BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-13 6:49 PM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by MSURDYKE I have a lot of reading to catch up on to get current with the group. Last week was a tough one as the kids didn't go back to school from the snow until Friday. And when schools are cancelled the local Y cancels morning classes. Not to mention the added stress on my wife of having all the kids home all day meant that when I got home from work I couldn't disappear to my trainer and get a bicycle workout in. However, I did a great job of changing my diet and watching what and how I ate. That combined with getting in 3 workouts (2 run and 1 swim) made a for a weigh in this morning that I'm pretty happy with. I weighed in last Monday at 250,2 pounds and this morning I weighed in at 245.8 pounds. And it probably would have been better than that had my wife and I not gone out with friends for dinner last night and had multiple pitchers of beer..... I started this week (today) off right by getting into spin class. I haven't pedaled anything in over 6 months so it was tough but felt good to be back in the saddle. After the spin class I took advantage of being off work on Mondays and went for a swim too. 1000 meters in the pool after spin class when your out of shape like I am was a little tough. But It's a great start to the week and with any luck I'll be up to more beer drinking this weekend and drop a couple more pounds... Also, I'm going to try and do the 100 push up thing that somebody posted on here. I did the "test" part yesterday and was able to do a whopping 12 pushups. I felt those muscles in the pool too.... Looking forward to getting caught up in here and helping everybody hit their goals...
Oh yeah, that is why my chest and shoulders are sore today..I started pushup challenge finally!

good work!

2014-01-13 7:43 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
9/31. Starting back up and gaining momentum. Tried to run today and made it 1.5 miles and the pain came back. Now I know my limit is 1 mile tops. I see the PT on Friday so looking forward to having her fix me. Dialing in new pedals so my knee is a bit tender from the cleats being wrong. Taking tomorrow off the bike and testing the adjustment out on Wed. Not an injury just poor cleat placement but need to start somewhere while dialing it in. The left foot is dead on just getting the right nailed down.

For inside knee pain I know it's cleat out but is it also heal in or heel out? I think it was cleat out and heel in but want to make sure. Maybe a trip to the LBS is in order but save me a trip and school me
2014-01-13 7:47 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
In my attempt to get to the bottom of my hip injury, I spent the day reading over the posts from the original Beer Drinker Appreciation Society. I had forgotten how we utilized the power of beer that year. Whenever each of us felt we needed a little extra inspiration, we would post our goal and our reward. Before my first oly, I made it my goal to finish under 3 hours and my reward was a burger and a beer.

We also believed in the power of the Coors Light Penalty. If we really wanted to make sure we got in a workout, or wanted to finish a race in a certain time, we would post our goal and if we failed to achieve it, our next beer had to be a warm coors light (Thanks to an all-out sprint, I avoided a Coors Light Penalty for that OLY by a 10th of a second). I don't know if the others went this far, but I actually carried around a Silver Bullet can that I kept in my equipment bag. Every time I headed to the gym or got ready before a race, I saw that can and knowing the beer was most likely skunked, it never failed to inspire me.

So today I headed to my favorite beer store and bought another Sliver Bullet, which is currently warming up in my gym bag and I also bought a few beers to inspire me over the weeks to come. Here's what I got -

Banner's American Rye
Boulevard's Tank Seven Saison
Jack's Abby's Jack's Evil Brew (Schwartzbier)
Victory's Prima Pils
Off Color Brewing's Troublesome (a wheat beer)

Spend some time this week, thinking of things that can inspire you! Then next December, you can relive the accomplishments of the upcoming year knowing you gave it your all.
2014-01-13 7:51 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I think I bit off too much here but I signed up for my first century ride. It's on the 26th of this month. My long ride to date is 64 miles and I did it with no issues and felt great. I don't have a choice but to do the ride since tonight at practice I kinda opened my mouth and got a bunch to join me. To add the pressure our coach is emailing the entire team and canceling the team ride to give everyone a chance to do the ride on the 26th.

