General Discussion Triathlon Talk » How fast do you swim? Rss Feed  
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2009-08-26 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2372715

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Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?

I pulled 1:58/100 pace in my 1st tri last month, and have been consistantly breaking the 2:00 mark during my 1000/1500 yd swims.  I just started swimming in May, so I'm content where I am now. Besides I know when I get my sweet Xterra wetsuit from the promo they are running now, I'll be hitting sub 1:00 for sure!   I'll be the fastest dude in my pool in a wetsuit! Wink

2009-08-26 9:30 PM
in reply to: #2372715

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2009-08-26 9:31 PM
in reply to: #2373021

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
M-shell - 2009-08-26 8:50 PM God, you people make me realize I need a swim coach in the worst way.  On the to do list for the off season.  I've improved, but not that much.

+1  I realize reading this I need a swim coach in the biggest way.  I did 300m the other day in 6 minutes testing my time for my first Sprint Tri on Labor Day.  Man, I have a lot of work ahead of me. 
2009-08-26 9:38 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Extreme Veteran
Olathe, Kansas
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
Well, most AG triathletes are not great swimmers. There are exceptions obviously, people that swam trough high school and or college. The rest of us cannot qualify for 10 year olds Division I times in any stroke. My son is a swimmer, 10 years old, mediocre swimmer on his team with 100s holding 1:45/100m, swimming twice to three times a week. Division II times are within our reach in freestyle but would require a little work.
That is the reality. They all make fun of us in individual sports, swimmers say we can't swim, cyclists say we can't ride and runners say we can't run, but when we put all three together, they all find out that it is a little different than each sport individually.  
2009-08-26 9:48 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Houston, TX
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
1:07/100 yds for a Good swimmer isn't exactly rough, but I don't think it's as easy as Flanagan says. Though he is a great swimmer, and may be biased.

I have a cousin that is paralyzed from the from just below her chest on down, and she can out swim me pretty comfortably.
2009-08-26 9:49 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
Starting to wish I had joined the swim team rather than choosing to sleep in.

2009-08-26 10:02 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
The fastest 100yd I've ever done was 1:23. I've just recently been doing 2000yd+ workouts at a sub 2:00/100 pace.
2009-08-26 10:24 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
Fast enough to kick a@# on the bike and run.
2009-08-26 10:37 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Ventura County, California
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
Anyone else wish they never looked at this thread?!
I was just feeling pretty good about my swimming as I was able to regularly knock-off sub 1:25's at the pool last night... no way could I touch that pace in an OWS/Oly distance.

I'm having feelings of inadequacy now :-(
2009-08-26 10:50 PM
in reply to: #2372715

Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
Look, bottom line is great swimmers in our sport can clip off 100 yards sub 1:10 all day. But if you can't back that up with bike and run, you're MOP. I love seeing fast I pass them on the bike.
2009-08-26 11:59 PM
in reply to: #2373063

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
tjfry - 2009-08-26 9:12 PM

At my fastest I was a :44 and wasn't exactly going to Disney World afterwards.

As a former competitive swimmer I have to note that this is a completely ridiculous time. 

(Actually I meant to say that this is the normal, run of the mill 100 time for us Clemson folks.  Ya, that's it).

2009-08-27 12:05 AM
in reply to: #2373210

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
bryancd - 2009-08-26 9:50 PM

Look, bottom line is great swimmers in our sport can clip off 100 yards sub 1:10 all day. But if you can't back that up with bike and run, you're MOP. I love seeing fast I pass them on the bike.

this is true, but its even more fun to have a good swim, and hten back it up with a sick bike/run, nothing like hitting the #1 split in all 3 sports;-)

2009-08-27 12:39 AM
in reply to: #2373063

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
tjfry - 2009-08-26 9:12 PM
mkarr0110 - 2009-08-26 5:12 PM I like to read ST just to see what all the "elites" say they can do. Well in a thread today i was baffled by the contest of swimming speed. People were saying 1:07 is mediocre and that prepubescent amputees with a bit of swim training can go faster than this. So naturally i envision my 1:50-2:00 per 100 being dragged out by the boats and laughed at (not really just an over exaggeration). Seriously tho in light of all these "winning" threads of late how fast is the avg FoP swimmer? need to take that with a grain of salt, or at least understand what the point of reference is. In a flat out 100, they are correct. 1:07 won't get it done at any age older than 6 or 7. At my fastest I was a :44 and wasn't exactly going to Disney World afterwards. But if they are saying that is slow in a triathlon OWS, then they are just blowing smoke. Just look at the results. A 1:07 pace for an Ironman would get you to the transition in 43 minutes and that just doesn't happen. For an Olympic, that pace gets you out in 16.45 which happens, just not that often and certainly no one, even top pro swimmers, considers that slow.

As to the FOP avg...well, that depends on the race, but I would hazard to say that the first pro men are out of the water in the 17th minute in most races and top age groupers are breaking 20 minutes.

Isn't the world record like 46 seconds for 100m freestyle?

Of course, if anybody on this forum could do that, it would be tjfry!

