Other Resources Challenge Me! » Team Crazy 8s - August Goals Rss Feed  
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2005-08-14 5:19 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Issaquah, WA,
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
How are all the Crazy 8's doing this week? 

2005-08-14 7:20 PM
in reply to: #224973

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
I'm a bit behind, but don't count me out just yet.  I'm going to give it my all and try to make the goals.  I'll probably need until the very last day, but as long as I make it I don't care!  how is everyone else?  we've been awfully quiet.
2005-08-14 9:16 PM
in reply to: #225049

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
that's what the very last day is for. if people finish early, then....they just haven't challenged themselves
2005-08-15 1:17 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
yo locos,

I have sent in the totals for week 2 to Rennick. It looks like most of us are hanging out at just below 50% average. Except me, of course, but I'm a firm believer in the Tortoise and the Hare Principle. I grabbed numbers from some blogs, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are errors. Just let me know and I'll fix things up.

Ooh, how about this? I'll attach my top secret Excel spreadsheet so you can check out the numbers for yourself.


August Crazy 8s week 2.xls (16KB - 56 downloads)
2005-08-15 7:06 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Hey Dave, thanks for the stats.  Sorry that I was so late ... like I said in my email, I simply forgot.  Hey, I'm gettting old!  :-)   What is the core strength challenge part?  Would yoga qualify; I do 90 minutes per week of it so that would give me 180 minutes already with a projected total of 405 minutes ... just a thought ... :-
2005-08-15 11:44 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals

Thankls for doing that Dave!  I will make the swim, should be fine on the bike, but the run will be the hard one.

If you wouldn't mind shooting those shin stretches to me, I'd appreciate it

2005-08-15 3:27 PM
in reply to: #225504

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St. Thomas, ON
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals

Hey guys. I just talked to nliedel, and I've got her stats (she should be back online later this week).

FYI: bike 54, run 28, swim 1500m

2005-08-16 10:56 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Hey locos, it looks like we're in 3rd place, just 5% below the leaders! Keep working hard! Just imagine all the smack we can talk after we win!
2005-08-17 4:48 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
I have a question.... can someone explain the "need to be inspired" to me? Never have really understood this area of the site.
2005-08-18 1:04 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
What part of the site is that? I've never heard of it, but I want inspired.
2005-08-18 9:57 AM
in reply to: #227795

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals

skavoovie - 2005-08-18 1:04 AM What part of the site is that? I've never heard of it, but I want inspired.

in the log area

2005-08-19 5:51 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Hey kids,

Don't forget to PM your progress to me sometime Sunday, if you can. Otherwise I'll probably make mistakes and we won't get all the glory we deserve.
2005-08-20 1:26 AM
in reply to: #229307

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Hey look at that, we actually made it to page 2!!!  I'm in shock and awe!!!  How's everyone doing?  Need some inspiration??? Let me know. 
I have bee so disillusioned by the TriCamp that I signed up for that I have actually been depressed about my training.  The camp was $250 and has been almost a complete waste of time.  I've learned almost nothing.  it is run very similar to a tri club (which costs much less).  It's hard to be mad though because most of the coaches, and the two guys in charge, are so nice and well-meaning.  I was so unhappy about it that I met with a new coach today.  Her name is Kelly and she just got back from Europe where she was one of the athletes representing the US in the World Championships.  She is a bit expensive but she really seems like she could help get over this roadblock I seem to be in.  What do you guys think?
2005-08-22 2:25 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Hey teammates, I'm attaching the Excel file for week three. I get the impression that it was a tough week on a lot of people, myself included. Nonetheless, we're still doing pretty good. Just 10 more days to go! Keep working hard!


August Crazy 8s week 3.xls (16KB - 42 downloads)
2005-08-22 10:14 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
I am just about done with my swim and my bike.  Now all I have to do is another 15km run within the next ten days.  I'll take today off and get on it tomorow, Captain.
2005-08-22 11:37 AM
in reply to: #212922

Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Ok, I don't know what happened last week. Hopefully this week will be a better one.

You know that rule, where you try to do whatever (swim, bike, etc.) for 5 minutes, and if you still don't feel like doing it, then you can stop? Well, last week I swam for like 20 minutes (I usually spend an hour in the pool minimum.) and I just couldn't do it. I was fine physically but, mentally, I couldn't give a flying flip. I sat on the edge of the pool for a while and then just went home. Never really had that happen to me before.

