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2007-01-11 9:45 AM
in reply to: #635443

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Arlington, TX
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Sorry for the delay in posting my January goals. I have been traveling a little.

I am really focused on getting better at running, so my focus is to run 4 times a week. Also, a big struggle for me is to eat better. I know how to eat right but I don't follow a plan. I have committed to logging all of my meals into beginner triathlete. I think I will be less likely to eat bad if I have to log it.


2007-01-11 1:10 PM
in reply to: #650469

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Mike, I bet you'll be successful doing that. In the past when I logged in my calories I lost most of the unnecessary weight I had. I HATE doing that but it's about the only thing that works. I absolutely LOVE to eat. Good luck.
2007-01-12 1:52 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Northbrook, IL
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Hey Mike - the logging calories thing through BT really helped me drop weight quickly (I hit 166 today for the first time, down from 206lbs in early Sept) thing that really helped was to have a "calorie target" on a daily basis; I chose 1800/day as the target and the BT site really helped me keep to that. Not sure how I decided on 1800; I think I read on WebMD that if you pick a target weight and mulitple that by 10 that's the number of calories you should consume per day. Anyway, 1800 is a good target for me and the triathlon program from Triathlete Magazine did the rest. Good luck.
2007-01-13 9:23 AM
in reply to: #652522

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Arlington, TX
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Thanks for the advice. I hope to mimic your success!
2007-01-14 3:33 PM
in reply to: #653359

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Do I need clip-in/clipless pedals for a sprint tri ? Seems almost like the extra transition time might not be worth the advantage. Obviously if I stay with this and do some longer races I will need some.

Right now I'm just using running shoes/regular pedals.

Thanks for the help !

2007-01-14 4:29 PM
in reply to: #654162

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL


 "Need" is subjective.  With proper technique, you should realize a 25-40% increase in efficiency with "clip-less" pedals.  You can definitely "do" your sprint with std. pedals to make sure you want to continue this tri thing.  I guess it all depends on your goals for this 1st one.  Another point...if you ride your bike a lot for just getting around and errands, then "clipless" could be a pain unless you buy some clip-in platforms for that sort of stuff.

I do not recommend toe clips.  If you change, go for "clipless". 

On the low end, you'll spend approx. $120 for shoes and pedals on sale or special.  As with anything in cycling, the sky is the limit.  I am totally happy with a $50 pair of Diadora shoes (ebay) and Look pedals (approx. $80 on sale at Performance).

 I hope this info helps,


2007-01-14 8:16 PM
in reply to: #654201

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
That's exactly the info I need.

Hope everyone is accomplishing their goals. I just need to swim and breathe again, again, and again. I'm looking at about 13:00 pace right now and I'd like to be 10:00 - 11:00..but more than that I'd just like to finish. Real battle waging in my mind about compete vs. finish...but that will all work out.

Thanks Scott
2007-01-21 6:54 AM
in reply to: #654400

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
? about a trainer: My neighbor will sell his trainer to me for a low price.....right now it's $ 40, may be lower. It's a Bell Motivator ....he's buying a new one. My question is this: do trainers "wear out", become worthless, etc. ? I figure it's worth it for the price.....just don't anything about trainers......budget won't allow a new trainer at the moment. Have a good one.

2007-01-28 11:50 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Robinson, TX
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

January Goal Update

Goal: Run 162 miles and stay injury free

I have stayed injury free (except for some pain in my left knee, but it is not that bad, or I'll find out for sure on Saturday if is it a big deal).
I missed on the mileage, got sick and missed an entire week of running that should have been my 50+ mile week.  With tomorrow's and Wednesday's day runs, I should finish out at 120 miles.

Bike 200 miles or equivalent time on the trainer

I biked 12 hours on the trainer or at the cycle class.  12 hours = about 192 miles for me (16 mph avg)

Start weight training

I did start some weigth training!