The only issue I have with this is the main guy I wanted to come and ride with is looking to maintain 20 mph for the whole ride. I should be able to hang since it's in a pace line or I at least hope I can. I'll just take shorter pulls. My 60 mile rides are at 17-18 mph solo and I still have gas in the tank when I'm done. I hope I can squeeze the 2 mph from hiding behind some people. Oh well worse case is I get dropped and link up with a slower group but I'm giving it my best to stay with them.

Thoughts or tips? Well besides HTFU
2014-01-13 8:09 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Bradleykd

Got in a trainer ride today and a run yesterday. The wife was sick yesterday, so I didn't get my 1hour+ trainer ride in last week. Maybe this week I will do better. That makes 10/31.

I met half of my goals last week... :/ I didn't get the long bike in, and I didn't lose two pounds. I lost one. I did succeed at not buying any Copenhagen. I ran out like Tuesday and haven't had any since. It is REALLY hard at work, but not too bad when I am at home. I'll just keep chomping away at the gum! I also finished week on of the pushup challenge. The last day was harder than the others... I am nervous and excited about the coming weeks!

My Doc cleared me for swimming today! I'll have to get to the gym and sign up so I can get a swim or two in this week!

Giving up dip was excruciatingly hard! You've made it a week - keep shoving in the gum... I hope it gets easier for you soon! Nice work on getting the trainer ride in. Do you find it as boring as I do? It's gonna be 50 here on Thursday and I've got to find a way to get out for a ride!
2014-01-13 8:20 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

I think I bit off too much here but I signed up for my first century ride. It's on the 26th of this month. My long ride to date is 64 miles and I did it with no issues and felt great. I don't have a choice but to do the ride since tonight at practice I kinda opened my mouth and got a bunch to join me. To add the pressure our coach is emailing the entire team and canceling the team ride to give everyone a chance to do the ride on the 26th.

The only issue I have with this is the main guy I wanted to come and ride with is looking to maintain 20 mph for the whole ride. I should be able to hang since it's in a pace line or I at least hope I can. I'll just take shorter pulls. My 60 mile rides are at 17-18 mph solo and I still have gas in the tank when I'm done. I hope I can squeeze the 2 mph from hiding behind some people. Oh well worse case is I get dropped and link up with a slower group but I'm giving it my best to stay with them.

Thoughts or tips? Well besides HTFU

Good on you Alex for signing up for the Century! I have no doubt that you will crush it and have a blast doing it (in 70 degree whether you had better or something is wrong with you! : )

Is there any chance you could talk to your friend and get him to slow down a bit? A century is a ride not a race - and considering it's your first, you will want to enjoy it. Most training programs have you ride 60-70 miles as your longest training ride so you should be all set. But adding 40 miles and doing it 2 miles faster is a tough task especially when you factor in the pain you've been having while running. Make him an offer he can't refuse - promise him a cold beer at the finish line. Good luck!

2014-01-13 10:37 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by Bradleykd

Got in a trainer ride today and a run yesterday. The wife was sick yesterday, so I didn't get my 1hour+ trainer ride in last week. Maybe this week I will do better. That makes 10/31.

I met half of my goals last week... :/ I didn't get the long bike in, and I didn't lose two pounds. I lost one. I did succeed at not buying any Copenhagen. I ran out like Tuesday and haven't had any since. It is REALLY hard at work, but not too bad when I am at home. I'll just keep chomping away at the gum! I also finished week on of the pushup challenge. The last day was harder than the others... I am nervous and excited about the coming weeks!

My Doc cleared me for swimming today! I'll have to get to the gym and sign up so I can get a swim or two in this week!

Giving up dip was excruciatingly hard! You've made it a week - keep shoving in the gum... I hope it gets easier for you soon! Nice work on getting the trainer ride in. Do you find it as boring as I do? It's gonna be 50 here on Thursday and I've got to find a way to get out for a ride!

