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2006-06-02 8:01 AM
in reply to: #316690


Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Any thoughts from some of more experienced riders on gearing. I am riding 650's on a 53/39 12-23. I live in the flat lands so I was considering moving to a 12-27 or even a compact crank. I just hate to spend the extra $ on Cranks when I don't live close to any hills. I've ridden the course on the computrainer and not had too much of a problem, but a bail out gear might be nice.


2006-06-02 9:35 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Just signed up for another 6 months of BT.

I've been going back an forth trying to decide, Tri Shorts, Bike shorts, socks no socks, Thin or thick socks.. Running shorts or Tri shorts...

Knowing myself, I'll probably still have my swim cap underneath my bike helmet and googles still in place.  Start the marathon with my bike shoes.

Still have alot of serious planning to do.

2006-06-02 9:36 AM
in reply to: #440846

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

taleesh - 2006-06-01 5:33 PM  Also, I don't think I can eat one more Clif bar. Need to find a replacement-QUICK

Odwalla - chocolate chip peanut butter.

2006-06-02 10:21 AM
in reply to: #441180

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I cannot eat any bars, they are way too sweet. Combining that with gatorade and I am over it. I decided to do the lowfat peanut butter bagel thing. Tried it once on my trainer, lots of little bites and will try it again on a long ride on Sunday. I like chocolate, but only the good stuff, cannot handle the below par tasting stuff they put in bars. No thanks. But i do like the idea of a more salty crunchy peanuty type, haven't found that yet. Also found (for me) I enjoy eating oranges grapefruit on the bike ride. Real, refreshing and makes me full fulfilled. Just remember stick to your plan and what works....
2006-06-02 10:52 AM
in reply to: #316690

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I swam the Hudson this past weekend for Liberty to Liberty.  It was 57 degree's.  It sucked for about 10 minutes, but after that it was quite comfortable- I am no longer worried about the swim temp. 

Also, this was my dry run for my nutrition and clothing plan.  Nutrition on the bike worked fine for me.  I used a combination of Accelerade, e-Gel's, Clif Blocks, Rasberry Newtons, and plent of water (of course).  Overall, that worked fine, although I may need to investigat the chicken broth/flat coke for a change of pace on the run.

As for the clothing, I liked the looks of the 2-piece Sugoi Suit that the IM community fund sent me and wanted to test it out.  Overall, it worked great.  I think any chafing issues I had in the past were more due to my saddle choices than to actual clothing.  I may swim with jammers under my wetsuit and change into the tri-shorts in transition.  I usually pre-lube them with chamois butter and dont want it to wash away in the lake.

Just a few random thoughts I wanted to share.  Is it wrong that I have butterflies already?

2006-06-02 12:57 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I posted my Race Day Plan in my log today if anyone would like to read it.

As far as changing in the transitions.  Alot of people do it but it's not my plan.  I don't do well in the heat so my plan is to get wet and stay wet all day.

2006-06-02 1:18 PM
in reply to: #441481

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
wish I was just a suntan girl!! Reading that made me feel like I was back at sqaure 1. I must say, you are really together, and that is very admireable. My plan looks more like this.

Go out and swim with a bunch of other people.
Get out and go ride hopefully with some people, finish before cut-off.
One foot after another, go forward, smile every so often and make it to the finish line,yep befoe cut-off. I now feel confident the swim cut-off I can make so note that....

But that was great, made me sit down and think out a plan. You are much more ambitious than myself, but again since this is my first (and only I bet) I intend to really take it easy and enjoy the experience. Might as well get my monies worth!!

2006-06-02 1:39 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Nice T.  I guess it is time to start writing it out.

I'm going to put the suntan lotion on before I go to bed - it's suppose to help keep it on during the swim better.  Maybe I'll put it on before bed and after I wake up.  Hmmm...

2006-06-02 2:20 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Unfortunately, my plan has currently been limited to "get out of the water alive and in under 2:20" due to the dizziness issues.  If I don't get the dizzy spells resolved, IMCDA will end up being a spectator sport for me.
2006-06-02 2:43 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Gee, I got tired just reading your plan. I am definitely inspired to train harder and longer. Sleep is way overrated anyway, right?

Good luck in your race, sounds awesome!


