BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN Mentor Group-"Off Season?" What is that?!! Rss Feed  
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2009-08-04 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SO obviously from all of my posts responding to things from pages ago I am finally catching up on the day.  Whew what a crazy 2 days - I'm looking forward to going back to work so I can sit down in piece and quiet.

Today's recap - drove the first part of the proposed wine bike route.  Good thing - the rolling hills were killer and non-stop and one 4 mile section was a gravel road.  So back to the drawing board.  I did get my cow puddles though.  :-)  YUM YUM

After racing from home to camp drop off to Core/Strength class to 3 hrs. of driving on windy roads in wine/horse country to camp pick up to home to the pool w/ the kids, I arrived back in the house w/ 15min to change into my running clothes and stuff a pb&j sandwich in my mouth before heading to my 5k for a 7pm start.

So a goal this year was a sub 25 min 5k.  I didn't quite think I was ready yet but I wanted to see where I stood.  I warmed up 2.25 miles then the race started 20 min. late UGH!  I started towards the back b/c this local group of runners are fast.  THat was a bit of a mistake since the women all started together and I spent a few hundred yards getting free of the slow runners.  Anyways, I gave it all I had and my proof:
a) last .1 mile I wanted to puke and almost did at the finish line
b) my avg. HR was 175 for the race (my zone 5b)
c) I was that person you don't want running in front, beside or behind you - that person who's is breathing so horrible that you are waiting for them to die or surely go away so you can stop listening to them.

And at the finish I was roughly 15 seconds shy from my goal.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!  25:15 give or take a few.  I gave it all I had though and I was proud and pleased w/ my effort.  I still have 5 months left this year to make the goal.  On the even brighter side, it is a 5K PR so WOOOOOOOOO  HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

2009-08-04 9:58 PM
in reply to: #2328581

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
TrevorC - 2009-08-04 9:47 PM
dalessit - 2009-08-04 6:31 PM Did my reps tonight
21, 27, 21, 21, 50 = 140

Also threw in what we always called 6 inches... not sure what it is really called, where you lie on your back and have your feet together 6 inches off the ground, did that for 60 seconds.

+ 20 twisting crunches to each side.

Figure if I am going to take the time to do the situps might as well work the rest of the area.

Who calls it that? You or Sam?Wink I had too....It was like a fastball down the middle.

2009-08-04 10:03 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Great job on the PR Sam! 

2009-08-04 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2328597

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-08-04 7:57 PM SO obviously from all of my posts responding to things from pages ago I am finally catching up on the day.  Whew what a crazy 2 days - I'm looking forward to going back to work so I can sit down in piece and quiet.

Today's recap - drove the first part of the proposed wine bike route.  Good thing - the rolling hills were killer and non-stop and one 4 mile section was a gravel road.  So back to the drawing board.  I did get my cow puddles though.  :-)  YUM YUM

After racing from home to camp drop off to Core/Strength class to 3 hrs. of driving on windy roads in wine/horse country to camp pick up to home to the pool w/ the kids, I arrived back in the house w/ 15min to change into my running clothes and stuff a pb&j sandwich in my mouth before heading to my 5k for a 7pm start.

So a goal this year was a sub 25 min 5k.  I didn't quite think I was ready yet but I wanted to see where I stood.  I warmed up 2.25 miles then the race started 20 min. late UGH!  I started towards the back b/c this local group of runners are fast.  THat was a bit of a mistake since the women all started together and I spent a few hundred yards getting free of the slow runners.  Anyways, I gave it all I had and my proof:
a) last .1 mile I wanted to puke and almost did at the finish line
b) my avg. HR was 175 for the race (my zone 5b)
c) I was that person you don't want running in front, beside or behind you - that person who's is breathing so horrible that you are waiting for them to die or surely go away so you can stop listening to them.

And at the finish I was roughly 15 seconds shy from my goal.  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!  25:15 give or take a few.  I gave it all I had though and I was proud and pleased w/ my effort.  I still have 5 months left this year to make the goal.  On the even brighter side, it is a 5K PR so WOOOOOOOOO  HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Samantha!!! So awesome, you know you lost that 15 sec trying to navigate the field, next time start close to the front.  Great run!    btw, on 5 and 10K's, I am that person during the last mile, too, I just leave it all out there!  Nice job! 
2009-08-04 10:08 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Kick drills - why? 

