BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-04-23 6:43 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Carla, great race, love your race report! I now know I'm not the only one with crazy internal dialogue running through my head when the going gets tough! You're an inspiration!!

2012-04-23 6:55 AM
in reply to: #4166456

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Ybeal - 2012-04-23 6:43 AM Carla, great race, love your race report! I now know I'm not the only one with crazy internal dialogue running through my head when the going gets tough! You're an inspiration!!

Ybeal (Yvonne) - You are not the only one!!!  I love writing from this angle!  Very fun!

2012-04-23 6:56 AM
in reply to: #4166456

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Ybeal - 2012-04-23 6:43 AM Carla, great race, love your race report! I now know I'm not the only one with crazy internal dialogue running through my head when the going gets tough! You're an inspiration!!

Ybeal (Yvonne) - You are not the only one!!!  I love writing from this angle!  Very fun!

2012-04-23 6:57 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Hi gang! Saturday we drove to do the First Flight 5k with the kids. It was a beautiful day! My dh ran w my youngest (the faster of my two dd) and I ran with my 10 year old, well if you can call it running lol. Started out with intervals 2run x 1 walk and had to change that pretty quickly dd loves the medals, hates the running part lol! But you'd be so proud of me, I let it go and just went at her pace, had fun, and some one on one conversation with her which was nice. Got a cool medal, we got to run up and around the wright brother memorial, great view (tough hill), beautiful setting!

So I definitely didn't set any speed records and since we were so slow we didn't stick around for the awards. But that night I checked our results online and turns out my 8 year old placed first in her age group!! I feel SO bad we didn't stay! Now today I have to call and beg them to mail it! I am praying they will, she would be so excited. I didn't stop to think there may not be many kids in her age group which was 6-8, lesson learned, won't make that mistake again.

Now today, going to find a beginner group ride, do some p90x and maybe get my butt in a pool since I have been slacking the s & b of the equation! Happy Monday!!
2012-04-23 8:40 AM
in reply to: #4166355

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2012-04-23 1:04 AM

70.3 New Orleans 2012 - E x p r e s s     R a c e     R e p o r t :




Swim:    "There is a swim!"

              "Oh, now it's a Point-to-Point Swim"

              "Now it's a tentative swim depending on winds..." 

              "Now it's only an 800M Swim depending on winds..."

              "Now it's a 2 mile Run because of pending high winds."

              "I hate wind!" 


              ::: Lining up 2 x 2 for Time Trial Run Start ::: 

              ::: Air horn !!!::: 


              "I'm not into this... " 

               ::: SMACK! :::   "WTH!!!  Oh, Hi Coach ~K~"


               "At transition already... time to bike..."



T1:          "I wonder where I put my bike..."   

                "Oh there it is... the one with the SWEET 404's"

                "Helmet, Shoes, glasses, GO GO GO !!!!"


Bike:       OMG it's Windy!!!

                "Did I mention that it is   W  I  N  D  Y !!!! "

                "Sh*t, the wind almost tipped me over!!!" 


                "Up the bridge over pass, down the bridge over pass"

                "Wind, Wind, Wind!!!!"

                "Sh*t, the wind almost tipped me over!!!" again!!"


                "Nasty metal grate... careful, careful...!!!"  ::: WIND GUST :::  AAAAAHHHH!


                "Ok... now to apply my new TT Skills!"

                "This aero position is scary in the wind!"  ::: WIND GUST :::: AAAAAHHHH!!


                "Focus on your cadence!" 

                "Round, Round, Round Circles!!!"

                "Humm... I think I'm making good time..."

                "Humm... I just passed someone!"  

                "Humm... if I can just keep pedaling, my bike split will be sweet!"


                  ::: Pedal, Pedal, Pedal :::   ::: WIND GUST :::   AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!


                 Finally!  The dismount line!!!  MWAH, MWAH, MWAH!!!!


T2:        R U N N I N G    S H O E S !!!

               V I S O R !!!

               GO GO GO GO !!!!


Run: "Loop 1:  " Owww, my knees hurt from all that pedaling!! I'll walk up this grade...!"

                        ::: SMACK! :::   "WTH!!!  Oh, Hi Coach ~K~"

                        ::: Running again... ::: 

                        ::: SMACK! :::   "WTH!!!  Oh, Hi Mr. Coach ~K~"


                        Ooooh my favorite, a timing mat!  ::: Electronic sound :::

                        ::: Running ::: "OMG, I'm running!"


          Loop 2:  :::  Running :::   "OMG I'm still running!!!"

                       Hang on... 12 min/miles... focus, focus...

                       7... 8... 9... 10....