2009-08-27 1:15 AM
in reply to: #2372715

SF Bay Area, California
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
I'm training for IMAZ.  I worried about embarrassment in the swim, so I checked last November's race results.  The 50% swimmer came in right at 2:00 per 100m.  That is just a touch slower than what I do without a wetsuit in training.  I know I am slow but, I shouldn't be embarrassed.  You won't be either. 
2009-08-27 1:45 AM
in reply to: #2373284

Northridge, California
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
agarose2000 - 2009-08-26 10:39 PM
tjfry - 2009-08-26 9:12 PM
mkarr0110 - 2009-08-26 5:12 PM I like to read ST just to see what all the "elites" say they can do. Well in a thread today i was baffled by the contest of swimming speed. People were saying 1:07 is mediocre and that prepubescent amputees with a bit of swim training can go faster than this. So naturally i envision my 1:50-2:00 per 100 being dragged out by the boats and laughed at (not really just an over exaggeration). Seriously tho in light of all these "winning" threads of late how fast is the avg FoP swimmer? need to take that with a grain of salt, or at least understand what the point of reference is. In a flat out 100, they are correct. 1:07 won't get it done at any age older than 6 or 7. At my fastest I was a :44 and wasn't exactly going to Disney World afterwards. But if they are saying that is slow in a triathlon OWS, then they are just blowing smoke. Just look at the results. A 1:07 pace for an Ironman would get you to the transition in 43 minutes and that just doesn't happen. For an Olympic, that pace gets you out in 16.45 which happens, just not that often and certainly no one, even top pro swimmers, considers that slow.

As to the FOP avg...well, that depends on the race, but I would hazard to say that the first pro men are out of the water in the 17th minute in most races and top age groupers are breaking 20 minutes.

Isn't the world record like 46 seconds for 100m freestyle?


Not for 100 yards, though...100 yard short course WR is under 41 sec.
2009-08-27 2:01 AM
in reply to: #2372715

Northridge, California
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
IIRC, my HS best (32 yrs ago) for the 100 free was ~1:01 (I mostly swam the 500 free back then)...never could get to sub-1:00 (which is why I stopped swimming 30 years ago, I suppose).  These days I don't know that I could break 1:20, but I haven't bothered to try a TT with a start off the block since I started swimming again.  I've gone 1:29/100 pace for an Oly, 1:37 for HIM, and 1:44 for IM...which put me anywhere from top 40% (Oly) to top 25% (IM) of the field in those depending on the distance and who shows up, you don't necessarily have to even be under 1:30/100 to finish solidly in the top half of the field.

2009-08-27 8:17 AM
in reply to: #2373210

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
bryancd - 2009-08-26 10:50 PM Look, bottom line is great swimmers in our sport can clip off 100 yards sub 1:10 all day. But if you can't back that up with bike and run, you're MOP. I love seeing fast I pass them on the bike.

As a fast swimmer that gets passed on the bike, trust me it is awe inspiring to see you guys fly past me!! The last sprint I did I came out of the water first and was on my bike as the second place guy (our wave went first) was just getting out of the water.  So I really saw first hand how fast the top guys cruise on the bike.  I am really showing how bad I suck on the bike here, but hey I'm working on it.  The guy caught me within the first 4 miles.   As far as the OP and the 100 times,  I am always FOP on the swim,  the xx:xx per 100 split varies so much due to an almost always long run from the swim into T1 before the timing mat.  My fastest was :46, but that was in College, and thanks to guys like TJfry, that was only good enough to be on the relay.Wink  Funny thing was I was almost as fast at fly as I was at free, so stuck to that. Smile
2009-08-27 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2372715

Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
I remember the last time I was first out of the water.  I was stoked because it was totally unexpected since I hadn't been swimming at all leading up to the race.  I went out too fast though.  It was depressing to see my place slip while on the bike and the run.  My head went like this as I was getting passed..."Welp, I guess 2nd is good.  Welp, I'll be happy with 3rd.  Hmmm, 4th, no medal.  5th, I'm still happy.  6th, see ya."  7th...8th...9th...etc, etc, etc. 

Obviously, you don't need to be a FOP swimmer to be a FOP finisher.

Agreed, there are normal people over on ST.  Just wade through the BS and there is a lot of good stuff and good folks.

2009-08-27 10:59 AM
in reply to: #2372715

North Cackalacky
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
I always think of something I heard someone say when I was watching Kona coverage.  It was something to the effect of no one wins the race in the water.

As for me, I'm not trying to win anything just yet, so I swim as fast as I can without inhaling water and dying.  I hope to finish the swim of my upcoming Oly in 36 minutes or less.  Sure that's "slow," but not for me.
2009-08-27 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2373999

Gilbert, Az.
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
ScudRunner - 2009-08-27 8:59 AM I always think of something I heard someone say when I was watching Kona coverage.  It was something to the effect of no one wins the race in the water.

As for me, I'm not trying to win anything just yet, so I swim as fast as I can without inhaling water and dying.  I hope to finish the swim of my upcoming Oly in 36 minutes or less.  Sure that's "slow," but not for me.

Zackly. My pace is admittedly abysmal for a former competitive swimmer, but it's enough to keep me in the top 5 or 6 in my AG consistently, and that's good enough.

Now if I could get my bike and run to match it, i'd be golden.

2009-08-27 11:41 AM
in reply to: #2372715

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: How fast do you swim?
I recently completed my first tri after training for 12 weeks.  Before that I had never run more than a mile, but I was a HS swimmer 12 years removed.  In the swim I averaged a 1:55/100 yrds pace finishing 9th of 31 in my AG and 48 of 250~ overall and in retrospect I could have given it more.  As I continue I feel a 1:45 pace is within my grasp (given the time I have to put into training).

Compare that to the past.  When in HS we had a new years workout that we did every year that was 100x100's and that got done in roughly two and a half hours so call it 1:30 pace.  My 100 yard free sprint time was sub minute, I was slow since I didn't normally swim the free as I was a Breaststroke, Fly and IM guy.

OWS 1:07/100 for 1500+yard races, only if your name is Phelps or your being towed by a dolphin.

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