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2011-09-01 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3668837

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 20

11-09-01 7:36 AM

CyborgQueen - 2011-09-01 8:52 AM

Quick question...

     If you were fitted at one bike shop, and decided not to go back because of various reasons.   After a while, you realize you need to get a better fit on the bike (in my case it was swapping out saddles and seatpost after a LBS screwed up the screw), so you go to another shop based on a high recommendation from a friend.  That bike shop takes a look at your bike, and informs that the bike is too big (in my case)/small.   Who would you believe in? 

In my case, I got an offer on replacement frame of a smaller size directly from the bike manufacturer, and the only way I can get it is through bike shop #1 (authorized dealer).  After getting my head kind of bit off - (fitter's wife btw), she basically says that the fitter stands by his analysis EVERYTIME, and blames me for not going to them for getting fit. "If the fitter believes in that you should be in a particular size, then that the size you should have, however, you are supposed to come in every few months or so to get adjusted".   She did email the bike manufacturer, but I feel like I'm gonna get screwed in this whole saga.  She claims that the fitter has been doing fits for 15+ years and knows his "-hit". The silly thing was, when I told her, "I would like you to contact the company so I can get a frame in size 44cm." She says, "They do not make it in that size, only 48cm or bigger."  I proved her wrong...*eye roll*

I'm not doubting Fitter #1 ability.  What IF I will be better in a smaller size?  I was told by Fitter #2 that I would be more comfortable, more powerful on the hills due to slightly different geometry/smaller geometry.

Anyone experienced something similar to this?  Where two shops (not just bikes, but cars for example is another thing) have conflicting advice, and BOTH are known to be great fitters/shop. 

WOW, there is an awful lot going on in this post!

There are people in this group far wiser than me on the whole bike fit issue, but as someone who went through this last year let me ask a few questions:

1. What are the credentials of fitter #1 and fitter #2? are they Serrotta certified? FIST certified?  I really wouldn't give a crap if they fit 10,000 people if they have no real training to do so. 

2. If the manufaturer is willing to swap bikes, are they admitting there is a fit issue?  If so, who cares if you have to order it through fitter #1? do it and if you feel more comfortable with fitter #2 have him do any modiciations necessary.

3.  Riders and styles change over time.  My initial saddle worked fine, until I started riding way more aero.  Change the saddle and other stuff might need to change as well.  Find one fitter you trust and stick with them.  I wish I had done that before I plunked down some serious change on a bad bike for me.

I think this is super important to keep in mind... When I first got my bike my fitter commented on my structure -- torso length (genetics), back flexibility or lack there-of (years of swimming), this, that, and the other... I didn't really care I just wanted my bike to fit. But I've been back over the past few years for one thing or another and he's constantly tweaking me because  my riding style/strength/flexibility has changed over time. And he's pretty much told me to try to be aware of things when I am riding and if I find myself shifting my body while riding (sliding forward/back on the saddle, where my hands are comfortable on the bars, etc.) to come back for tweaks. It's a process, as our bodies are constantly changing as well. GOOD LUCK.

Lots going on here... Good luck racers: Roni, Jayne, Rob... Roni, I'll be looking forward to reading about running a marathon in that heat and humidity! Drink up!!!

Rachel -- I'm so sorry about your race. Look how far you have come, and with young kids at home... WOW. Please try to keep that chin up and find your next goal and keep moving forward. I truly believe this sport (and well, life in general!) is all about the journey. Embrace it. And know that we'll be here to support you when/if you are ready to try again!

Matt... Mmmmmmmm, coffee. So funny, we had a bunch of friends over last night and got to talking about coffee and how many of us set up of coffee the night before, and then how we get so excited to go to bed because we're looking forward to that coffee the next morning. Sad cases of true addiction. But hey, there are worse things to rely on every day, so I'll take it. Gonna order me up some coffee!!

I've seen that picture so many times and it always causes my stomach to tighten up into knots. It's so very sad... yet those words don't even begin to cover it. 

Oh yeah, August totals? 

August's totals:
Bike:3h 17m  - 48.42 Mi
Run:14h 27m 43s  - 81.6 Mi

55m  - 3400 Yd

 Pretty lame... glad I logged some run miles. Maybe I should have logged dive hours -- that would have been impressive!! Kids back to school soon, and I really want to spend some time on the bike before the weather turns to crap. Contemplating an Oly at the end of the month but haven't made any decisions yet. Can't get any friends to do it with me, even when I put together three and asked them to do a relay. Maybe I need new friends...

