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2009-09-08 12:11 PM
in reply to: #2394733

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Falls Church, VA
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
newbz - 2009-09-08 12:44 PM can i ask what the obsession with triathletes and smoothies is? never have i seen this with any other sport. just wondering

It's already hard enough to balance training and work, then throwing in cooking time on top of that can be too much for some. 

2009-09-08 12:33 PM
in reply to: #2394733

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Extreme Veteran
Burke, VA
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
newbz - 2009-09-08 12:44 PM can i ask what the obsession with triathletes and smoothies is? never have i seen this with any other sport. just wondering

I would say that weightlifters are worse. With the amount of Muscle Milk, 50 gallon tubs of Whey protein and stuff like that at GNC where I see a ton of weight lifters. Also, there are a few gyms around here that have "smoothie stands" where they sell the stuff. I see a lot of people who do aerobics and stuff like that drinking smoothies after workouts.
2009-09-08 12:42 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
whatever I can get my hands on, it will typically contain all or most of:

milk or yogurt
almonds or soy nut butter
flax seeds
protein powder
2009-09-08 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2394733

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
newbz - 2009-09-08 12:44 PM can i ask what the obsession with triathletes and smoothies is? never have i seen this with any other sport. just wondering

for me, its part of my recovery after my long ride/run, which is usually Saturday mornings.

After my long ride I:

Get on my back, feet elevated, and run the garden hose over my legs for 10-15 minutes.  this is cold and is a time deprived mans ice bath and is great for someone with 3 kids and no time to take an ice bath.

than, I come inside and make smoothie, which really is just a recovery meal.  After riding 3 hours and running 30 minutes, I dont feel like making/eating a solid meal, nor do I have the time.  I throw into a blender what I can get my hands on quickly, and this takes me about 7-10 minutes.

I than consume this beverage meal with my feet elevated while I download my workouts into traniingpeaks to analyze and send to my coach. 

than, I take a hot shower, and at the end of the shower, I once again run ice cold water over my legs.

So, for me, its not an obsession with smooooothies.  Its about me trying to recover after a key workout.  for me, eating is a key part, and since I have 3 young kids and a wife I cannot go through a 2-3 hour recovery process as I would like.  I needs to speed it up.  Making and consuming a meal with the same nutritional benefits of the drink would take 30-45 minutes.  I do it in 5-10.  I cannot consume a meal with my feet elevated and while downloading workouts....Its very easy for me to focus on these key post workout activities while eating a liquid meal.

sorry for the long answer....but there ya go....

2009-09-08 1:01 PM
in reply to: #2394885

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:54 PM

Get on my back, feet elevated, and run the garden hose over my legs for 10-15 minutes.  this is cold and is a time deprived mans ice bath and is great for someone with 3 kids and no time to take an ice bath.

Are you under the impression that ice baths take longer than 10-15 minutes?  Brrrr!  I think 15 is my record.
2009-09-08 1:39 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
Plain Greek yogurt
frozen berries (any kind)
1 scoop vanilla whey
1 scoop Amazing Grass Super Food powder

I'm trying to get more veggies, and I count this as one.  I like the idea of the spinach though.  Do you guys just put it in raw?

2009-09-08 1:48 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
I also throw in carrots, grapefruit, aloe vera juice, acai juice and diatomaceous earth along with whatever fruit/veggies need eating, protein powder, milk and ice.  If it weren't for smoothies I wouldn't eat fruit.  Beets are good too.
2009-09-08 1:57 PM
in reply to: #2394898

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
Experior - 2009-09-08 2:01 PM
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:54 PM

Get on my back, feet elevated, and run the garden hose over my legs for 10-15 minutes.  this is cold and is a time deprived mans ice bath and is great for someone with 3 kids and no time to take an ice bath.

Are you under the impression that ice baths take longer than 10-15 minutes?  Brrrr!  I think 15 is my record.

you have a maid get it ready for you and clean up after you? 

2009-09-08 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2394973

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
kcovert1 - 2009-09-08 2:39 PM Plain Greek yogurt
frozen berries (any kind)
1 scoop vanilla whey
1 scoop Amazing Grass Super Food powder

I'm trying to get more veggies, and I count this as one.  I like the idea of the spinach though.  Do you guys just put it in raw?

i LOVE spinnach.  dont quote me, but I dont think you cannot find a more nutrient dense food than spinach.  I eat every day.

I would never consider putting it in a smoothie, though....not sure I could do that.....
2009-09-08 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Sarnia, Ontario
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
My favourite carbo smoothie right now is...

ice cubes (3 or 4)
strawberries (frozen)
bananna (frozen)
oj and cranberry juce (enough to get it to mix in the blender)

2009-09-08 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2393880

Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
1/2 banana, strawberries, muscle milk, milk, 2 egg whites, ice

2009-09-08 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2394733

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
newbz - 2009-09-08 12:44 PM can i ask what the obsession with triathletes and smoothies is? never have i seen this with any other sport. just wondering

Tastes good
I'm hungry
easy to make
hits the spot
good recovery drink (maybe real or psychologically - doesn't matter to me

and - yeah the weightlifters are definitely worse. 
2009-09-08 3:11 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?

Frozen Strawberries (5 or 6 depending on size)
Vanilla Yogurt (Kroger Brand Carbmasters)
Sugar Free Almond Milk
1 Scoop Banana Whey Powder 
1 Raw Egg

2009-09-08 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2393880

Bronze member
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
hemp protein powder
ground flax seeds

I got off the soy awhile ago, so I love me some hemp protein these days.
2009-09-08 4:29 PM
in reply to: #2395028

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:57 PM
Experior - 2009-09-08 2:01 PM
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:54 PM

Get on my back, feet elevated, and run the garden hose over my legs for 10-15 minutes.  this is cold and is a time deprived mans ice bath and is great for someone with 3 kids and no time to take an ice bath.