                       ::: Wheels come off :::

                       11... :::Getting Religious :::

                       12...  ::: Just keep moving :::

                       13?  ...can I get a "13" Please???  

                       ::: Longest Mile in the ENTIRE RACE!!!! ::::


                        :::Yelling and screaming ::: "Go Carla!"   !!!  

                        ::: Mustering up final run effort ::: 

                        ::: Smiling for the camera :::  "CHEESE!!!!"

                        OWWWW my legs hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Post Race: "OMG that was soo fun!  I can't wait to do another one!!! "

While I figure out how to create a Race Report here in BT, I thought I'd share this very fun "Express Race Report Style" that I have adopted over the years! I will blog my complete race experience over the next month or so! ~Enjoy~

WOW Carla!

You'll never forget that race. What a great job and I can't wait to read your full report.

Don't ever let anyone tell you to HTFU - You are there!

2012-04-23 8:43 AM
in reply to: #4166474

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Ybeal - 2012-04-23 7:57 AM Hi gang! Saturday we drove to do the First Flight 5k with the kids. It was a beautiful day! My dh ran w my youngest (the faster of my two dd) and I ran with my 10 year old, well if you can call it running lol. Started out with intervals 2run x 1 walk and had to change that pretty quickly dd loves the medals, hates the running part lol! But you'd be so proud of me, I let it go and just went at her pace, had fun, and some one on one conversation with her which was nice. Got a cool medal, we got to run up and around the wright brother memorial, great view (tough hill), beautiful setting!

So I definitely didn't set any speed records and since we were so slow we didn't stick around for the awards. But that night I checked our results online and turns out my 8 year old placed first in her age group!! I feel SO bad we didn't stay! Now today I have to call and beg them to mail it! I am praying they will, she would be so excited. I didn't stop to think there may not be many kids in her age group which was 6-8, lesson learned, won't make that mistake again.

Now today, going to find a beginner group ride, do some p90x and maybe get my butt in a pool since I have been slacking the s & b of the equation! Happy Monday!!

Cool first place finish!

I always check the print outs before I leave most of the time they have them posted somewhere - I never get that lucky to actual place though.

2012-04-23 8:49 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

I got in a nice 1:20 min outside ride in today - the weather has really turned nice here and most of the snow has melted!

tomorrow unfortunately I have another swim TT. 3x300's w/ 30 " rest between each one to get a new T-pace - not looking forward to it!

I hope everyone is having (had) a great Monday!

2012-04-24 3:36 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.



2012-04-24 3:45 PM
in reply to: #4170528

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 3:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.



amazing Iceman!  your progress is really inspiring.

2012-04-24 3:46 PM
in reply to: #4170528

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 3:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.




Those are great numbers ice!  You must be flying on that bike!  I tested out a few weeks back.  Weighed in at 168lbs and pulled 270w.  I was really happy with that since my running was my focus over those previous 8 weeks.  I'm hoping to go on a cycling focussed plan after my HM in a couple weeks.  Hope to put in another 10% gain in watts before HIM!

You're run is coming along great too.  Especially with you focussing on the bike.  How many days/miles are you running per week now Ice?

2012-04-24 3:56 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

I had a TT test in the pool today.  I sooooo did not want to do this after a sleepless night last night.  But I did it (which I am happy about in and of itself) and happy with the pacing and results.  Though I don't know if I will be able to swim at my new T-pace without a lot of suffering Cool


Results: 3x300 all out w/ 30" rest = 1) 4:11 2) 4:12 3) 4:13 Avg 300 = 4:12 = Tpace of 1:24/100 yd


I recently purchased "swim workouts for triathletes" which uses the Tpace to set the pace of the workouts.  I really like the workouts and plan on using the Oly/HIM 12 week training plan.  I think it will be good for me as I don't like the BT swim workouts and these workouts are definately challenging!

2012-04-24 3:58 PM
in reply to: #4170570

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-24 3:56 PM

I had a TT test in the pool today.  I sooooo did not want to do this after a sleepless night last night.  But I did it (which I am happy about in and of itself) and happy with the pacing and results.  Though I don't know if I will be able to swim at my new T-pace without a lot of suffering Cool


Results: 3x300 all out w/ 30" rest = 1) 4:11 2) 4:12 3) 4:13 Avg 300 = 4:12 = Tpace of 1:24/100 yd


I recently purchased "swim workouts for triathletes" which uses the Tpace to set the pace of the workouts.  I really like the workouts and plan on using the Oly/HIM 12 week training plan.  I think it will be good for me as I don't like the BT swim workouts and these workouts are definately challenging!


HOLY CRAP!!! am I jealous of your swim times!!!


Way to go Robin!