Edited by kkcbelle 2011-09-01 9:59 AM

2011-09-01 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3668837

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-09-01 7:36 AM
CyborgQueen - 2011-09-01 8:52 AM

Quick question...

     If you were fitted at one bike shop, and decided not to go back because of various reasons.   After a while, you realize you need to get a better fit on the bike (in my case it was swapping out saddles and seatpost after a LBS screwed up the screw), so you go to another shop based on a high recommendation from a friend.  That bike shop takes a look at your bike, and informs that the bike is too big (in my case)/small.   Who would you believe in? 

WOW, there is an awful lot going on in this post!

There are people in this group far wiser than me on the whole bike fit issue, but as someone who went through this last year let me ask a few questions:

1. What are the credentials of fitter #1 and fitter #2? are they Serrotta certified? FIST certified?  I really wouldn't give a crap if they fit 10,000 people if they have no real training to do so. Neither of them are. Fitter #1 claims that he's been fitting for 15 years and racers blah blah. Fitter #2 has been doing it for years...but nothing more. 

2. If the manufaturer is willing to swap bikes, are they admitting there is a fit issue?  If so, who cares if you have to order it through fitter #1? do it and if you feel more comfortable with fitter #2 have him do any modiciations necessary.   The only reason why the manufacturer is willing to replace the frame through Fitter #1 is because he's an authorized dealer of Jamis. I'm stuck. I can't go anywhere else.  The last statement pretty much nails it.   I feel like throwing my hands in the air and driving to Southern California to get a real fit, but then how do I know they're better? You can't...

3.  Riders and styles change over time.  My initial saddle worked fine, until I started riding way more aero.  Change the saddle and other stuff might need to change as well.  Find one fitter you trust and stick with them.  I wish I had done that before I plunked down some serious change on a bad bike for me.  I agree. That's the I trust my original fitter, and admit that I haven't gone back? Or go to the second one? I like #2, but just because I like someone doesn't necessarily mean that they know perfectly exactly what to do with fit.   There could be a fitter that has awful bedside manner/customer service, but he's a FABULOUS fitter.    Does that make sense? 

Sorry Suzy! :-)  This is actually a revised condensed version.  lol.

2011-09-01 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3668893

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

2011-09-01 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3668045

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
cadmus - 2011-08-31 2:38 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-31 11:07 AM
Havin'Fun - 2011-08-31 1:20 PM

Sorry about the bike and the wedding ring.  But a huge congrats on the baby!!!    

its actually mine not his but don't tell him cause i'm up to my ears trying to pay for three kids. 

matt you better not spit in the coffee i just ordered!  congrats on the kiddo!!!!

check out the last page after you place an order.  it appears there are a few lines on there that may not need to be there...


Checkout Success Sample Text ...

A few words about the approximate shipping time or your processing policy would be put here.

This section of text is from the Define Pages Editor located under Tools in the Admin.

Thanks for the order John, I successfully resisted the urge to label it: Cadmus' "Special" Blend given the comments above. 

I did include a test tube and a subpoena, please provide some saliva for testing .  At least one of these kids might be able to attend private school!!!


NO SWBKRUN DISCOUNT??? RUBBISH, but my order is placed.... Better be tasty!!

2011-09-01 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3669078

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


2011-09-01 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3669118

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kt65 - 2011-09-01 11:46 AM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


I'd be smiling too if I had a body like that! Tongue out

The IM chute is an indescribale location.  My old coach told me to slow down and take it all in and that's what I did.   That moment for me was a celebration of the training and having wanted something so bad for so many years. It had absolutely nothing to do with the time on the clock. 

2011-09-01 12:20 PM
in reply to: #3669118

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kt65 - 2011-09-01 9:46 AM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  



She is incredible....


Speaking of smiling... Had dinner with Tracy and fam last night.  She is still smiling EAR TO EAR!!!

2011-09-01 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3669160

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-09-01 12:58 PM
kt65 - 2011-09-01 11:46 AM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


I'd be smiling too if I had a body like that! Tongue out

The IM chute is an indescribale location.  My old coach told me to slow down and take it all in and that's what I did.   That moment for me was a celebration of the training and having wanted something so bad for so many years. It had absolutely nothing to do with the time on the clock. 