My oly plan has had kick drills in the swimming sessions  - one day was 200 kick, the other was 4 x 50 w/20' between.  What's the purpose?  I am really bad at them and it takes me forever to get from one end of the pool to the other; however, I have read in many places that you only need to kick enough to keep the right position in the water and that even good kicking adds only like 10% to your speed, which is not necessarily advantageous for tri's.  Better to light flutter kick and reserve the legs for the bike and run.  What's the real story MG?

2009-08-04 10:55 PM
in reply to: #2328626

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Alright, I started the situp program tonight.  In the initial test I managed 80, though that was doing situps rather than crunches.  Anyhoo, I started in wk 3, column 3 and busted out 65 in the max set.  I'm not doing any other fancy oblique, plank, leg raises or reverse crunches - I'll be lucky to survive the core work in boot camp tomorrow.  Followed it up w/ a nice bowl of cookie dough ice cream - can't be showing off the new abs until they're finished

Good job on the 5k PB Sam!

So many other things to respond to, I can't remember any of them now.  I need to start writing things down like Steve.

2009-08-05 5:27 AM
in reply to: #2328626

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-08-04 10:08 PM

Kick drills - why? 

My oly plan has had kick drills in the swimming sessions  - one day was 200 kick, the other was 4 x 50 w/20' between.  What's the purpose?  I am really bad at them and it takes me forever to get from one end of the pool to the other; however, I have read in many places that you only need to kick enough to keep the right position in the water and that even good kicking adds only like 10% to your speed, which is not necessarily advantageous for tri's.  Better to light flutter kick and reserve the legs for the bike and run.  What's the real story MG?

Great question.  I stink at kicking too so I will be interested to see what the group has to say.  I seem to bend my knees.  All I know is I don't have any of them in my swim workouts anymore and I am thrilled.  I have a load of drills, DPS, catch-up, hip snap, single arm but all the kicking is gone!!!

Sam--awesome job on the PR!  I hate that breathing sound too,but it means you are operating way above LT and are busy being anaerobic getting to that finish line! 

Here is a question for the group:  How early do you build your next season's plan?  I have my '10 A race in place, but what about the other things leading up to it? do you pick your races to build the the A race goal or just throw in stuff you like?  In running, I always had a build to the biggie, but in triathlon I sort of throw things in at the last minute. What's best?

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-08-05 5:27 AM
2009-08-05 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
It is Wednesday, who is racing--where? what's the distance? what's the goal?

Me!! Oly--3/4m swim, 34m bike, 10K in Oshkosh Wisconsin.  It is supposed to be 90F and very humid so I am under strict orders to: Swim with a purpose (always do!), keep the Bike in Z3 and if I can't take in calories at that level drop it to Z2 (who wants to do that?) and run like someone is chasing me (and NOT look at my GPS!)  Seriously, primary goal is to moderate the bike to have a stronger run. This has been my achilles heel all season.

Who else?

Edited by SSMinnow 2009-08-05 5:34 AM
2009-08-05 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2328832

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 5:27 AM
Here is a question for the group:  How early do you build your next season's plan?  I have my '10 A race in place, but what about the other things leading up to it? do you pick your races to build the the A race goal or just throw in stuff you like?  In running, I always had a build to the biggie, but in triathlon I sort of throw things in at the last minute. What's best?

Tony and I always look way ahead b/c we get so excited about everything there is to do out there.  When we travelled, we would sit on the airplane to the destination talking about our next trip.  LOL

I like to break my season into spring/early summer and fall.  That way I can squeeze in 2 A races.  Then I find stuff that I like, looks fun and fits into that plan.  So far next year, we have Lonestar HIM in April, Columbia Oly in May (local favorite) and Black Fly w/ the kids in July.   Sofor Lonestar, I will look for some early season sprint/oly just to dust the winter cobwebs off and a 1/2 marathon probably March SunTrust alf in DC.  The other 2 are just for fun. 

I need to figure out my fall plan though.
2009-08-05 6:42 AM
in reply to: #2328835

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 5:33 AM It is Wednesday, who is racing--where? what's the distance? what's the goal?

Me!! Oly--3/4m swim, 34m bike, 10K in Oshkosh Wisconsin.  It is supposed to be 90F and very humid so I am under strict orders to: Swim with a purpose (always do!), keep the Bike in Z3 and if I can't take in calories at that level drop it to Z2 (who wants to do that?) and run like someone is chasing me (and NOT look at my GPS!)  Seriously, primary goal is to moderate the bike to have a stronger run. This has been my achilles heel all season.