Absolutely I find it boring! That's why it is so hard for me to get that long ride in!. It is supposed to be 52 and WINDY here tomorrow, but as long as that wind doesnt come with torrential downpoars, i'm gettin outside!
2014-01-13 10:38 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

We also believed in the power of the Coors Light Penalty. If we really wanted to make sure we got in a workout, or wanted to finish a race in a certain time, we would post our goal and if we failed to achieve it, our next beer had to be a warm coors light (Thanks to an all-out sprint, I avoided a Coors Light Penalty for that OLY by a 10th of a second). I don't know if the others went this far, but I actually carried around a Silver Bullet can that I kept in my equipment bag. Every time I headed to the gym or got ready before a race, I saw that can and knowing the beer was most likely skunked, it never failed to inspire me.

I hadn't thought of actually putting that can of dribble in my gym/race bag for inspiration... I'll stop and get one on my way home in the morning. If that doesn't inspire me, nothing will!
2014-01-13 10:39 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by MOlsen

My weekend was busier than expected so it became a "rest weekend" from a workout perspective. Did manage to have appreciate a couple beers, including the overly malty/hoppy Tricerihops DIPA from Ninkasi.

Today I was back in the pool for a 1000m swim. My foot is feeling much better and I'm looking forward to running again, however I will wait until the end of the week. With my first race of the season (half-marathon!) only 6 weeks away I want to get back into training and not train hurt!


The Tricerahops from Ninkasi: Also in my top 10.

Your a smart man staying off that foot and giving it all the rest it needs. Take it slow getting back until your sure it's good to go.
2014-01-13 10:40 PM
in reply to: Burd

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

I think I bit off too much here but I signed up for my first century ride. It's on the 26th of this month. My long ride to date is 64 miles and I did it with no issues and felt great. I don't have a choice but to do the ride since tonight at practice I kinda opened my mouth and got a bunch to join me. To add the pressure our coach is emailing the entire team and canceling the team ride to give everyone a chance to do the ride on the 26th.

The only issue I have with this is the main guy I wanted to come and ride with is looking to maintain 20 mph for the whole ride. I should be able to hang since it's in a pace line or I at least hope I can. I'll just take shorter pulls. My 60 mile rides are at 17-18 mph solo and I still have gas in the tank when I'm done. I hope I can squeeze the 2 mph from hiding behind some people. Oh well worse case is I get dropped and link up with a slower group but I'm giving it my best to stay with them.

Thoughts or tips? Well besides HTFU

Good luck on the ride! You shouldn't have a problem with the 20mph pace when you get behind somebody, especially if you ride 2x2x2x2 that extra person really makes the draft big. Have Fun!!
2014-01-13 10:48 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Bradleykd

Got in a trainer ride today and a run yesterday. The wife was sick yesterday, so I didn't get my 1hour+ trainer ride in last week. Maybe this week I will do better. That makes 10/31.

I met half of my goals last week... :/ I didn't get the long bike in, and I didn't lose two pounds. I lost one. I did succeed at not buying any Copenhagen. I ran out like Tuesday and haven't had any since. It is REALLY hard at work, but not too bad when I am at home. I'll just keep chomping away at the gum! I also finished week on of the pushup challenge. The last day was harder than the others... I am nervous and excited about the coming weeks!

My Doc cleared me for swimming today! I'll have to get to the gym and sign up so I can get a swim or two in this week!

May not be your bag, but I chewed the He77 out of sunflower seeds when I quit the Copenhagen. I also imagined my jaw re-constructed with butt skin. FWIW.
Nice job on the 1 lb. build off that this week.

2014-01-13 10:53 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
11/31 with a 1000M swim and swim lesson tonight. My kick is outrageously weak, I'm essentially stationary with a kick board in hand.

Goals for the week:
- 3 swim workouts, 2750 total Meters
- 3 Hours on the bike trainer, I actually don't mind the trainer at all
- complete push-up/pull-up challenge week 2
- 1 strength session
- 1 hour yoga
- Race Duathlon series #2 injury free. Don't crash the bike! Take it easy on the run. (It's officially been 4 weeks rest now and I'm itching so bad to run!)
- Buy a warm 16oz Coors light aluminum pint @ build your own 6 pack - Make the other 5 really count!

