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2008-05-07 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1387718

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-OPEN

I reviewed some of our members training logs......and I see I have to bring it up a notch to get some endurance (and that's what I am affraid of).  I usually do 45-1 hour.  This week I slacked a little.  I am going to step it up and do my activities a little longer.  The training guide tells me to do 30 min etc, but I feel 30 min is nothing. 


2008-05-08 12:07 AM
in reply to: #1380403

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
Maggy - Yeah I just found that comfortable spot too I think. Way thinner then I used to be so it feels really good, but I'm headed downward again. Ironically my BMI and your BMI are fairly similar so I think we paused at the same point in our loss mines like 32 or something like that.

I'm still toying with the training group. I am a member of the local tri-club so I guess there is overlap there and it seems silly to pay for a training group when I already can get the free group workouts w/ tri-club. (Not that I have attended any of them yet)

Trish - I'm doing the Oly training program that I got from this site. I'm on week 5 of 20 and it includes 3 sports 3 times a week. I started running in January and like you I couldn't do that much but it progressed by doing run walk like you are. It does work if you keep at it. I've run as far as 73 mins without a walk now. Not fast at ALL, but it's running! I could only run 1 minute in January.

the only reason my workouts exceed the "suggested" times for my training is because I've been working out an hour a day for the past year. It seemed counter productive for me to scale back starting Tri-training. Plus I need to burn more calories as I'm still in weight loss mode.

Lets see... not too much going on here

I joined a masters swim for this month, (Since my normal pool is closed for a few weeks) but it's a real low-key group. There were only 3 other people in the class and they all seemed fairly on my level. Which is good for the non-intimidating factor but not so good for the pressuring me to get better aspect. Going to check out the "early" class tomorrow and see what the other instructor/group is like.

Edited by IdealMuse 2008-05-08 12:13 AM
2008-05-08 6:40 AM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!


I have chosen a training plan and am going to start it today.  It is the Michael Pates Total Spring Program.  I have not quite figured out the training log, but I did figure out how to toggle the email notification!  I am very nervous.  I have been the queen of starting, but not of finishing.  This is definately something I want to do.

On my schedule, I was to walk for 20 minutes and swim freestyle for 50 yards and cool down for 50 yards.  I have finished my walking, and will swim tonight. 

I am glad to see we have such a mix of people!  Welcome everyone!   I can't wait to peek at everyone's log


2008-05-08 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1389173

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Hi EJ,

I am extremely nervous too, but I will be so proud of myself when I'm done.  I have so many questions such as what do I wear to swim, bike, and run in.  Do I need a head cap, etc.  People tell me there are all types of people doing this and alot of beginners so my mountain bike would be fine for the first year.  I was told I should get the hybrid tires on it though.  If I continue after this year, I guess I will upgrade like a bike like Peggy's.  Until then, mine is fine....hey, it's my first triathlon!

I'm doing a 5K this weekend kinda to see where I am really.

 I struggle to work out to, I would rather do something else (lawn work, etc) but I feel proud of myself after I am doing because I did it.

There are days I push myself and days that I just do it.

Get into that routine and what works for you.  I know I have improved since I started, but it's just hard to start.  I'm a little more motivated because of the excitement, but still feel.........scared.

EJ- give us an update on what you did this weekend!

2008-05-08 11:17 AM
in reply to: #1389065

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!


You said you are doing the Oly training program......I don't see that, can you email me it, [email protected]?

I'm not on a specific program and maybe I should be.


2008-05-10 8:24 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
Did we lose some people already?

2008-05-10 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Bad mentor, bad!

Sorry, folks, life got away from me this week...everything is happening all at once!  I have an accepted offer on my house that wants to close on June 2, which gives me less then 1  month to pack, find a place to live, etc and so forth.  Makes my life a little on the crazy side.

I'm going to go back and reply to all the posts that I've missed... 

2008-05-10 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1389173

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
EJsmilee - 2008-05-08 6:40 AM


I have chosen a training plan and am going to start it today. It is the Michael Pates Total Spring Program. I have not quite figured out the training log, but I did figure out how to toggle the email notification! I am very nervous. I have been the queen of starting, but not of finishing. This is definately something I want to do.

On my schedule, I was to walk for 20 minutes and swim freestyle for 50 yards and cool down for 50 yards. I have finished my walking, and will swim tonight.

I am glad to see we have such a mix of people! Welcome everyone! I can't wait to peek at everyone's log


Hi EJ,

Glad you were able to find a program that is going to work for you.   How is the swimming going?  Do you have any kind of swim background? 