Who else?

No races for me but next Tues. I have another local evening race.  This time a tortureous super hilly 8k.  Why did I sign up?  no PRs next Tues!
2009-08-05 7:08 AM
in reply to: #2328832

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 6:27 AM
ashort33 - 2009-08-04 10:08 PM

Here is a question for the group:  How early do you build your next season's plan?  I have my '10 A race in place, but what about the other things leading up to it? do you pick your races to build the the A race goal or just throw in stuff you like?  In running, I always had a build to the biggie, but in triathlon I sort of throw things in at the last minute. What's best?


I signed up for my 2009 "A" race in 2008.   Then, after I got registered for the "A" race I planned everything around it...well, except for the race that Doug made me do Kiss   I have not done many races this year because I am pretty anal about following my training plan exactly... which is kind of boring AND explains why I live through the races all of this group Smile    

2009-08-05 7:11 AM
in reply to: #2328832

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 6:27 AM
ashort33 - 2009-08-04 10:08 PM

Kick drills - why? 

My oly plan has had kick drills in the swimming sessions  - one day was 200 kick, the other was 4 x 50 w/20' between.  What's the purpose?  I am really bad at them and it takes me forever to get from one end of the pool to the other; however, I have read in many places that you only need to kick enough to keep the right position in the water and that even good kicking adds only like 10% to your speed, which is not necessarily advantageous for tri's.  Better to light flutter kick and reserve the legs for the bike and run.  What's the real story MG?

Great question.  I stink at kicking too so I will be interested to see what the group has to say.  I seem to bend my knees.  All I know is I don't have any of them in my swim workouts anymore and I am thrilled.  I have a load of drills, DPS, catch-up, hip snap, single arm but all the kicking is gone!!!

Sam--awesome job on the PR!  I hate that breathing sound too,but it means you are operating way above LT and are busy being anaerobic getting to that finish line! 

Here is a question for the group:  How early do you build your next season's plan?  I have my '10 A race in place, but what about the other things leading up to it? do you pick your races to build the the A race goal or just throw in stuff you like?  In running, I always had a build to the biggie, but in triathlon I sort of throw things in at the last minute. What's best?

LOL on the kick drills, I suck at them too, always amazed at the people that zip around the pool by just kicking.  For me one thing I think they do is tire out my legs so there is no way that I will use them for the rest of the workout.  Though all the kick drills has made my kick a bit better and I have noticed more speed when working on sprints, so maybe good for that first few hundred meters when trying to get away from the pack and the last few hundred when you just want to get the heck out of the water.

As far as planning out the plans Lonestar is April right so I get a bit of a rest after MCM then right on that plan, I also want to schedule a late season HIM or big Oly, then into Marathon plan for Disney.  So technically no Marathon for me in 2010 since Disney is January 11.

Plan to look like this.

20 weeks HIM plan for Lonestar "A" race # 1---Do a bunch of sprints, TT's road races, maybe try a track race also, those look like so much fun, plan here is to use fitness from HIM plan and have fun.  Then back on HIM/Oly plan for September HIM/Oly, Maybe patriots, then slack for a few weeks then onto Marathon training for Disney.

LOL, just made up my 2010 plan, thanks Suzy : )
2009-08-05 7:13 AM
in reply to: #2328926

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Also, since we are talking about 2010


Suzy (yes you are going...)

Anyone else?

I'm buying the first round!
2009-08-05 7:25 AM
in reply to: #2328926

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-05 7:11 AM
20 weeks HIM plan for Lonestar "A" race # 1---Do a bunch of sprints, TT's road races, maybe try a track race also, those look like so much fun, plan here is to use fitness from HIM plan and have fun.  Then back on HIM/Oly plan for September HIM/Oly, Maybe patriots, then slack for a few weeks then onto Marathon training for Disney.

LOL, just made up my 2010 plan, thanks Suzy : )

Not just the Disney marathon but the goofy challenge and the Friday 5K just to warm up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-05 7:59 AM
in reply to: #2328880

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-08-05 6:40 AM

Tony and I always look way ahead b/c we get so excited about everything there is to do out there.  When we travelled, we would sit on the airplane to the destination talking about our next trip.  LOL

I hear you.  I love talking with Jarret about the possibilities of where life is going to take us... and then when an idea becomes cool!