- Continue training Sophie (My girlfriend) at boxing...she just like punching me I think!

I hope everybody is off to a good start this week! Cheers,
2014-01-14 8:54 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Qua17
Originally posted by Burd I think I bit off too much here but I signed up for my first century ride. It's on the 26th of this month. My long ride to date is 64 miles and I did it with no issues and felt great. I don't have a choice but to do the ride since tonight at practice I kinda opened my mouth and got a bunch to join me. To add the pressure our coach is emailing the entire team and canceling the team ride to give everyone a chance to do the ride on the 26th. The only issue I have with this is the main guy I wanted to come and ride with is looking to maintain 20 mph for the whole ride. I should be able to hang since it's in a pace line or I at least hope I can. I'll just take shorter pulls. My 60 mile rides are at 17-18 mph solo and I still have gas in the tank when I'm done. I hope I can squeeze the 2 mph from hiding behind some people. Oh well worse case is I get dropped and link up with a slower group but I'm giving it my best to stay with them. Thoughts or tips? Well besides HTFU
Good on you Alex for signing up for the Century! I have no doubt that you will crush it and have a blast doing it (in 70 degree whether you had better or something is wrong with you! : ) Is there any chance you could talk to your friend and get him to slow down a bit? A century is a ride not a race - and considering it's your first, you will want to enjoy it. Most training programs have you ride 60-70 miles as your longest training ride so you should be all set. But adding 40 miles and doing it 2 miles faster is a tough task especially when you factor in the pain you've been having while running. Make him an offer he can't refuse - promise him a cold beer at the finish line. Good luck!

I agree with David. I say sit back, enjoy the ride and make some new friends along the way! A hundred miles buys you a lot of beers!

2014-01-14 9:23 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

15/31 plus day 1 of pushup it is going to be a long hill to climb on the push up challenge.

Went to spin class this morning...2 participants in front of me  talked pretty much the whole class...why not just sit on the recumbent bikes and pedal?

Sorry for the mini rant.

Have a great day everyone!

2014-01-14 9:43 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Workout 10/14:  Last nite was "Stair Running" - 11 stories, up and back is 1.  Did x5 with 1 minute plank in between in 27 min.  Ugh!  My legs were shaking when I opened my 16oz PBR.  And since I worked for it, I fancied it up with some lime juice and a jalapeno slice.  Deeelish!

Track Workout with my running club tonight, although i don't know how much speed I've got in my legs today-they're tired.  Tomorrow is swim/ride day.

Question;  What is the 'objective' to the Push Up Challenge?  Upper body strength?  Appearance?  I'm going to give it a shot, but I want it to be at the right time in regards to my other training.  I'll start ramping up my swimming in March.  Thoughts/Suggestions?

2014-01-14 10:20 AM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Workout 10/14:  Last nite was "Stair Running" - 11 stories, up and back is 1.  Did x5 with 1 minute plank in between in 27 min.  Ugh!  My legs were shaking when I opened my 16oz PBR.  And since I worked for it, I fancied it up with some lime juice and a jalapeno slice.  Deeelish!

Track Workout with my running club tonight, although i don't know how much speed I've got in my legs today-they're tired.  Tomorrow is swim/ride day.

Question;  What is the 'objective' to the Push Up Challenge?  Upper body strength?  Appearance?  I'm going to give it a shot, but I want it to be at the right time in regards to my other training.  I'll start ramping up my swimming in March.  Thoughts/Suggestions?

I think pushups are one of the best exercises. Works many muscle groups plus your core. It is more of a group challenge to keep everyone going. For the amount of time it takes, I think you can put it anywhere and not worry about it affecting your tri training. 

As for swimming, it would depend if it is your strength or not? What are you goals for it? Major improvement? getting it done?  When is your first race? Distance?

Other suggestions: Get rid of PBR... 

2014-01-14 10:28 AM
in reply to: thor67

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Workout 10/14:  Last nite was "Stair Running" - 11 stories, up and back is 1.  Did x5 with 1 minute plank in between in 27 min.  Ugh!  My legs were shaking when I opened my 16oz PBR.  And since I worked for it, I fancied it up with some lime juice and a jalapeno slice.  Deeelish!

