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2013-02-17 5:58 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Ok so who got outside on their bike on this nice sunny Sunday besides myself? The even overdressed and got quite warm on the ride. Guess my cold weather gear really works better than I thought it would. I mainly stayed in my subdivision to avoid having to ride on the gravel on the sides of the road.

it was nice to get out off that drainer.

2013-02-17 7:01 PM
in reply to: #4625992

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
spie34 - 2013-02-17 3:58 PM

Ok so who got outside on their bike on this nice sunny Sunday besides myself? The even overdressed and got quite warm on the ride. Guess my cold weather gear really works better than I thought it would. I mainly stayed in my subdivision to avoid having to ride on the gravel on the sides of the road.

it was nice to get out off that drainer.

My long ride was Saturday, I only had a hr ride on the trainer today so I didn't think it was worth going outside for.  I have a 16 hour training plan this week so I will defiantly get some bikes outside in to remain sane.

2013-02-17 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
My long rides are Saturdays, which did on the trainer yesterday morning.  Did get out for a 7 mile run today though, wore shorts, it was awesome.
2013-02-17 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Safety tip for those of you spending extended time on a trainer.

Dab your forehead with a towel to wipe off sweat. Do not rub. Don't ask how I know this ...


2013-02-18 5:36 AM
in reply to: #4626226

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
cnsegura - 2013-02-17 11:03 PM

Safety tip for those of you spending extended time on a trainer.

Dab your forehead with a towel to wipe off sweat. Do not rub. Don't ask how I know this ...


I laughed when I read this.  A few weeks ago I grabbed a towel (I had air dried) to whipe my face and neck while riding on the trainer.  The result was I ripped the skin off my nose and the right side of my head.  That air dried towel was like sand paper. 

I have to say if they do swim waves I will be a little sad.  I am scared of it, but I do want the experience. 

For all you folks riding outside and running in shorts I can only say that would be nice.  Sunday I rain 9 miles on the trails here and it was 3 degrees.  Also since it has been sunny during the day the snow melted and pooled in the trail where it froze again.  The trail was complete ice.  I ran on the side and thankfully only fell once. 

After my recovery week this week looks to be me and a lot of movies.  I have almost 6 hours on the trainer over three days.  I did watch the new Spiderman movie which wasn't bad.  It wasn't good either, but it was distracting for about 2 hours.

2013-02-18 8:51 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Do what I did:  I have a Blueray player that connects via wireless to YouTube, and I stream the IM channels - World Championships, Full Circles, etc.  It's pretty motivating, and you get to see all the great weather in Kona, even when it's crappy here in E WA.  Helps pass the time better than movies, IMHO.

2013-02-18 9:55 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Freakishly warm weekend in Denver.  Did a 10 mile running race on Saturday in shorts and a tank top.  Forgot sunscreen so I now have an early start on those tan lines.  Did a 2:30 ride outside on Sunday.  Dressed way too warm and nearly got blown over by the wind, but hey, I was outside in Feb.  Win!
2013-02-18 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Last Sunday it got close to 45 degrees and Sunny in Northeast Ohio.  Myself and three others (in a group of 8) that are doing IMCDA decided to take full advantage.  We got in 70 miles outside doing some of the best hills around here we have.  It was well worth it, because on Saturday we went on a trail run and it was about 15 degrees!  I can't stand treadmills, and the 70 outside was way easier than the 2.5 hours I did yesterday on the trainer.

Hoping for the mass start.  It would be my first and I would feel cheated to not have the mass hysteria all around me!

Happy Training all!

2013-02-19 9:27 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Weird thing happened this morning.  Went to the downtown Y at 0500 to get my normal swim in and for the first 10 minutes, I was the only person in the pool.  When I left about 30 minutes later, I was only sharing it with 1 other person.  
2013-02-19 10:53 AM
in reply to: #4626559

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

ncandersen - 2013-02-18 8:51 AM Do what I did:  I have a Blueray player that connects via wireless to YouTube, and I stream the IM channels - World Championships, Full Circles, etc.  It's pretty motivating, and you get to see all the great weather in Kona, even when it's crappy here in E WA.  Helps pass the time better than movies, IMHO.