2009-08-05 8:06 AM
in reply to: #2328835

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 5:33 AM It is Wednesday, who is racing--where? what's the distance? what's the goal?

I AM!  Here in Houston about 6 miles from my house.  Only one out on this side of the city so it 's going to be big.
Its a sprint 500y 14m 3.2m.  My goal, like every other one, Havin'Fun.

2009-08-05 8:16 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Small Town
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
You guys make me jealous!  I cannot wait until I'm able to do an HIM distance, and an IM for that matter.  So for Lonestar, count me in - in spirit.  Maybe I'll be able to convince my wife to take a vacation and I'll sherpa for you guys.

I'm doing another sprint this weekend.
2009-08-05 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2328931

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-05 7:13 AM Also, since we are talking about 2010


Suzy (yes you are going...)

Anyone else?
I heard from a very good source that "the Hughes crew is coming to Texas".    Oct 1 (registration opens)  is even circled on the Havin'Fun 2010 calendar. 

I'm buying the first round!

i'm not excited about this or anything.
2009-08-05 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2329089

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

So updated for lonestar. 


Very cool.



2009-08-05 8:29 AM
in reply to: #2328626

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
ashort33 - 2009-08-04 10:08 PM

Kick drills - why? 

This may not be the correct answer but I use fins.  When the plan has a 300-500 kick, my legs are feeling it big time.  I thinks its a pretty good workout.  That doesn't help answer your question much does it. 
2009-08-05 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2328832

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Steve.. please chime in here.

SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 5:27 AM

Here is a question for the group:  How early do you build your next season's plan?  I have my '10 A race in place, but what about the other things leading up to it? do you pick your races to build the the A race goal or just throw in stuff you like?  In running, I always had a build to the biggie, but in triathlon I sort of throw things in at the last minute. What's best?

Referring back to Sam's post about planning on the airplane,  this is where the fun is.  Its also where I'm getting into trouble with the better half. 

I'll plan with my coach but from what I gather so far,  a HIM ~2-3 months out from IM.  Nutrition is the name of the game for that race.  Lone Star obviously but not sure which distance yet.  The rest is tbd.

2009-08-05 8:55 AM
in reply to: #2329111

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-08-05 8:29 AM
ashort33 - 2009-08-04 10:08 PM

Kick drills - why? 

This may not be the correct answer but I use fins.  When the plan has a 300-500 kick, my legs are feeling it big time.  I thinks its a pretty good workout.  That doesn't help answer your question much does it. 

My master's coach tells me to use fins and bend my knees slightly.  I can get in more kick drills w/ fins and still work very hard.  W/o fins I take about 3 min. per 50 - pretty pathetic!

But what are kick drills supposed to do exactly?  Build leg strength?  On the otherhand, I thought triathletes were supposed to use minimal leg power in the swim.  Swimming just confuses me  Yell
2009-08-05 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2328926

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-08-05 7:11 AM
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 6:27 AM
ashort33 - 2009-08-04 10:08 PM

Kick drills - why? 

My oly plan has had kick drills in the swimming sessions  - one day was 200 kick, the other was 4 x 50 w/20' between.  What's the purpose?  I am really bad at them and it takes me forever to get from one end of the pool to the other; however, I have read in many places that you only need to kick enough to keep the right position in the water and that even good kicking adds only like 10% to your speed, which is not necessarily advantageous for tri's.  Better to light flutter kick and reserve the legs for the bike and run.  What's the real story MG?

Great question.  I stink at kicking too so I will be interested to see what the group has to say.  I seem to bend my knees.  All I know is I don't have any of them in my swim workouts anymore and I am thrilled.  I have a load of drills, DPS, catch-up, hip snap, single arm but all the kicking is gone!!!

Sam--awesome job on the PR!  I hate that breathing sound too,but it means you are operating way above LT and are busy being anaerobic getting to that finish line! 

Here is a question for the group:  How early do you build your next season's plan?  I have my '10 A race in place, but what about the other things leading up to it? do you pick your races to build the the A race goal or just throw in stuff you like?  In running, I always had a build to the biggie, but in triathlon I sort of throw things in at the last minute. What's best?