Track Workout with my running club tonight, although i don't know how much speed I've got in my legs today-they're tired.  Tomorrow is swim/ride day.

Question;  What is the 'objective' to the Push Up Challenge?  Upper body strength?  Appearance?  I'm going to give it a shot, but I want it to be at the right time in regards to my other training.  I'll start ramping up my swimming in March.  Thoughts/Suggestions?

Other suggestions: Get rid of PBR... 

Ouch!   Actually I'll start drinking Miller Lite soon cuz, you know, Less Filling-Taste Great!  lol

I'll be at a Local Brew Pub tonight-I'll 'experiment' for the sake of the group!

2014-01-14 10:51 AM
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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Question;  What is the 'objective' to the Push Up Challenge?  Upper body strength?  Appearance?  I'm going to give it a shot, but I want it to be at the right time in regards to my other training.  I'll start ramping up my swimming in March.  Thoughts/Suggestions?

For me it is completing my next PT test unbroken on the pushups. We have to do 2 sets of 30 with a 30lb vest on (other stuff between). I plan to do the pushup challenge with nothing, then again with 10lbs then 20 then 30 till i can get at least 60 unbroken with the 30lb vest.

Did a 3 mile run today in the rain, I was worried because my knee has really been hurting but when I ran it felt fine after the first mile. I am guessing I am just getting use to running more than 1 or 2 miles 2 times a week. This group was a key factor in getting of my tail and running as I really wanted to sit in my chair till it was time to shower and get ready for work.

I went back and counted my workouts and if I count days its 11/31 if i count workouts its 14/31

Edited by b2b14 2014-01-14 10:58 AM
2014-01-14 12:52 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Workout 10/14:  Last nite was "Stair Running" - 11 stories, up and back is 1.  Did x5 with 1 minute plank in between in 27 min.  Ugh!  My legs were shaking when I opened my 16oz PBR.  And since I worked for it, I fancied it up with some lime juice and a jalapeno slice.  Deeelish!

Track Workout with my running club tonight, although i don't know how much speed I've got in my legs today-they're tired.  Tomorrow is swim/ride day.

Question;  What is the 'objective' to the Push Up Challenge?  Upper body strength?  Appearance?  I'm going to give it a shot, but I want it to be at the right time in regards to my other training.  I'll start ramping up my swimming in March.  Thoughts/Suggestions?

Good work on the stairs. I love running stairs when my knees are feeling up for it, its a fantastic way to quickly go anaerobic.

I am doing the Pushup challenge in combination with the pull-up merely because I couldn't do either a yearish ago and tried the challenge, then gave up. For me its sort of a redemption. Also, I'm a huge fan of body weight exercises, they seem to work so many different muscle groups only if it is to "stabilize" yourself. Cheers,
2014-01-14 1:11 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by b2b14

Originally posted by jeffnboise

Question;  What is the 'objective' to the Push Up Challenge?  Upper body strength?  Appearance?  I'm going to give it a shot, but I want it to be at the right time in regards to my other training.  I'll start ramping up my swimming in March.  Thoughts/Suggestions?

I went back and counted my workouts and if I count days its 11/31 if i count workouts its 14/31

Scott - How you count it really depends on what will motivate you more. Since my objective is to beat Thor and make him cry, I'm counting the # of workouts.

Jeff - I did the pushup challenge last year and found that my swimming times improved a bit but I'm not sure if it was the pushups as opposed to the other training I was doing. What does everyone else think?
2014-01-14 1:17 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Any one here have teen agers? Well my oldest today told me he hated me when I wouldn't let him take his cell phone to school. I was so ticked off that I briefly considered blowing off my morning workout but the Silver Bullet spoke to me and I decided to squeeze in a quick one before heading to the hospital. Turns out being angry helps my swim. Improved my half mile time by 90 seconds. Now if I could pick a fight with him right before my next race I should be all set