Are you under the impression that ice baths take longer than 10-15 minutes?  Brrrr!  I think 15 is my record.

you have a maid get it ready for you and clean up after you? 

To get ready: Tub, water, get in, dump ice.

To clean up after: open drain.

Not sure why you need a maid, or more than fifteen minutes... Can't see whaere a garden hose would be anywhere near as effective...
2009-09-08 5:14 PM
in reply to: #2393880

New user
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
I must be the only person who doesn't like smoothies.

I shake two scoops of vanilla protein powder with skim milk and add coffee. I call it a latté. 

2009-09-08 6:21 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
Mine are usually made with -  8oz lactose-free skim milk, 1/2 frozen banana, handful of fresh or frozen blueberries, 1 scoop of whey protein powder, and 3-4 ice cubes.  Makes a thick, creamy, and tasty milkshake. 
2009-09-08 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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Jacksonville, Fl
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
2cups very vanilla soy milk
5 frozen strawberries
1 handful of frozen blueberries (xl glove sized hand)
1 big bannana or 2 little ones
2 scoops of vanilla protein powder.

Nummy! And purple like my Ravens.  Go Ravens! Smile
2009-09-08 7:35 PM
in reply to: #2393880

Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
I usually have two per day.  Today's were:
Shake 1 (breakfast) scoop vanilla whey, 1/4 cup pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, 1 cup almond milk
this was my take on the starbuck's pumpkin spice latte

Shake 2 (post-workout) scoop chocolate whey, 1/2 cup black raspberries, 1 cup kefir

I'll also throw in some flax oil or ground salba for extra healthiness.

Edited by DMW 2009-09-08 7:37 PM
2009-09-08 8:49 PM
in reply to: #2395638

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Extreme Veteran
Central New York
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
DMW - 2009-09-08 8:35 PM I usually have two per day.  Today's were:
Shake 1 (breakfast) scoop vanilla whey, 1/4 cup pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, 1 cup almond milk
this was my take on the starbuck's pumpkin spice latte

Shake 2 (post-workout) scoop chocolate whey, 1/2 cup black raspberries, 1 cup kefir

I'll also throw in some flax oil or ground salba for extra healthiness.

Seriously, have the best smoothie ideas!  I'm making the pumpkin one tomorrow!
2009-09-08 9:25 PM
in reply to: #2395028

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
cusetri - 2009-09-08 2:57 PM
Experior - 2009-09-08 2:01 PM
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:54 PM

Get on my back, feet elevated, and run the garden hose over my legs for 10-15 minutes.  this is cold and is a time deprived mans ice bath and is great for someone with 3 kids and no time to take an ice bath.

Are you under the impression that ice baths take longer than 10-15 minutes?  Brrrr!  I think 15 is my record.

you have a maid get it ready for you and clean up after you? 

ETA:  OOPS.  I just saw that Bear said it for me.  Typical.  Anyway, I had the same response, which was:

No.  I turn on the water, stretch while it's filling, dump in some ice, and get in.  When I'm done, I unplug the drain.  Done.  What is there to clean up?  It's water.  Not that difficult.

I'm not opposed to the hose, mind you.  Sounds like fun.  But I don't see that it saves any time.

Edited by Experior 2009-09-08 9:27 PM

2009-09-08 9:51 PM
in reply to: #2393880

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New user

Redlands, CA
Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?

Mine is probably the unhealthiest of the bunch...
Frozen fruit mix - Mango/Peaches/Strawberries; 3-4 cubes of ice; scoop of whey; orange juice and....(wait for it...) a couple scoops of Pineapple Sherbert! Laughing    Although sometimes I will substitute lowfat vanilla yogurt for the sherbert... I look at it as a reward for a good workout.

2009-09-09 1:54 AM
in reply to: #2393880

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
I like the smoothies cause its a cheap way for me to get calories in that i dont feel guilty about. My smoothie runs me about $2.00 a day, I just cant beat that with a cooked meal. Also, when i get done I have no appetite for solid foods, and its a great way to rehydrate.
2009-09-09 4:46 AM
in reply to: #2393880

Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
chocalate soy or almond milk, chocalate protien powder, frozen strawberries, bananna, about 5 ice cubes and a handful of oatmeal or 1 Weetabix cereal.
2009-09-09 6:53 AM
in reply to: #2395402

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Subject: RE: What's in your Smoothie?
the bear - 2009-09-08 5:29 PM
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:57 PM
Experior - 2009-09-08 2:01 PM
cusetri - 2009-09-08 1:54 PM

Get on my back, feet elevated, and run the garden hose over my legs for 10-15 minutes.  this is cold and is a time deprived mans ice bath and is great for someone with 3 kids and no time to take an ice bath.

Are you under the impression that ice baths take longer than 10-15 minutes?  Brrrr!  I think 15 is my record.

you have a maid get it ready for you and clean up after you? 

To get ready: Tub, water, get in, dump ice.

To clean up after: open drain.

Not sure why you need a maid, or more than fifteen minutes... Can't see whaere a garden hose would be anywhere near as effective...

I hear you Bear/Experior! 

I said the same thing before trying it myself.  but I treid it anyways.....My legs felt similar as they do after an ice bath, and it did in fact save me time.

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