No kidding! Abs like those after 3 kids??? Wow.

Check out this video of the final finishers at IM Louisville. If that doesn't feed IM fever, I don't know what will.

2011-09-01 1:36 PM
in reply to: #3668424

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gotta run - 2011-08-31 10:34 PM

Brent - good luck with your move!

Matt - Congratulations on the baby! I'll be ordering up some Hardy Har Harrar in honor of my grandfather, whose favorite joke ended "hardy har har".

Rachel - I'm sorry about Louisville, but try not to let it get you down. You should be proud that you took on such a tremendous challenge. And the next time will be better!

Rob, Roni, and Jayne (and anyone else I missed) - good luck with your races this weekend!

Suzy and Kim - you're both amazing.

John - I hadn't seen that picture, thanks for posting it. That was a devastating day.


2011-09-01 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3669247

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gotta run - 2011-09-01 1:44 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-09-01 12:58 PM
kt65 - 2011-09-01 11:46 AM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


I'd be smiling too if I had a body like that! Tongue out

The IM chute is an indescribale location.  My old coach told me to slow down and take it all in and that's what I did.   That moment for me was a celebration of the training and having wanted something so bad for so many years. It had absolutely nothing to do with the time on the clock. 


No kidding! Abs like those after 3 kids??? Wow.

Check out this video of the final finishers at IM Louisville. If that doesn't feed IM fever, I don't know what will.

this FLORIDA BEACH might!

or this!

2011-09-01 1:49 PM
in reply to: #3669118

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kt65 - 2011-09-01 12:46 PM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


Holy cow!  I need to start reading her blog on a regular basis.  Looks like I could use her guidance more than ever since (Gosh, not sure how to write this so I'll just spit it out) my husband and I are separating.  Trial seaparation at first with (more) marriage counseling.  We'll see. 

So, any advice on how to keep the training in with little to no spousal support for the kids? 

Also, sadly, b/c of this I won't be able to support you, Kim and Suzy, and IMMoo next weekend.  I am so disappointed I won't be able to make it.  I will be with you in spirit.

And, I'm also rethinking which IM to tackle for my IM goal.  Looking like a summer race will be better for me.  While I'd love, love, love to do an IM days before my 40th bday at IMTX 2013 I'm thinking get my crap together this next yr, do 2 HIMs in 2012, and shoot for IMLP 2013.  Thoughts?  I am easily swayed by suggestion these days.


Edited by mighty mom 2011-09-01 1:54 PM

2011-09-01 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

John- Does that mean you're looking at IMFL 2012?

2011-09-01 2:24 PM
in reply to: #3669389

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
mighty mom - 2011-09-01 2:50 PM

John- Does that mean you're looking at IMFL 2012?

depends how many fish i catch. ;-)

2011-09-01 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3669383

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
mighty mom - 2011-09-01 11:49 AM
kt65 - 2011-09-01 12:46 PM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


Holy cow!  I need to start reading her blog on a regular basis.  Looks like I could use her guidance more than ever since (Gosh, not sure how to write this so I'll just spit it out) my husband and I are separating.  Trial seaparation at first with (more) marriage counseling.  We'll see. 

So, any advice on how to keep the training in with little to no spousal support for the kids? 

Also, sadly, b/c of this I won't be able to support you, Kim and Suzy, and IMMoo next weekend.  I am so disappointed I won't be able to make it.  I will be with you in spirit.

And, I'm also rethinking which IM to tackle for my IM goal.  Looking like a summer race will be better for me.  While I'd love, love, love to do an IM days before my 40th bday at IMTX 2013 I'm thinking get my crap together this next yr, do 2 HIMs in 2012, and shoot for IMLP 2013.  Thoughts?  I am easily swayed by suggestion these days.


Hey, Christina...sorry to hear what you are and have been going through.  Sorry we will miss you but of course you will be with us in spirit! 

Can't help with the question re: training/kids/single mom, etc, but I know one thing...Your Sig: MIGHTYMOM, it says alot...your positive attitude, sense of humor and determination will be instrumental in making it work...and some days/weeks may be harder than others, but remembering that life is a balancing act is helpful.  We can't always be perfect, but we can try our best to be our best and that usually works pretty darn well with family/friends/work/training (mostly in that order). 

That's what I've sort of come up with these past 5 months of doing the crazy balancing act. 