I also got in a 20 minute PT session as well as a quick run in the rain. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 here and I'm to take my bike off the trainer and get out for a nice ride before winter returns.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

2014-01-14 2:31 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Any one here have teen agers? Well my oldest today told me he hated me when I wouldn't let him take his cell phone to school. I was so ticked off that I briefly considered blowing off my morning workout but the Silver Bullet spoke to me and I decided to squeeze in a quick one before heading to the hospital. Turns out being angry helps my swim. Improved my half mile time by 90 seconds. Now if I could pick a fight with him right before my next race I should be all set

I also got in a 20 minute PT session as well as a quick run in the rain. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 here and I'm to take my bike off the trainer and get out for a nice ride before winter returns.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

No teenagers here, but the few times I've gone swimming while angry (usually at work stuff) I'm ALWAYS faster. I thought the same thing too, if I could just get someone to do something asinine right before my race, I'd be all set!
2014-01-14 3:18 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Workout for the day: Spin class for 45 minutes followed by cardio-kickboxing later tonight. Sadly I found out that the instructor for the Tuesday spin class (who plays great music) is getting moved over to Monday (one of my swim days). Guess this will motivate me to get back on the road for some real bike time instead of indoor spin class!

2014-01-14 4:50 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Any one here have teen agers? Well my oldest today told me he hated me when I wouldn't let him take his cell phone to school. I was so ticked off that I briefly considered blowing off my morning workout but the Silver Bullet spoke to me and I decided to squeeze in a quick one before heading to the hospital. Turns out being angry helps my swim. Improved my half mile time by 90 seconds. Now if I could pick a fight with him right before my next race I should be all set

I also got in a 20 minute PT session as well as a quick run in the rain. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 here and I'm to take my bike off the trainer and get out for a nice ride before winter returns.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

I once told my father I wished I was adopted so wouldn't have to be his son for 1 more day! I was a Hip-Hop lyric, heavy metal anger, why does the world not understand me, ignorant, rebellious teenager. I still regret treating him that way but we have absolutely 100% the best father/son relationship since my crazy years & it's definitely in our past. It's crazy how harsh the young ones can be (and not really mean it).

But yes, when I'm angry, man can I move careful not to go too hard and hurt yourself, I've done it.
2014-01-14 5:02 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Qua17

Any one here have teen agers? Well my oldest today told me he hated me when I wouldn't let him take his cell phone to school. I was so ticked off that I briefly considered blowing off my morning workout but the Silver Bullet spoke to me and I decided to squeeze in a quick one before heading to the hospital. Turns out being angry helps my swim. Improved my half mile time by 90 seconds. Now if I could pick a fight with him right before my next race I should be all set

I also got in a 20 minute PT session as well as a quick run in the rain. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 50 here and I'm to take my bike off the trainer and get out for a nice ride before winter returns.

Hope everyone is having a good day!

Not "real" teenagers, still "young" teenagers, but the funniest thing is how embarrassed they seem to be when they see me in my tri-clothes (and I don´t have an aero helmet). When my youngest daughter (12) does not want to finish her homework, I threaten her with picking her up at a birthday party with my tri-suit and a new aero helmet!

Today, 2000m swim for my 10/31. Starting week 2 from the pull ups challenge, highly stimulating challenge!
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author : AMSSM
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I am a 36 y/o male and this will be my fifth season doing triathlons. I have noticed that whenever I run for any period of time over 40 minutes I get a "pins and needles" feeling in my right foot.
date : April 17, 2005
author : sekhmet
comments : 1
We live in a fast-paced society and gym time seems more of a chore than an escape. Rushing through a workout not only yields fewer results but makes athletes prime candidates for injury.
date : April 3, 2005
author : Team BT
comments : 1
The day that I decided to participate in a triathlon really changed my view of my own obstacles of matching the mind to the body and the spirit to contribute to society.
date : February 13, 2005
author : AMSSM
comments : 2
So how sick is too sick to train? The American Medical Society for Sports Medicine answers just that and many other questions.
date : January 24, 2005
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
New athlete injury Q&A with the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine.