BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-18 7:28 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Well done Dennis, congrats.

2015-01-18 9:19 PM
in reply to: mbanddv

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30 minutes on hotel treadmill just to get the point and to run off last night's gluttony. We spent the weekend away with Friends too much wine and Italian food.

Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 15 12:17:12
DaveL. 15 16:45:00
Dennis 14 14:10:00
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jackie 12 15:43:43
Jim 11 10:30:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Brian 8 11:00:00
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-18 9:55 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
1:45 on the trainer - Colosseum plus 15min free ride as an endurance spin.

Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 15 12:17:12
DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dennis 14 14:10:00
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jackie 12 15:43:43
Jim 11 10:30:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Brian 8 11:00:00
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-18 10:24 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

Well done Dennis, congrats.


MAF is working ;-)
2015-01-18 10:29 PM
in reply to: 0

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30K yesterday was an awesome course, although a little challenging. Despite calf cramping the last 2 miles, I managed to run better than my marathon pace which is BQ time. 3:04 for 18.7 miles. Captured 1st in AG and 5th Grand Master. Today was a swim workout day, followed by yoga, followed by massage. I feel great now. 7 weeks to marathon.

So proud of everyone in the challenge!

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 15 12:17:12
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 14 14:10:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 8 11:00:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by jackiep 2015-01-18 10:35 PM
2015-01-19 6:54 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Congrats Dennis and Jackie!! Well done.

Dennis: looks like there is a draft report in your race log. I can't open it because it is draft, but I see your time.

2015-01-19 7:13 AM
in reply to: #5075288

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Great job on the race! That is a great time.
2015-01-19 7:44 AM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Dennis and Jackie- well done this weekend.
2015-01-19 7:59 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JBacarella

Dennis and Jackie- well done this weekend.

Agreed. Love seeing the Team compete and love seeing the training pay off.

I took yesterday off, left calf that was cramping the other day is nagging me? Instead I followed Jim's lead and made homemade ravioli and sauce and enjoyed some wine. It's nice to take a break sometimes!

Today I hope to get to the pool and earn my point. Will focus on recovery this week for my legs in prep of next weeks carnage!

Edited by trisuppo 2015-01-19 8:00 AM
2015-01-19 8:07 AM
in reply to: 0

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by dcon

Congrats Dennis and Jackie!! Well done.

Dennis: looks like there is a draft report in your race log. I can't open it because it is draft, but I see your time.

Thanks for the link, looks like I was hitting the wrong button and never published any on my race reports. I managed to publish the 1/2 Marathon report!

@Jackie-CONGRATS on the 1st place AG finish!! That is something most of us only dream about. And yes the MAF training has changed everything, it has forced me to slow down and not to push so hard. My body is thanking me and I actually feel like I'm getting stronger.

This weeks schedule:

Monday 60' swim
Tuesday 60' Recovery run(really slow pace)
Wednesday 60' Swim 30' Bike-trainer
Thursday 60' run
Friday 60' swim
Saturday 2hr Bike Ride-Road
Sunday 2hr long run-Very Slow Pace

Adding yesterdays race an this mornings 50' 2000m swim. The warm water flowing over my calves felt SO GOOD, it was so relaxing I think I almost fell a sleep a couple of times.

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 15 12:17:12
Jackie 16 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 8 11:00:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by sawyer1206 2015-01-19 8:14 AM
2015-01-19 8:28 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep

30K yesterday was an awesome course, although a little challenging. Despite calf cramping the last 2 miles, I managed to run better than my marathon pace which is BQ time. 3:04 for 18.7 miles. Captured 1st in AG and 5th Grand Master. Today was a swim workout day, followed by yoga, followed by massage. I feel great now. 7 weeks to marathon.

sounds like you are very well prepared for the marathon.Are you going for BQ?

2015-01-19 10:32 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Got my swim on...

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 8 11:00:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by trisuppo 2015-01-19 10:34 AM
2015-01-19 1:34 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Soggy trail ride out in the real world. #ComeOnSpring

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-19 2:30 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 16 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-19 3:46 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 16 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 14 15:06:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
Ellen 1 00:35:312

Edited by gekkounonetsu 2015-01-19 4:06 PM
2015-01-19 3:47 PM
in reply to: sawyer1206

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Dragged my butt to the pool for a hard fought 2000 yds.

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 16 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

2015-01-19 4:10 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Jackie is at 14. There was a posting error.

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Patrick 11 07:29:00
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-19 4:26 PM
in reply to: #5075288

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Congratulations, Jackie and Dennis! It's great seeing the accomplishments of others.

Recently I signed up on Fitocracy as axemaiden, so if any of y'all are on there, feel free to add me!
2015-01-19 5:43 PM
in reply to: gekkounonetsu

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Marcag posted this on the main board. Free ebook from on training with power:
2015-01-19 7:16 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Dennis and Jackie, congrats on completing the long distance!

Sunday - I tried to increase my run to 40 minutes, but my knee started hurting at 38 so I stopped short (4.65 miles). I'm going to try and slow my pace down more this week to see how my knee does.
Monday - 36 minutes on the trainer, fast pace.

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 13 08:42:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 8 09:34:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by cassowary 2015-01-19 7:19 PM
2015-01-19 7:49 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Congrats to everyone who competed this weekend! I had to run out of town on short notice yesterday and today for a family issue so I'm just getting caught up. I missed my swim yesterday but managed an hour on the trainer tonight doing TR "Goddard" followed by a quick 15:00 on the treadmill.

DaveL. 16 18:30:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 13 08:42:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 9 10:49:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

2015-01-19 8:11 PM
in reply to: 0

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Stayed up too late last night riding the trainer, woke up way too early, felt crappy all day, ran angry tonight and posted a PB on the treadmill 25:31 for 5km. 30min on the treadmill with the 5km and a slow cool down (feeling better now)

DaveL. 17 19:00:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 13 08:42:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 11 10:30:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 9 10:49:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by DaveL 2015-01-19 8:39 PM
2015-01-19 8:25 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
55 min on the drainer "There is no Try"

DaveL. 17 19:00:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 13 18:26:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 13 08:42:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 12 11:25:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 9 10:49:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-19 8:29 PM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by cassowary

Dennis and Jackie, congrats on completing the long distance!

Sunday - I tried to increase my run to 40 minutes, but my knee started hurting at 38 so I stopped short (4.65 miles). I'm going to try and slow my pace down more this week to see how my knee does.

Consider HR training using the Maffetone Method in the Big Yellow Book. Prior to MAF training I was having Achilles issues. Once I started the slower runs, the issues subsided. They will reoccur if I do a lot of speed work in a short time. Just something to consider.
2015-01-19 8:29 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Nice work Dennis and Jackie! Sounds like a great weekend!

To start off the week, I went for a 45 minute run. Covered 5.25 miles in all, battling some wind and falling snow. Balmy 35 degrees here in Wisconsin!

DaveL. 17 19:00:00
Dan 15 18:52:08
Mitch 16 12:47:16
Jackie 14 19:35:09
Dennis 16 16:55:00
Joe 15 15:50:41
Melissa 14 19:11:30
Beth 13 13:10:00
Patrick 13 08:42:00
Gabe 11 18:14:45
Jim 12 11:25:47
Seth 10 10:44:00
Kate 10 09:11:43
Brian 9 11:40:00
Dave C. 9 10:49:00
Rachel 8 07:25:46
Mark Z. 7 08:50:00
Mark H 7 5:41:00
Todd 5 06:15:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kevin 3 01:40:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
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