2011-09-01 2:56 PM
in reply to: #3669383

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
mighty mom - 2011-09-01 2:49 PM
kt65 - 2011-09-01 12:46 PM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


Holy cow!  I need to start reading her blog on a regular basis.  Looks like I could use her guidance more than ever since (Gosh, not sure how to write this so I'll just spit it out) my husband and I are separating.  Trial seaparation at first with (more) marriage counseling.  We'll see. 

So, any advice on how to keep the training in with little to no spousal support for the kids? 

Also, sadly, b/c of this I won't be able to support you, Kim and Suzy, and IMMoo next weekend.  I am so disappointed I won't be able to make it.  I will be with you in spirit.

And, I'm also rethinking which IM to tackle for my IM goal.  Looking like a summer race will be better for me.  While I'd love, love, love to do an IM days before my 40th bday at IMTX 2013 I'm thinking get my crap together this next yr, do 2 HIMs in 2012, and shoot for IMLP 2013.  Thoughts?  I am easily swayed by suggestion these days.


oh man.  i so sorry to hear this christina.  i love kim's post.  i'd also add that IM is always going to be there.  take care of YOU! 

2011-09-01 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3669549

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Christina - I'm so sorry to hear this, and I hope you and your husband can work things out. I also love what Kim wrote, and I'd just add - as with all things having to do with kids - try to stay flexible and be ready to adjust your plans as needed. You don't have to follow a training plan to a T, just do your best. My husband works/travels a lot, so some tricks to fitting in training are to ride on the trainer early in the morning or after the kids are in bed at night, having them ride their bikes while you run, and if possible, swimming laps during their swim lessons and/or joining a gym with child care. Sometimes the workouts are less than ideal, but they're always better than nothing!

2011-09-01 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3669457

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-09-01 3:24 PM
mighty mom - 2011-09-01 2:50 PM

John- Does that mean you're looking at IMFL 2012?

depends how many fish i catch. ;-)

He has tried to persuade me, but to no avail. I have absolutely no interest in doind a Full IM. More power to those of you who do, and I will support you 100%. I just do not have the motivation, desire or time to do this. AND the thought of "running" 26.2 miles after 2.4 swim and 112 bike sounds repulsive to me.

Now if I can work out some physical issues in the off-season I might reconsider it one day.

2011-09-01 4:59 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

I came on this thread, and all of sudden the webpage got gigantically wide...ahh...the IMFL photo. 

That's...whoa. :-)


Thanks Kyla - that's exactly what the first bike shop said, and honesty, I did have a few tweaks, but nothing "major" never seemed to solve the issue., I went to the bike shop that I frequent at and asked him for his opinion on this whole thing...and he said..."You should have been on the 44cm", after taking measurements as if I was getting my first fit.  He has tweaked my bike, but never "measured" me.  If that make sense.   SO...This gal is getting a new frame, and I'm not flip floping shops no more. I'm going to this guy from now on. Lesson learned!


My half mary plan starts next week...I'm scared. :-P 

2011-09-01 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3669605

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-09-01 1:13 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-09-01 3:24 PM
mighty mom - 2011-09-01 2:50 PM

John- Does that mean you're looking at IMFL 2012?

depends how many fish i catch. ;-)

He has tried to persuade me, but to no avail. I have absolutely no interest in doind a Full IM. More power to those of you who do, and I will support you 100%. I just do not have the motivation, desire or time to do this. AND the thought of "running" 26.2 miles after 2.4 swim and 112 bike sounds repulsive to me.

Now if I can work out some physical issues in the off-season I might reconsider it one day.


x2!!  I think I can do AquaVelo distance, but the thanks. Undecided


Good luck to all racers this weekend!  Nothing special...plan to do my longest bike distance ~56miles. At least I can do 1/3 of a HIM. does that count? Laughing

2011-09-01 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3669247

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
gotta run - 2011-09-01 1:44 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-09-01 12:58 PM
kt65 - 2011-09-01 11:46 AM
kkcbelle - 2011-09-01 9:32 AM

Had to share an awesome quote for the day. This one is from Rachel Ross (, who is a single mother of 3 and an incredible athlete. With what I consider minimal training, she went to IMC and won her AG, placed 6th woman overall, and nabbed her Kona spot, which was her mission. 

"You can't not smile running down the IM finish chute. Even though the day wasn't perfect, it's like anything in life, you just keep going after what you want, and eventually, you'll get there. Smiling."