LOL on the kick drills, I suck at them too, always amazed at the people that zip around the pool by just kicking.  For me one thing I think they do is tire out my legs so there is no way that I will use them for the rest of the workout.  Though all the kick drills has made my kick a bit better and I have noticed more speed when working on sprints, so maybe good for that first few hundred meters when trying to get away from the pack and the last few hundred when you just want to get the heck out of the water.

As far as planning out the plans Lonestar is April right so I get a bit of a rest after MCM then right on that plan, I also want to schedule a late season HIM or big Oly, then into Marathon plan for Disney.  So technically no Marathon for me in 2010 since Disney is January 11.

Plan to look like this.

20 weeks HIM plan for Lonestar "A" race # 1---Do a bunch of sprints, TT's road races, maybe try a track race also, those look like so much fun, plan here is to use fitness from HIM plan and have fun.  Then back on HIM/Oly plan for September HIM/Oly, Maybe patriots, then slack for a few weeks then onto Marathon training for Disney.

LOL, just made up my 2010 plan, thanks Suzy : )

Technically, the above statement may not be true you know.  If you BQ at MCM, you certainly would forgo Lonestar for Boston, right? or would you prefer to defer to '11 when I will be there????

I am a maybe on Lonestar.  Once the HIM is behind me, I can start planning the season.  If I do go, it would be to do the Oly, not the HIM.   Jeremy, if you can talk your wife into a little vacation you could do one of the shorter distance races and then we could sherpa the HIM together.

Good day of hills today.  Spent the entire time focusing on steady effort on the way up with really deep breathing which is helping.  I find the deeper I can breathe during these efforts the easier they become. My short sporadic breathing was not cutting it.  Just a thought for your 8k next week Sam.
2009-08-05 9:13 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Chris - I agree with what people said but I'll share a piece of experience that works for me.  Get out of that big ring at least 10 minutes before the run!   Doing a high spin coming back for the run really helps work out the lactic acid and it teaches your legs how to move differently for the run.  Since I started doing that my bricks have been so much better.  And BTW, I think we've all felt like that with 8 weeks to go. You'll do great!

Reuben - swiming straight problems - you are talking to the queen!  I think the comment on not enough hip rotation is spot on.  That really helped fit it for me.  It will take some time but drills with the pull buoy help exageragate the rotation and allow you to fit it.  
Kim - ha ha ha, I meant surfing the internet. That was too funny,  Although with the storms we've been having I could surf the stream in my backyard right now.

Sam - I want a cookie!  And way to rock that 5K!!!

Andy - personally I like kick drills.  The help stretch out my hips.   The key to kick drills is they really demonstrate the efficiency of your kick.  Many people find themselve barely moving or even moving backwards with kick drills - not good.  Pay attention to where the bend is , at the hips or at the knees.  Don't bicycle pedal in the water.  Try to move from the hips.  I use fins when I am in a hurry, but I think doing kick drills without fins to start with will give you the best results.  They also help point out if you are squeezing your calves or pointing your toes, both of which are a no- no. However you do want to squeeze your butt.  That helps keep you buoyant.  I also put my face in the water during kick drills.  It re-enforces the feel of keeping my face DOWN, meaning ears between my arms with shoulders down, water hitting in the middle of the top of my head vs at the forehead hairline.  Too often I keep my head up to where the chin is at arms length when I am swimming.  That makes your lower body sink and it strains your neck after a while.

 Triathletes like to say don't do much kicking b/c you want to save your legs for the rest of the race.  I disagree. Providing you have an efficient kick it should be a natural part of your swim stroke and something you can accelerate at the end to increase yoru speed - as Tony mentioned.  Don't give up on kick drills.  They will pay off.

Lonestar,  as of now the hubby and I want to come.  We will probably do the olympic b/c we are doing a half at the beginning of May.  Is this a kids free weekend?  Well, it probably will be for me anyway.  Count me in!
2009-08-05 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2329202

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-08-05 9:05 AM
Good day of hills today.  Spent the entire time focusing on steady effort on the way up with really deep breathing which is helping.  I find the deeper I can breathe during these efforts the easier they become. My short sporadic breathing was not cutting it.  Just a thought for your 8k next week Sam.

Oh have no fear about next week's 8K - there will be no sucking wind.  Wink  My body hurts today!  And I have a 14m run on Monday so the 8k will be a recovery run.  I just couldn't resist a race that goes by my house.
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