I started doing this on my long ride Sunday (180 minutes)..I'm in Chicago so it was all on the trainer. Our TV actually brings up YouTube so I must have watched around 1.5 hours of IMCDA coverage. Kept me motivated.

Long run was Saturday (80 minutes) on the Chicago lakefront, which was 4 degrees (w/windchill..and the lakefront is always windy) for whatever reason it didnt really phase me but when I got home my legs where windburned even under 2 layers..brutal...spring cant get here soon enough.

Those two "long" days rounded out my recovery week. Yesterday started the more serious "build" portion of my program. Cant say that I really feel "recovered" but I am ready to start getting more miles/meters in and feeling more ready physically and psychologically.

2013-02-19 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Out of curiousity is anyone else training under a "vegan" diet? I hate the title but thats essentially what I've been for the past 1/2 year or so, no meat/dairy.

2013-02-19 10:43 PM
in reply to: #4628327

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

From my local contact at the IMCDA committee meeting tonight:

"Big news Cda Ironman 2013 the swim will start with pros at 6am and the first of 100 (not wave) but flow start every 15 seconds at 6:35am. This is first hand info, I am at the Ironman meeting now. All cutoffs are the same!!!"

Sounds like the meeting is still on-going and I'm sure we will get further clarification soon, but from my understanding, it's not a mass start, but it's also not waves in the traditional sense. 

From what I hear, I believe they are going to have people line up based on their anticipated swim time, something like:  1 hour or less in the front row, 1:05 in the second row, 1:10 in the third row... etc.  When the gun goes off, each row will enter the water about every 15 seconds - everybody is on the same clock, so it's not like waves with different start times and different colored caps.

It's not going to be as dramatic as the mass start, but it might be good for fast swimmers that don't like crawling over people, and good for slower swimmers that don't like getting pummeled, as long as you're honest, life should be better.  I planned on hanging back a little any way, so this might be really good for a MOP'er like me.

2013-02-19 11:24 PM
in reply to: #4629449

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PrivateIdaho - 2013-02-19 8:43 PM

From my local contact at the IMCDA committee meeting tonight:

"Big news Cda Ironman 2013 the swim will start with pros at 6am and the first of 100 (not wave) but flow start every 15 seconds at 6:35am. This is first hand info, I am at the Ironman meeting now. All cutoffs are the same!!!"

Sounds like the meeting is still on-going and I'm sure we will get further clarification soon, but from my understanding, it's not a mass start, but it's also not waves in the traditional sense. 

From what I hear, I believe they are going to have people line up based on their anticipated swim time, something like:  1 hour or less in the front row, 1:05 in the second row, 1:10 in the third row... etc.  When the gun goes off, each row will enter the water about every 15 seconds - everybody is on the same clock, so it's not like waves with different start times and different colored caps.

It's not going to be as dramatic as the mass start, but it might be good for fast swimmers that don't like crawling over people, and good for slower swimmers that don't like getting pummeled, as long as you're honest, life should be better.  I planned on hanging back a little any way, so this might be really good for a MOP'er like me.

Hang on, sounds like I was wrong about everybody being on the same clock - here's the latest:

"You pick your own start flow based on what time you think you will finish. If you start at 6:35 am you must still finish in 17 hours at 11:35 pm. Last start is 7 am

We will enter at the far west end of the beach and there will be a mat at the waters edge. All Ironman events are going to this."

So, whenever you walk across the mat and enter the water, you have 17 hours... seems like things are gonna be complicated during that last hour at the finish line.

Edited by PrivateIdaho 2013-02-19 11:39 PM
2013-02-20 12:05 AM
in reply to: #4629482

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PrivateIdaho - 2013-02-19 9:24 PM
PrivateIdaho - 2013-02-19 8:43 PM

From my local contact at the IMCDA committee meeting tonight:

"Big news Cda Ironman 2013 the swim will start with pros at 6am and the first of 100 (not wave) but flow start every 15 seconds at 6:35am. This is first hand info, I am at the Ironman meeting now. All cutoffs are the same!!!"

Sounds like the meeting is still on-going and I'm sure we will get further clarification soon, but from my understanding, it's not a mass start, but it's also not waves in the traditional sense. 