2008-05-10 8:52 PM
in reply to: #1389065

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

IdealMuse - 2008-05-08 12:07 AM Maggy - Yeah I just found that comfortable spot too I think. Way thinner then I used to be so it feels really good, but I'm headed downward again. Ironically my BMI and your BMI are fairly similar so I think we paused at the same point in our loss mines like 32 or something like that. I'm still toying with the training group. I am a member of the local tri-club so I guess there is overlap there and it seems silly to pay for a training group when I already can get the free group workouts w/ tri-club. (Not that I have attended any of them yet) Trish - I'm doing the Oly training program that I got from this site. I'm on week 5 of 20 and it includes 3 sports 3 times a week. I started running in January and like you I couldn't do that much but it progressed by doing run walk like you are. It does work if you keep at it. I've run as far as 73 mins without a walk now. Not fast at ALL, but it's running! I could only run 1 minute in January. the only reason my workouts exceed the "suggested" times for my training is because I've been working out an hour a day for the past year. It seemed counter productive for me to scale back starting Tri-training. Plus I need to burn more calories as I'm still in weight loss mode. Lets see... not too much going on here I joined a masters swim for this month, (Since my normal pool is closed for a few weeks) but it's a real low-key group. There were only 3 other people in the class and they all seemed fairly on my level. Which is good for the non-intimidating factor but not so good for the pressuring me to get better aspect. Going to check out the "early" class tomorrow and see what the other instructor/group is like.

Debb-I'm trying to "unfind" this comfortable spot my body seems to think it has found...It's difficult but well worth the hassle.  

I would definitely checkout the workouts your tri club has.  You may have seen that I tried a track workout with my tri team.  It was hard, but I was glad I went.  I think I can learn a lot.  I saw in your blog that you went to one of them...just say 'Hi' to people...get to know them.  I joined this tri group already  knowing some people, but I don't know everyone.  It can be a little intimidating, considering they are all WAY faster then I am, but it pushes me to get faster/better.

I would love to try a masters class...once I move maybe I'll look into finding one. 

2008-05-10 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

I wanted to give a shout out and congrats to Trish...she came up and did her first 5k with me this morning.  She bested me by 7 seconds...she had a bit more in her tank to sprint to the end to the end.  It was her first time running more then 1/2 mile at once.

Also, today was her last day of smoking!  No more cigarettes for that girl starting tomorrow (and I will be checking on you for that, Trish!

2008-05-10 8:58 PM
in reply to: #1394429

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

IdealMuse - 2008-05-10 8:24 PM Did we lose some people already?

I think there may be a newness factor...I'm still trying to get ahold of those who asked to join and get them to participate...

Come on peeps!  Hop to it! 

2008-05-12 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: follow up

Well, I did my first 5K and I was pretty proud of myself.  I ran with Peggy and I really really wanted to walk about 1/2 way because I was hurting......but, I made it the whole way without walking!  I couldn't stop and I knew I had a little more in me.  I was with Peggy so I wanted to keep up with her.  AND PEGGY MADE HER GOAL.  She wanted to finish in 40 min.  SHE FINISHED OVER A MINUTE MORE THAN HER GOAL!!!!  YEH!!!!  We did it.  It does help when your with someone. 

I pulled up that Michaels Pates spring program.  I really like it.  I think I will start it, but start it on week 12.  It looks like a great program.

EJ----have you started yet?  It is so hard to start, but once you do start and get something under your belt (like my first 5K) it's really rewarding and feels really good.  I do struggle working out make my self confidence sky rocket!  You can do it....I didn't see anything on the training logs.....

I start swimming today, so if anyone has any advice......let me know.  There is a sprint camp next month in WI that I read about and would really like to go, but it starts on Friday and I can't take anymore time off work.  If anyone is in the area it's  If someone else does it, I MAY be inclined to call in "sick."  For the money, I would want to take advantage of all days.  They are long days and feed you dinner also!

Anyway, keep me updated on everyone's progress and EJ----I'm watching you.  You can start and in a few weeks, you will be glad you did it. 

My goal this week is to follow the training program (never really had one) and I know I can run 40 min straight, so my goal is NOT TO CHEAT.