Just in case anyone wanted to see her smile.  


I'd be smiling too if I had a body like that! Tongue out

The IM chute is an indescribale location.  My old coach told me to slow down and take it all in and that's what I did.   That moment for me was a celebration of the training and having wanted something so bad for so many years. It had absolutely nothing to do with the time on the clock. 


No kidding! Abs like those after 3 kids??? Wow.

Check out this video of the final finishers at IM Louisville. If that doesn't feed IM fever, I don't know what will.


I could do ANYTHING with that crowd cheering me on!  Wow!

2011-09-01 5:16 PM
in reply to: #3668717

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
bfwhitt - 2011-09-01 9:18 AM

tricrazy - 2011-08-31 11:41 AM Hey all.  I haven't been on BT is almost a month and it was a crazy month.  I had IMKY this past weekend and things didn't go very well.  The short version is I DNFd the day.  The paramedics pulled me off the course at mile 95 of the bike.  It was extremely disappointing.  I am going to try again in few years I think when my kids are a little older and I have more cycling experience.


Needed to chime in on this I can't even wrap my head around attempting to do an IM yet. So just getting out there and doing your best is impressive to me, and trying to do it with a family to raise doubly impressive...


^^^^^^^What he said!! ^^^^^^^^

2011-09-01 5:49 PM
in reply to: #3669823

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
CyborgQueen - 2011-09-01 2:59 PM

I came on this thread, and all of sudden the webpage got gigantically wide...ahh...the IMFL photo. 

That's...whoa. :-)


Thanks Kyla - that's exactly what the first bike shop said, and honesty, I did have a few tweaks, but nothing "major" never seemed to solve the issue., I went to the bike shop that I frequent at and asked him for his opinion on this whole thing...and he said..."You should have been on the 44cm", after taking measurements as if I was getting my first fit.  He has tweaked my bike, but never "measured" me.  If that make sense.   SO...This gal is getting a new frame, and I'm not flip floping shops no more. I'm going to this guy from now on. Lesson learned!


My half mary plan starts next week...I'm scared. :-P 

Glad you got that resolved, DJ.  Life is full of lessons to be's learning them that allows us to move forward instead of backward! 

Now, why are you scared???  It's a plan.  One step at a time, don't look too far thing you know it's race day and you are race ready!  Believe and trust in the plan!  --stolen from someone's email to me yesterday

2011-09-01 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Kim made a good point DJ, a lot of people say, "Trust in the plan". The plans work for so many different athletes and you can modify your plan to accomodate your current fitness level and health : )
2011-09-01 6:35 PM
in reply to: #3669900

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Terps421 - 2011-09-01 6:05 PM Kim made a good point DJ, a lot of people say, "Trust in the plan". The plans work for so many different athletes and you can modify your plan to accomodate your current fitness level and health : )

Yes, that Kim is full of sage advice! Wink

So Fatty, that's what the IM Florida swim start looks like?  Man is it wide!  Is it an out and back in the ocean?  While I'm not interested in doing that race--too flat for this hill chaser, I could definitely be persuaded to be the whip snapper to keep those in line who might be doing it!

DJ, glad things worked out on the bike issue.  Now go start training for the HM and stop worrying about something that hasn't even started yet!

PS.  While it is a balmy 90 in Mad Town, it is supposed to be 59F on Sunday....oh and the low, 36F!

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-09-01 7:40 PM
2011-09-01 7:41 PM
in reply to: #3669933

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-09-01 7:35 PM

Terps421 - 2011-09-01 6:05 PM Kim made a good point DJ, a lot of people say, "Trust in the plan". The plans work for so many different athletes and you can modify your plan to accomodate your current fitness level and health : )

Yes, that Kim is full of sage advice! Wink

So Fatty, that's what the IM Florida swim start looks like?  Man is it wide!  Is it an out and back in the ocean?  While I'm not interested in doing that race--too flat for this hill chaser, I could definitely be persuaded to be the whip snapper to keep those in line who might be doing it!

DJ, glad things worked out on the bike issue.  Now go start training for the HM and stop worrying about something that hasn't even started yet!

IMFL is a two loop swim.  One big loop would put you out swimming with the big fishies...I mean sharks.  Actually, I know of some folks that have seen some sharks swim under them during the swim there, but they were only the little ones.

PCB is a nice vacation spot.  Just sayin'

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