From what I hear, I believe they are going to have people line up based on their anticipated swim time, something like:  1 hour or less in the front row, 1:05 in the second row, 1:10 in the third row... etc.  When the gun goes off, each row will enter the water about every 15 seconds - everybody is on the same clock, so it's not like waves with different start times and different colored caps.

It's not going to be as dramatic as the mass start, but it might be good for fast swimmers that don't like crawling over people, and good for slower swimmers that don't like getting pummeled, as long as you're honest, life should be better.  I planned on hanging back a little any way, so this might be really good for a MOP'er like me.

Hang on, sounds like I was wrong about everybody being on the same clock - here's the latest:

"You pick your own start flow based on what time you think you will finish. If you start at 6:35 am you must still finish in 17 hours at 11:35 pm. Last start is 7 am

We will enter at the far west end of the beach and there will be a mat at the waters edge. All Ironman events are going to this."

So, whenever you walk across the mat and enter the water, you have 17 hours... seems like things are gonna be complicated during that last hour at the finish line.

Do you mean last hour or last 25 minutes? Or? LOL. Good knowledge to have. 

So nice enough weather to ride outside on Sunday but snow today here in Spokane? Come on weather get with it already.

2013-02-20 5:28 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Wow.  I was also planning on hanging back so this will mean a little later start for my sorry swimming arse....

Thanks a lot for the updates.  Keep us posted if anything else changes.

2013-02-20 8:03 AM
in reply to: #4629449

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PrivateIdaho - 2013-02-19 11:43 PM

From my local contact at the IMCDA committee meeting tonight:

"Big news Cda Ironman 2013 the swim will start with pros at 6am and the first of 100 (not wave) but flow start every 15 seconds at 6:35am. This is first hand info, I am at the Ironman meeting now. All cutoffs are the same!!!"

Sounds like the meeting is still on-going and I'm sure we will get further clarification soon, but from my understanding, it's not a mass start, but it's also not waves in the traditional sense. 

From what I hear, I believe they are going to have people line up based on their anticipated swim time, something like:  1 hour or less in the front row, 1:05 in the second row, 1:10 in the third row... etc.  When the gun goes off, each row will enter the water about every 15 seconds - everybody is on the same clock, so it's not like waves with different start times and different colored caps.

It's not going to be as dramatic as the mass start, but it might be good for fast swimmers that don't like crawling over people, and good for slower swimmers that don't like getting pummeled, as long as you're honest, life should be better.  I planned on hanging back a little any way, so this might be really good for a MOP'er like me.

Thanks for the info!

To be honest, I was hoping for "epic CDA mass start". You know, friendly elbow punch in my face from a fellow triathlete would warm me up pretty quickly

oh well,

2013-02-20 8:05 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I'm wondering if this will make for a faster swim time or a slower swim time. If you start out front in the first wave you will have a fast lap 1 if you draft the fast people that go, but on the 2nd wave you will have to dodge all the 7am starters and swim around them so it could cause a really slow 2nd lap. 

I personally would like to start in one of the top 3 waves just so i can tag along on the fast swimmers

2013-02-20 8:14 AM
in reply to: #4629482

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
PrivateIdaho - 2013-02-19 11:24 PM

PrivateIdaho - 2013-02-19 8:43 PM

From my local contact at the IMCDA committee meeting tonight:

"Big news Cda Ironman 2013 the swim will start with pros at 6am and the first of 100 (not wave) but flow start every 15 seconds at 6:35am. This is first hand info, I am at the Ironman meeting now. All cutoffs are the same!!!"

Sounds like the meeting is still on-going and I'm sure we will get further clarification soon, but from my understanding, it's not a mass start, but it's also not waves in the traditional sense. 

From what I hear, I believe they are going to have people line up based on their anticipated swim time, something like:  1 hour or less in the front row, 1:05 in the second row, 1:10 in the third row... etc.  When the gun goes off, each row will enter the water about every 15 seconds - everybody is on the same clock, so it's not like waves with different start times and different colored caps.

It's not going to be as dramatic as the mass start, but it might be good for fast swimmers that don't like crawling over people, and good for slower swimmers that don't like getting pummeled, as long as you're honest, life should be better.  I planned on hanging back a little any way, so this might be really good for a MOP'er like me.

Hang on, sounds like I was wrong about everybody being on the same clock - here's the latest:

"You pick your own start flow based on what time you think you will finish. If you start at 6:35 am you must still finish in 17 hours at 11:35 pm. Last start is 7 am

We will enter at the far west end of the beach and there will be a mat at the waters edge. All Ironman events are going to this."

So, whenever you walk across the mat and enter the water, you have 17 hours... seems like things are gonna be complicated during that last hour at the finish line.

2013-02-20 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Even though I had a very bad experience at my first go at IMCDA during the swim start, I really wanted to do it again the "right way".  This kinda sucks.
2013-02-20 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4306803

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Denver area
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I really hope they don't do this.  That would suck.
2013-02-20 1:01 PM
in reply to: #4306803

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Extreme Veteran
Chelsea, MI
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I really can't believe the people who say this sucks.  You would rather be beaten when you swim?  I joined a frat once in college and I saw people beaten to be part of the club so I quit.  Does it really take that much away from the accomplishment to have the way the swim starts change? 

That being said it will be interesting to be known as "2013 the year they changed the swim start."

Also something to think about is that it sounds like this is the model they will use for other IM swims so I would think we need to get used to it.  Not just for CDA, but for other IM races.

2013-02-20 1:28 PM
in reply to: #4629728

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
dkahns51 - 2013-02-20 6:05 AM

I'm wondering if this will make for a faster swim time or a slower swim time. If you start out front in the first wave you will have a fast lap 1 if you draft the fast people that go, but on the 2nd wave you will have to dodge all the 7am starters and swim around them so it could cause a really slow 2nd lap. 

I personally would like to start in one of the top 3 waves just so i can tag along on the fast swimmers


This will really screw with the faster swimmers......They will have to swim through nearly every slower wave during the second loop because of the offset start times... NOT GOOD! Yell

2013-02-20 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4630243

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I think to some degree it will mess with the faster swimmers but I do think that things will be spread out more so than people will think. 

I've not done a mass start before and during the wave starts I have always been one of the later waves to start and even though I am not a fast swimmer, I have caught slower swimmers from earlier waves and been able to navigate through them without problem. 

In the end I do think they are trying to figure out the best way to prevent the chaos and injuries that do occur with the mass start. They can always go back to the mass start should the logistics not work out for this. 

Another thought would be to make it just 1 2.4 mile loop. Wonder if they are thinking about doing that this year? And I thought 1.2 mile loop with the bouys way out there was daunting lol.

My question is why do they not have a 2.4 mile loop for CDA? That lake is plenty big to do that. Is it because of the water temp and the logistics of trying to have enough support crew out there monitoring the whole 2.4 mile loop?

2013-02-20 8:53 PM
in reply to: #4630862

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Grand Rapids
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I'm not a big fan of the possible new swim start.  If they really are planning on starting at 6:35 I think that will make the finish a big mess (or do you find out after you finished if you didn't make it in 17 hours?)  If they want to do have a modified wave start why not start it at 7:00, similar to Louisville.  That way it keeps the integrity of a midnight finish.  In every IM race I've done and the ones I've volunteered at I always go back to watch the midnight finishers.  It is what makes a IM 140.6 special.  When the crowd counts down to midnight and the athletes give it everything they have in order to cross before midnight.  I would hate if that was lost.
2013-02-20 10:04 PM
in reply to: #4630196

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
maverickbassets - 2013-02-20 1:01 PM

I really can't believe the people who say this sucks.  You would rather be beaten when you swim?  I joined a frat once in college and I saw people beaten to be part of the club so I quit.  Does it really take that much away from the accomplishment to have the way the swim starts change? 

That being said it will be interesting to be known as "2013 the year they changed the swim start."

Also something to think about is that it sounds like this is the model they will use for other IM swims so I would think we need to get used to it.  Not just for CDA, but for other IM races.

I don't think it takes away from the accomplishment at all. I just like knowing where I stand relative to the competition and this start doesn't allow it.
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