I was only 50%
Injury Free (check)
Weight training (check)

2007-01-31 8:07 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Northbrook, IL
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
January Update:

Overperformed the 2000 minutes target, with distribution of exercises looking pretty good:

run: 399 minutes
bike: 420 minutes
swim: 675 minutes
sports (hockey/soccer mostly): 700 minutes
strength: 85 minutes
Total: 2,279 minutes

training in Jan heavily skewed toward swim which is the event most in need of improvement. Weight target hit (seems steady at 165 lbs currently). For February, would like to keep same minutes-target (shorter month) and spend a little less time on sports and more on the bike.
2007-02-01 7:51 AM
in reply to: #674840

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Jan Update:
swim 313 actual/250 goal exceeded goal.
bike 309/450 Need a trainer/use stationary more.
run 384/400 run time surprising - ankle still healing.
strength 150/160 check
overall 1156/1260 overall not too bad.....serious time mgmt going on.

*** FEB goals ***
swim 300+
bike 450 same
run 350 -50........not a need right now.
strength 160 same

2007-02-04 3:12 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

Jan Update:
Swim      173 actual/160 goal     Exceeded time goal, 400 yards continuous
Bike        520 actual/240 goal     Exceeded time goal thanks to trainer
Run         249 actual/200 goal     Exceeded time goal, long run 4.0 miles 
Strength 130 actual/240 goal     Missed time goal due to back pain issues in Utah 

Overall 1072 actual/840 goal     I'm happy with that

*** FEB Goals (Short Month)***
Swim           240, Long = 500 yards 
Bike             360, Long = 30 miles (1:45
Run              280, Long = 4.5 miles
Strength      200

2007-02-08 12:59 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

Well, I was wrestling with the classic road bike vs. tri bike purchase decision.  I'm currently riding a classis 1981 Nishiki Cresta, which is still in great shape.  It was my high school graduation present.

I ended up going with a used 2006 Felt S32 tri bike with all Ultegra componentry (picture attached).  Not quite what others oogle over as "bike porn", but a great step up for me.

I had a fit done yesterday and had it set up with a not too agressive aero position, so I can take some time to get used to the new position and stretch my hamstrings and lower back. 

We'll see how it goes.



(New Bike.JPG)

New Bike.JPG (94KB - 49 downloads)
2007-02-12 7:16 AM
in reply to: #684155

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Great looking bike....wish I had something...Riding an early 90's Raleigh Technium Grand Prix w/ Suntour components for 1 more month then it goes back to friend @ work.

2007-02-12 7:45 PM
in reply to: #684155

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Arlington, TX
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
2007-02-13 8:59 AM
in reply to: #625436

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Northbrook, IL
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Well, bit the bullet and dropped some coin on this bike (Trek Madone 5.0):

Since I live in Chicago and the weather is generally crappy (like today, 10" of snow) - also got a CycleOps Magneto trainer; LBS helped me fit the bike out with aerobars and all the other goodies I need to be safe on the road (lights for night riding, extra tube, patch kit, etc.)

After perusing all the info I could find on the tri bike vs road bike, went with the road bike because of the versatility factor and the fact that this bike is all carbon (presumably lighter) and more bike for the money than I would have received with a comparably outfitted (in terms of componentry) tri bike. But I guess in the end, it's "not about the bike"...just need to get my lazy butt on it as often as possible. Hope all is well with you guys; Slade hope you are healing quickly.


2007-03-01 11:51 AM
in reply to: #625436

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

Feb Update:
Swim      347 actual/240 goal     Exceeded time goal, 645 yards continuous
Bike        523 actual/360 goal     Exceeded time goal, long 28 miles
Run         335 actual/280 goal     Exceeded time goal, long run 5.5 miles 
Strength 80 actual/200 goal       Missed time goal

Overall 1205 actual/880 goal     Tri-sports only

Weight is down to 180-ish (started at 198-200 in early December

*** MARCH Goals ***
Swim           360, Long = 800 yards 
Bike             480, Long = 35 miles 
Run              320, Long = 6.5 miles
Strength      180

2007-03-01 4:57 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Robinson, TX
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

I didn't make my January goals and February was a total loss due to the broken arm thing.  The Dr. has given me the full go ahead to do anything that I want, I just have to go back on March 28th for another Xray, which at that time it should be totally healed.

March Goals:

Run - Finish both Ultras that I have on the schedule without falling down and breaking anymore bones.

Bike - 300 miles or equivalent on the trainer

Swim - I'll try to get in the pool in a couple of weeks - I can't rotate my shoulder completely around yet, but want to go and start breast stroking by the middle of March.

Everyone is doing so great! - Sorry I have been out of pocket lately.

2007-03-03 5:45 AM
in reply to: #708277

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Salisbury, North Carolina
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Great news that you're cleared Slade.

I came up well short on Feb ......sick and my first in-class test in 21 yrs...... mba class.

My tri is next week. I rode/ran the course last week and several BT'ers meeting again this morning for another brick...may even double race distance. I'll post a rpt next week.

I'll post some new goals; ankle may be up to a half marathon now...just have to take it week by week and see.

Good luck to all and thanks for all your help, this group has been really helpful for a tri newbie.


Edited by tri42 2007-03-03 5:45 AM
2007-03-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Northbrook, IL
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Craig - good luck in your upcoming race! I'm very jealous as I look out the window at the drifted snow piled up here in Chicago.

Slade - congrats on being back in the saddle so quickly!

February Update:
Hit 2000 minutes target despite short month and a lot of travel:
- Bike: 12 h (720 mins - all logged on trainer; can't wait to get my new bike on the actual road!)
- Run: 5h 29m (329 mins)
- Swim: 7h 16m (436 mins)
- Strength: 4h 35m (275 mins)
- "other" (soccer/hockey mostly): 5h 20m (320 mins)
Total: 2080 minutes

Feel pretty good about the volume of effort in Feb, but want to step up intensity for March:
- Use HR monitor to define training zones
- stick to training program in prep for 1st triathlon June 2nd (Lake Delavan, WI; Sprint Distance)
- master flip turns in the water
- maintain weight at 160lbs
- hit 2000 minutes mark for March (will be difficult; a lot of travel planned for March)

2007-03-04 6:27 PM
in reply to: #625436

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

I've had a semi-recurring pain (4 of the last 6 runs) in my left knee. On Sunday's run it persisted. It normally starts 2.5-4 miles into a run. It is behind the lower portion of my left patella and sometimes I also feel pain in the upper outer (left) area of the patella as well. It stops immediately if I walk. The onset seems to be delayed (0.5-1 mile) by running on softer ground or a treadmill.

I'm going to have it looked at the week after next, but wondered if this might be something common that you guys have seen/heard of before.
Your help is appreciated.

2007-03-05 8:27 AM
in reply to: #625436

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Robinson, TX
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

Is it worse when you are running or walking downhill or down stairs?    - I have had 2 cases of Runner's knee, once in each knee over the past 2 winters.  So far this year I haven't got it.  For me it lasts about 6 weeks and I usually can run through it by decreasing my mileage by 50-75%.    Another indicator or runner's knee is if you can run uphill or put the treadmill on an incline and it doesn't hurt.

There are other things as well, like IT band, which I believe is on the outside of your knee.  I haven't had that yet.

Here is a link to the 5 most common running injuries.  I have had two of them so far (Runner's Knee and Plantar Fasciitis) and Plantar Fasciitis was the worst, it stopped me from running for 2 months last spring and early summer

Edited by shornick 2007-03-05 8:31 AM
2007-03-05 10:22 AM
in reply to: #625436

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Northbrook, IL
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL
Hey Scott -

I had a similar injury about 6-8 weeks ago and found this article helpful:

I did a couple of things that seem to have worked for me: I scaled back my running to a slower pace, stopped running hills (running up was fine, down hurt a lot); started doing more strength exercises for my quads (leg lifts, etc.) and bought one of those bands that goes just under your knee cap for my run training (don't know if that actually did anything at all other than provide some mental comfort; I no longer use it now). I then started to scale my run volume and intensity back up but I still slow down significantly if I feel that twinge in the side of me knee again. Probably best to have it looked at though as you said you were going to do. Hope it heals quickly for you.

2007-03-05 11:37 AM
in reply to: #625436

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

Thanks guys...

It sure seems to be one or the other of the two you point out.  I suspect "Runner's Knee".

You'll see my milegae go down immediately and I'll be working on the recommended treatments, stretching, strengthening until the doctor confirms next week.  Luckily I still have time to get it healed.


2007-03-27 12:55 AM
in reply to: #625436

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: shornick's Group - FULL

Well, I did my first tri yesterday - Strawberry Field Sprint.

Here is my report.



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