeling to feel so PREPARED for your races/events

Saturday afternoon was a very meaning ful day for my husband and i.  we spent the afternoon at my friends house doing yardwork and celebrating his birthday.

my friend DAN, had his leg amputated below the knee on April 2nd.  He had fallen out of a tree 11 mos. ago installing a rope swing for his daughter (of all things!)  and had two compound fractures of his lower leg. 

though they were able to repair his leg, he was unable to 'fight off' an infection that soon settled in, and an effort to save as much of the leg as possible (and probably his life) the Drs decided to amputate.

all i can say is, MY FRIEND IS AN AMAZING INSPIRATION TO ME!  his attitude is UNBELIEVABLE.  and his activity level inspiteof was just INCREDIBLE. 

except for the fact that he had his pant leg folded up at the bottom, you would NEVER realize that he was missing the lower part of his limb.


as we were talking, he share with me how BEFORE he got injured he was gonna to start RUNNING AGAIN, AND marathon training.  he was serious highschool/college track athlete, but fallen out of running/out of shape.

he shared how INSPITEOF his injury he still wanted to PURSUE his running goal.  and that when he started REHAB next week, he had every intention of putting that goal 'on the table' for the therapist to help him work towards.


at the end of the evening, i asked DAN to sign my leg (the same one as the one he lost) and i told him that i was going to do my FIRST TRI in his honor, and run the marathon leg in celebration of his INDOMITABLE SPIRIT.

he is amazing.  and at those moments when im race weary, im gonna remember who im racing for, MY FRIEND DAN.

if theres anyone who should be thinking that he cant do this or cant do that, its DAN, but thought hasnt even occurred to him.  

and as i look down and see his name on my leg, im sure the thought will be feeting for me as well.  ITS THAT "I WILL" SPIRIT that im gonna take with me on race day.

[what a guy, huh?]


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-19 2:02 PM
2009-04-19 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: inspiration and RR

Wow, Stacie, that's so neat! I truly believe that having someone inspirational like that makes racing and tri-ing more gratifying (if that's even possible!). During the half mary yesterday there were a bunch of people with a sign on their backs that said "Running for Michael". I never got close enough to read all of the smaller print, but they were running in his memory, and judging by his picture, he was maybe all of 20 years old. I almost felt guilty for not having a major story like that to commemorate my run to. I did it just because I CAN, just to challenge myself. It was a challenge, too. But in a good way. I thought of all of you while I ran, and it did really help. You guys are an inspiration and support to me in more ways than you know. I am glad to be a manatee!!

My Race Report is up. I am not too terribly sore today. I am actually surprised. I did get a bit of a massage after the race, and I did fuel pretty well, I think. I skipped all caffeine yesterday (not planned), so I am trying to take in close to what I normally do, plus extra water today. My knees are the most sore part of me today. Hopefully I'm not much worse when the delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) sets in sometime in the next 24 hours or so. 

Ok, my hubby and kids are cleaning out the garage now, so I better go and supervise (better not let them throw out something I still "need". hehehe). I should be back on later today or tomorrow at the latest. (((hugs to my manatee friends)))


2009-04-19 2:44 PM
in reply to: #2095381

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Garmin 310XT

SHAWN  thanks for the XCELLENT feedback.

can you come and be my CO-CHAIR as i argue the 'case' to my husband 

glad you understand about the discussion.  its important to me that i have his continued to support in all my tri-adventures, cuz honestly i could NOT do what i do without him, having three kids STILL at home.  [no ones in diapers anymore, but still...its a busy household nonetheless....]  

that said, i often feel 'queer' when i have to say that i have to chk with my husband about buying something, im a grown woman for god-sakes.  still, its important when your in a relationship....

thanks for understanding and for giving me some other angles to work WITH him on. 