2012-04-24 4:00 PM
in reply to: #4170573

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-24 3:58 PM
robingray_260 - 2012-04-24 3:56 PM

I had a TT test in the pool today.  I sooooo did not want to do this after a sleepless night last night.  But I did it (which I am happy about in and of itself) and happy with the pacing and results.  Though I don't know if I will be able to swim at my new T-pace without a lot of suffering Cool


Results: 3x300 all out w/ 30" rest = 1) 4:11 2) 4:12 3) 4:13 Avg 300 = 4:12 = Tpace of 1:24/100 yd


I recently purchased "swim workouts for triathletes" which uses the Tpace to set the pace of the workouts.  I really like the workouts and plan on using the Oly/HIM 12 week training plan.  I think it will be good for me as I don't like the BT swim workouts and these workouts are definately challenging!


HOLY CRAP!!! am I jealous of your swim times!!!


Way to go Robin!

If it makes you feel any better Brian - I almost threw up in the pool and was practically hyperventilating by the end. very very tired now.

2012-04-24 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4170573

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-24 4:58 PM
robingray_260 - 2012-04-24 3:56 PM

I had a TT test in the pool today.  I sooooo did not want to do this after a sleepless night last night.  But I did it (which I am happy about in and of itself) and happy with the pacing and results.  Though I don't know if I will be able to swim at my new T-pace without a lot of suffering Cool


Results: 3x300 all out w/ 30" rest = 1) 4:11 2) 4:12 3) 4:13 Avg 300 = 4:12 = Tpace of 1:24/100 yd


I recently purchased "swim workouts for triathletes" which uses the Tpace to set the pace of the workouts.  I really like the workouts and plan on using the Oly/HIM 12 week training plan.  I think it will be good for me as I don't like the BT swim workouts and these workouts are definately challenging!


HOLY CRAP!!! am I jealous of your swim times!!!


Way to go Robin!

x's 2!
2012-04-24 5:36 PM
in reply to: #4170528

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 4:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.



Ice those are some impressive numbers! Your training this year is spot on and it shoes!
2012-04-24 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4170553

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-24 4:46 PM
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 3:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.




Those are great numbers ice!  You must be flying on that bike!  I tested out a few weeks back.  Weighed in at 168lbs and pulled 270w.  I was really happy with that since my running was my focus over those previous 8 weeks.  I'm hoping to go on a cycling focussed plan after my HM in a couple weeks.  Hope to put in another 10% gain in watts before HIM!

You're run is coming along great too.  Especially with you focussing on the bike.  How many days/miles are you running per week now Ice?

Your numbers are impressive too Brian!Considering my shoulder battles (waiting for an MRI appointment now) I guess I will focus on the bike and run, maybe I can get close to you guys! Impressive!

2012-04-24 6:21 PM
in reply to: #4170570

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-24 4:56 PM

I had a TT test in the pool today.  I sooooo did not want to do this after a sleepless night last night.  But I did it (which I am happy about in and of itself) and happy with the pacing and results.  Though I don't know if I will be able to swim at my new T-pace without a lot of suffering Cool


Results: 3x300 all out w/ 30" rest = 1) 4:11 2) 4:12 3) 4:13 Avg 300 = 4:12 = Tpace of 1:24/100 yd


I recently purchased "swim workouts for triathletes" which uses the Tpace to set the pace of the workouts.  I really like the workouts and plan on using the Oly/HIM 12 week training plan.  I think it will be good for me as I don't like the BT swim workouts and these workouts are definately challenging!

Robin that's really great!

2012-04-24 6:22 PM
in reply to: #4170528

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 4:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.




Wow down 22 since Jan 1 - Wow!

2012-04-24 7:14 PM
in reply to: #4170553

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-24 3:46 PM
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 3:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.




Those are great numbers ice!  You must be flying on that bike!  I tested out a few weeks back.  Weighed in at 168lbs and pulled 270w.  I was really happy with that since my running was my focus over those previous 8 weeks.  I'm hoping to go on a cycling focussed plan after my HM in a couple weeks.  Hope to put in another 10% gain in watts before HIM!

You're run is coming along great too.  Especially with you focussing on the bike.  How many days/miles are you running per week now Ice?


Thanks everybody.  I'm having a lot of fun.

I'm running 3X.  I do a brick on Saturday with a moderate intensity,  a harder longer race pace on Monday and on Wednesdays I've been running with our run club - speed work, hills and long hard runs.  We're working toward their big event on the first Satu4rday in May.  The runs, the speed work and the weight loss and the strength training with kettle bells is really paying off.   Total miles right now = 20/week.   

2012-04-24 7:52 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Ice--Great work my friend very impressive..