2008-05-12 12:42 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
Hi everyone,

I haven't disappeared, but I spent an interesting extra-long weekend away with my inlaws!! But, I managed to get up almost every morning and go for a nice run! I was actually pretty impressed with myself that I managed to do that much!
As far as my training is going, I keep reading that it is good to do three hard weeks and then do an easy week. I frankly never paid attention to this, because of course I know better than the experts what I should do!! **stupid Karen** Anyway, I did this two weeks ago, and it is great. It was nice having a week to look forward to that would be easier. And my normal 'hard' week after that rocked! I felt stronger and faster - it was actually amazing! This is definitely going to be added to my regular routine.
My weight has been stuck for the past 3-4 weeks and it is frustrating!! Any advice for figuring out calories needed?? Sometimes I think I need to eat more, but I don't know. Also, what percentages do you eat for carbs/fat/protein? Any advice would be appreciated!!

Trish - Thanks, I am actually proud that I have lost weight - it has shown me that I can at least try anything - and I am happy with what ever results I get from racing. YOU FINISHED YOUR FIRST 5K!! YOU ARE AWESOME! I was terrified at my first 5K. I spent half the morning in the bathroom!! I didn't think I would finish, but I did and I felt SO great about myself when I was done. I will never be fast, but that is okay - at least I am out there. To everyone - You will feel great when you are done - whether you run or walk, finish in the middle or last - you will have done it! You will have accomplished more than most people even think about.

Debb - I find everything in the winter hard! I think part of it is a lack of motivation because I don't have any goals to work toward. This season, I have something planned every month, so I now have something to work toward. In the winter I turn into a slug!! It is so easy for me to blow off workouts because I think - why bother, I don't have anything planned for months - this workout (then the next, and the next, and the next...) isn't that important. This winter was really bad. I gained 10 pounds! It is frustrating to see my hard work go out the window - but I know I have no one to blame but myself! Oh, and I think you're a youngster at 34!! I wish I would have started then!! You will be awesome! **Doesn't the skin thing stink?? I wish there was an easy solution!**

Okay, back to actually do what they are paying me for! Keep up the good work everybody!

2008-05-14 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: swimming question

I need help with swim training.  I did laps by myself the other night, but I see Peggy's log on swimming and it shows lots of numbers and is way over my head.  The Y pool is 25 yards long. I will hopefully be getting some lessions in a few weeks, but until that anyone have any swim drills or advice on laps stuff?


2008-05-14 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1402486

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Without house
Subject: RE: swimming question
pmiller240 - 2008-05-14 2:04 PM

I need help with swim training.  I did laps by myself the other night, but I see Peggy's log on swimming and it shows lots of numbers and is way over my head.  The Y pool is 25 yards long. I will hopefully be getting some lessions in a few weeks, but until that anyone have any swim drills or advice on laps stuff?


LOL...Keep in mind that I've only been swimming (any where remotely decently) for about a year and a half.  Previous to that, I could swim enough to save my life.  Your best first step if you have little to no swim knowledge is lessons, which I see you you're looking to do.

One of my FAVORITE swim drills (so much so that it's basically incorporated into my form...which the whole point anyway) is called a finger tip drill.  While doing the front crawl, when you are bringing your arm out of the water to go for the next pull, drag your fingertips across the surface of the water.   This gives you the appropriate arm position for easy re-entry into the water.  Also, it keeps you from having that lovely windmill affect that you might see lots with people who don't bend thier arm as it is coming out of the water.  That puts a lot of strain on your shoulder.  The finger tip drill/high elbow forces you to use your lats more, which is a good thing.