LOL I dream of the day where there is only 3 kids at home and none in diapers!!!  We have 5 right now and the sixth will be born in September.  Hopefully by then the baby will be the only on in diapers

2009-04-19 4:08 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Hi fellow Manatees!! Looks like everyone has been busy!! My first race of the season was today. I have my race report posted if anyone wants to be entertained! Here's the link:
You'll have to copy and paste; not all of the editing features work on my mac (at least I haven't figured it out yet!) I hope everyone is having a great weekend and happy training!!
Oh, I would gladly welcome any advice for the swim portion of my race- particularly the hyperventilating part of the first 100m. Take care!! 
2009-04-19 4:58 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
Will get back to all the cool stuff going on in this thread shortly ...

Whew! What a day! I knew it was going to be a whopping training weekend with a long ride yesterday (3:30) and a short brick today (:30 bike + 1:00 run), but it wound up being a "trick" with a short swim thrown in to start out the day. It was HOT--91 F and we ran in no shade! I'm a little fried since, of course TODAY, I forgot sunblock.
2009-04-19 6:01 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Just got back from N.O. Had a wonderful lunch at one of our favorite French Quarter restaurants. The weather held up nicely, so we had a nice walk around the quarter. I will post more tomorrow. Too much pretty day left to waste inside on the computer!! I know you all understand! Amy, youre the bomb!!


2009-04-19 6:19 PM
in reply to: #2095751

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
mammatri's - 2009-04-19 4:01 PM

Just got back from N.O. Had a wonderful lunch at one of our favorite French Quarter restaurants. The weather held up nicely, so we had a nice walk around the quarter. I will post more tomorrow. Too much pretty day left to waste inside on the computer!! I know you all understand! Amy, youre the bomb!!


Oohhh jealous ... one of my best friends lives in NOLA ... really need to get myself down there.
2009-04-19 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2095595

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

nuttysami123 - 2009-04-19 4:08 PM Hi fellow Manatees!! Looks like everyone has been busy!! My first race of the season was today. I have my race report posted if anyone wants to be entertained! Here's the link:
You'll have to copy and paste; not all of the editing features work on my mac (at least I haven't figured it out yet!) I hope everyone is having a great weekend and happy training!!
Oh, I would gladly welcome any advice for the swim portion of my race- particularly the hyperventilating part of the first 100m. Take care!! 

Before a race starts, I like to do a simple breathing meditation ... breathe deeply down into your lungs so your stomach pooches out and blow slowly back out through your nose, focusing only on the feeling of air passing by your nostrils. Repeat, becoming calmer and feeling your heart rate go down. Continue the breathing and the calmness right up through the start of the race and into the water; focus on a slow, smooth stroke and breathing in and out. That can really help.

2009-04-19 6:26 PM
in reply to: #2095595

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Subject: Sam's RR
Sam!  I loved the RR!!   I have never read a Tri RR.    I learned to bring a spare gel with me when I race!    The pool thing would freak me out...I hope they give us some space at mine.

2009-04-19 6:28 PM
in reply to: #2095408

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Subject: heroes
Stacie..what an impressive guy your neighbor and friend is!   I pray that if something tragic ever happens to me that I will be able to prevail with a good attitude and a continued joy and zest for life!

Edited by ranchrunner 2009-04-19 6:29 PM
2009-04-19 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Melon Presser
Subject: Amy and Sam's Race Reports
Here is the link to AMY'S RACE REPORT.

Here is the link to SAM'S RACE REPORT.

We are so proud of both of you, Amy for your first half-mary and Sam for your season opener!!!

Edited by TriAya 2009-04-19 6:43 PM
2009-04-19 7:14 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: Amy

CONGRATS AMY!! You Rock Cool

Stacie, What a really touching story about your friend Dan. It is amazing how life can change in an instant.

I've been a bit down because a friend who has recently started working out w/ me turns out to go from Couch to 7 min miles. And here I've been "running" so much longer and she is literally 2x faster than me in less than a month of running.