Carla--Loved the thoughts running through your head..Congrats again on your finish...? for you was it Windy???LOL

Robin--Very great swim times I'm so jealous.

Kenj--Hope you have good news with the shoulder...

2012-04-24 9:48 PM
in reply to: #4170711

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
kenj - 2012-04-24 5:40 PM
Meulen - 2012-04-24 4:46 PM
IceManScott - 2012-04-24 3:36 PM

Carla, that was fun to read.  Thanks. 


I did my threshold power update test today.  I was at 297 watts 5 weeks ago.  I am at an unofficial 313 today.  Also weighed in at 206, down 22 since Jan. 1 on Paleo. 

I did a 4.5 mile run yesterday with some blazing cuts.  I know 8:40/mile isn't fast for some of you but it is real progress for me. 

Life is good.




Those are great numbers ice!  You must be flying on that bike!  I tested out a few weeks back.  Weighed in at 168lbs and pulled 270w.  I was really happy with that since my running was my focus over those previous 8 weeks.  I'm hoping to go on a cycling focussed plan after my HM in a couple weeks.  Hope to put in another 10% gain in watts before HIM!

You're run is coming along great too.  Especially with you focussing on the bike.  How many days/miles are you running per week now Ice?

Your numbers are impressive too Brian!Considering my shoulder battles (waiting for an MRI appointment now) I guess I will focus on the bike and run, maybe I can get close to you guys! Impressive!

sending positive thoughts for good MRI news your way!!!!!!  I do find it interesting how much I have improved on my swim and bike by not running. good thing there are not 4 sports involved - 3 is plenty!

2012-04-24 10:03 PM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Robin those are great numbers. If you ever do up in the pool always think that it is easy to clean off from you. Half full glass thinking

Ice those are impressive numbers on the run and the weight. Congrats. Your 8:40 is killer, I am only at a 10-11 min mile so you are doing great.

Ken. Hope your shoulder results come back decent. If you need an ortho dr up here in the Roc drop me a message.
2012-04-25 4:07 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Good morning gang! Thanks for the well wishes, I am sure it is just precautionary and maybe a little of me being impatient, I have that tendency. Embarassed I will continue with the PT, etc.

How is everyone's training going?  I know for those of us in the northeast, at least I am, the early nice weather spoiled us and now we are dealing with colder than normal and wet weather.  Kind of frustrating.

Ice, you bring up a good point on the running, it is also true with the bike.  The best bang for the buck to improve your performance (besides consistently smart training) is to drop your weight.  Congratulations on you success and smart weight loss. 

2012-04-25 6:28 AM
in reply to: #4171271

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Hey everyone. Sounds like things are great for you all. I am in the midst of a lengthy kidnapping trial and the snow storm Ken mentioned isn't helping either. Keep the inspiring news coming!
2012-04-25 7:59 AM
in reply to: #4170580

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-24 4:00 PM
Meulen - 2012-04-24 3:58 PM
robingray_260 - 2012-04-24 3:56 PM

I had a TT test in the pool today.  I sooooo did not want to do this after a sleepless night last night.  But I did it (which I am happy about in and of itself) and happy with the pacing and results.  Though I don't know if I will be able to swim at my new T-pace without a lot of suffering Cool


Results: 3x300 all out w/ 30" rest = 1) 4:11 2) 4:12 3) 4:13 Avg 300 = 4:12 = Tpace of 1:24/100 yd


I recently purchased "swim workouts for triathletes" which uses the Tpace to set the pace of the workouts.  I really like the workouts and plan on using the Oly/HIM 12 week training plan.  I think it will be good for me as I don't like the BT swim workouts and these workouts are definately challenging!


HOLY CRAP!!! am I jealous of your swim times!!!


Way to go Robin!

If it makes you feel any better Brian - I almost threw up in the pool and was practically hyperventilating by the end. very very tired now.


Not really!!! LOL   Seriously Robin I'm impressed!  You really inspire me.  I just learned to swim when I started triathlon.  My first tri was a pool swim and I walked the lane for half the swim.  Considering it was only a month or two before that I couldn't make it accross a 25m pool I was surprised I did it at all!  I spend lots and lots of time on the bike/run.  Cycling is my first love really.  It's where fitness all started for me and I have a weak spot for fancy bikes!   Running came natural to me after I lost weight.  My body type, long leg/short torso, really was made for running.  I went from 10min/miles to sub 7min/miles, in races, in no time at all.  I was really lucky.  I realize that swimming for me is just going to take the time to focus on it.  Getting to the pool is waaaaaaaay more inconvenient to me than it is to jump on a trainer or treadmill at home or steps from my office chair.  I think you just inspired me to make a long term plan of focussing on my swim over the next winter.

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