But this week, I'm planning on being inspired!!! It's going to be beautiful weather and I'm gonna LOVE IT!

Hope you guys have a great week! Lisa

2005-08-22 11:41 AM
in reply to: #229432

Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
rsqdvr - 2005-08-20 12:26 AM
I was so unhappy about it that I met with a new coach today. Her name is Kelly and she just got back from Europe where she was one of the athletes representing the US in the World Championships. She is a bit expensive but she really seems like she could help get over this roadblock I seem to be in. What do you guys think?

I give you big props/much credit. I have a hard time spending money on coaches, etc. I guess if it makes you feel better and helps you reach your goal, more power to you! Lisa
2005-08-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #229432

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals

rsqdvr - 2005-08-19 11:26 PM Hey look at that, we actually made it to page 2!!!  . 
I have bee so disillusioned by the TriCamp that I signed up for that I have actually been depressed about my training.  The camp was $250 and has been almost a complete waste of time.  I've learned almost nothing.  

Of course, there's always the super cool camp mates

I'm in dave's tri camp, and wholeheartedly agree with everything he said.  Tri Camp - Just Say No.

If the coach is within your budget, go for it.

I'm 90% + in swimming, 80% in biking, and 60% + in running.  With my splints, doubt I'll make the run goal without putting myself in traction, so we'll just have to see...


2005-08-22 4:42 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
News is a little better on my end. I sent my numbers late (again...) Sorry Capt. Dave. Out of town and not able to post until Monday a.m. My total stands at 11% / 63% / 69%. Hope this will be a better week.
2005-08-24 9:19 AM
in reply to: #212922

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Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Good Wednesday Morning.....how is everyone doing? Have a great day and be safe.
2005-08-24 11:19 AM
in reply to: #212922

Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
I'm so excited! My boyfriend is a marathoner (has a coach, works out 7 days per week, no exceptions), but last night he subbed an easy run for a bike ride with me! And thank goodness, because I've been less than enthusiastic about biking lately.

Sooooo....that means I reached my bike goal!!!! I'm so excited! Now if he would just swim with me. JK

It's a beautiful day here in Milwaukee. Hope everyone is feeling great!

2005-08-24 8:52 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Congratulations on reaching your goal, SweetStar.
2005-08-24 9:10 PM
in reply to: #212922

Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
Is anybody doing the Ab Fab Fab Ab whatever challenge? I'm confused on the name.

I'm also confused on the goal. I mean...I don't think 100 crunches a day will make me have fab abs...I'll just be good at crunches. And bored out of my mind.

I guess I'm asking if anyone here can clear it up for me or help me make a goal...or just help me start our own challenge. JK
2005-08-24 10:50 PM
in reply to: #212922

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
I'm not doing the Fab Flab (or whatever) challenge, but I think just doing a whole bunch of crunches isn't a good way to train your abs. I mean, there is more to having strong abs than just having giant rectus abdominus muscles, and it's easy to fake crunches because it's hard to maintain good form if you're tired. So, I don't think the challenge is necessarily a good route toward useful ab fitness, except for the fact that a challenge would help motivate you.

Personally, I do ab yoga and a circuit workout that incorporates a bunch of different exercises (but not necessarily 100 reps of them). You might find the yoga thing very useful, because it's easy to do and makes you feel strong, even though it will never in a million years give you a 6 pack. Check your local library for a video by Rodney Yee called "ab workout for beginners" or something to that effect.

What exercises are you currently doing? I'm sure for the challenge you could choose anything, if you don't want to do crunches.
2005-08-25 10:18 AM
in reply to: #212922

Milwaukee, WI
Subject: RE: Team Crazy 8s - August Goals
I'm currently doing Yourself Fitness. I feel kinda silly doing it, but it motivates me, so what the heck? Have you heard of it? It's an X Box game (that you can get for PS2 and PCs too) that is an aerobics video, kind of. You do a fit test and then you choose which workout you want to focus on (lower or upper body, core, cardio, flexibility, etc), how much time you have and what equipment you have (stability ball, weights, etc).

Anyway....sorry for the ramble. I do my workouts based on time. Right now I'm doing 120 mins per week. Which means by the end of the challenge, I'll be doing 5 hours per week. I guess that's ok, but it just seems like a weird goal. I don't know. Maybe I'll just challenge myself to do it!
Have a great day!
PS Where's everyone else?
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