BUT, then I remind myself how lucky I am to even be able to run at all! And I feel so petty for feeling sorry for myself. You would think I would know better. My best friend in the world has MS, and for 2 months now she has been losing her ability to walk. It sure puts training and competition in perspective, doesn't it?


2009-04-19 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2095037

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Melon Presser
Subject: Bikes: Giant OCR vs. Spec Ruby Comp WSD

ranchrunner - 2009-04-19 8:50 AM Thanks Yanti - I won't pay too much for them.  I am a seasoned bargain hunter.   You have to be to raise 5 kids on a ranching budget!!

One of the BT members who offered me a bike on the Classifieds has sent pictures.   Here is a link to the bike specs.

 It is a size M (54/55 is what he said)

(for some reason when I tested the link it doesn't take you directly go to the second group "Road", the second bike in "OCR - Composite", then scroll down on that page to the OCR 3)

He said "I have a Giant OCR C3 complete carbon, medium size (which is 54/55ish) from 2006 that has less than 1,000 miles on it. It is set up as a triple (meaning the crank has three rings of 53, 39 and 30 I believe) But I also have a FSA SLK (53/39) crank which retails for $329, that I could change out for a little extra."  His also has an Ultegra derailer rather than the stock one shown at the above link.

I understand the "three rings vs. two rings" but the FSA SLK is beyond my current understanding.   He also said he would throw in Ultegra pedals if I could use them.   He says he is pretty firm at $900 + shipping costs.  I haven't made any kind of offer to him.  Also, the tires you see don't come with it, he will change them back to the stock tires/wheels.

The Giant is definitely a better deal, BUT that doesn't mean beans if the Ruby Comp would fit you better. Oh, the travails of buying a bike off the Internet!

Was there nothing at the bike stores in the $850-$1000 range? At that price, you're better off getting new where you know you'll get the support and fit for free. Remember that on top of $900 + shipping, you'll have to pay for a bike fit, possibly a couple of new components that fit or work for you better + labor.

But back to the question at hand. How much difference would a WSD make for you? For example, do you really have freakishly long legs for your height (or in relationship to your torso)? Or normal womanly-long legs? On a men's bike, also, even if you do have long legs/short torso, this can be offset by if you also have freakishly long arms that can reach the handlebars.

Here's a thought: can you send me your measurements (taken at the bike shop or as per the instructions here:

That'll give me a better idea of what scale your female-like measurements are and whether they truly warrant a WSD.

2009-04-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: swim lessons
I'm getting ready to start taking swim lessons one on one. I can swim, but not well. He's very well qualifeid, but most importantly to me, he's a TI coach and also runs some of their workshops. He's pricey, though, and my question is this. How many times a week do I want to meet w/him and for how long? I certainly can't afford to see him long term. I was thinking 1x a week for 4 weeks. Would this be enough to help me?

2009-04-20 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2095921

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Subject: RE: Bikes: Giant OCR vs. Spec Ruby Comp WSD
I will try and get someone to help me do the measurements today here at home.  

Can you tell me why you say the Giant bike is a better deal?   Just curious for learning purposes.
2009-04-20 9:58 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: ...
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2009-04-20 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: New training plan
Good morning, Manatees!

Bill, I'm sorry to hear about your dad's surgery. Hopefully they will reschedule or come up with another treatment option for him.

Sharie, it sounds like you're getting closer to finding your bike. Good luck. Isn't it great to have Yanti helping you? I hope you get your new bike soon.

Today is the first day of my new training plan. After lunch, I'm going to the pool for a 3200 yard swim. Mostly with the pull buoy and drills. After that, I have a treadmill workout scheduled. It's speedwork. Then a gym workout with my trainer follows. Hopefully I'll survive it all. Haven't had this big of a training day in quite a while.

 I'll check back later & see how everybody's day went. Happy training, everybody!!

2009-04-20 10:46 AM
in reply to: #2069346

Subject: RE: Post-race. Now what?