2006-06-03 4:15 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Tried a Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Nut Granola Bar on the bike today.  Really felt good.  Not too sweet and plenty salty! 170 Calories, 150 MG Sodium.

Not too early to have butterflies.....I am just hoping they do not turn into bats!!

2006-06-04 12:28 AM
in reply to: #316690

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Am I ready? I'm ready to get er'done, don't know if I am ready to accomplish the goals I have set, but I hope so! One more long ride tomorrow on the course, and then as much OWS as possible. Swam in Medical Lake today (about one hour away from Cd'A) and wasn't too bad, 3rd OWS so far. I only check in to BT now and then, but hope to make it to the gathering, sounds like a great party!

2006-06-04 9:33 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I couldn't get on the website this morning.  

Crud, yesterday was a perfect day, except for having to be at work.  Today is rainy.  Hope to get a ride in this afternoon.

Never mind, just got on imcda.

I was just reviewing the rules from imcda,  drafting rules and DQs, but than it had a statement about Littering?    Do they mean don't toss any bottles away?  GU packets?  Banana Peels?  Hold on to them till a stop?

Edited by BellinghamSpence 2006-06-04 9:48 AM
2006-06-04 4:41 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Mentally, if I'm not ready after today, I never will be.  Took 10 hours to complete a 6.5 hour ride....but I've kept a sense of humor about it!  Details are being put in my logs in case anyone is curious...Hollywood couldn't have scripted today's ride!
2006-06-04 5:28 PM
in reply to: #442433

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
BellinghamSpence - 2006-06-04 6:33 AM

Do they mean don't toss any bottles away?  GU packets?  Banana Peels?  Hold on to them till a stop?

Of course that's what they mean!  Garbage stops at the beginning and end of each aid station.  Toss your bottles, wrappers, peels, soiled undies in the general direction of a garbage can/pile.

2006-06-04 7:05 PM
in reply to: #442657

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I am so anti litter, I am glad they have that rule. Today I saw THE most disgusting thing...honestly I couldn't believe it. I was on the ferry to go back to St. John from Tortola. Another ferry just came in ahead of us. We were behind them and actually saw someone throw a dirty wrapped up diaper in the ocean. Incredible. All they had to do was get off the ferry and throw it in the closest garbage can, and here they threw it right it the beautiful blue Caribbean waters. Ticked me off...

ok on to other subjects and rules. How does the "no outside help" rule work. I know someone cannot help you change a tire etc. but can someone hand you drinks on the course? I tell ya today on my ride I was like a addict looking for her drugs, I needed to stop and find cold beverages anywhere I could. Warm gatorade just does not cut it on 90 degree days. Besides stopping for nestea's at mile 81 that cold diet coke was damn good!


2006-06-04 7:12 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I thought we would be like the TDF and just toss bottles and the kids would go for them like souvineers.   

I hope I don't soil myself...  Drool, snot, is ok....but soiled....<img align='middle' src=''>

2006-06-04 7:20 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
No outside help means just that...NONE!  Other than the volunteers at aid stations and the bike support wagon (if you ever see it) you can have no help!  They are real strict about it.  It is not a penalty it is disqualification.
2006-06-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Things heard only at taper time:

"Hey honey, where do we keep the Nair and extra razors?"

2006-06-05 5:00 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Liberty Lake, WA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I have been tring to hold back some of the excitement of CDA getting closer and closer.  And then I saw this,

2006-06-05 6:10 PM
in reply to: #443383

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San Diego
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
T in Liberty Lake - 2006-06-05 8:35 AM

Things heard only at taper time:

"Hey honey, where do we keep the Nair and extra razors?"

That's too funny. Happycow helped me Nair my legs last night. Nice and smoothe today. Now I'm ready to race

2006-06-05 6:18 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Hey, T.  That video gives me GI issues...pretty exciting stuff, but scary as hell. I think I need a stiff drink! And you guys are cracking be up with the nair. 

2006-06-05 6:30 PM
in reply to: #444009

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
T in Liberty Lake - 2006-06-05 2:00 PM

I have been tring to hold back some of the excitement of CDA getting closer and closer. And then I saw this,

Great link. Amazing how many people are there. All of them in black. I so don't want to wear a wetsuit.
2006-06-05 6:31 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
That makes two of us...I'm wishing for a miracle warm up and 75 degree water (yeah, right)
2006-06-05 7:47 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?


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