2008-05-14 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1396871

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

gadgetlaw - 2008-05-12 12:42 PM Hi everyone, I haven't disappeared, but I spent an interesting extra-long weekend away with my inlaws!! But, I managed to get up almost every morning and go for a nice run! I was actually pretty impressed with myself that I managed to do that much! As far as my training is going, I keep reading that it is good to do three hard weeks and then do an easy week. I frankly never paid attention to this, because of course I know better than the experts what I should do!! **stupid Karen** Anyway, I did this two weeks ago, and it is great. It was nice having a week to look forward to that would be easier. And my normal 'hard' week after that rocked! I felt stronger and faster - it was actually amazing! This is definitely going to be added to my regular routine. My weight has been stuck for the past 3-4 weeks and it is frustrating!! Any advice for figuring out calories needed?? Sometimes I think I need to eat more, but I don't know. Also, what percentages do you eat for carbs/fat/protein? Any advice would be appreciated!! Trish - Thanks, I am actually proud that I have lost weight - it has shown me that I can at least try anything - and I am happy with what ever results I get from racing. YOU FINISHED YOUR FIRST 5K!! YOU ARE AWESOME! I was terrified at my first 5K. I spent half the morning in the bathroom!! I didn't think I would finish, but I did and I felt SO great about myself when I was done. I will never be fast, but that is okay - at least I am out there. To everyone - You will feel great when you are done - whether you run or walk, finish in the middle or last - you will have done it! You will have accomplished more than most people even think about. Debb - I find everything in the winter hard! I think part of it is a lack of motivation because I don't have any goals to work toward. This season, I have something planned every month, so I now have something to work toward. In the winter I turn into a slug!! It is so easy for me to blow off workouts because I think - why bother, I don't have anything planned for months - this workout (then the next, and the next, and the next...) isn't that important. This winter was really bad. I gained 10 pounds! It is frustrating to see my hard work go out the window - but I know I have no one to blame but myself! Oh, and I think you're a youngster at 34!! I wish I would have started then!! You will be awesome! **Doesn't the skin thing stink?? I wish there was an easy solution!** Okay, back to actually do what they are paying me for! Keep up the good work everybody! Karen

Karen-glad to see you're back again!  Hope you had as much fun as possible being with in-laws.  Congrats on getting those runs in...feels good, doesn't it?

I absolutely agree w/ the 3 week build/1 week recovery.  Think of it as really long get slower to get faster.  Seems counterintuative, but in reality it's not.  I was supposed to have a pretty big build week last week, ended up missing the bike rides due to house stuff.  This week is recovery week, so I'm ok with that. 

As far as food goes...I don't do a lot with the ratios to be honest.  I try to use food for fuel, and take in what my body needs using the best foods I can find...preferably whole foods that are closer to their natural state.  Unfortunately for me, with my current commute, I don't have much time to cook and I rely on lean cuisine too much!  But, that will change with the other factors changing in my life, so I'm looking forward to that.
Do you keep a food journal?  If you do, go ahead and post it here (or if you have it in your logs...we can see it there).  It might give some insight..and it's a useful tool to both make sure you are getting enough calories, and to make sure you aren't over compensating for the training that you are doing.  I'm going to tell you the honest truth...I've been on plateaus that lasted 8 sucked royally.  But, it was all about my eating habits and such...there is hope.

Winter in Wisconsin it feels like it's been going on forever.  We are actually starting to get some decent weather, and we are all hoping that it will stick.  It's difficult to stay motivated when you have to do everything in the dark...get up when it's dark go to work, come home when it's dark, etc.

Keep up the good work.  And yes, the skin thing sucks!

2008-05-14 3:21 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Hi again Ladies.  Orleanonano PM'd me this, and since it's a good beginner's question, I thought I'd post it here for all to learn from...that's what the mentor group is all about!

Hi there Peggy,

Right, so today is the day! I have downloaded the training programme and am starting today! I am planning on running and going for a swim...

I got a bike, its only a cheapish mountain bike... Is this ok to start with? I would also like to know what you recommend in strength training such as weights as I have never done this before?


Bike questions...they are the best.  I told Trish the same thing I'm going to say here...if it has 2 wheels, brakes, isn't recumbant (those are against the rules) and can get you from point A to point B, you're good to go.  You will see just about EVERY kind of bike imaginable at most triathlons.  Once you get up to the longer distances you are going to see more road and tri bikes then anything, but a lot of people, espeically first timers, just use what they have.  You'll see mountain bikes (knobby tires and all), hybrids, cruiser, etc and so forth.  Unless you are at a point where you can be competative from the get go, I say that the first goal of your first triathlon (aside from finishing) is to have FUN!  Hell, if you want, put streamers on the handle bars, go for it.

Strength training...that is a mixed bag.  Some say that strength training is of no benifit to triathletes, others swear by it.  Me?  I'm in the middle.  I do strength training 1-2 times a week.  Nothing heavy, and I try to focus mostly on my core and upper body.  In my opinion, having a strong core is vital to efficiency and protection against injury.  By core, I don't just mean your abs.  I'm talking your back, hip flexors, abs, glutes, the whole gamut.    I have a personal trainer who does Pilates...that is a GREAT core workout (let me tell you, that woman has some amazing back muscles).  The key with all strength training it to be symmetrical...meaning, if you work a muscle in front, you work the opposing muscle in work your abs, you work your back.

2008-05-14 9:13 PM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: Orleanonano

Hi Orleanonano!!

Welcome.....I feel so much better that there is another beginner!! have the same questions I did.  When is your first race?

Hope to hear from you more often!!!!



2008-05-14 9:44 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
Hey ladies! Sorry I have been slacking on the conversation. Last week was finals week aka hell week. This semester is over and I am seriously considering taking the summer off to find my sanity again. I finally have a training plan picked out, a race to shoot for and I am ready to get back to it!
2008-05-17 9:44 AM
in reply to: #1389856

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!


Well, I am back.  Sorry to have disappeared!  I had a session yesterday with a swim coach and she gave me some pointers for swimming.  It has been so long since I swam and not just played in the pool.  But  . . ..  I went back to the pool after our lesson and swam two laps !  Not a lot, but more than I thought I could do. 

Today the bike comes down and back to the pool.  My goals for this week are to work out with two things for six days.  I have the week one training schedule posted, and I will follow it this week. 

Trish--thanks for the encouragement.  It is definately a huge commitment, but something I really want to do.

 What does everyone have planned for the weekend?  Do you try to do a lot more on the weekends or just stay steady during the week?

I'll post again tonight and let you know what has been happening here.



2008-05-20 8:20 AM
in reply to: #1364089

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
EJ - great work on the swimming! Did you find the coach helpful. I have been trying to arrange a lesson and was wondering if you found it beneficial?? How was your weekend?? On my weekends, I usually have one harder day with a longer run or bike and I also do weights, and the other day I usually do nothing - a rest day is my friend!!! However, this past weekend, I was at the NASCAR All-Star Race and I did nothing for 4 days. And let me tell you, there is nothing good to eat at the track. I am afraid to get on the scale! I was so tired, I did not even get up this morning to do anything. (Usually on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, I go swimming before work.) Oh well, tomorrow is another day!
Does anyone have any good plans for Memorial Day? I am doing a 5K in the morning and my family is coming over in the afternoon for a cook out. It should be fun! I just need to decide what to have to eat. Any suggestions?
I hope everyone has a good week.

2008-05-23 5:50 AM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Hello, folks! Still going crazy over here, so my apologies.  Hopefully things will calm down and I'll get some sleep.  This isn't going well for my training.

How is everyone doing? Is everyone working a plan? What's going on for this weekend?

I'm at the start of a build phase, but my schedule and sudden present insomnia (along with some stomach upset) is causing some issues.  The weeks are going by too fast for me to keep track of.  Memorial weekend is going to be one of packing for me.  Then on Monday I'm heading up north to do a mock tri with some friends...THAT should be fun.  Hopefully my new wetsuit will be here by current one is sleeveles and it's still cold up this way...the water hasn't had a chance to warm up.

Do we want to have a day where everyone needs to check in, to keep things moving and see what's going on for the week?  How about Monday?  Thoughts?  Anyone? Bueller? 

2008-05-24 9:21 PM
in reply to: #1364089

New user

Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

I'm still around!  I also sold my house and in the middle of packing.....So, my life is very busy with.....planning a wedding, honeymoon, selling a house, renting the other house, and looking for a final house, training for this triathlon, and vacation......I hope to even have time for fun this summer.

I have been trying to keep up with my runs, etc.

Peggy---I see you haven't been feeling good lately.....are you ok?

I am able to log in on Mondays.


2008-05-25 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Greensburg, PA
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!
Okay, tomorrow morning is my 5K - anyone else?? I ran the course earlier this week (yes, I am weird like that). I intended to take it easy today - just a short run this morning before church. That was my intention - but I ended up running then going golfing this afternoon and being on the course for almost 3 hours. Then I did some cleaning around the house and outside - we're having a picnic tomorrow. So, I don't know how it will go tomorrow. My secret goal is 35 minutes, but I'll be happy to finish in 37. I'll let you all know how it goes! Have a great day tomorrow!
2008-05-25 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1364089

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Without house
Subject: RE: maggyruth's group-FULL UP!

Hello, hello! 

Packing, packing and more packing!  Who knew one person could have so much crap!  Ack!

Tomorrow will be a pseudo-tri day.  Some of my tri friends and I will be heading up nort a bit and running one the course of one of the tris we do up there.  Like I said, I'm in Wisconsin and it's been cold for a long time...the water really hasn't had a good chance to warm up.  My long sleeve wetsuit hasn't gotten here yet (I knew I should have ordered it earlier!!) so I'm stuck with my sleeveless.  Hopefully I won't be blue enough to match my tri top, but we'll see.

I hope everyone has a great and safe Memorial Day! 

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