I have spent weeks figuring out my workouts and keeping focused on the run. Now that the half mary is over, I have 4 weeks (technically 3 wks and 5 days) until my first sprint of the season (only second one ever). I am at a loss as to when it's ok to run again, and how much I should be pushing it at this point. Without the half mary recovery I would want to really start pushing the bike and swim hard, and maintain on the run, but I'm afraid to do much of anything right now.   So my question is: what now? How do I get ready for the tri with little to no focus on the bike and swim? And how does my recovery factor into what I can do this week? 

(Note: I have a really hard time fitting in more than 5 workouts/week...)

2009-04-20 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2096909

Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

wgraves7582 - 2009-04-20 8:58 AM

Morning Manatees.

Hope you all had a great weekend.

My night ride went very good and I skipped the pool this morning because I took my father to the hospital for a cancelled surgery.  They did not realize he had stimulators in for parkinsons in all the pre-surgery discussion we all had.  Ooppsssiee.

So now we play the waiting game again!

I'm sorry to hear about your dad's surgery, Bill. The waiting game SUCKS. But I am glad they figured it out before they took him into surgery. Hang in there. 

(p.s.- now you have time to head to the pool!)

2009-04-20 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2097098

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Post-race. Now what?

givemashot - 2009-04-20 8:46 AM

I have spent weeks figuring out my workouts and keeping focused on the run. Now that the half mary is over, I have 4 weeks (technically 3 wks and 5 days) until my first sprint of the season (only second one ever). I am at a loss as to when it's ok to run again, and how much I should be pushing it at this point. Without the half mary recovery I would want to really start pushing the bike and swim hard, and maintain on the run, but I'm afraid to do much of anything right now.   So my question is: what now? How do I get ready for the tri with little to no focus on the bike and swim? And how does my recovery factor into what I can do this week? 

(Note: I have a really hard time fitting in more than 5 workouts/week...)


Yes, sorry to hear about the waiting game. Hope it all works out for him/your family.

2009-04-20 11:28 AM
in reply to: #2097076

Vista, CA
Subject: RE: New training plan

mammatri's - 2009-04-20 8:42 AM Good morning, Manatees!

Bill, I'm sorry to hear about your dad's surgery. Hopefully they will reschedule or come up with another treatment option for him.

Sharie, it sounds like you're getting closer to finding your bike. Good luck. Isn't it great to have Yanti helping you? I hope you get your new bike soon.

Today is the first day of my new training plan. After lunch, I'm going to the pool for a 3200 yard swim. Mostly with the pull buoy and drills. After that, I have a treadmill workout scheduled. It's speedwork. Then a gym workout with my trainer follows. Hopefully I'll survive it all. Haven't had this big of a training day in quite a while.

 I'll check back later & see how everybody's day went. Happy training, everybody!!


Wow! Your first day sounds pretty intense. Let us know how you feel afterwards. That's a hell of a swim. I don't think I've ever done that much yardage in one session.

Have a great day, Manatees!! It's nice and warm (should I say HOT) here in So. Cal. We're breaking records -- in the 90's here where I am, which is about 7 miles from the coast. And...I have to work most of the day. Oh well. I don't have to work tomorrow.


2009-04-20 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2095942

Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: swim lessons
LaurenCO - 2009-04-19 8:41 PM I'm getting ready to start taking swim lessons one on one. I can swim, but not well. He's very well qualifeid, but most importantly to me, he's a TI coach and also runs some of their workshops. He's pricey, though, and my question is this. How many times a week do I want to meet w/him and for how long? I certainly can't afford to see him long term. I was thinking 1x a week for 4 weeks. Would this be enough to help me?


Hi Lauren,

1x a week for 4 weeks should give you a great start. To maximize the lessons, try and find at least 2 other times (3 if you can) to get in the pool and practice what you learned during the previous lesson. 

Ask your teacher for some drills and idealy some workouts that will help you reinforce the lesson.

We can't wait to hear how it goes!

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